Newmarket Era, 3 May 1901, p. 6

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i r Manufacturer of all kinds of Also Urge stock or- JOHN MO ORB GRAIN MERCHANT market price paid for all kinds of Grass seeds Potatoes and v ROWLAND GRADUATE OF THE Ontario Veterinary College Next door North of Lloyds Drug Store Reliable Insurance Be sure your policy insures against loss by Both Fife and Both are covered by policies issued by following- companies Liverpool London Globe assets iOOOOO I Royal assets Norwich Union capital Pall upon or write to DAVIDSON Mount Albert FURNITURE Yoa can save money by buying your Furniture at the A THAN OF Bedroom and Suites Extension end Parlor Tables Lounges Coaches mod Fancy Chairs We are agents for Pillow Sham Holders and ihe celebrated Carpet rjtrelcber and Picture ft Goods delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN Geo Haigh Sous ft OF Collar Checks Blanketing Bed Blanketing Sheetings Cloths Flannels Yarns eta Tweeds Serges Frieze Milton Beavers Grey Cheviots Always on band to choose from fa ft ft Sap Buckets Sap Spouts Butter Prints Butter Bowls A rf fc- 1 TINSDALE MANAGER MARKET Tuesday was the occasion of a large gathering at the market Prices as follows butter to eggs to chickens to SPECKLED TROUT The who has been in- the habit lately of carrying home his trout in bis pocket and a string of halfgrown suckers ostentatiously dis played on the end his fishing rod need be under no apprehension in fu ture The trout season opened on May 1st and will not close until the of September SUTTON the THE WEIGH SCALES Mr Vandewater weigh master reports the following cattle hogs etc weighed at the station here dur ing the month of April hogs cattle 31 sheep and calves Messrs Shields and Hayes drovers who purchased the above for ship ment In all loads were weigh ed about 90 per cent being hogs calves cattle and the remain der hay The remains of Herbert died at on Tuesday were brought home and interred in the Franklin burying ground on Satur day The funeral was largely at tended There was no service the Presby terian Church on Sunday owing to no supply being sent The East Board of Health are sending out circulars to Trustee Boards in the Township or dering the proper cleaning and disin fecting of all outbuildings KINGS OWN The East GwiUimbury and Scott Clydesdale Breeders Association have sustained a heavy loss in the death of their magnificent animal Kings Own on Sunday last The animal was taken sick the latter part of last week with what was supposed to be inflammation During the two years he was on the road the animal bad become very popular and had bright prospects of an excellent season be fore him The Association pur chased him from Mr Thos of Toronto the price paid being CARD OF THANKS I desire to return my sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends who were so thoughtful and helpful during the long illness and death of my beloved wife as well as in con nection with the funeral Kirton PERSONAL Mr Rosamond left on Mon day for the Canadian where he has secured a good position His many friends here white regretting his departure join in him success in his new sphere Mr Grose who has been in the employ of for the past two years left on Thursday morning for Medicine Hat Mr Trinkwon of Cold water was in town for a few days this week and Leader Chums CHEAP AT ROWLANDS FOR SALE Buggy or will exchange for horse or stock Apply to Tinsdale INDUCTION SERVICE On Tuesday afternoon Rev Cameron formally inducted into the charge of the Presbyterian church here- Rev Mr Amoa of Aurora preached the induction sermon Rev Mr Turnbull moderator of the To- Presbytery then formally in ducted Mr Cameron in the usual manner after which Rev Car- michael of King in the absence of Rev Mr addressed the con gregation services were largely attended Mr Pollard has moved from village to to reside Mr of was here on a visit last week Mr James has gone to To ronto to reside Miss May Hawker has returned to the Normal School Toronto Mr W Kemp paid a visit last week Mr went to Newmarket a week ago Wednesday Mrs Newton intends leaving week on a journey to England Mr is on a short visit to Midland The Ladies Aid of the English Church had a sale of fancy articles last Tuesday Tea was also served of Manitoba was here on a short Visit The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church hold their regular monthly meeting this week The baseball hoys intend having a big time- on May Mrs Rutherford has been presented with autograph quilt by the Wo mens Auxiliary of the English church Mr Herbert Kemp and his two daughters of were here last Sunday on a visit at old home Mrs Henry has returned home from Forest Her sister who was ill passed away while she was there Mr Scott intends moving into Mr Cuttles house Ad joining Mr Baileys The Misses Lyle are going to occu py the house belonging to the Hayes estate Mr Edward has been ap pointed section foreman on the rail way near Vivian A joint meeting of the Egypt and Sutton sections of the Presbyterian church met at Sutton last Monday to moderate in a call of a minister The meeting was over by Rev- P Duncan of moderator but no definite conclusion was arrived at Walter Bailey and Will Rowden left on Tuesday to try their fortune in Winnipeg Manitoba Miss is visiting in Toronto at present Mr John Alien left last Tuesday to work in the vicinity of Marie Those contemplating marriage should make it a point to inform the minister of their choice a few days beforehand so that he could arrange to be at home to receive them and thus avoid disappointment The census enumerator gives ton a population of a marked decline since the one taken nearly two years ago which professed to show a population of- But everyone knows that the former cen sus was great a farce as ever was enacted got up specially for the foisting a fourth hotel license on this small municipality The hotel licenses of that year were ex tended for a few months in order to wait for a floating and transient in flux of visitors at the lake shore and then the farcical oration was pro ceeded with and it mattered not whether the individual was a Yankee Russian or Hottentot whether he or she were to remain two days or ten down they went record us residents of Sutton and upon that record as a basis licenses Were issued and on that false ground they exist today What is to be thought of it Yet that Is the way our officials business ami no on ly do priest and people irieatt but approve so subservient fir they to the iniquitous liquor traffic BALDWIN BREEZES Pringle enterprise Charlie Has recently negotiated the purchase of a computing counter scale for fa cilitating business He is also agent for Westons Toronto famous bread the acme of perfection Chorus the latest Mautfie hug me do love kiss me too love Let me see those dreamy eyes Tell me that you sympathize If youll be my Maudie Ill dress you gaudy Ive acted spooney But kind of Ever since I met you Enormous crows flocked to Sutton on Saturday night suckering Im not aware if they got a suck but as their homeward journey was noisy I presume those who knew ropes got a sup A certain Western correspondent writes entertainingly Shall Cana dians accept gifts Carnegie the millionaire who according to the is an antiBriton He seems vir tuously indignant at the bare idea of such an atrocious deed I reckon if Mr- Carnegie were to leave the above a cool million it would stifle his tender conscience and wed hear never a whimper So wags the world RcV- A P Brace Sutton was call ing on Geo last week Like his predecessor the Rev gentle man has a very winning way His parishioners will mourn when the time for his departure arrives Two Dagos Italians spent over Sunday in our burg Miss Retta Arnold Sutton has been spending some days with her auntie Mrs Geo Sutton has a host of most charming ladies some of whom can fling more style into pigeon wing than Miss by the way shes not of the dancing set but for real downright goodness and attractiveness none can surpass her the Bard of has felt called upon in the Toronto News to point out the weak and strong points of Canadas Premier What our western friend needs to do is to turn the searchlight upon bis own weak points which are many His only strong point is that his bald pate would make a elegant site for the flies to play baseball James Millers father is quite HI with pneumonia fte is staying here at present The greatest chestnut of all what is it Why the same old story oft told love you and- yet poor con fiding women are as ready as ever to believe it Last week I called oh my good Con servative brawn ami hone of the in North York Met a cordial reception Many of my best friends are Cons Its not they but their policy I dislike One man with whom 1 left a copy of the Era Would it make him sick No my friend on the contrary if you arc sick of your party twill make you well responded my Irish wit With Hoods oer head and under foot last week it was difficult tor us poor mortals to navigate as few of our wings have not even- budded as yet A visit to revealed the roads to be in a most horrible con ditionbeyond description pity the unlucky wight who has to travel Worse ones Since the floods many of the dwellings and tectotally by water I tried to ascertain some rea son for calling it but gave It up as an unfathomable mystery On my Way westward from that he shelled out the with such a con sequential air Oh Im a regu lar old granny to blarney Fall wheat is looking remarkably well green as a grass widow w Hiram and Russell fully ex pect to get their big fortune shortly We hope it wont peter out like the great Baker bubble Long jenny the animated lightning rod as the has humorously named her is a Visitor to our burg As she has a decided proclivity for mashing the lords of creation her presence here will cause much ation in the feminine bosom The Owl was the butt of much good humored chaff Miss Lillian Miller is also happy in the possession of a wheel not inflict the agony of a poem on her as she is a poem herself The Owl QUEENSVHLB Mr J Aylward attended the Horse in Toronto on Friday last He reports an excellent ex hibition stock Messrs A and J J Terry also Mrs Terry were in To ronto on Monday last- Mrs J Turner received word on Thursday last that her sister-in- law Mrs Singleton Brown of Brace- bridge was dead Mrs Turner at tended the funeral at Messrs Seymour and Will Kellar of Mount Albert were visiting at Mr Henry on Sunday last Miss Pearson is expected honie on Friday evening after a three months visit in New York The Pancake Social on Thursday night was a huge success- The pan cakes and the syrup were good and Mr lecture was simply all right He is an easy fluent speaker and held the attention of the audience for an hour and a half There is a temperance fight here now Mr George Campbell of To ronto is applying for license for the hotel and some of our good people are opposing him The question will be decided on May by the Com missioners Word was received from the this week saying that Hill had been sick since going West but a later report says that he is improv ing Mr Cunningham is very low at time of writing slight hopes are entertained for his recovery Mr Aaron has built anew bridge In front of his residence J Aylward is removing the fence in front of his lot and allowing the cedar hedge to serve the purpose of a fence Mrs Wm Hill is having a new wire fence erected in front of the yard Mr John Henry is the builder A number from around here intend taking in the Band Concert in New market on Friday evening next Farmers are all busy rushing in their seeding now weeks May 24th The Judge Rev Mr Mercer will preach at McMillans and Mount Pleasant next Sabbath He will be heartily welcomed by many friends on this field Last summers work won for him a lasting place in the affec tions of many of the people of this community I Royal Giant Sugar Mammoth Long R4l and Yellow Globe mangles Intermediate White Carrot 1 All Tested and Guaranteed Seeds H RAMSDEN i It I 1 Mill J a nobby or BLACK Serge Suit FROM UK AT KELLERS Mortgage Sale Albert I Store and- Dwelling J IN ALBERT r AND Five to Death Parry Sound Ont April 30 A shocking and disastrous Are occurred near the village of Hurdvllle last night In which Ave persons Field and Garden Seeds Arrived A Full Block of materials on bod We a foil lino of Patent and Care and Family personal attention or WTLLOYD OB EH 1ST AMD A most enthusiastic meeting was held on Monday night to discuss the advisability of reorganizing the base ball club Mr Kamsden oc cupied the chair and acted as secretary It was unani mously decided to reorganize and a committee was appointed to rent a field for playing in The following officers were elected Pres Capt Ross Stock Register KINOS OV7NThe property of the East and Scott Clydesale Breeders Association will visit Mt Albert Zephyr Sharon Pine etc Send for card son manager FRANKLIN Children Cry for CASTOR I A North feoard fa Meeting of License Board held at Inspectors Office at pm on April as per adjournment All mem bers present Licenses were granted to all Appli cants who were previous Licensees excepting J Deacon whose pres ent license was extended to July was granted a Tavern License of a Wine Beer License Board adjourned to meet on Satur day May at pm when the application re Hotel will be considered members of the family of Jos and enchanted with the scduCt- his wife were asleep in a Hundred Dollar Howard for of Catarrh Hills Cat rrfa Cure any case of Catarrb that be cured Cat Cure PJ CO Toledo Mr Bowles of Lemonvllle gave an eloquent discourse from Exodus on Sunday Mr John Crone has wheat two inches high Seeding will be finished this week itSS l Wo the undersigned bare known for the last years and faellevo htm honorable In all business lots aid financially able to carry out any Toledo KltfNAM SIS Toledo Halls Catarrh Is take upon the blood Price by all druggist free Hairs Family Fills taken Internally rtce76o per bottle are the best pull for Mr line has purchas ed a bred Jersey Dull from which will forcer- bin owners Terms reason tali strains of melody proceeding from the groves on cither side of the There seemed to be pic nics and bands of music In there and general rejoicing that spring had re turned I would fain have joined the festivitjcs but the ground was covered over with a soft watery car pet so that even a Jack rabbit could not find a place to rest its toot The musical program was of a varied character embracing imaginary selec tions on the Scotch bagpipes Paddys pipes frog fiddles Chinese tomtoms and file fire crackers etc why prolong the story I paid a short but pleasant call on my old neighbors Draper and Mahoney Both have put in a rough winter Uncle Is hap pily waiting to go home Ma has had a rough tussle with rheumatism Warm weather desirable improvement Those who have him in his stalwart Vigor would scarce know the tottering step is also speculating in cycles Miss May Sherwood a local belle has purchased one By Julius Caesars ghost she Is worthy of a poem A pleasant lot of Mount Pleasant Presbyterian ladles aid had a quilting at Miss Jennie Mahoneys last week In doing a little work for the Era I struck one lot where I felt dead sure of making the raise of I al ways find it the to get the wo men enlisted in my favor A proud daddy with two oh such handsome daughters one on either arm and they did like the Era so Of course I- room down stairs and both sudden ly waking found Ihe place in lames The stairs being on fire they were unable to rescue any of those upstairs and in fact with dif ficulty they themselves escaped from the burning building Of the six who occupied rooms upstairs only escaped This was a boy who lump ed from a window The unfortunate ones that perished were of ages from seven to eighteen Afrtean Cape Town April A despatch has been received here stating that 25 men belonging to the Prince of Wales Light Horse kept 400 Boers at bay for eight hours at a placelS miles from Kroonstad Fourteen of Boers were killed and several wound ed Ultimately British were forced to surrender but they not capitu late until their ammunition was ex hausted None of the British were injured After their surrender the Boers relieved them of the arms and whatever personal property struck their fancy and then released them Save when you are young to spend when you are old The Belgian Government has of fered a large prize for the best picture depicting the effects of drink The Chinese as a rule dont like the bad knocks they have been getting lately but you cant give the too many cuffs IU BULK AND PACKAGE SUGAR BEETS MANGEL CORN RAPE FLAX ONION SETTS c From the most reliable growers at right prices at Forrests Drag Store the powers of sale contained in a cer tain which will be produced at the of sale there will be for by Public Auction by James at Hotel In the Village of Albert On Saturday May at the hour of IS oclock oooo Id one parcel the following lands vis All that parcel situate In the Village of Mount Albert la tbe County of York toe half of Lot No further as part of that vil lage lot Id Mount Albert conveyed to James Fletcher by the heirs of Alexander Fletcher by deed dated 191 December and regis tered as Number rherolasaidtobooniho property dwelling with bakery store salesroom bid by the Terms Ten per at the time of balance within days Further particulars and conditions of sale be made known at the time of sale and may be Obtained the meantime the Toronto General Trusts Corporation Liqui dator of the Farmers Loan and Savings Co Toronto and from- DOUGLAS Vendors Solicitor 2wM Freehold Toronto Toronto April Executors Notice Si Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Chap that all creditors and other persons having against BETSY EVANS late of the Township of Scott In County of Ontario widow deceased who died on tbe day of February are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the under- nod for the of the last of said deceased on or before day of full particulars of their claims with proof of same which they may have against the estate of said Betsy Evans deceased together with their Christian and and addresses and of securities If any held them no lice Is hereby further given that after tbe said day of May the said will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the per sons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have received by them and sild ex ecutors will not be liable for the assets so strlbuted or any part thereof to any person notice of whose claims shall not bay hea been received for Dated April J Margaret Evans Executors We have the Largest Stock of Hi WALL PAPERS WE EVER HAD Newest Tints and Shades A Choice Selection of Ingrains WE HAVE THE Boots Wet TRY A PAIR THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON gentlemen We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Spring Suit LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R H

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