Newmarket Era, 3 May 1901, p. 7

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CHINA HALL Spring 1901 APRIL SNAPS Boots Shoes In fine we recommend the Em press for Ladle It fits at once and is as easy as one worn for Prices 3 in Button Lace or Oxford Weeks Local Jews is Gospel Fair attendance last Sunday Mrs Cody in the chair and Mrs Lush organist Readings given by Mrs Cane solos by Miss Jessie Low- and Rev Mr- Rogers and a recitation by Miss Leila Manning Program next Sun day by the AND TO Mr Elmer Charles of spent a few days last week visiting friends in this section Mr of Toronto a was held at Mr Isaac Mar- on the of The members were pleased to wel come Mrs Alfred Morton as a mem ber their circle We hope more of our consecrated Christian women will join and use their talents in this work the uplifting hu manity Mrs Isaac and Mis Alfred Morton were appointed to introduce the one cent book marks to be sold for the relief of the famine orphans of We have a Fine Oxford at cents worth at least in any other store Misses and Childrens Fine or Good and Strong for school Mens good solid Bala tor fine value at 150 Also tine Box Calf and Last Sunday Rev Mr conducted quarterly services at Mc Millans Comers and reports a high day The pulpit here was taken by Rev Mr McKay of Toronto and the congregations were well pleased with his discourses On Sunday evening the OjidFellows parade to the Presbyterian church when annual sermon will be given by Rev Mr Out Jag Last Friday evening five special cars of the Metropolitan brought up employees of the Toronto Street Railway and their lady friends to the number of about three hundred to gether with a string band A first- class supper was served at the sytbe House and everybody was well pleased The dancing was Kept up in the Town hall till twenty- minutes to four and by oclock the last car left for the city With a thoroly out and satisfied party Nearly double the number present this year than last Press reporters were nu merous dental student spent the past two India into the and of the China Goods Ten piece Toilet Sets large size colors Pink Blue and Brown at worth 275 Dinner Sets from to 2000 Sets to select from Doors Windows wire cloth etc cheap at Bines Hardware weeks with friends in this locality Mr Norman our genial sales man attended the funeral of Mr Peregrine at Aurora Reeve Lemons house came very near being a victim of the flames one day last week A spark is supposed to have fallen on the roof Mr Nye who has been so seri ously ill of late is again able Ho walk Mrs Campbell and family purpose joining her husband who is engaged Boeck Milling Co at tang on Tuesday next Suckers ate being caught in the creek here freely and are very good sample It is said that the inspectors of the Holland river fisheries have been down stream and secured the names of some of parties who have been fishing of late They also confiscated several nets and spears The grayer meeting on Wednesday evening and meeting on Sabbath evening are being well at tended Mrs Simeon Lemon and her son Joseph started on Tuesday last for the West They expect to visit rela tives in Manitoba Vancouver and British Columbia before they return two churches Mrs Marritt delegate to the convention at Toron to Junction read a report of that meeting Miss Stela and Miss Delia Phillips of Sutton were the guests of Mr Milton Draper last Sunday Mr Shaw paid a frying visit to Toronto last week We see lots of fat cattle go through our village but the butchers have not yet started their rounds We wish they would soon be at- it meets at Mrs Rogers this week Gospel- Temperance meeting nest Monday night Address to be given by Mr as it was postponed last month Last Sunday night Mr con ducted the Christian Endeavor and was appreciated as he always is Everything must be cleared out be sold to save shipping TEAS COFFEES Buy your SUGAR now or you are likely to pay more Close price by the barrel The Leading Reliable firaeep A SMITH Telephone Hollers Grocery We are the Cheapest place to buy Mangel Seed Turnip Seed and Sugar Beet Seed Call and get our prices Military Promotions CaptAllan of Company No 4 Regiment has been promoted to log Adjutant and Howard to acting Captain The promotion to obtain full distinction carries with it the necessity of attendance at Mili tary consequently Lieut Howard left on Monday and Allan on Wednesday to in a cer tain amount of drill at this institu tion Allan expects to be gone two or three weeks and when his course is concluded will be entitled to the title of BrevetMajor and when Lieut Howard concludes the Cadet Course he will take full command of No Company We handle Lukes Bread Fresh Strawberries Pineapples Ba nanas Tomatoes Lettuce Rad ishes Onions received weekly Fresh Cut Roses every Friday Bread Fresh Every Day Cakes Tuesdays Fridays Dont forget that our CANDY are made FRESH on the Premises ICE CREAM ICE CREAM The season for this delicious article has opened up- We have one of latest improved freezers and will do all in our power to make our ICE CREAM the Best in Town We use nothing but Pure Cream from the dairy of Mr Silas Armltage Give us a trial Robertsons Old Stand GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY The rooms over Dennes seed store are being fitted up for a private resi dence tannery is now shipping wool every week and sheep skins into harvest and other goods Trade has wonderfully re vived in that line Get your fishing tackle out Trout season opened on Wednesday certainly is no place like home when the housecleaners take hold of it There are no complaints now of a very dry spring cisterns and streams are well filled We gladly let thee go April of many weathers thy unwelcome gift of show blown oer the earth like feathers These are the and tacks are quite a A The ice cream season opened last Saturday and the parlors in Newmar ket had a big sale on account of the very hot weather Over in the shade A good many pieces of sidewalk in Town are in need of repairs Mr Ross has put in a modernized staircase and otherwise altering the interior his residence The Womens Missionary Society of the Methodist Church will meet at the Parsonage next Wednesday after noon at 3 oclock The contract for repairs to the Dim Shed at Aurora is not yet let Blcyolc At Hardware AURORA Sad indeed was the spectacle at the T station when the mail train arrived on Monday morning It carried the remains of Ivan Peregrine who had been struck on the Street crossing He had been to see bis Sister in Toronto and was making all possible speed to reach the J M Walton private bank where he has been for some time employed The front part of his wheel was unin jured except that the handle bars were gone The back one was brok en but he was thrown between and feet and over one or two fences Strange to say the marks were few the left hand had a severe cut and the arm was broken a- slight bruise on the hip and a discoloration on the side of the head An inquest was not considered necessary by the Coroners Ivan was one if Our brightest hoys He had the utmost confidence of his employers in the Bank had transacted The during Mr Waltons illness to perfect satisfaction At home was the stay of his mother his father being largely from home at the blow has fallen heavily and there is grave fears that serious will follow An large number met to pay their last respects to his memory Floral tri butes were there from Mr Walton the League and his Class On Thursday ftir tied his horse before the Banner office A passing car frightened it and it reared and fell on a castiron re ceiving such injuries that it since died On the same day Phillips was leading one to the Veterinary when it lay down on the street opposite the English Church and died A few day before Geo Davis lost one of his team HOLLAND LANDING On Sunday last the services were largely attended at the Methodist Church Rev Mr of New market preaching and Rev Mr Brown pastor of this circuit official On afternoon the cor ner stone was laid by the Hon of and during the cere mony were placed on the stone by various parties Together with the collections on Sunday and program given Monday evening the sum of was raised towards bricking the church The Bradford choir gave some fine selections during the even ing Mrs of Aurora has been visiting at her parental home the past two weeks Mr Chapman of Toronto spent a couple of this week with Mr O Lloyd Mrs Stewart of a former resident of this place spent Monday intown renewing acquaintances Mr Geo Williams of was here on Tuesday last George says things are booming up in that coun try this spring and good wages Sea grass is looking up this spring and in good demand Five and six cars a week shipped from here lately For the this month Everything to A big chance for the public to save money Reduced to pound Teas Reduced to 34c Teas Reduced to 41c Coffee Reduced to pound Coffee Reduced to 20c 35c Coffee in 1 lb now Coffee in lb cans now Boston Laundry packages now Silver Gloss Starch packages now Canada Laundry Starch now Celluloid Starch packages now package Canned Peas 6c tin Very Fine Honey 15c jars now 10c lbs Yellow Sugar Choice Prunes lb Soaps 5c bars now 10c bars 3 for SODA BISCUITS lb tins Zephyr Creams lb boxes lb packages Sodas 8c The Balance of our Very Fine Cheese 12c lb Four teaspoonluls liquid make one Four tablespoontuls of liquid one gill or quarter or a- cup A tablespoonful of liquid half an ounce A pint of liquid weighs a pound A quart of sifted dour one pound Four kitchen cupfuis of flour one pound Three kitchen of corn meal one pound One cup of butter half a pound A solid pint chopped meat one pound Ten eggs one pound A dash of- pepper an eighth a tea spoonful The territory covered by the Empire is three times as large as whole of Europe BROOMS BRUSHES Brooms to clear out Brooms Brooms 25c Brooms 30c DAVISON GO Txt Y W J Mangel Carrot and Turnip Seeds RELIABLE GOODS In Boots and Shoes Astray Strayed from lot in the 3rd Con of Whitchurch on April a Bull Calf about six months old Red and white color strap around neck Information of its whereabouts will be thankfully received and may be left at this office BERT FORSYTH High A meeting of the Trustees took place at the Secretarys office on Wednesday afternoon A couple of accounts were passed and the repair committee was instructed to look af ter some necessary repairs to the grounds short discussion took place as to the necessity of- maintain ing discipline in the school and requested to it before the attentionjhc pupils The question of a continuation Form work next year was not deflnitely decided but it is anticipat ed that the work will be continued after holidays however this will be dependent upon the number pupils that are likely to be in the class The introduction of shorthand and typewriting in school was also further discussed and a letter from the Deputy Mlnlrter of Education was received not very favorable to tho project bo that for the present noth ing definite was decided upon permission was given to the Princi pal Mr Coombs to attend the South Teachers Convention at Brad ford to give a paper The finances of the school were cussed was expected that the requisition to the Town Council will 1 hundred dollars less this Newmarket PO j maintenance be several hundred dollar a year than the past four years for Rev Mr Addison preached in the Methodist Church last Sunday morn ing to the delight of the congregation who worship there Mr Ira Mortons mother who has been visiting here for a few mouths returned to her own home last week in New York State Mrs Morion is years of age and is as smart as some women at fifty Mrs Dr Law Is away making a lew weeks visit with friends re latives in Toronto and Brampton The meeting on Sunday evening was largely attended and a very profitable and interesting meet ing Next Sunday evening sub ject Is to be Mrs Mr A and Mr John King Mr Edward Rose is moving this week into the house lately occupied Mrs Mr Squire York moves into the house vacated by Mr Rose Mr Ell Wight is preparing to put a stone wall under his house Mr Morton is preparing to build a wire fence around his corner lot Mr Rose is also going to build a new wire fence in front of his lot Improvements are general in our village this spring A writ was served yesterday on John Grosser the lighthousekeeper of Fox Island in the of North claiming unstated dam ages for alleged malicious prosecu tion and false arrest The complain ant is Walter Montgomery of tho Village of Stroud in County Last November Prober laid an in formation against Montgomery charg ing him with tho theft of several ar ticle from lighthouse County Constable Stewart arrested Montgom ery and brought him before the mag istrates who discharged him Hence the action The meeting of thcW Summer for Sale rooms Point further particular- apply Connolly Vf 1901 Flour per barrel WW U White per a a a Uarlcrpcr buflbel per bushel 2 a per fl Batter K6 a Oil W a I CO Wool per lb SEED CORN Red Cob Giant Prolific Sweet Im proved Learning Early Butter White Cap Yellow Dent Longfellow and Early J cor Main Timothy St Hake Home Attractive I WILLIAM FISHER PROPRIETOR OF King City Green House Will be in Newmarket this season as I usual to wait on old customers as new ones He also desires to thank the public for past favors and hopes by supplying choice plants at moderate prices to merit a continuJ of patronage MediumWeigHt We handle the following well known makes The John in Ladies and Gents The Ames Hold- en in Ladies and Gents the Princess for Ladles in button and lace the Ruby for Ladles button and lace J Weston Sons for Misses and Children In Hats We have all the latest styles in English and American Blocks In Caps we have a well assorted stock of blue Serges and Tweeds ranging in price from 20c to Gents Furnishings New Styles in Ties Knots Bows and Plowing Ends A large assortment to choose from Mens White and Colored Shirts in endless variety from to Mens GLOVES in latest Spring Styles also a full line of cotton and cashmere Sox Braces Belts Working Shirts Overalls Sweaters etc Shoe Polish Black Beauty Tan Beauty Gilt Edge French Glycerine W Overcoats LAND PLASTER Hay ton CO 10 per pair a a a a per top CO a IT Toronto Red Wheat per burbot White Wheat per a per bushel a Parley per bushel Oil a 0 OaU per ft per 0 Iht iloi 1 OH a 12 OH Potatoes a Apple per a Wool per lb a Pork per te fore Cblchobt per pair per pair TUikoys fill Everyone should possess one Its a good investment for theres years of service In them and the price paid neednt be beyond anybodys reach Spring Overcoat light In weightlight in color heavier In in color from any Overcoating material that you wish perfect fit- moderate in price correct in everything over patterns to choose from Co LAND SALT TWO 2 CARLOADS WE SELL IT Co fl a a a I a J6 a T J Newmarket For Sale to Close Estate Mortgage for on acres In Bast Mills Huron St MS FOB SALE With a horseman life is but a j scan Puck The Ames Neb company has acres of sugar beets under con- tract tjj

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