Newmarket Era, 3 May 1901, p. 3

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a WHIT IS A ABOUT TOWN Mr Thomas who farms acres on the of Whitchurch finished his seeding on Tuesday of last week The first in this section of country Real Changes Mr Peter has sold his re sidential property on street to Mr for the sum of Mr J druggist has purchased the premises which he has been occupying from Mrs Kelman and Miss has purchased from the Metcalfe estate the residence now occupied by Mr pave Them Harry of New York Fine Chocolates and Creams at R pine There were only at Town Hall on Wednesday night to hear the Black Knight but everybody appeared to enjoy his wit eloquence and logic He spoke for about an hour and a half and the audience was held in rapt attention Unfortunately for the Royal Templars under whose auspices Rev J Hector appeared the proceeds will not pay expenses Welcome Word has been received that Mills of Newmarket who went to Africa with the First Contingent of soldiers from Canada would arrive home last evening He was to be met at the depot at by the Citizens Band and the boys of the Town in tended to form a procession and show their appreciation of his loyalty as well as thankfulness for his safe re turn Refncjeratos And Ice Cream Freezers to meet all requirements at Bums Hardware Taken Care Of An aged lady named Mrs Joseph Martin who resided in East just north of the Town was taken to the Hospital in Toronto on Wednesday by Constable Savage at the expense of the Township She is in poor circumstances and has been suffering quite a long time with gan grene in her foot The Council did a very charKalij act in sending her where she will cared for E DA MAY hi The arrived in Newmarket by the ft oclock train on Saturday morn ing and were brought to the Under taking Parlors of Mr J Millard where brief was held conduct ed by Rev J after which the remains were taken to burying ground for inter ment You Wheel Repaired on- short notice at Hardware- Killed by the Last Saturday morning as the pas senger train was coming up from the city the engine ran- into be longing to Mr George Partridge that was getting a fresh- grass by the roadside near Water street cross ing The was carried to the abutment of the bridge crossing the stream north of Timothy street and crushed all to pieces It was valued at All accounts due Davison Co must be settled on or before the of May DAVISON CO ecu market Cemetery Last Sunday being such a beautiful day there were a very large number of visitors to the Cemetery The grounds are looking nice and green and the caretaker is beginning to get things straightened up after the win ters accumulation Bouquets were noticed on a number of graves and a most handsome basket of flowers was on the grave of the late Clark Han- Gould Dis trict will make- Tuscan Lodge A P A AM an official visit Wednesday evening i On- Wednesday Mr Wesleys daughter Miss was mar ried to Mr Jos Buckle all of church Township Between and were present being the im mediate relatives of the contracting parties- The bride was the recipient of some beautiful presents All the From New York Harry Fine Chocolates and Creams at Op The general inspection of the Town will be commenced on the May Your attention is called to your cellars outbuildings yards etc also all wells and cisterns are requir ed by law to be properly cleansed P J ANDERSON Sanitary Inspector the feueket On Tuesday morning as one of the men on the Hon was going to work one of the horses look sick and laid down in the har ness man went- tot assistance and no sooner had he got the horse hack to than its mate A Vet was sent for but the horse that took sick first died the next day and there very little hope of saving the other yesterday inflammation was the trouble Sate Of Mangold and other Seeds at Lehmans Drug Store Saturday School About thirty pupils from the Town schools wrote at the annual Art School Examination in Drawing in the High School building last Friday and Saturday The full course con sists of five subjects Some candi dates wrote on all five papers and others on part only The results will be made known In about two months Principal Coombs conduct ed the examination Special Prices in Lace Curtains pipe Brigade At the meeting on Wednesday even ing a discussion took place on the prospects of an Excursion this sum mer St and other places were mentioned and the Secretary was instructed to oth tain rates A committee was also appointed to consult the Citi zens Band on the propriety of hold ing three or four Moonlight Excur sions to Bonds Lake during the sea son The Chief announced that the Hose Reels will be called out for practice at pm on the 9 Poultry letting From in to It high Hardware Canes Work is booming at the Factory in all departments and the prospects are that the Factory will be crowded all summer The firm has accepted the contract from the Ontario Central Co to furnish doors frames and inside woodwork to the extent of be tween four and five thousand dollars Mr Tench the firms architect re turned again last week from the having obtained further particulars regarding the large order All kinds of wooden ware such as pails clothespins washboards screen doors and screen windows are going out at a lively rate During the past week no less than eleven cars have been shipped The old bridge built by the firm across the stream south of the Huron street steel bridge completely col lapsed during the recent wet weather The Specialty Works Oh account of having a shipment to complete last week the finishers in the woodworking had to put in some overtime A couple of slight accidents occur red- during the past week On Friday OBrien got his thumb badly lacerated on a sbaper and on Tues day got his thumb cut on a ripsawing machine Mr Bowser who is handling boxes of steel at the Specialty Works got his thumb badly jammed one day last week knocking him work for a couple of weeks Sporting Goods Lacrosse Baseball Football Cy cling at Hardware Junior Last Monday afternoon the Junior League in connection with the Meth odist Church was reorganized by some of the young ladies of the Senior League when the following of ficers were elected President Brock 1st Vice P Edna Cane 2nd Vice P Greta 3rd Vice Lush Vice P Vera Secretary Lawrence Treasurer John Morgan Organist Anna fchantler It was decided to give a social to the r League on Monday afternoon of next week at pm by way of awakening renewed interest among the children bourn Cheap at The Woodyatt mowers only Young Killed A sad accident occurred on Street about a mile south of Aurora last Monday morning when a young man named Ivan Peregrine son ol Mr James A Peregrine in the employ of of this Town was run into by the morning passenger train on the and almost instantly killed Ivan had been to Toronto over Sunday visiting his sister and was returning on his bicycle He was employed in the private hank of J Walton Co and being a lit tie late for work it is supposed that he was coming along at a good speed and did not see or hear the train ap proaching The engineer stopped the train immediately went back and picked him up bringing him on to Aurora station but he died a couple of minutes after Deceased was an only son and highly respected Capitular The Grand of the Toronto district Geo J Ma son made his official visit to Boric Royal Arch Chapter No on Wednesday evening accompanied by ExComp P Lee Solomon Chapter James Z Principal Orient Chap ter Harry Meadows Principal Oc cident Chapter and a number of com panions from City Chapters and were received by Thos Grand Chapter of Canada and Atkinson and his and members The visitors had a most enjoyable time which was much enhanced by the at tentions of J Hughes Scribe They returned home by special Me tropolitan car after midnight Another Test There are nearly 1 applicants for Beet Root Sugar Seed who are will ing to test the growing of beets this season Thru the efforts of Hon J Davis who was anxious that the farmers of North York should have another opportunity to test the grow ing of sugar beets another season and if possible surpass the excellent re cord of last year the Ontario Gov ernment has promised to furnish seed free of cost to those who will grow or acre 1 The seed is on the road and is ex pected to arrive today It can be had at the office of Canes Factory on and after Monday next The seed will be put up in and pack ages ready for delivery and will be accompanied by instructions regard ing planting and cultivation Every person who takes seed Is expected to give proper attention to the matter so that the excellent record already obtained many not be discounted methodise Services conducted last Sunday by Rev Mr Hart of Keswick and for a young man did pretty well He ap pears to have a good deal of but lacks delivery Good music by the choir including trio by Miss Mr and Mr Walter Stephens Mr Hart who is a son of Dr Hart a missionary in China in terested the boys and girls of the Sunday School by a sketch of child life and some features of the customs of the Chinese Quarterly services next Sunday and large congregations anticipated Love Feast at and Sacrament at the f close of the morning preaching The May meeting of the Bradford District is to take place in Newmar ket on the and 30 and delegates are expect ed to be present Further particulars later On Tuesday Messrs J Hughes and Howard Cane were in the city selecting new books for the Sunday School library Over were purchased and will be here next week All scholars having li braries are expected to return them next Sunday so that the new catalog can prepared fln Never did a cyclone make greater havoc of a building than the collapse of the residence owned by the propri etor of the Era and formerly oc cupied J Muir Church Street last Monday afternoon Workmen were engaged moving the building on a new foundation and it was blocked up about six feet on the low side The building had been moved over onethird of the distance and the track laid already for the last pull The building started nicely and moved about a foot when the sill under the south side suddenly broke and the whole house went down In a heap The crash was heard all over town and a big crowd assembled to view the wreck The neighbors very will ingly assisted to remove the furni ture which very fortunately was only slightly damaged but dishes were badly broken The wreck was torn down and will be rebuilt as soon as possible as there is a great of houses This is Arbor Day at the schools Mr John Currey has erected a tight high board fence at the rear of his premises Regular meeting of the Town Coun cil next Monday evening The 24th of May will be observed as a holiday as formerly AH our local sports were oft to the trout preserves on Wednesday and some were so anxious about having the first fish that they left the night before The reserved seat tickets are selling fast for the Band Concert next Fri day night Very heavy thunderstorm passed over this section yesterday morning No damage reported The carpenters have got the front in at Mr Geo house and are rushing the siding on No change In the prices on the live stock market in Toronto from last week On two cars or square tim ber were loaded at the depoffor the Old Country Regular meeting the at residence of Mrs Hughes next Tueaday afternoon The asphalt walk on Prospect Ave Band Concert The Concert to be given on Friday evening May uiider the auspices the Citizens Band will we are sure sustain the high reputation which the boys have acquired name ly the very best entertainment of the season With the number and variety of artists given below it shows that they are trying to cater to the tastes of all and froth the number of seats already sold the Concert will be the most success ful one ever given by the Band Lovers of elocution should not fail to bear Miss Adelaide McClelland who is one of the best artists in her line in Canada The Toronto World of Jan speaking of the Caledonian Concert in Hall says Miss Adelaide McClelland re cited with much feeling the Combat Scene from Lady of the Lake and she was compelled to respond to an encore other number The Gordons Revenge was rendered with a fixe and force that fairly thrilled her hearers Miss- McClelland proved her self to possess elocutionary power of a high order Everybody can appreciate good singing and we are sure that those who hear Miss Ella will not be disappointed but will sincerely wish for more She conies very highly recommended being the soloist of Christ Church Hamilton and has some of the most flattering press no tices The following- is taken from the Expositor of recent date Miss Ella of Hamil ton sang Golden Threshold in Church yesterday and Hosanna In from the Creation with verdure clad At the Monday night concert the young ladys performance may be said to have been the redeem ing of the program Miss in addition to a magnificent voice has a handsome stage appearance and it is not surprising that her song Blossoms aroused the enthusiasm of the audience In Response to the hearty encore the finger responded with Paddy a song of an entirely different character but demonstrating the versatility of her genius This was also received with the heartiest appreciation Miss undoubt edly delighted her audience Miss Edith Spring the violinist has appeared in Newmarket before and was so well received that the boys thought it advisable to secure her lor their Concert So if you want to hear a young lady who can play the violin to perfection and is an artist in her line come and hear Miss Spring Miss Jean Williams of the Toronto Conservatory of Music stall as a and accompanist is equalled by few and one In addition to playing the accompani ments she will also render a of solos Mr Harry Fay the Comic has nev er appeared in Newmarket hut judg ing from the reputation which has preceded him here we have no hesita tion in saying ihat he is one of the best and most refined Humorists be fore the public The Her ald has Mr Fay can and should feel proud to be called Canadas leading Humor ist He Is certainly it star His comic songs and impersonations were rapturously received Mr A is a Basso with a voice somewhat like himself big and powerful and you should not fail 16 hear He is soloist of Jar vis St Baptist Church Toron to and is considered the best in the city Tickets lor this Concert are now on sale at Lehmans drug store and those who wish to secure seats had better do so as soon as possible Lace Curtains yards long V Lace Curtains yards long Lace Curtains yards long at Extra Special Value really worth Many other Special Lines in Curtains running up to 50 ROLLER BLINDS The best standard make all complete for Cretonnes warranted fast color per yard at 10c and Double Damask inches wide for Coverings Curtains and Drapery Handsome Designs regular for cents Spot Muslins We have a Special Line we are offer- m at that is sold Everywhere at 20 centa You never fail when using Baking Powder BRU NTONS corner sto The Cheap Store Departments i CARPETS We are more than usual prepared to supply your wants in these goods this season Prices range all the way from per pair to We mention particular Strong Value at and per pair Our Curtain Material by the yard will command your attention as re gards the big variety of Stock and the Cheapness in Prices The Stock includes Scrims Curtain Net Curtain Madras Muslins Art Cretonnes Art Sateens all in New and Pretty Designs IN CARPETS We wish to direct your attention to a beautiful New Range of BRUSSELS that we have just opened up this week They come in fine Patterns and Colorings and for Appearance Wearing Quality and extra good value they are the Cheapest Carpets you can buy at per yard In TAPESTRY CARPETS our special lines are and per yard In ALL WOOLS and per yard IN UNIONS All prices up to Extra Wool Filled at In Hemps and Jutes Prices range thus 28c yd STAIR CARPETS Prices are from to per yard Dont us if in need of OIUCiiOTHS in English and Canadian makes from yard to yds wide We are offering special good values in Shades Poles and Wall Papers We invite you to a inspection of these stocks- Seed Sale On Saturday at Lehmans Drug Store on in Town It is only four years since new sills were put under the house consequent- no danger was anticipated en that appears to have stood the test of the Loss about It is frost very satisfactorily matter thankfulness however that nobody was hurt James had a narrow escape He had his hands on the sill when it Electrician Kitchen and his assist ants have pretty well covered the Town with the new street lights High School team plays at Aurora this afternoon Paris has mounted bicycles There are different words in the Old Testament A quarter of a million women are employed In the dressmaking business in Paris 9 Pour million dollars worth of os trich feathers are sold in London every year The gold in coin and ornaments in the Vatican Rome would weigh over thirty tons It Is computed that there are lost in the world on horse racing every year New Zealand sends over six and a half million carcasses of frozen mutton to England every year It Is said that the common house fly has eyes Is poor consolation for the baldheaded man A Testament with a celluloid cover Is now used In some of the Eng lish courts The cover can be wash ed easily and thus infection Is pre vented Pretty Wrappers Our line House Dresses is so large we think will surely find what you want As regards Prices you will won der how they can be made for the money If you want a wrapper made after your own Ideas we have piece goods from which to select Come and see them Spring Medicines Burdock Blood Bitters Celery Compound Hoods Ayers Dr Bristols Ozone and Fellows Syrup Golden Medical Discovery Pure Cream Tartar lb Sulphur lb Epsom Salts Senna for and Spuing Beauties Its the time of the year when millinery ideas are active Here is the place to find the ideas and the ma terials tor creating bats and bonnets that will satisfy and please ladies of taste and discernment Com bined vain our taste and materials will be your own ideas Come here and see the fine assortment we have to show- you Theyve Popular A It Is only natural that belts should be popular They are made attractive materials and are graceful and inexpensive We sell the for making them Newmarket Ont I a

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