Newmarket Era, 3 May 1901, p. 8

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ft J j a FRIDAY MAY 3VJ9tvv Constipation Headache Biliousness Heartburn Indigestion Dizziness Indicate oat of order best medicine to roa the sod care all ills- found Hoods Pills lilf Hie i The Glass v f- Mr Stephen is furnishing he lumber lot Mr Clinton Davis new barn Clint- put in a new cis tern some days ago Mr J Mortal has charge of the intermediate division School He had a number of years experience in teach ing and also one year the South African campaign as gunner in C Battery which will enable him to give quite a history pi the campaign- SUTTON- i ASSURANCE GO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber- ality Popularity boy intend holding on of Accumulated Funds Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid 94000000 During Polices were issued for The STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four- teen of Dollars J A Agent Baseball tournament The quarterly the Sutton circuit held at Egypt Metho dist Church on Sunday This is the last of the ecclesiastical year Notwithstanding the heavy ram on Monday evening the attendance at League was very good and those present were rewarded excellent address by Rev K of Albert It has been by the Metho dist congregation at Egypt to erect a new church as every interest there is on the increase- Active measures have been taken and nearly the whole amount necessary to build and cover the entire cist is now within reach The trustees are certainly to be con gratulated Hewas their hope and pride their only son On him was lavished all love and care For they Jived and planned what should be done With v needing not to spare thing they forgot Alas Alas That they must shield him from trie luring glass With bright anticipations The pinnacle of Tame where he should stand His brilliant talents as a boy excelled And should have placed Had he with resolution to surpass In competition the tempting glass Upon their table with rich bounties spread- The decanter found a place The parentssaw no cause for dread Nor dreamed of blight or possible disgrace ij No whisper remorse when years should pass That first from them he took the fatal glass Within the sideboard too was stored for use fire to feed the appetite Where fragrant were not deemed the abuse Ofcreature good that moves itself aright Oblivious of the woes that surely mass who tipple at the noxious glass J Me it ate That goes to to be kilt An come An a sabre hung on to a kilt They offers promotion to those Who die in of the right Ill be Ye marry For all i A CARD We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a bot tle of Greenes Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold We ax guarantee a bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded J Y BROUGHTON With manly form md highly cultured mind And all the charms cultivated taste He found full scope to drink with those inclined And drank the oison draughts with frenzied haste glowing goblet held by tempting lass Gave fiendish zest to the seductive Once on he downward grade he strides apace Of hope bereft he soon became a wreck Of noble manhood there is not a trace No strength remains his appetite to check As one who treads the treacherous morass sinks a victim to the traitorous glass His blighted hopes as ghosts pursue his way TOO late too late with woeful voice he wails I am not fit to die nor yet to stay My thirst for drink with deathless power assails My life is withered like the summer grass Nor can die without another glass Oh parents be advised keep not the curse Within the of your childrens home Twill save you from regrets none can rehearse Nor can they blame you if they should become In after years when from your care they pass Slaves to the stinging serpentcoiling glass Richmond Hill April P GRANT 01 we in the morninsusxpose Theres so raises a man In the eyes of the as to fall the flag in van Pierced thru with a bit of a ball An when I am can wear Some crape on think how the women will stare Wid ye don it a proud be Whin they bring me home not to mention The fact we can live dont ye fee All the rest of our lives on me plo sion fl Tiny Painting A painting that is perhaps the small est elaborate picture in the world is the work of a Flemish artist It oc cupies the smooth side of a of white corn and has in it many inter esting figures So skilfully has ftie artist worked that in the circumscribed space he has painted a picture of considerable lati tude There is to be seen a mill on a terrace a miller with a sack of flour on his back By the build ing stand a horse and cart and- the artist has even found room for a roadway upon which he has painted a group of peasants on Dp J of Sherbourae Toronto Diseases of Women Diseases of and Throat Piles may be consulted every at the Pi House Newmarket from Wailing room upstairs Three Years of Success During the above period I have sold 28 engines besides several Sep arators I have had do lawsuits or disputes of any kind and so far as I know my customers are well I yet have several Good SecondHand Portable Engines for sale including the Cornell Abell White and I can supply a full refitted rig at giving years time No cheap rig sold where it will interfere with my regular customers Trial given and customers satisfied before asking for settlement fl THOMPSON Should Know That in the ten days preceding April we sent out direct from our school 16 YOUNG MEN 14 WOMEN into business offices In this city This work Is going on every month in the year No vaca tions You can enter any time and prepare in a short time for a good situation Catalog free Write Centra Business College TORONTO AW Principal The Pacific fur seals taken by Canadian vessels last year numbered Children cry for CASTORIA Phillips lost a horse Thursday morning There has been a number of incan- lamps on the street broken re cently has sold out his laun dry business to a and leaves here next Monday Linton jr- left for the Yukon district on Friday last to seek his fortune digging for gold Somebody will get into trouble yet The nine oclock car coming north on Monday evening ran into a gate on the Pinnacle Hill which had been placed there by some person The could not stop the car in time after seeing the obstruction to prevent running into it There was no harm done the car but the passen gers were somewhat alarmed The agreement between Messrs Un derbill who have been granted a bonus of by the corporation to establish a boot and shoe factory here has been executed It has taken a much longer time to complete the agreement satisfactorily to both parties than at first antici pated The firm have purchased half an acre on street directly op posite the Grand Trunk freight sheds belonging to Mr Johnson and will commence building at once They expect have their factory up and machinery installed by August 1 Last Monday evening was a special evening in connection with the worth League of the Methodist church Mr took the topic after which the evening was spent with our Canadian authors Mr Lome A Hart- men occupying the chair A brief account of Canadian literature was given by Mr and a pro gram of readings and recitations ten by Canadian authors given Vocal solos and trios an instrumental solo violin solo and a trombone solo were also given A very profitable and pleasant evening was spent by all present- An accident betel one of Mr James Hutchinsons horses here on Thursday morning Mr Hutchinson drove in to town and tied his horse to one of the iron posts in front of Mr hardware store and stepped into an adjoining office While in the office a metropolitan car came up at which the animal got scared and in attempting to get away fell on the post which perforated its body about inches The poor beast was re moved with considerable difficulty It may possibly recover but its doubt ful The assessment of the town has been completed and the roll will show a small increase of value over last year Stephenson has just received a cub bear which is commanding the aU tent ion of the townspeople The young animal was shipped from Mus- by the doctors Indian guide in that district The sad end of young Ivan Pere grine is keenly felt here and all other topics- take second place in discussing the accident Coroner Scott of New market nas viewed the body but it is not likely that an Inquest will be held The deceased was a highly es teemed member of the Methodist Church and was connected with the choir and League and a teacher in the Sunday School The funeral took place Wednesday after noon the service being conducted by Rev A Pearson and was largely attended Written specially for the of BY A BANKER What marvellous contrasts are pre sented in the diversified conditions the elements of this earth of ours And perhaps no where are these changes more noticeable than on the seacoast where the added varying moods of the ever mutable and incon stant ocean augment these contrasts making more terrible the storm and more joyous the calm and tranquil sunlit land or seascape And truly a violent hurricane when viewed from the shore is a spectacle of supreme grandeur and sublimity The sun sets in the midst of an angry lurid glare the coppercolored clouds in the foreground changing intoa lowering indigo blue which only up the distant horizon as though the eternal void of space were cleft asunder and a inonrentary glimpse of some bright world beyond were re vealed to our bewildered gaze And enhancing the weird terror of this su blime outburst of the- contending forces of nature is the manyvoiced tumult of the storm the detonating crash or the continuously vibrating peals of rolling thunder now rattling as twere a discharge from a park of artillery or bursting with deafening uproar as though the very earth it self were rent asunder with the howling of the furious hurricane ap parently let slip with warrant to make waste and the resounding boom of those wild surging waves as they madly smite the rockhewn bar rier which checks their impetuous- on slaughts all combine in adding to the majesty and sublimity of this the pale sickly tint of the streaks light which faintly gleam lu wracn betwixt the rifts of the hovering mass es of dark threatening thunder clouds in the west Soon the gale which has been rapidly increasing in force is attaining the energy of a furious hurricane lashing the agitat ed waters into a boiling foam and cleaving oft the snowy crests of the great curling billows flings the Wind ing spray far up on the foreshore The tide is now at the full and with thundering impact the mighty tolling watery avalanches are hurled with ti tanic force against the granite bas tions of the solid seawall wildly throwing huge volumes of surf high in air while each giant wave threat ens with destruction mans puny ef fort to withstand the otrenewed on- of the raging deep And now it is night but though the hour of darkness yet the scene of wild disorder is illumined by the constant intermittent flashing of sulphureous lightning now gleaming In blue metallic streaks of zigzag fire now perhaps in halls of flame dart- hither and thither or now light- But she is but seldom in this su premely angry mood And when morning breaks the storm has died away the black thunderclouds have apparently disappeared into faroff space the boiling surf has calmed down a gentle aromaladen zephyr lias taken the place of the boisterous tempest and the glorious sun is shin ing in all his golden splendour deck ing the rippling wavelets of the sea in a glittering mantle of sparkling diamonds and up the land scape with his invigorating rays And this life too has its wild storms and hurricanes as well as its halcyon calms and glad serenity But thos who have chosen the good part need never fear the fiercest of lifes tempests for He in whom they trust is able to command the tumult to cease and to say to the buffeting waves Peace he still And when at length they bid adieu for ever to stormy scene He their Sav iour will surely receive them into that M has been offered three million dollars tor All women who suffer from diseases to write to Pierce That advice is based upon practical After suffering for months and finding no benefit result from the treatment the local physician Belle wrote to Dr Pierce Tor advice She acted on the advice regained her tite recovered strength and gain ed several pounds in weight Write to Doctor Pierce is good vice for every woman to follow It costs nothing Fierce invites sick women to con sult him by letter fire Address Dr V Pierce In valids Hotel and Surgical Institute In a little over years Dr Pierce assisted by his staff nearly a score of J treated and cured over iaff a million women front female for five write Belle of Nye Co treated by A Rood physician 1ml lie never to do me any good I wrote to Or Iicrce for advice which I receUed telling to take hi Favorite anil Golden Medical J too thirteen Favorite and Co1den Medical When I had used the medicine month my health much improved It continued to improve until imw can work almost ail kinds of I hart scarcely any lite out It Have galiicd pounds Rotn chronic Are You It to advertise In the Era Weit Unusual question I If your digestion needs rest whatever else may be true you can get it from Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Whatever else it may be lt is a vacation for stomach and partly for bowels It feeds you a little without any all by the stomach That little may be enough to set your whole body going again for it helps you more than it feeds you If yon have not tried it tend for free ample It agreeable will aurpriae you Chemlste Toronto DOo all drufreUts where tempests cease And surges swell no more all right now Have Raliictt c In advise alt disease to write to Dr Dr Pierces Pleasant regulate bowels Burlington- April The BaxterGalloway Milling flne brick mill with warehouse and stable etc adjoining and all the contents was burned at an early hour this morning Baxters bank a small brick building quite near the mill and used also as an office or oo Two houses were cremated J Matthews late proprietor of the House moved Into the hotel in December and was sold out by the Toronto Brewing and Malt Co recently under chattel gage The proceeds were not to satisfy the mortgage to say nothing the claims the other wholesalers and several justness men In Uxbridge It puzzled some the local creditors to understand how a mart could get so Jar behind In so short a time and some suspected that Mr Matthews have pocketed a few hundreds With a hope of dis covering this a charge was laid by Thos that the said Mat thews had removed certain goods from the house with intent to his creditors The case was heard before J Jos K Gould and Hamilton on Monday It was proved that some case goods and cigars were removed on the night of March and shipped to station ad dressed to Matthews The Magis trates committed tor-trial- T Heat The moment that you are instinct ively inclined to rub the eyes that moment cease to use them also it is time to give your eyes a rest when you become sensible of an effort to distinguish Cold water is about the safest application for inflamed eyes Never sleep so that on awakening the eyes shall open on the light a win dow Never read or sow directly In front of the light of a window the better light being that that comes from above or obUmioJy or over the left shoulder Too much light Is an evil just as is a scant light It creates a glare that pains and con fuses the sight Indigestion ami Dyspepsia Mr Henry Moore Pickering states I used three boxes KidneyLiver Pills tor Con stipation and stomach Troubles and never found anything to compare with them I had suffered from com- plain for many years and tsken many kinds medicine but it remain ed for Dr Chases Pills cure me am now well and strong Mr Patrick J McLauthlsn Que I was troubled with Kidney Disease snfl Dyspepsia tor have been so that could not sleep at nights on account pains In the but would walk the floor all arid suffered terrible Dr KidneyLiver made s new of arid the old troubles seem to be driven out of my One dose cents box all or Kdmsnson Bates Co Toronto Dr Chases KidneyLiver w t Castor for and is a harmless substitute for Castor OH Paregoric Drops neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic It is Pleasant Its guarantee Is tMrty use Millions of Mothers destroys Woraiand Feverish- cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates the Food regulates the arid of and Children giving healthy and natural sleep is the Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend Cm tori is for children hare told of Its good effect upon their children C Lowell If to that I to tome THE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS- ON EVERY WRAPPER Columbia Red Cedar s i A Perfectly Clear Shingle and very wide also PINE SHINGLES LUMBER LATH DOORS AND SASH OF ALL KINDS PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHESPINS THE CANE SONS MFG Of Newmarket Dunlop RUBBER Carriage Tires Will carry heavy loads and hard service An riding wheel Every set Can he fitted to any wheel Sam for Catalogue TIRK Owing to the prevalence of the plague at Capetown no more British troops will be landed there at present castoria For Infants and Children Of Tumors Tuberculosis MANKIND CANNOT CURE CAN mi to ahfc cava h -j- FOR SALE- AT THE ERA OFFICE Pasture to Rent The easts Hunter the Town Fists and Peo ple Psature also ST0BA6B STABLE BOOM will do well to early HUNTER la hereby all Indebted the the late Edwin Hunter ore notified to pay up the amount of Ihclr to the sod thai si parties hi lag any the said Estate forthwith to present to for and teat during bo month of the of theaatd to the pledge of tbo Surrogate Court of the County of York for leave To pass their as and to oik for their dlaoharjo J for the Executors April IB 1W1 capable reliable person in to large company or flnanofal reputation j salary per year weekly i day absolutely and all definite no paid each Saturday and each week HOUSE Ki

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