Newmarket Era, 12 Apr 1901, p. 6

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iv THE Manufacturer of all kinds of A large of ALBERT JOHN MOORE GRAIN MERCHANT market price for all Salt on I T ROWLAND GRADUATE OF THE Ontario Veterinary College Next door North of Store Reliable Insurance Be sure your policy ensures against by Both and C Both are covered by policies issued by the following companies Liverpool i London Globe assets Royal assets Norwich Union capital Call upon or write to a DAVIDSON Mount Albert you can save money by buying 7 your Furniture at the A STOCK THAN EVER OF Bedroom and Suites Extension and Parlor Concbea and Fancy Chairs We ere aeents for Pillow Sham and Picture Framing a Specially Goods delivered i of charge when in quantity ALLAN THEAKER Geo Sons J A OF i Collar Checks Horse Blanketing Bed BlanketiDg r V Sheetings Cloths Yarns etc K FINE SELECTION Tweeds Serges a Frieze fa J r Milton Beavers Groy Cheviots Always on band to choose from a fa I TINSDALB MANAGER PRODUCE MARKET The fine weather on Tuesday out a large crowd to the market and a large quantity of butter and eggs were promptly disposed of as follows butter 16 o eggs to lie chickens in 6D A SUGAR COMBINE Some of our young iie who pos sess a sweet tooth made a pilgrimage to an adjacent on Sunday night instead of going to church and proceeded to sugar off They carried spoils in a five- quart pail belonging to the Homer The least they do would to return the pail as requir ed for other purposes Mr Frank West of Toronto was in town over Sunday Mr and Mrs Geo Last of Gait in town for a few days on a visit to his brother Mr Arthur Last There was considerable disappomt- when the mail was sorted on Friday afternoon and it was found that no Eras had They had evidently been put in the wrong bag or mislat Where the route They turned up ill right on Saturday however and sub scribers were happy PUBLIC MEETING first Cemetery established fn Mount- Albert has been almost lost of the Church sight of owing to the fact that the original trusteed had died A meeting to appoint trustees look into the matter generally was held in the town hall oh Monday evening Mr John Crone occupied the chair and Mr D acted as secretary- Mr Geo to visit the city on Mr ffm is laid off work with a lame back l Mr Wilson of Toronto occupied the on Sunday Rev Mr being absent in Toronto Rev Mr 13 lack the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church on Sun day A number our citizens took ad vantage of the cheap excursion rates then produced the original deedgrant ed in by Israel Birchard con veying the lot in trust to Main- prize Geo Stokes and Alexander Fletcher and their successors forever for the use of the public as a burying ground with the privilege of erecting a building not to exceed ft square the rest of the plot to be used for the interment of the dead Mr Hunter produced a list of thirty peo ple who were buried there including some of the relatives of the- donor Messrs- Geo Mainprise Stokes and Geo were then duly elected trustees The meeting then discussed the advisability of cleaning up the old burying ground on the opposite cor ner- Messrs Harrison Frank and Geo were ap pointed a committed to take charge of the matter We are always pleased to receive subscriptions or renewals for the at this office Always open A PROPOSED BANK The lack of banking facilities in our town is a cause of much inconvenience to business men and others and the matter of taking steps to induce a chartered bank to establish a branch here has been discussed from time to time but no definite action taken Recently however the matter has been revived and after communicat ing with the officials of a chartered bank a deputation met these gentle men by appointment in Toronto on Thursday We understand the out look is favorable for the establish ment of a branch here One of our prominent citizens has signified his willingness to erect a suitable build ing in a central locality and in the meantime suitable temporary quarters can be readily secured As previous ly pointed out in these columns the trade of this place has been increasing and has now reached a stage where a bank is not only a but a necessity In addition to local busi ness a bank would be a great accom modation to those to the north of us SPRING The baby buds upon the trees Are rocking in the gentle White on the wing the honey bees Take chances on another freeze The housewife plants her early But pardon me Ill have to The robins in the orchard ring fairly make the welkin ting The little lambs dont thing But jump and dance the highland fling The swallows now are on the wing Ive got to sneeze agin jing The balmy vernal that Hows Has melted all the vinter The maiden dons her Easter clothes And looks as if she was nearly froze The trees begin to work their toes- Excuse me while I blow my nose Sap Buckets Sap Spouts Butter Prints Butter Bowls THE RIDGE The Travis Co have for nearly all the neighbors this season giving them good satis faction Mr Travis is now prepar ing to cut his own wood Our new school teacher is well liked and we are sorry that she is not en gaged for the rest of the year Mr George Nelson has moved into his new house and we all wish him success Mr Anderson has moved into the house that Mr Nelson just left Mr Martin and family intend leav ing here Wednesday morning for their new home in Owen Sound We wish him success Mr preached his farewell ser mon at on Wednesday af ternoon His new home will be in Port Elgin Mr A will be with There are no banks located nearer to fc m and Leader Churns CHEAP AT ROWLANDS We have the Largest Stock of WALL PAPERS our town than Newmar ket or thus leaving Mount Albert the centre of a good locality with a radius of from twelve to fourteen miles The pro ject of our business men deserves every success and will no doubt be carried to a successful conclusion shortly WE EVER HAD and Shades A Choice Selection of Ingrains HAVE THE Boots Wet TRY A PAIR PERSONAL Miss Minnie has gone to To ronto for a months visit with friends there Miss Flossie Forrest of High School is spending her Easter holidays at her home Miss Laura Stiver of is visiting at the home of her grand father Mr Jennings Messrs Alex Thomas and Percy Jennings of Toronto- were home over Sunday Miss Grace McNeil entertained a number of her young friendson Mon day evening Mrs Nixon and Mrs and son of Arthur were in town for a day or two Miss Nixon teacher in our school has gone to her home in Arthur for the Easier holidays Mrs has re turned from a pleasant visit with friends in Among those who come home for Easter were Misses Ada and Alma Hayes Miss Teressa Blizzard Miss Beatrice Swain Messrs Hiram Wil- son and Arthur Steeper Hansford has returned to Lindsay to resume his duties as brakesman Mr French of Pickering College is spending at the home of his father Mr J H French Mr and Mrs Thomas Hayes spent Sunday at her fathers Mr Robert McKrill Sharon Mr John Blizzard of Newmarket was in town on Sunday on a visit to his mother Mr Wesley of Toronto Is visiting at the home of his sister Mrs Allan Graham Mrs Jacob of is in town on a visit to her mother Mrs E Steeper Oscar Allen came home from Bel- haven a couple of weeks ago George Huntley intends to spend the summer with his brother at Keswick Miss Alberta Allen has come home to assist her mother with the work Miss Mary has not arrived from Dakota yet Good attendance at Sunday School and wit the work is moving on BALDWIN BREEZES Mr- Will Taylor arrived home as fine as a fiddle on Wednesday eve last week from Toronto Gen Hospital- He as well as many others is loud in his the nurses and kind attendance there MrPaul Swamps money man has enjoyed miserable health during the winter but hopes to OK with the return of pleas ant weather Did you ever hear of cats having diphtheria An epidemic broke out in the cat household of several of our neighbors At first it was thought to have been a dose of poison but a diagnosis of tjwir case points to diphtheria One family lost three another seven cats Now please dont The Toronto News refers to the nurses as whitecapped angels Those of our folks have been their ministering care will to that every time In the midst of life we are in death was star illustrated by the sorrowful death of Mrs- Irwin of I have always heard the deceased highly spoken by those in timately acquainted with her Like Mary she had chosen the good part which shall not be taken away She had her lamp trimmed- and brightly burning a good lesson to those left behind It seems to get your feet on mother earth once more after the long winter Theres Sam Sandy Peter Rob Harry Tommy Geo Johnnie other nice old bachelors around here just a pining and a longing tor a and having no luck at all Girls be merciful Mark Twains latest book contains Adams diary in which he makes a frightful caricature of Eve Some of be pulling his fust thing he knows The drop in eggs and butter makes our women look but for poor beggars who have to buy theyre high enough yet A sudden drop of butter occurred to Fennels buyer- last week Bottom fell out of butter cases Con tents went on ground Oh Ira Young who has been spending some time with his children here re turns to his home this week It does not- require long for the roads to settle in this section We are very favorably situated in that respect It will soon be fine wheel ing Mrs Will had some late tur keys which she sold on the market here last week She realized per lb as they were well fed birds Good enough For my own private aims and for public information I had a chat with Billy McKay on Saturday regarding his marvellous recovery from con sumption Billy certainly has under went a most marvellous transmogri fication Mr Johnnie Riddel poet laureate and census enumerator for this dis trict is on his rounds Johnnie is well qualified for the sit as he Is as quizzical as a Philadelphia lawyer When be strikes hell find Mrs Owl and the little Owls in hid ing theyre of such as he lately had a number of his schoolmates spend the after- with him Less and Sammy Station provided amusement for their chums by paralyzing a with Mr Johnnie Morton- has returned to The rest of the you rig Mortons who intended to go at the last moment backed out Three neighbors Donald Riddel Smith and Jesse have cut their immense woodpiles with the dont be lieve in away with a buck saw They must have cords Miss Georgia return ed from a ten weeks vist at The Owl- A The Season la at hand and we are prepared A of CLOTHS AMD it J A r A v WALL PAPERS i SUTTON ALBERT Mr John M is Agent for the Era at Sutton and 1 to receive subscriptions col lect accounts etc Orders for till kinds of printing promptly attend ed to Mr Anson left last Friday for Stratford to fill a situation in a gents clothing establishment Robbie McDonald and Harold man have gone to Windsor to visit with Mr Robert McDonald Miss Gertie went to the city last Thursday week to spend a few holidays Mrs Geo Cuttle Easter with her son Arthur of Mr yeoman druggist went to the city last Friday The- Warden Engineer and other County officials were here last week inspecting the bridge- Mr Davidson inspector paid Sutton visit last Week Mr a intends to make his home in Midland shortly Mr has purchased his dwelling We regret to say that Mr Stevenson is confined to bed with asthma Mr and Mrs were the guests of Mr- and Mrs John on Kaster Sunday- Miss Gertie Leigh has been ill with grippe but is now recovered John shipped a carload of oats last week They were to the depot last Friday and the teams twelve in number formed quite a procession which gave the town a lively business aspect The Misses have gone to Hamilton to attend commercial Mr John has gone to visit friends at- Sunderland and Canning- ton some of whom came out from England together on the same vessel over forty years ago Quite a number of absentees came home to sec friends during Easter week Goto For following Hardware J m Sap Spiles- Churns Milk Pails Creamer Butter Bowles Butter Pintsj Butter Ladles The Ontario Government has given the Opposition plenty of notice as to the date of the Provincial gener al elections A bill was presented to the Legislature on Tuesday providing for an extension of the term of the present House Legally speaking the term expires on March but as the Legislature in all probabil ity would then be in session it would not be in the public Interests to com pel prorogation to take place with the work partially completed Hence the legislation suggested The coun try therefore may expect the general elections to take place between the and 30th of June T ALBERT DRUG STORE A CHOICE STOCK OF Field anil Garden Seeds A Full Stock of Spraying We also carry a full line of die Cure and Family re ceive aitonkioa day or nifhi WTLLOYD Ann DUVQOIHT I ft a club A Iter the circus was over it was a matter of conjecture which was the skunk so odoriferous- was the atmosphere Mr Sam Park took a trot down to on Saturday As Sam is a jolly old bachelor he put in a large day Geo TonlHnson and wife went to Mount Albert on Saturday to consult a Dr there I am grieved to an nounce that their mission was not productive of favorable reports Our folks who go to the Ontario Hub want to keep mum of what they see there When they get wan dering round in the mazy labyrinths of Batons basement like the cata combs of Egypt and cry I want to go home and make city folks laugh they want to keep mouths shut and look wise We know of a lew of those kind of A goodhearted neighbor called me in recently and gave me- my taste of maple piping hot biscuit Im a sweet old Owl now The trustees of Gum Swamp school have engaged Miss of King She will probably be popular as she is of a good family The- remarks in last Bra on the folly of treating were well chosen and logical I long since became con vinced of that therefore as my friend of Sutton Im per fectly Inflexible The article have further discoursed on the folly of drinking Miss Jessie has again tak en up her residence in the city Our loss Is Torontos gain Miss Ada Is spending a lovely time at grandmas In A good many of the folks up- this way are finding out that its a good scheme to take- advantage of cheap trips to the city Of course that hurts local trade as It carries away trade and money Mrs Walker music class hero numbers fourteen now i Our burg was quite alive with visitors during the holidays Some of them were Mr and Mrs Samuel Bond of Toronto at Mr Robert Bonds Mrs John Large and family at Dr Pearsons j Turner of at Mr Turners Mr Fred of at Wights Miss Mary Ross of Aurora at J Miss of Stratford with Miss E our school teacher Miss Crone of Ml Albert at Miss Clara of Toronto at her fa thers J Miss Scythe of Toronto at Mr Geo Mrs was visiting her daugh ter Mrs in Sutton last Miss Bella of Toronto was visiting at Mr Geo Wrights on Saturday last Miss Annie Cole Is under the care Look out for an announcement of a maple syrup pancake social in the near future under the auspices of the It promises to be a rate treat Mr J was in To- Tuesday and Wednesday last Mrs came home with him On Tuesday last when Dick the mail carrier got here one of horses was taken suddenly sick The Vet was summoned and he had the horse removed to bis the stable Dick procured a horse from the and proceeded north When he got to he hitched the sick horse up and took him home and the animal Is getting better at latest reports It is surprising the amount of money handled at our In two days this week 375 was paid through PO Orders and tlons in our postofuce alone and only about of a population Next Ontario capitalists will build ft pulp and paper mill to cost at the outlet of the Lake of the Woods Bourne of Sot that the seme of whole It through thBnuoou will do la and whole i It through ahiBltTnoTer be damage they will ha ten fold f derive from them and Internally dlrmtlr upon the nod nd or Id HallJafJaUrTh you get ttt fret- per bottle Half the beat SECOND STREET EG and woodsawing are the order of the day v- Many farmers attended thehorse sale last Saturday Mr Ough bought one There are to be two new bams built on the Street this spring by Mr Right and Mr R QMervi i Mr Leonard who has had a serious time with a ringworm on his face is better and returned to his position at Newmarket Mr Harry Curtis who been vis iting his cousin at has re turned home bringing his cousin with him Miss Fairbarn was At with a number of young folks on Tuesday evening Mr Harry Curtis gave a tally party on Friday evening Miss Flossie Curtis and Master Charlie are spending a days at their Mr H Curtis Mr Archie Wright who is attending College is home for holidays also Miss Jessie Wright has spending a few weeks with her aunt Mrs Morrison North and also with friends in Sutton West Little spent a few days at Daisy Dell with her auntie Mr and are very low but the young people are all better Miss Rosa gave a birthday party to numerous friends on Tues day last and a very enjoyable time was spent Several are making maple syrup but report not a very good season Farmers are anxious for seeding to commence Sunday School on this street reopened We hope lor good attend ance all summer Mr Salter and H Wright have everything ready for their new barns and work will commence as soon as weather opens They will be all new and uptodate which will add great ly to the appearance of the street Mr W was on his rounds taking the census Those that have not kept count found it rather bard to answer all the Questions as there were lots of them The Dominion Government will grant for tie monument to be greeted by the Army and Navy Veter ans in Victoria square Portland the old military burying ground in honor of Imperial soldiers who died while serving in Canada It pays to advertise in the Era Blair announced in the House that a contract bad made with the Marie Manufacturing Card of 9t ad a kindly to as- stance in aWng care oThlajatooki and In K out timber for also for their Sympathy In bu rebent Iota by Ore of buildings and April Mount Albert The Fashionable Tailor New Spring YSTJI You can have the Best in Fit and Workmanship TRY OUR OWN WITH WILD CHERRY BARK an excellent remedy for Coughs t AND LUNG We keep the leading of properly lit and them Forrests Pharmacy MOUNT ALBERT t THE HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN We prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship arid price Now is the time to order your New Spring Suit LADIES r Our stock Staple Dry Goods is to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R a- t

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