a THE F JUNE- a iaBHfeAilCtiKTKK9VBE 1 Manufacturer of all AJso a large attics of J ROWLAND OF THE MANAGER MARKET The crowd attended the Ontario Veterinary College on Prices as follows ALBERT to lOc ALBERT door North of Lloyd Drag Store I Carload of CORN Also all Varieties of SEED CORN Call and See Them chickens to Reliable All legitimate fire losses- paid with in ten days in the following strong Companies Liverpool London Globe assets Nor wich Union capital Royal assets Perth assets Policies in these Companies cover by Both Fife and upon or write to DAVIDSON Mount Albert THE STATION Drovers Shield and Hayes shipped during May hop sheep and 14 calves Vandewater weighed during the same month loads of bogs cattle calves and hay You can save money by buying your Furniture at the A LARGER STOCKTHANBVBKOF Bedroom fttid Parlor Suites Extension and Loonies and Fancy Chair We are alto for Pillow Sham Holder and the celebrated Bel id ere Carpet Stretcher and Framing a Goods delivered ingot charge ordered in quantity ALLAN THEAKER Having made slanderous statements about certain parties in Mount Albert I Jo declare same untrue and to apologise for having done so Mrs NOT QUITE CORRECT The item in the Era last week regarding the GoodwinGraham libel suit was not correct- Mr Graham made no apology and he paid the costs rather than go to the ex pense of defending the suit RYE IN HEAD The Baldwin Owl boasts a farm er in his neighborhood who had rye in head on the of May have farmers in this region who have had Rye in head several months previ ous and did not think it worth men tioning LAWN TENNIS A lawn tennis hasbeen success fully organized and will be in the game as soon as the ground can be put in shape Those desirous of join ing can do so by handing in their name and the necessary fee to the We have the Largest Stock of WALL PAPERS MASONIC CONCERT In addition to the excellent musical program now issued the committee have secured the services of Miss Ada a talented elocutionist Miss is a pupil of Francis J Brown professor of School of Elocution Toronto At Sharon Cooper tonight Friday WE EVER HAD Newest Tints and Shades A Choke Selection of Ingrains WE Boots for Wet Weather I TRY A FAIR Our school boys won two games of baseball from the Scott school stu dents on Saturday Mr J A Hopkins occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday morning The meetings of the Young Peoples Convention were well attended on Tuesday and Wednesday Much inter est is manifested in the proceedings BARN RAISING Mr Arnold Dunn of the Scott whose farm buildings were burned by lightning last March rais ed his new barn on Saturday The building was framed in j manner which reflects great credit on the car penters Messrs Sandy and Mains and together About men and ladies were present and enjoyed a bountiful spread on the lawn when the work was completed The proceed ings closed with an exciting game of football PERSONAL Mrs of Toronto is visiting her mother Mrs Smart of HoK Mrs Frank of is in town on a Visit to her parents Mr and Mrs Jennings Mr J Graham of Sharon was in town on Tuesday Frank West of Bradford was in town on Sunday calling on some of his old friends Mr and Mrs- J of Mount Pleasant were in day on a visit to Mr and Mrs A Jones Rev W is in the city this week attending the Conference Miss Ida Zephyr is vis iting at the home of her grandfather Mr Porter- Mr Norman Bain of Newmarket spent Sunday with his parents Rev Mr accepted the call to much to the light of the people and the Presby tery of Toronto will meet in the Church on Friday at two oclock for his ordination and induc tion Rev Mr Turnbull of Toronto will preside Mr A of will preach Sir of Toronto will address the min ister and Mr ALA of Newmarket will address the people Certainly the church will be crowd ed for such a service The ladies will sustain their good reputation the tea that they will give after the ser vice Miss Wight returned home on Tuesday after several weeks visit in Aurora Miss Blanche Pearson left for To ronto on Tuesday for a few weeks visit Mrs John Wright of St Louis Miss was Visiting at Mr George Wrights this week Mrs Cooper and Master Ralph Greer returned home on Tuesday from Toronto While in Toronto Mrs was suddenly taken ill but she is so far recovered as to be able to attend to her household duties The Masons are sparing neither money or trouble to make their con cert at Sharon success and deserve liberal patronage Mr Norman of Aurora was visiting at Mr Geo H Wights this week Mrs Graham of Sutton is visiting at Dr Grahams this week Miss Annie Cole has gone to Kes wick for the summer A few from here intend going to Morton Park on Saturday to enjoy themselves at the annual school pic nic Judge BALDWIN BREEZES This week we chronicle the sad in- the decease on May at Winnipeg of Ellen Nelson wife Elijah Morton formerly of Baldwin Only last fall Mrs left to join her husband in making home In the far west A large circle of friends sympathize with the relatives in toeirlpss Owing to the decease of her daugh ter Mrs Morton grandma Nelson will return from Winnipeg to reside with relatives Miss Laura Horner Sutton has been at Ben notice that when the ladies have any extra fine sewing Miss Horner is in demand The big soak is now over with let us hope who we regret to say is gradually tailing Geo also is much worse suffering untold agonies vhen not under the of opiates No hopes whatever are entertained for his recovery Mrs Thos Smith is so poorly as to be unable to attend to her house hold duties Her sister Miss Mason is attending her- f The anniversary services at Egypt Presbyterian Kirk owing to incle ment weather were poorly attended but Mondays tea all right as the clerk of the weather very kindly sent a pleasant evening The Owl A Quantity of Quality what all drinkers of MachineMade Tea get No tea a pure wholesome or tcorioriiical Superlative in actual To suit all varieties of tastes j application j Ceylon Teas sold sealed never in bulk Black Ceylon Address S Toronto A New York lady friend tells pie of SUTTON m Division Court here on Friday 7th ALBERT DRUG STORE A CHOICE STOCK OF Field and Garden Seeds Arrived A Fall Stock of on We carry a full line of Patent Medicine Kern- nd Cure and Family re- elve attention or niht AN IMPORTANT INVENTION Some time ago in these columns we gave a description of a device which when attached to the soldiers rifle would enable him to cut his way with out difficulty thru the barbed wire defences of the enemy Tbis contriv ance was product of the genius of one of our clever youths named Rear and was sent to 0GradyHaly who was very favor ably impressed with the idea and has evidently given it his earnest consid eration Mr Rear is now in Colum bus Ohio but his mother recently re ceived a letter from the MajorGener al in which he states think the invention as amended will work and I hve sent it to England to be re ported upon by the British Army au thorities As soon as I hear any word from them I will let you know about- it ZEPHYR A number of our young folk intend to take in the Sharon concert Marshall Pickering and Arnold Dunn each raised their large barns on Sat urday afternoon without the slightest mishap They will have uptodate barns when completed Word Was received last week of the death of Mrs Newton and Mrs John both former resi dents here but latterly residing in Manitoba Mr W raustbe doing a good business floors this season A car of barrels was shipped here for htm this week Market The cattle market Is slow this week and prices a little lower Exporters are paying to Butcher ing cattle from to Stock- Milkers from to Calves from to Sheep per lb and spring lambs from to each Slight fall in for choice and for lights and fats LLOYD AND Exeeutops Notice to Creditors Notice la hereby pursuant to Chap 197 that aUcredltora and other claims JOSEPH WILDER of Mount Albert In the County of York Gardner deceased died on the and day of March are to Bend fcypoattprepaMorto deliver to aiirncd for the the last will of said deceased on or before of claims with proof of same may Of and Is further given that executors further after the said day of proceed to dUlrlbutcth assets of the estate the tied reward only to cams then flitjdaDd they be responsible for the or any Wft thereof to any person or persons whose claims tiled by said date for Executors Dated May yrank Ttuwpton Holt PO I and Executors CRUELTY TO A DOG Mr Thomas Sawdou a farmer who lives on the conces sion of Whitchurch about four miles south of this village was summoned last week to appear before P Esq J P charged with cruelty to a dog Investigation showed that the animal In question been chained to a fence close to a swamp on Mr farm about rods from his house and where two months previous a carcass of a horse had neen placed The dog is known to have been chained there previous to the 20th of March with ho food but the decaying carcass of the horse no water but rain or snow and no shelter of any kind A to the spot last Tuesday dis closed a horrible scene The dog rendered almost mad by hie alternately growled and snapped at the spectators and gnawed frantic ally at the bare bones carcass and even the fence in search of nourishment A handful of grass thrown to him was eagerly devoured Mr acknowledged the of iXomestotxin to tha Boers London Juno War Office to night published the following despatch from Lord Kitchener dated Pretoria June 4tH Jamestown Cape Colony sur rendered to on the morning of June 2nd after hours fighting The town guard and local volunteers were overpowered be fore our pursuing columns could come up Our casualties were 3 kitted and wounded The Boer loss is said to have been greater Have placed Gen in charge of the operations in Cape Colony The Boer commando which captured a quantity of stores at Jamestown Cape Colony was attacked and de feated by Col Whites column and the stores were recaptured To pays to advertise In the Era and costs A Durham Hull registered bred by of Hill will be a j serrlcoon lot 3 In East formation ana was fined five dollars I the large way they do up things in the Yankee metropolis On May eighty thousand scholars parad ed in the various city parks She re marks that Canadians in Y are as clannish as pur Scottish ancestors Last Wednesday Dan Cameron shipped two loads of pork ers at on which he realised or per cwt Wm sold live stock that him a bag full of stamps These men are coining on the pork industry Quite a number of losses among the live stock about here recently from various causes Hadden lost a valuable horse An ideal spot for a pleasant resi dence is Cottage embower ed amongst beautiful trees by the riv er where the oriole and other warblers sing their matins vespers Handsome trees and a plenty of em set oft a home as noth ing else can Councillor called me in to in spect his barn and stables one day For light ventilation cominodious- ness convenience and superior work manship they equal if not surpass any I have seen John is justly proud of tbem Ive told yon previously that Bald win is not a matrimonial market Notwithstanding my notification a Sutton widower was in town on mar ket day smiling most graciously on our fair dames Improvements Welly is continuing repairs to dwelling by erecting anew veranda and sidewalk Cliffs residence is progressing OK and Jos Foster is putting his stable on a stone foundation have lately come to my ears that you cant tell the Owl anything but he puts it in the Era You have to be exceedingly careful what you say so do I Mr Ira Young of suddenly surprised his relatives here by pop ping in last week He looted it from twenty miles Not bad for one eighty year old Our drove to last week A little bird told me all about it Mr and Mrs Andy recently married have taken up residence in Some young men racing horses on Sunday evening aroused tbe indigna tion of Sabbath observers If they get summoned before Squire hell set a precedent for of the sanctity of Lords day Why should they race anyway their nags cant go a little bit My weather predictions of my Yankee almanac were carried out to a dot American papers tell of terrible gales on the lakes and western States Hogs Thats my opinion of the salary grab down on Government Hill at Ottawa Whats A good name is more to be coveted than many riches Some young ladies in in referring to the death of a young man of tbat town ship spoke so feelingly of his good ness and moral worth I am sure it will be a comfort to the sorrowing parents to recall such good words A great convenience Yates has put an excellent steam whistle on the milt a good guide to get hungry by If Council will kindly be stow a small gratuity to Baldwin for local road improvements same as Council did the benefit will be gratefully acknowledged For particulars apply to Miller our ratepayer Boys but dont that Sutton scribe knock out the whiskey ring In his vehemence hen speaking before Felix the apostle Paul was told Much learning hath made thee mac Our friend has good reason for his bitterness towards the wine cup- I presume he can reckon up dozens of flne men there whose ruination was drink Away back in the forties tin came to a musical at Sharon meeting house a basso whose voice was so that it made tho windows ratttoSo Ive been told by old timers The annual washing pilgrim age took place here last week Prof Kenny Cameron a busy man They were all The before Squire Woodcock last week In the sheep worrying case has added fine to his catalog of business ven tures Mrs has been here for some weeks in constant attendance on her father Mr Miller Messrs Stephen and Richard Fen- ton have removed Rev Canon and his son the Key spent the May with Mr of Sutton Communion service celebrated in St James Church here last Sim- day Rev A Rutherford officiat ing- Dr and Mrs were guests of Mr J Stevenson last week The steamer Enterprise is expect ed to make her initial trip to for present season next Saturday Mrs Caleb of Port Arthur arrived here last Saturday for a short visit Mr Wellington Sheppards fine new board on the Lake Shore is now completion This dome and surroundings will prove an at tractive place for tourists The Sutton met this week at the home of Mrs for- the arrangement business and philan thropic work Mrs McCordtck of Union was present and gave a very interesting and instructive report of the semiannual Convention held at Toronto Junction Mrs Ashburn of is on a friendly visit with Mrs McKay Miss of a general agent tor the Winston Publishing Co of Toronto was here last Tuesday subagents Rev A Brace and Mrs Brace left last Tuesday for Toronto He will attend the Conference The anniversary of the Egypt Sec tion of the was held last Sunday find Monday and although the weather was on Sunday preventing the holding of an evening- service yet on the whole the event proved quite a success Monday evening was fine and a large gathering assembled to partake of the excellent things vided by the Egypt ladies and to receive both pleasure and instruc tion from the rendering of an inter esting program consisting of songs solos recitations and addresses Those who took part in the program were from Sutton Messrs J and The Egypt Quartette Messrs JTay lor P Wingfield Cole and Miss Bertha Station Miss Millie of Sutton and Miss Clara Cameron of Kgypt officiated at the Miss of gave two recita tions which were highly appreciated P Duncan Unionville oc cupied the chair Rev A P Brace delivered- an interesting address en titled Tact Policy and The was tastefully decorated and the congregation is to be con gratulated in the success of the an niversary under rather untoward cir cumstances Proceeds about Mr Sheppard has moved his household effects into his house in the village The Misses have moved into the house recently vacated by Mr John McDonald We know for a fact that in the game of politics the Government and Op position say very hard things about each other the one side charging the other as being almost devoid ol both honor and patriotism They each and all apparently will manifest a great deal of zeal for the interests of the country but it is to a very great extent only apparent not real You will And them almost ready to tear out each others eves In their hypo critical anxiety for economy and the judicious management of public af fairs Yet when it comes to voting money into their own pockets they can by concerted action unite almost to a man to make a raid on the treasury They do hot hesitate to draw mileage and yet travel on free railway passes thereby compromising their dignity and Some of them do not spend more than half their time of the Session in the House nevertheless they draw full pay for unperformed services They desire to live like princes and relent lessly call upon the bard tollers to toot the bill This game of politics has a very unpleasant odor and there is great room for reform Cashmeres Dress Muslins a Parasols Gloves w f D RAMSDEN ALBERT Barrels of Painty Sheafs Brushes Acres of Sand Paper Garden Tools Dairy Supplies io Endless Variety r ALL AT- 1 Mount Albert Jersey Bull for Mr WStokes or the Scott baa a tboro bred Bull from Mrs Jones of which will Bland for Her- vice at Mb reason able i Gall and see our WOOL MARKET A SUITINGS KLONDIKE AND SERGES Special Values MS KELLER The Tailor Ms Albert Take your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and tbe highest Toronto prices in Cash Full stock of Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment ol Suitings always on hand pajdjlortwool taken in ex change for goods Geo Haigh Sons FIELD AND GARDEN IN BULK SUGAR BEETSMANGEL CARROT CORN RAPE FLAX ONION SETTS c From the most reliable growers at right prices at Forrests Drug Store Get Our Prices Screen Doors Window Screen Cloth Wringers Lawn Mowers Garden Tools ReadyMixed Paint Every can guaranteed ROWLANDS Mount Albert THE LEADING HOUSE i NOTICE Public Decoration Cemetery will take place ON SATURDAY JUNE at in the afternoon SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Spring Suit LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Allays Fresh R H KENYON