1 v i 1 i THE NEWMARKET APRICia top 5 ONTARIO BANK REST NEWMARKET- BRANCH A General Banking Business interest Allowed on Deposits At DRAFTS ISSUED AT and American Draft i Faroe Notes Discounted to Weeks A And ROSS Mm a ex IS OK IK A ABOUT TOWS pan for It will be cheering news to campers visiting And Lake as well as residents to know that the restocking of these waters will be undertaken in a few days The bass to be transplanted will be taken by the Fisheries Department by the use seine nets from the waters ill Erie waters it appears are to receive attention first then Lake Wild Several flocks of wild geese passed this section on Satur day evening was too dark tor see them but judging from the noise made they were flying southward The Haines memorial- meeting of all subscribers to the Memorial Fund will take place in the Fire Hall at this evening when a bust of the late Haines will be submitted for approval and matters discussed pertaining to the unveiling of the monument Mem bers will please be prompt as the Board meets at the same place at oclock Simpson Sundries and Good stock of horses which be dont Tit examined too closely In of Burgles In the County of all SfpicakJon or the Bailiff and be anxious for to come and take out of the of the said Bailiff NEWMARKET DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Allan BUY YOUR Seed Store Opposite Forsyth Hotel cheap others no about Court On Monday last James and Route appeared More Woodcock and at the instance of Michael Elliott on a charge of halving into a taking a boat there from The investigation the that the Routes had taken out boat after having been forbid by Elliott who owned the and Elliott also claimed that in con sequence of negligence on ihe pail of defendants his boat drifted out into the river and had Iran damaged oars lost etc Defendant claimed had the tight to enter the boat- house and take out their boat that wjth Elliotts consent the boat was allowed to remain ihere that each party had a key to the lock in order that each might have access without inconvenience Defendant also claim ed that he left the boathouse more securely fastened than when he enter ed it to secure his own boat There seemed to be pretty strong swearing on both sides- The question finally dwindled to a point of law as to whether the routes had a colorable right to do as they did Judgment reserved till next Saturday The case of Keeley vs Cow an was heard on Thursday evening of last week when the latter was fined and costs or thirty days John 20 Apr A to- Davy Golden Text Behold I am alive for evermore INTRODUCTION We have four accounts of the visit of women to the sepulchre and the ap pearance of the angels These ac counts vary in a way that adds very much to the interest of the story and makes the study of all four necessary to an understanding of the current events APPLICATIONS It was the duty of affection which prompted Mary to hapten to the sep ulchre on the first day the week and she had a reward Mary seeking Jesus found the of the country- The mines seeking her and even so it mills factories railways will him who spiritually seeks the I i Very Hopeful Everything points to another pros perous year lor the agricultural in- worked to their full capacity and all available labor given employment at remunerative wages This insures a demand for all farm products for the Canadian laborer is always a good liver when he is earning good wages and see the Latest and Nobbiest thing- In Photographs I SMITH BROS flecumarket Messrs Hunter and A Hunter a partnership as Contractors Builders And are now in a position to take contracts for U branches of Mason Work Estimates Given at Short And guaranteed BOILER A SPECIALTY All kinds of Carting and Teaming on Short Notice HUNTER Timothy Street East AN0REVT HUNTER J Street VVVVVVVVVVWVWVVSrVySjC A RenoinisQenee Under thfs heading last week we gave the names of subscribers to the Era along during the Fifties who called at the office for their papers from the surrounding country Let us recall today the names of those who at the same date stood by its publisher in the then Village sibly a good many of the present sidents may have a more personal knowledge with their descendants than with those who were the moving spirits of the place in early days be fore incorporation We take the list as entered on the books Rev A Ramsay Stephen Webster Charles Forest A Hall Kennedy Srigley A H Caldwell John Crone Ceo Hart Simp son J Rhinehart Roe Mrs Burn W Prentice Geo Parrel J Wether- ell Dr Pyne Smith Thomas Conron Kermott Jos Jos For syth Joseph Hewitt J Caldwell Nixon Dr Nash A- Coryell Eli Joseph Millard Samuel Pearson J McKay It Kirkpatridrf Wm Samuel Roadhouse Robinson Dr O Ford III Will- son Peter Davis Geo Joseph Ed rtaper Joseph Wood A Clarke Rev Mr Baker A Kirt- Robert Wm Sullivan A Rogers William Adams Thos Mosier Geo Elood Hughes Morris J West Jos Dr Roht Simpson J Marsden Mr Hodge William Geo Ir win Eli Spencer Rogers Harrington Dr P Kermut D Marling J Kirk Hacking R Bad The action of the frost caused a leak in the water main at the corner of Main and Queen streets and En gineer bad quite a time getting repairs made owing to the nature of the ground However he thinks now that he has a permanent job- This connection has given out two or Ihree times under similiar conditions It was a very nasty as the ground was soaked with water The leak had been causing quite a waste w The services last Sunday were largely attended and very inspiring The flowers very pretty and at the service Mr sang a solo and the choir an Easter anthem The sermons both morning and even ing were on The resurrection of Christ At the song service in the evening Miss Yorke and Miss Elliott sang beautiful Easter solos the choir two or three Easter selections and Mr several violin solos with organ accompaniment The School was also large ly attended there being present including a large number in Mrs Canes Normal Class Saviour The sympathy of Jesus seen in the fact that he came to Mary when in grief and called her by name Also in the fact that he bade her tell the glad news to those whom he called brethren because he felt so deep an interest in them cured In to nights One application gives relief Dr Agoews Ointment is a boon for Itching Piles or Blind Bleeding Piles It relieves quickly and permanently In skia eruptions It stands without a rival Thousands of testimonials If you want evidence cents Sold by J- Town If you are tempted to grow de spondent over the faults of your children just how many faults you yourself had South American Kidney Cure is the only treatment that proven equal to correct all the evils are likely to befall physical regulators Hun dreds of testimonials to prove the curative merits of this liquid kidney specific incases of disease diabetes irritation of the bladder inflammation dropsical tendency- Dont delay Sold J Y Broughton Town Nobody looks as foolish as an usher who fails to look around and then finds that his people did not fol low him r Post Office Returns The annual report of the Postmas ter General for the year ending June 30 has been issued and from it we glean the following particulars as to the business done and die salaries paid at a number of the Post Offices in this section Salaries Revenues Allowances Aurora Bradford Holland Landing Kettleby i Hie Markbam Mount Albert Newmarket Queensville Richmond Hill Sharon 38 2S0 27 182 3082 20 205 97 163 155 349 817 342 09 10 23 49 Eyes and Nose ran C Archer of Brewer Maine says I have had Catarrh for several years Water would run from my eyes and nose for days at a time About four months ago was in duced to try Dr Agdews Catarrhal Powder and since using the wonderful remedy I have not had an attack It relieves in tea minutes cents Sold J Y Town It is right to please your friend if you can do so without sinning against your own conscience When Rheumatism doubles a man Up physician and sufferer alike lose heart and often despair of a cure- but heres exception of Nor wood Ont says I was nearly doubled op with rheumatism I got three bottles of South American Rheumatic Cure and they enred me Its the quickest acting medicine I ever saw Sold by J Y Town The day that closes without some good work performed is a day lost 11 takes to buy but you worth by dealing with us you Itho Value for Everything we carry baa a touch of you can to Get The Grand Trunk Ry Co has is sued a very handsome folder entitled Picturesque PanAmerican Route which tells in an entertaining manner the best way to get to the PanAmer ican Exposition which is somewhat illustrated But while pointing out to Canadians the attractions at the PanAmerican the Grand Trunk man agement have not neglected to adver tise in the folder the beauties that thfs country offers to the tourist and pleasureseeker All thru the folder are scenes of the district Heart relief In half ah hour A lady in New York State writing of her cure by Dr Cure for Heart aays I feel like one brought back from the dead so great was my from heart trouble and so almost miraculous my recovery through the agency of this power ful I owe ray life to It Sold by J R Y Town fin Office Boy The Best Yet I- Andrew Cook in this Province including OPdert flour Your Suit will be Ready for Raster If you get your Order here in time We Solicit Youp Patronage Stroud Mortimer David Craw ford Moses James McLaugh lin V Roach Mrs J J Terry Mr Jas Knowles Mr Wright Baker Hart John Bingham A J McCrackcn John Ryan T Kcough Nathan John Will- son Rev Wardy Simpson Trent P Butler Lusk John Cameron J Campion Munro Wallis Geo Dixon Alex Budge Warner J J Peuley John Bond Robert Cook Dr Gorham jr John J Parker William Bishop Bart Lee Matthew Kennedy Major T Winn Mr Miss Eli Pear son Mrs Mr A Wallace James Daley Finder James Hardy Dr Hunter A Moult- bee M Coryell V Dawson James Craig districts in this Province including the Lake of Bays and KawarUta Lakes As the folder is intended to be distributed both here and on the other side it serves a double purpose and should result in bringing business into this country Full information the prospective visitor in cluding customs regulations and there is a of the PanAmerican ground which will he useful to visitors The folder can be had on application at Newmarket Depot WRS PRIVATE SCHOOL A WARNING To feel tired after exertion is one tiling to feel tired before is another lacks vitality is running down and needs tonic effect of Its a warning too and suffer ers begin taking Hoods at once Buy a bottle am heartily sick school and if I could get a good position in some office or store it would be a heap of fun exclaimed Ralph Morton one forenoon at recess My father is determined that I shall continue at school says he cannot do much for me In a worldly but me to have the best possible education Here I am fourteen years old a very fair scholar but I dont like school and think I migjit just as well go to work I will not have any board to pay living at home so whatever I earn I can spend as please con tinued the boy as a group of Lis crowded round him i have been studying advertise ments in the daily papers lately strikes me as a pretty good place and am going to answer it He read the following When -the- clock three on the following were bop front of ifarhilton rashers law As the door opened and the boys wine ushered Into the reception room a grayhaired man opened the flce and one by one were invited into the private room of Mr ton the senior of the firm After questioning several of boys carefully he began to fear it would be much more difficult oTmd Just the kind of boy desired than he at first- thought Too much assur ance too little application a for the routine of school life and too great selfishness the old man If I can find the right sort of boy one who is not afraid of work and does rtot want to pose as a little dude all the time it may thing for him as well as for our Arm but the average boy of today will not fill the bill When the twelfth lad entered lite room Mr Hamilton scrutinized him very closely and was pleased at his neat manly appearance His clothes were of the plainest and worn almost but there was a whole- about him an honest look in his fearless gray eyes and he carried himself with a quick elastic Well my boy why are to leave school so young Arc you tired of the routine and long to your own money inorder to as you pleas queried Mr tt My mother wishes me to continue my studies and knows notiiliijr of visit here today but we are very poor and she is a widow I longer see her wearing herself out ing to keep us all in food shelter I am the oldest of four and much as I love school I feel it duty to go to work as soon as I can a position and help her support the family I am small but was luttiteeii last month and if you decide to give a trial I will give you my word to be faithful and honest and will strive to the utmost to give satisfaction is Push the thai you nave on your door is your name Sluart North I like your appearance my lad and will give you a months trial You can begin tomorrow at eight oclock Your wages will be 53 a week until you have shown that you are worth more to us You will have an hour at will be through work at five m unless something unusual oc curs I am glad you desire to help your mother to bear the family bur dens and can think Of some one besides yourself Good afternoon my boy and he grasped bis hand in a cordial shake Ralph Morton and Stuart North were classmates and the former could not sec why a business man should have chosen the latter out of a dozen boys all of whom were more prepos sessing than Stuart He surely was the poorestdressed boy of the crowd He isnt a hand some fellow by any means and he never has a faculty of showing off- He bad to study lots harder than rest of us and he is too st4ngy to treat or belong to our club Queer wasnt it that Mr Hamilton one of the richest men in the city should have given him the place Not at all Remarked Ralphs father at the supper table when you think a moment Stuart to be sure is a very different of boy from the rest of you but have been tempted to wish once or twice that he was our- son Before school he does the marketing for his mother fills the woodboxes and coalstove empties the ashes and makes generally useful He has been known to get dinner when she was particular ly busy sewing In school ho has studied diligently and while he is not naturally as keen or quick as you he applies so well Milt Us mark are always good and than your own He is un selfish and every cent he has been able to earn on Saturdays and nights after has been turned over 10 his mother for necessary expires the family Stingy Never You are old enough to know different between economy itinuuis I am glad you have had a wholesome lesson and hope it will lifelong benefit to you Firstclass positions arc not to be had for the Stuart deserves the place and Mr Hamilton has risen in estimation for his wisdom in selecting a boy of sterling worth and Intern The leading HARDWARE STORE 1 Get Ready Spring J J A 1 Bargains in Harness SET HAND MADE SINGLE HARNESS SET HAND MADE SINGLE HARNESS SET HAND MADE SINGLE HARNESS HEAVY I SET PLOUGH HARNESS Complete band made HEAVY TEAM HARNESS Hand Made Long Tug Complete r t ALSO HAMS STRAPS AND MARTINGALES SEE OUR PATENT BREAST STRAPS TEAM COLLARS AND BRIDLES TEAM HARNESS AND TRACE CHAINS HAND MADE HALTERS ALL SIZES IN TEAM SWEAT PADS J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET VJ 1 We are selling a Line of V THIS WEEK AT PEE YARD I Worth More Money INTO JOBBING HOUSE The eyes at assistance When you are this age I reading or near- work becomes an exertion and glasses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should be obtained We are experts in this line We examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction L Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Jewelry Storei NEWMARKET French and Music PAID IN ADVANCE Better the child cry than the moth er sigh It Is folly to car what one can- riot avoid Children cry for Foley John Mr Lead better A Harton Compare the Era any oilier J Win Mo- 1 weekly for Master John Thompson KMigbt tV- Mrs Dudley Hy- Thomson Martin Robinson M Dell Hell Road- house J Page Kludge and later notice J J Cald well Taylor lanrs darns and others of the decade between and with people of today will be more It pays to advertise in the Wanted An office boy or years old Apply between and WteS oclock Wednesday Inquire In person but its a sign the system 918 State Street Why dont some of you fellows quit school and get a Job Whats the fun of school anyway boys get as old as we are Its fine to earn your own spending money and not have to answer to any one else as to bow it is spent continued Ralph Morton an average naturally bright and quick but he lack ed application and obtained very high marks His parents were in moderately comfortable circumstances and bis life far had been a re markably easy one Ho had not tbe slightest idea of what stern M ties life meant to so many of his Hover them Md go looking out for No and whilst you are doing yours rAgneJ thlnkine of anyone else nip he wSot to blame taught him to dlvld Simulated in oocs share with others He was Pn with one sister fifteen years Sold by J Town older than himself l I I A brick building In of con struction on Albert street Ottawa collapsed About a dozen men were working at the time but Joseph Riv et was the onl one hurt Four years nave slipped away and Stuart North is no longer an office boy but a valued and trusted in the same with a good salary which enables him to near if riot quite to support his mother and bis younger brothers and Mr Hamilton has never regretted his choice Ralph Morton decided to the high school course and the lesson he received when he thought a place could be secured on the asking did Win un told good He been greatly in terested in manual training ihj years and has begun wortc under one of the best architects- In the city Carrie May Death or lunacy only alternative for a wellknown and highly respected who had travelled over two continents in a vain search for a cure lor debility dyspepsia A friend mended South American Nervine One bottle her pun tctimony with words cn years my life- 9 Sold by J Y Town KNOWLES Grocery and Provision Store Best Granulated Spgar20 lbs for Bright Yellow Sugar lbs for 51 3 lbs Raisins Best Selected for lbs Currants Best Selected 24c Tin Box Biscuits Large for Com c per can Good 20c per lb or six lbs for Try our Tea and per lb Best Value in Town Fruit per lb Cakes Toilet Soap for Eclipse and Surprise Soap Good Cooking Apples c per peck Heintz Pickles regular 2 for Prepared Mustard Mix Pickles Westons Bread and Cakes Have the Waggon call and try them RON CHURNS AT I have a consignment of ten gallon Galvanized Iron Churns made on the plan of the barrel churns and cost to manufacture and retail ed at These must be sold at once to pay storage charges and to dispose of same will ship express charges prepaid on receipt of or on approval is the best oiler ever made in this line Write at once P Young King St west Toronto Clover Timothy OOALWOOD FLOUR FEED LIME CEMENT J I The Era THE Ideal County Weekly It Covers 1 waited Oft per- 5 per ft id ttl expenses straight bonaQao county to represent solid payable poi mid an expenses vmuuv definite salary no commission safarpBld iXPsomnttty OTAKDAUO v advanced 1