Newmarket Era, 7 Jun 1901, p. 7

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v a about fipt The following paragraph was omitt ed in the local on page 5 Cody Thcda Hodge Emma Terry total i Boot and Shoe Several lines of Ladies and Misses Oxfords were late arriving We bought others Now we have too many The result is we are going to give you a chance to buy GOOD GOODS AT SNAP PRICES Ladies lot you can- get a Turn Sole worth All Oxfords reduced in proportion to clear them out qnick A patent leather slipper very neat and stylish for worth Misses Slippers nice and stylish at Close Mens Balstor good value at Mens Patent Leather for double Mens Slip Sole Goodyear Welts at worth COME AND SEE Quarterly Tea The next Quarterly Tea of the Ladies Aid in connection with the Methodist Church will he held at the residence of Geo Richardson Prospect Ave on June If the weather is favorable it will be held ort the lawn Division Court His Honor Judge Morgan presided at the Court here on Wednesday There was quite a lengthy docket but it was pretty well cleaned up when the Court adjourned between and oclock There were no cases of spe cial interest China Department Dinner Sets from for piece Sets to for China Sets Toilet Sets from up for 10- piece Sets NOW IS YOUR CHANCE to buy Good Goods at Snap Prices GROCERIES CHOICE FRESH and RELIABLE A SMITH Leading Telephone Hours During hot weather commencing on the 1st of June the employees in the Office Specialty Co work from 7 to pm on Saturday and then quit for the day When rushed with work the men are expected to put in overtime at night when required Depot The shipments for the past week are as follows Inwards merchandise cars logs 38 cement coal 1 vinegar glue lumber Outwards grain cats merchandise office furniture wooden- ware 4 bay cattle potatoes household furniture A change of time goes into next Monday The Pacific Express will leave Toronto at one oclock p arriving here about 215 and here after Sunday trains will run till fur ther notice Pollers Grocery f SPECIAL for SATURDAY Danish Improved Sugar Beet Seed 25 cents lb- Mangel Seed ft New Cheese Good Sharp Old Cheese 14c lb We keep Sugar Cured Hams Bacon methodise Church The sermons by Rev of Albert last Sunday were very much enjoyed the wet weather in the evening diminished the congrega tion The morning subject was Learning to Learn and the even ing Friendship Sir Hager is an original thinker and is able to clothe his thoughts in choice language with out any apparent effort while his fre quent and apt quotations ences show that he great reader Mr also addressed the Sunday School The music was splendid solos being given by Miss Miss Edna and A also a duett by the first two and anthems by full choirs Choice Fruits STRAWBERRIES BANANAS PINEAPPLES RIPE TOMATOES We Keep Bread and Cakes They are Lovely On Wednesday evening Miss one of Mr Arthur Olivers most gifted gave a piano forte at her on Prospect Avenue The program which con sisted of selections from famous com posers was well rendered and highly enjoyed by all who were there Mr Oliver gave short explanations before moat of the numbers and thus a deep er meaning could be read into each selection than would otherwise have been possible Miss and Mr Knowles much to the pleasure of the evening by rendering beautiful solos and a pleasing variety was giv en to the program Newmarket peo ple are not often given the pleasure of a musical evening and the interest manifested by those present must have been exceedingly gratifying both to Miss and Mr Oliver Good Those who attended the social of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Christian Church held at the Parsonage last Wednesday evening spent a most en joyable time Mr and Mrs did their utmost to make their guests welcome after an abund ance of ice cream and cake had been served a choice musical and literary program was rendered the following taking part Mr Lehman pre siding vocal solos by Mrs Dr Wes ley Miss Elliott of Richmond Hill Mies Mann and Mr Walter Stephens reading by Miss Jones of Brampton vocal duett by Misses Vera and Mann and a piano duett by Miss and Mrs all of which were welt rendered and enjoyed hundred were present The sum of was added to the treasury THE ERA FRIDAY J i About North York Public School Teachers were in attendance at the Convention in Newmarket yesterday morning and more were expected in the afternoon A public lecture was to be given last night The Institute closes this afternoon AH kinds green vegetables are in the provision windows now and look very tempting onions lettuce rad- cucumbers cabbage etc Mr Taylor has been suffering with a felon on his thumb The Methodist Church is undergoing its annual spring cleaning this week A new roof was placed on part of the Royal Hotel this week- Masonic Concert at Sharon tonight Miss is visiting in Toronto Mrs and her daughter Maud are in our midst after the winter in the south Mr Goodyear and Mr Arch Hill Hew York State spent Sunday with fronds in this place Mr Simpson and Mr visited friends on the last Sunday The Childrens service at the Chris tian Church last Sabbath were well attended in spite of the rain Next Sunday being Quarterly Ser vice in the Christian church at Frank lin there will be- no service in the Christian church at ChurchUI Anxious people on the were pre vented from attending Childrens Annual School at Morton on Sunday Park tomorrow Newmarket Band gets great praise for their music at Richmond Hill Fair on the The presentation to Father Morris was on view in Watsons window on Wednesday and was greatly admired The of the Methodist church will meet next Wednesday afternoon at three oclock at the home Mrs A number of school reports are un avoidably crowded out of this issue The Family History is expect ed to be ready for delivery to sub scribers the early part of July No school yesterday and tcniay on account of the Teachers Convention in Newmarket tr i- Idf Hub TO RECORD mi Mr Sharp has commenced the erection of a new residence Mr Bacon of Newmarket has the contract for the mason work and is putting up a fine cellar wall Mr is also talking of building a new house The Union Sunday School of this place has arranged for their annual Excursion to Park- Toronto on Thursday June Special Cars leave Newmarket at oclock am Single return tickets are only and double tickets A big crowd and a good time is expected KESWICK The K Tent of this place have their annual church parade next Sunday evening when Rev Mr Spencer of Bruce Mines a former pastor on theQueensviile Circuit and member of the Tent here will preach the sermon in the Christian Church at 8 oclock Both churches have withdrawn their services for the occa sion Mrs Silas spent Sunday at Brougham also Rev was at Brougham preaching anniversary ser mons at the Christian Church Mrs Qui bell of the is here spending a few weeks Mr King is erecting a circular cement silo It Is over feet round and Mr King with his usual enterprise has purchased a frame made for building the round silo It is of boiler iron and cost Several from here will attend Convention at on Friday the even ing owing to the heavy shower Mr Edgar Gray has completed- the task of moving his barn and it is now ready for the masonry work Mr Flint st will occupy the pul pit of the Methodist church next Sab- hath am Miss Maggie has recovered from her recent illness and is now at the home of her parents Some of our young men from the were stormstaid on Sunday night while endeavoring to bring their fair maidens from a distance to the Child rens service Between football and lawsuits our neighborhood is full of wars and rumors of wars Ladies Aid at the home of Mr Paisley on June AURORA Since the accident by which Mr Mi Heise had his broken two more accidents have happened Lloyd son of Amos Lloyd had his collar bone broken in a foot ball and the little daughter J J rushing into the house in tte twilight and broke her arm is having trouble in their attempt to make trouble for Aurora for- shoe factory It appears the applicant Mr disclaims acting and also consent for his name being used In this dilem ma asks that the name J well known in be stibstttated On every point they met obstacles In the mean- time the factory is being pushed with all possible speed The ministers residence the Episcopal Church which was for years conspicuous for untidiness has under the eye of the present minister Rev Mr been put into repair in and out of the house and on the grounds Some of our citizens have visited the but J have not heard them speak enthusiastically of it Another laundry has been opened by Mr L Winter Mr being employed A good number our are residing in Toronto for the present on of the trial of the bank rob bers tragic turn in toe matter brought the trial to a speedy termin ation We have hostler and his presence is already a necessity to the welfare of the Town Mr was in Town last week Hadnt seen his face for years BETHEL CORNERS Old OOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY J Water prepared to put NEW PUMPS wells from end to leave them working Complete at pep foot Cistern Pumps complete for All New Work Childrens The Christian Sabbath School will observe their annual Childrens Day next Sunday morning at oclock The auditorium the Church will be handsomely decorated with ever greens plants and flowers The children of the school will contribute the program consisting of sacred songs and recitations An orchestra will assist in the choruses Gaudy flowers merry children and singing birds when brought together make one the most delightful scenes that one is privileged to behold and those who attend cannot fail to be delighted with th service In the evening a short praise ser vice will be held with special and ex propriate music followed by a talk to the School Scholars by the pastor J subject The Childrens Crusade Altho the ad dress is to the children parent and will be made heartily welcome The funeral service of the late was held in the Free Metho dist Church on Sunday last Mr has been a great sufferer His widow has our hear Melt sympathy At the Gospel Temperance meeting on Monday night the hall was crowd ed- Mr barn came off on Monday postponed from Friday as it was too wet A big time Is expected Saturday at Morton Park The beef ring commences this week butchering to be done at Mr David Drapers The Gospel Temperance meeting on Monday was one of the best yet held in point of attendance and inter- est an encouraging feature being the large number of young men in attend ance In response to a petition circulated by the members the the business men of the village now close their shops at oclock on the evenings of these meetings and the good of this Is seen hi the in creased attendance The- President Mrs A Winch was in the chair Miss Estellc Ma- contributed an excellent recita tion Miss Bessie Terry a solo with accompaniment Miss Robie a reading duett by dames and Rogers solo by Mrs Rogers and an instrumental lection by Mis Mr Van Norman gave a very interesting ad- dress taking for his subject reasons why Temperance cause docs not make- greater advancement Five new names were secured to the Pledge An effort will be made to secure interesting features for the meetings throughout the season and much good is hoped from them tt Hi j I m f 3 r aw sous t We have lots of goods to interest you for a few days We the prices so interesting that OUR PRICES SELL THE GOODS Saves you money on your purchases that you are amply this great sale We have v prepared to meet the rush A FEW t Bottles Gold Leaf Shoe Dressing now Bottles Favorite Oil Shoe Dressing now Domestic Anamonia now I JJ s J Tins Lye now Tins Moodys Lye now pkgsi Bird Seed now Mince Meat now a 4r fl I Hi Lunch Baskets Lunch Basket Lunch Basket Lunch Basket Lunch Basket A Lantern 5c Each iJ M You can save money now We do not wis i Jars doz Quart Jars Half I- i Finest Brand Canned Tomatoes i dozen Brand Canned 5 tin SSffi lbs at lb to clear fc J A Cow Brand Soda now cans Tomato Catsup now cans Fresh Herring bars Davisons Special Comfort Soap bar Eclipse soap per bar Choice Smoked Shoulder Hams per lb Choice Smoked Rolled Bacon per Long Clear Bacon per ft Pure Leal very fine per ftwi i It IflMl t till 5c lie i 3 Bring in your order Everything marked low you of a big saving on your Grocery list We assure DAVISON CO I J Every one hereabouts has made a note of and arranged to go to Mor ton Park tomorrow This is right for to miss reunion of Young Canada is to miss one the bright spots of lifes enjoyments May the day be bright and cheerful We are pleased to see the vreatlier authorities move on the cloud belt the Toronto observatory seers spoke to us of and indeed not much too soon to some in York Co Mr and Mrs the parental roof a call Sunday last Wedding bells are disturbing the solemn stillness around this locality and you will not confound them with the school bell please when you hear the music ringing some these morn- Mrs is visiting her daugh ter Lena at present at Donald and David Davidson of To ronto were at home over Sunday David very ably filled the appoint ment at Mt Pleasant Church Sunday afternoon We are pleased to see our young men filling such noble callings The pupils of our schools and re port says they are fewer this year than formerly are steadily and care fully an anxious eye to their in July The Public Leaving now called t Junior leaving standard was raised last year so as to require an additional year In pre paration So to- get up the new re quirements In the old time requires some very hard on the part of the pupils And should failure meet them please draw the veil of charity and refrain from opening your valve as wide aa Etnas crater is only one in this inspectorate the exam in Cannot vouch for this statement The open meeting of the Ladles Aid at Bethel church on Wed nesday evening last was well attend ed considering the inclement evening- J NEW STRAW HATS BICYCLE PANTS NEW COLORED SHIRTS NEW DUKE OF YORK BOWS BOOTS Latest American Pearl Grey Fedoras Ladles Oxfords the John make- Fine Flexible McKay Sewn Soles 5125 Fine Turn Soles Fine Turn Soles White Kid Lined Misses Dong button or lace neat fitting extension soles Mens shape large regular Mens Boys and Youths Lacrosse Shoes and due COCHENOUR On behalf of herself the undersigned desires to return sin cere thanks to the neighbors and many friends who were so kind and attentive during the illness her husband and also in connection with the funeral arrangements Mrs Two Leicester Ewes and 3 Lambs left the flock on lot rear of 3rd of King One ewe has one ear punched and two lambs have tails cut Information suitably rewarded HOMER Newmarket J fc A- Bible belonging to Henry the VIU was sold tlie other day for fllty thousand dollars- deeply choir favored the gathering with some ex cellent music Rev Mr Brace who has devoted much time arid care since the Societys inauguration deserves hearty praise as well the ladies In providing so pleasant an evenings entertainment Mr John has been ill so long succumbed vo the dread monster on Friday morning and was buried at Sutton Saturday The funeral sermon was preach ed in the Methodist church on Sunday morning by Rev Bradley from Sam to many sorrowing Mr was a christian man high ly esteemed by all and died with the brightest hope of a glorious future Miss Doane is visiting with her sister Mrs John at lirescnt Mr raised his barn The officers of the Association gave on Monday afternoon- One by one accounts of their stewardship showing the old bam are giving place to a nourishing condition financially and modern Soon this section otherwise Rev Mr Hart of Queens- country will be dotted with grand an address no China which farm buildings AN UNPLEASANT Developing a- negative of this char not a pleasing so we are told Our work is pleasing to us however because it pleases others step in the way from the mo ment the subject the studio door is pleasant work and is there fore well done Our photos present lyou at your best SMITH BROS Mangel Carrot and Turnip Seeds SEED CORN Red Cob Giant Prolific Sweet- j proved Learning Early Butter Whiter Cap Yellow Dent Longfellow an Early willson- cor Main Timothy iii iii V PAINTER Is prepared to take contracts for HousePainting PaperHanging Kat etc or work by the years experience Grammar Lot Street I Miss Teacher f I AND ORGAN la to take pupil t private or corner of Ave hd Timothy I vC For farm residence No churning S or outside work- Enquire at Office

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