Newmarket Era, 7 Jun 1901, p. 8

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Bui FIND TO THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY Working in Conjunction with Ontario Ontario Lakes A great many are subject to apella of spots before and a ringing the head These symptoms are commonly associated ith liver trouble as the result of a diseased condition of the stomach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the stomach anil the allied of digestion and nutrition Jit cures through tie stomach diseases seemingly remote from that organ but which nave their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and digestive and nutritive system Hence cures of lungs and other organs are constantly effected by the use of Dr Pierces Golden Medical There is no alcohol in ihe Discovery And tt is free from opium cocaine and other narcotics Some dealers may offer a substitute as good as Dr Pierces Golden Medical Theres more profit substitutes for the dealer Theres morehealth in the Discovery for Dont be imposed on M fa with Ihe pleasure I write benefit my mother has received from your Golden Medical says Carrie Johnson of Amherst She suffered Retold misery uterine disease and nervousness and had a constant roaring and riuyiiK noise in her head After taking ItoUles of Dr Pierce Golden Medical was entirety cored When a laxative is required Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets- The North York pis Division Sons of Temperance to be held here on Friday June pro mises to be of unusual interest A session will be held in the commencing at 1030 to be followed by an afternoon session in the evening a public will be held commencing The Divisions of the District will furnish selections of vocal instrumental music Miss Allen profession al elocutionist of Toronto give a number of readings J McCarthy of Toronto will deliver an address ASSURANCE GO Anthony Stogdil caught a large mud turtle in the creek one day last week Mr Jos has sold his acre farm to Mr John Bell and is going to move to the old homestead which he has just bought Mr Elijah Hancock is off work with a sprained ankle Mr E who has been tending Dental College in Chicago returned home with honors last week Jennings arrived home on Saturday after spending several weeks at with her daughters Mrs J and Edna who has been ill for some time but is im proving nicely now Mr Lloyd has sold his Spion farm to Mr Jos and will move to the village farm shortr The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity 0oumolated Funds about Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year 1898 were issued for BRADFORD A of July celebration for Brad- ford is being promoted by the local lodge and a subscription list is being passed among our citizens to raise funds towards making it a huge suc cess On the morning of Whitsunday May the Anglican Bishop of this Dio cese administered the rite of confirm ation to persons at Trinity church The attendance at the Church was large exceeding the seating capacity Carp are now being caught by the hundred- Science has seemingly in vented a new method of catching these as our fisherman walk on the marsh with long rubber boots and club toe fish they being unable to escape quick ly thru the weeds On Wednesday evening of last week the Town Hall was well filled with an appreciative audience the occasion being a musical event and entertain ment under the auspices of the Brad ford Tennis Club The platform was nicely decorated The program gave entire satisfaction The STANDARD baa investments in Canada amounting to over teen Millions of Dollars J- BABTEDO Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector AURORA J Stenhouac EDINBURGH of 0 St Toronto Specialist Id Diseases of Women of Hose and Throat ray be consulted every ay the Newmarket room upfitaJra OUR Summer School offers a splendid opportunity for teachers and others to develop Increased earning power at a limited expense of time and money Write us about it OUR REGULAR WORK continues right along from month to month Students June or July finish a course in the Fall when many are Just entering We have no vacations We do thorough work every month in the year and are constantly sending out young people into good posi tions Central Business College TORONTO Principal Thtre are three hundred females for large New York houses go to the European markets year I The two houses and lots on street which were offered for sale on Monday under mortgage were not sold none of the oGers reaching the reserve bid Owing to the dangerous condition of the old roller skating rink on Ma- ave the owner has decided to have it torn down and removed Men are engaged in the work of tak ing it down now A meeting of the North York Coun ty Loyal Orange Lodge will be held in the Royal Templars Hall here on Friday evening June ro decide where the Lodges in the County will celebrate the glorious of July and for routine business is ex pected that the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master John McMillan of Toronto will he present and address the meeting Mr Billings an employee in Messrs Sons foundry had a narrow escape on Wednesday While working at one of the drills his smock caught on a set screw and was being wound up when some of his fellow workmen came to and succeeded in stopping the machinery and extricating him before he was seriously Injured Had he been alone the chances are he would have been killed During the thunderstorm of Friday morning last the large transformer on street belonging to the electric light plant was burned out Part of the street lamps as well as a number of lamps in the stores could not be run on account of the accident The transformer was replaced by a new one on Wednesday The electric fire alarm in connection with the Water- Works was damaged during the same storm as well as several telephones Owing to difference between Messrs Bros and the Council work on the artesian well has been delayed The parties will meet again this week and try to come to a definite under standing- Killed many Wounded Owing to the thousands of tourists and anglers who each year make the districts in Northern Ontario their Summer resort the fish in several of the lakes have suffered to some ex tent and to obviate any depletion or extermination Ontario Govern ment in conjunction with the Grand Trunk has formulated a scheme for restocking many of the waters in the Highlands of Ontario not by de positing eggs fry or but by transplanting the parent fish early in the spring in time to take advan tage of the spawning season With this end in view the Grand Trunk system had built in its shops at point Si Charles a special car for the transportation of these fish from the place of their capture to the different Jakes which are being stocked the stocking of fakes has been hampered for the- want of the proper means for the transportation of the fish Young fish fry and flng were carried by messengers in baggage cars on regular passenger trains This method was inadequate and tie Grand recognized the fact that a car would have to be put in service to transport fish in large numbers A car was therefore constructed specially adapted for the distribution of livevfish the require ments of such a car being compart ments for carrying fish In which an even- temperature could be maintained proper circulation of wafer and in the tanks containing the fish and sleeping and living accommodations for the attendants The interior of the car is arranged with a series of galvanized iron tanks to hold from to fish At one end of the car is an upper and lower berth like those in a Pullman car to ac commodate two men The ice for keeping the water at a certain tem perature is carried in two compart ments built for this purpose and holding about one ton each Ar rangements have been made for re plenishing the water in the tanks en route which will be done by attach ing a hose provided with a coupling to any of the hydrants at stations on the Grand Trunk The Ontario Government has al ready contracted for parent bass The first shipment has been planted in the waters known as the Lake of Bays situated in Northern Ontario about miles from Toron to The fish now being transplanted are what are known as the small mouthed black bass one of the gami est species of the finny kingdom and are caught at St Williams on Lake Erie Those which have been cap tured and transplanted are considered by- experts as an exceptionally fine lot of fish not one out of all that were loaded on the first shipment be ing less than a foot in length and many weighing three to four pounds Another car load has been forwarded to the Lakes and the fish have been deposited in Lake This work will oe continued until the lakes in the northern districts are thoroughly stocked The other lakes which will he re stocked are Lakes Joseph Couchiching and the Kawar- tha lakes Though the fishing in all these waters has been good in the past the lover of the rod and the amateur angler will be assured of unlimited sport in any of these dis tricts v m m J Look to it that is some shade in the pasture This is a new century be -up-to- date in your farming- There is no trouble in keeping the moisture this spring- Rain about three days a week is the rule Green corn young onions lettuce peas cucumbers and pettier delicacies may each have a long season just plant successive crops Surface cultivate as soon after a rain as possible The dust blanket made by such cultivation is the trap that holds the moisture fast A Sanilac county farmer who so lost his temper as to strike his horse a violent blow in the face with his fist got quick retribution for the force of the blow broke the bones of his hand while the horse was not in jured Oar Children Teething Ask any respectable father and mother who is not in association with the liquor traffic whether they want their children taught Scientific Temperance in the schools and they will answer Yes Every instinct of parental love demands that so long as bars are legalized and the drink habit destroys its thousands yearly the children snail not go out into life blindfolded to the evils of alcohol It is only a couple of years ago since a saloonkeepers son attending a Middlesex County village school took the prize offered by the local for passing the best Entrance Examination in Scientific Temper ance When the father was twitted about it his friends be answered I make living by the liquor busi ness because if I didnt some one else would but I know its a bad busi ness and J dont want my boy to have anything to do with it Im glad the public school is teaching him to let the stuff alone PI Bad Drinking at meals induces a person to eat more than he otherwise would and excess in eating is of the great causes for sickness In fact the two great dietary failings seem to be over eating and drinking of loo little water at the proper times Many colds are from overeating or from eating gross food Perseus with abundant power wjio exer cise a great deal and breathe much can dispose of a large quantity of food but the more delicate and sed entary should eat moderately A cold once taken will run Its course in spite of what may done for it un less it is attended to within eight hours after its Inception The treatments vary The cutting of supplies by skipping a few meals one of the principal things the old saying about stuffing a cold and starving a fever should be literally amplified into the condition and con clusion that if you stufl a cold you will have a fever to starve Some persons assert that any cold if taken in time may be cured without any medicine whatever by following the simple precautions of keeping warm The doctor sees mankind In all its weakness the lawyer in all its wickedness the theologian in all its stupidity f Piles or BO To to that Ointment tod euro for nd every form Of if not OTTcd box at Toronto The Present Regulations Anything that weakens the present school regulations on this topic will not be received with favor by Ontario fathers and mothers We therefore predict with confidence that the al terations proposed by the Education al Association which held its annual Convention in Toronto on Easter week will not win the approval of those interested in the welfare of our young people The Scientific Temperance law as it now stands asks for one hour per week of study upon this branch in the second and third forms and a brief specified course of leaching covering only four chapters of a small book in the fourth form with an examina tional test at the Entrance Important Points Enquiries made several times thru the T organizations of province have proved beyond any doubt that because the regulations for the 2nd and 3rd forms do not call for examinations at the close of the year the work done in these forms is far inferior to that in the fourth form It has also been proved not only by Canadian experience but by the much longer and broader tests applied on the other side of the lines that truths apart from physiology have little lasting effect It is after the teacher has shown the pupil the delicate nature of the brain that he can impress upon him the injury al cohol which is a brain poison does this organ It is after the pupil knows the structure of the lungs that he can appreciate the havoc alcohol can make among minute cells thru which he breathes Temperance teaching and Physiology cannot be separated without great loss to the pupil Proposed Changes The alterations proposed hy the Educational Association involve the dropping of the one examination granted and the dissevering of the subject from Physiology The Public School Section of the Educational As sociation in their meeting on April voted by a large majority against these changes The same night the General Association which was very attended by the Teachers adopted the proposed alter ations with some slight amendments Trie action thus taken does not ac tually effect any change The Edu cational of Government alone can do this But unless the people protest against them the re commendations thus made may have weight with the Department and cause future modifications of a law that needs strengthening instead of weakening Pursuant to- adjournment council met sit Baldwin on Monday May members- all present The appeal of Graham claiming that he was assessed too high and that of Jos claiming that Lyon had no right to be assessed for the East half of West ft df lot Con not being the bona fide owner thereof were dismissed The East J of lot Con was assessed to George tenant Johnston owner flour mill property was assessed to Jacob Cook The assessed to W- Louis jr Oliver Walter Cockburn and Nolan were struck the roll and the same finally re vised and the Court of Revision The Reeve was instructed to attend a meeting of municipal representatives to be held in Toronto on June to arrange a system whereby the County of York may receive its share of the Government grant to high ways Chapman was refunded the amount of his township tax for 1900 owing to his barns having been de stroyed fire The Clerk was ordered that in fit- ture whenever any appeals are lodged against the Voters List to personal ly serve all notices- in connection therewith i The desire of Sutton Council to re pair that portion of our just east of Crossing near Jacksons Point was concurred in and council resolved to jointly expend A portion of road division No was attached to No and the side line between lota and Con was attached to No Councillors- Snooks and Evans were appointed Commissioners to expend all grants of the sideline between lots and and Councillors Kay and all west of said side line said Commissioners were also empowered to erect or repair any cul vert necessary and if practicable have all contracts completed by Aug 1st The following grants were made for the improvement of the highways In No No No No No No No No No- 32 No No 20 No The Reeve Clerk and Councillors Evans and Kay were appointed a de putation to meet one from Brock Council re improvement of A few sheep claims and accounts were ordered paid Louis LaChapelle was appointed overseer in No Nicholson Laviolette in No in No and Phil lips in No Council adjourned to meet at Meth odist Hall Virginia on Monday the of August Y Co Limited WE SELL Parlor Suites Board Room Tables Parlor Tables Library Tables Tabourettos Couches and Sofas I Tilting and Arm Chairs pining Chairs Morris Chairs L L Roman Chairs Reception Chairs Hall Chairs and Settees Bedroom Chairs Arm Chairs Rockers Umbrella- Stand and Card Re- iv Office Desks and Filing vices People Who Have Bay that Dr Chases Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine affords wonderfully prompt relief for coughs and colds Everybody has confidence In Dr Chase In his great recipe book and famous family remedies They have learned by experience that pays to on hav ing Dr Chases Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine instead of accepting the various unscientific mixups which some druggists offer as Just as good Dr Chases Syrup of- Linseed and Turpentine contains many of the moat valuable and most remedial agents for throat and lung troubles science has discovered It acts so directly and promptly as to be of Incalculable worth In all eases of croup bronchitis and whooping cough It Is farreaching in its effects as to loosen cheat and cure the cold of long standing a bottle family three times as much fiOc at all dealers or an ion Dates Sc Co Toronto Chases Syrup Unseed land Turpentine The Office Specialty Mfg BAY STREET TORONTO Factory The steamer which sailed from Montreal for South Africa Mon day took horses Mr and Mrs Moses Snyder of were struck by a train while driving Berlin Mr Sny der was killed and MrsSnyder seri ously injured TherQ was an immense gathering at Melbourne on May 3rd in regard to the question of Edwards oath A resolution was adopted to the effect that the Kings oath could not be repealed or altered without en dangering the Protestant succession Ants can be driven away by the use of pulverized borax A number of prisoners undergoing hard labor terms at the London jail went on strike because they thot their working on the West London breakwater was an interference with free labor The ringleader was put In the black hole and the strike col lapsed- t To Cure a Cold in One Take Laxative Quinine Tab let All druggists refund It falls to cure Groves signature Is on each box 60 Horses Wanted TORONTO MOUNTED RIFLES Some or horses will re quired by this Corps lor drill purposes In Camp at Niagara from June to June inclusive Horses should be to hands high In good condition active and Three Years of Success During the above period I have- sold engines besides several Sep arators I have bad no lawsuits or disputes of any kind and so far as I know my customers are well yet have several Portable Engines for sale including the Cornell White and I can supply a full refitted rig at giving years timevv-Vv0- No cheap rig sold where- it wilfi sound No white or grey interfere with my regular Ointment London June A despatch to the JStandard from there has been a general strike there since Friday The trouble was by employes of the Octroi The Civil Guards fired on in the streets killing and wounding many Martial law has been pro claimed and cavalrymen are ling the streets of the city The shops are closed and business and raffle are at a standstill and people agree that Scotts don of codliver oil is thebesttHIng to take for dont feel mil and dont know why especially they like it men and women dont mind it but babies actually it i ti mi uii tit it sac you speak to a person look him in the face You are looking bad this morn ing John Last night you were racket And this morn ing- On the Moose are very plentiful this year in the forests of western Ontario A train ran over and killed two about 30 miles east of Rat Portage The crop prospects in Prussia are so bad Count Von has advised the various Government de- to take measures for pro viding State aid to the people where such may be needed I ll What wjittWll M4 CotfidWWAttawWWlMfla aim Tha PAGE CO horses taken Horses will be well fed and groomed Pay per day and upwards according to qual ity Apply at oclock Tuesday morn ing June 11th at the Armouries Queens Avenue Toronto Look out for men In Khaki uniform with green Or apply to GEORGE A PETERS Major College St Toronto A Good Acre Pari pot Sale Tender Tenders will bo received to the up to July for purchase Of the Quarter Of more or lew the Hie There I a log- thereon a good orchard and ever water The toll li a clayloom fair and In good condition Intending will la tender and amount cash to down For particular apply to Trial given and customers satisfied before asking for settlement JlcoiBEiFket- of J Estate Newmarket Executor SECURED for oar lBtertUn and How sraawIodSadY kUh In- end opinion whether testable applJemtionaJiTeofun proatcuied by we conduct fully office In Hon and to pro work and aeenre famished procured through Marion I Ma- Women to travel and advertise for Old of all in No required Give refer- and tumped to over loo the Dominion Patent of MARION MARION Patent and a Dwelling House And Garden Plot on Tecumseth St for Sale at a Bargain on reasonable Apply to JACKSON Real Estate Agent

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