Newmarket Era, 14 Jun 1901, p. 1

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j pp r INTELLIGENGEK AND 8 PAGES Girt me the liberty to know to utter and freely according to conscience all other liberty No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in No Single Coplea Each g t Newmarket Ont Friday June 1901 TERMSJ125 per annum if paid in advance v 3 t RMANENT DEG01 WATER Only 90c per Gallon Sanitary Waterproof tragedy 50 Robbery Affair Suicide In Jail v Last Friday afternoon in a moment scroll work in the shape panels ol after his return to Over this railing climbed the the preliminary hearing til he stood with his feet on th low- All Over The World tad most toe world Mil Deeded line which CTUingi mils breed and roib la U recommend It ftir in the with Let md of Cborcoi la balk Piint to suit every kind of work Buggy House Barn Roof or Bath Gold and Silver Enamels Varnishes Boat Buggy Hard Oil Finish and Fillers Glass and Putty HARDWARE NEWMARKET BICYCLE LIVERY hi Now is the Time TO ORDER YOUR Wedding Cake I For the June Wedding The very latest design of shape arid ornamenting Having had years of experience in many of the largest shops in the leading cities in Ontario we are prepared to make as pretty and as tasty a cake can be bought any where Jellies and Cakes to Fred Jacks- Seed Corn Feed Corn Land Plaster Land Salt the charge murdering Constable Boyd laid against him and that wherever he turned the about him leaped lrom the upper corridor the interior court to the paved floor below and alighting upon his head sustained in juries from which he died an hour lat er To escape the gallows the igno minious end his fight against public order Rut ledge took his own life without a moment hes itation by the only means at his dis posal The story these three men is one the most dreadful in the- recent or crime They all had a chance and all apparently deliberately a life of criminality to that of honest citizens They went on the downward way step by step theft robbery and murder The pace been terribly swift luring the past week and the- avenger blood has followed fast upon its spilling On Tuesday night- the pistol shot during the struggle in the cab and its fatal result the death a brave officer in the discharge of his duty Then the fight upon the street car in which th6 gallant and Stewart the plucky resource ful constable were the chief actors resulting in the recapture of the men On Wednesday the conviction of the prisoners ol the Aurora burglaries On Thursday the death of Jones the effects of the fight for freedom and tho wounds inflicted Stewarts pistol On Friday the crushing sen tence of years for burglary the ar raignment for murder and the mad leap of Rut ledge to his death As a tragedy the law-break- the story Rice and Jones is perhaps in Cana dian annals His Spirits Failed During yesterday and Rice had not only received sentences ol im prisonment for years but had heard the first evidence in a prac tically- impregnable charge of murder For almost a week the men had been dragged about from court to inquest and inquest to court and at every step their chances of freedom or even of lessened Yesterday the spirit of tailed He had hoped to escape the charge murder and the chances of being hanged for he believ ed Constable Stewarts evidence that it was Rice who fired the shot which killed Constable Boyd would save him When he discovered that the law would hole him equally guilty he broke down He came from the jail silent and downhearted and heard the sen tence of the court pronounced on him lor burglary without a show of emo tion and when Judge ask ed him he had anything to say why such sentence should not be pronounc ed Ie answered Nothing nothing as it were a matter of little bar his hand clutching the upper rail and his face to the wall It was as il a man intended to take a back dive water Loocening his grip on the rail threw hliuseU into the air His body shot diagonally to the paving The impetus Which he had given himself carried him outward and in a fraction of a second his head crashed upon floor He had accomplished his death in the way that he had planned it The height of the balcony is feet but the backward spring which gave sent his body out 15 feet J County Council TO RECOGNIZE BRAVERY The County Council on Monday af ternoon commenced its summer session in Toronto In addressing the Council Warden Chester referred to the un fortunate death County Constable Boyd While in the performance of his duty He- thought the Council might well consider what could be done to prevent the recurrence such a tragedy The report High Constable stated that petty thefts misdemeanors and disorderly conduct had greatly increased on the borders the city This was due he be lieved to the increase of population in the city and the absence of police protection beyond the city limits The roughs of the city on Sundays and holidays went out the to have a spree where they knew they were beyond police interference He asked lor- power to send constables out to attend to these people The Direct from W For tho distance from us that night The E who we were staying with had a patrol out on a kopje to our May now take the greatest pleasure in writing you that have arrived sale at destination which is He idle- rt they had man shot thru berg lor the present We arrived at lhe shoulder Cape Town April 25th and left that generally pulled out of the or arriving here lhe niornlng at daybreak then 2nd Way We inarched from the some camp on the road and boat right on the train so we did not have our break- see much of Cape Town but it looks possible 5 very pretty place on the sea shore saT several ostriches on the way with great mountains towering up be- ll Some of them were so tame hind it thousands feet high There would come up near the train is a fine harbor at Cafe Town and we would throw hard tack to there were several vessels in when we tnem They could swallow half a landed We got no reception owing at once There seems to be tc the Town being quarantined The n0 on Kaffirs in this part of the is not so bad now it is con- country Wherever there are soldiers fined to the negro portion the tamped there you will see a lot Town Kaffirs They also work on the first two nights of our journey and attend to Hocks of sheep we Were in Cape Colony and our goats and horses saw a way or train ran all night but as soon as we flock and goats on the got into the Orange Free State the would number train would stop at sundown for it was not safe to run at night for fear arrived at our Camp about six attack and the railroad being oclock Wednesday night 1st May blown up We came all the way up all up for us and we in open cars just like our flat cars went at once We are to at home Only there was a box around nodical inspection tomorrow us about feet high There were uniforms There are of us in a car We were wedged in about men here in camp all so close we could hardly move but England We enjoyed the trip fine as we had a good drill hours a day Our Squad- chance viewing the country all ron Known any longer as along the road Only of us went l Troop Canadian to our camp went to troop Is divided up into tern and to Pretoria They The sections are again have very looking engines on divided into squads six men forming here and rails are about a each having a Corporal in feet apart The railroad tracks I have No Squad in No run right up the side of great kopjes Section also have charge of a and when we go down grade they run Two men of my about miles an hour The part of Squadl went in- hospital today sick Cape Colony we passed through was think not very serious As for the roughest looking country ever have never been sick since I saw is not in it at all We Canada and never felt better in passed three kopjes thousands ol feet mv am tanned fine and high in fact it is one mass of rock towering up seemingly to the sky are camped in a good healthy About- every 4 miles along the sort of valley with a low Road soldiers were stationed who kopjes to the north and patrolled the road till they met the have good spring beat They are all infantry that to drink We go to bed early are gbarding the railroads There out at oclock arc quite a number ol Boers surrend- the week and 630 ering now day We had service this morning After we crossed the Orange River Sunday out on the grounds into the Free State we were constant- ani enjoying myself immensely up on the watch lor the Boers- have and the time goes very quickly habit of attacking trains and blow- weather here at present reminds up the Roads- Orange Free ver of Niagara as it is State seems to be a very nice place thru the day and gets The country is much smoother there chilly at night The winter here is Miss who Is to sing in the Town Hall tonight All Varieties of Seed Corn White Cob Yellow Dent Longfellow Early Mammoth Southern Sweet he and sometimes as far as eye can reach there is nothing but a level stretch plain covered with a brownish looking grass We stopped at Be Arr and on the way up They are just coming on and we expect to be in Barracks thru winter Well this is now the of May We have moved our Camp two miles We are now in a regular Fort with entrenchments all around us about Co Mills Huron St BO YEARS EXPERIENCE ft American cisUl jonmu a MEN AND Women to travel nd for old of old financial ezpenica all payable in cash required Jive and ad eased atamped en velope IMH I HI I A camel isnt necessarily irascible because he always has his back up Some people are too lazy to jump at conclusions Tot Infants aid Oaildren corridors of the jail centre in a rotunda around which balconies run on each story is lit from the roof and access to each floor is gained by a stairway iron which con nect the basement with the top floor This is In the form of a semi crclc it a view can be had almost every corridor in the jail On the second just at the landing of th spiral stairway is the entrance to the in which the convicts re ceive their meals and winding on up wards the stairway leading to the second balcony and chapel When tho march thru this rotunda and up to the diningroom oil tho second floor began Jail Guard Geo led tho way and after him came- the seven convicts Guard John bringing up the tear Rice was the second prisoner in line and the fourth When the landing was reached Guard Grove led tho way into trie diningroom and prisoners followed The fourth wheeled and darted three steps at a time up the second stair way Tho line halted a moment and- Guard whose way was by men ahead of him shouted for help how ever wis plainly- not attempting to escape for every leap up the twisting stairway sent htm farther away from the single means of exit from the rotunda In a moment prisoner had gained the upper balcony and had dashed around It until midway be tween the stairway and the wall balcony has a railing three feet towards the centre and he fell ft of liquors during prohibited hours His skull had been so terribly also had become very prevalent and cd that there was no hope of the re- several convictions had been obtained turn of consciousness At 427 against the vondors oclock Dr Richardson closed his High Constable referred watch and turning to the group with regret to the violent death of said The man is dead County Constable Boyd and testified The Bead Man the many good qualities and the Frank the dead man is a deceased both member of a family and and as a He was the only Canadian in the party f of which he was the heat His father heroism Constable Walter Stewart died when he was quite a boy and he Noone had escaped during the attack tiSVrSf I service rend- both pretty large Towns and where- W deep and feet wide with loop- ever one stops you see plenty of shoot thru and our Camp is soldiers because the whole place is surrounded by a double wire under Martial Law and no stores are that no one can get thru opened without special leave from the are a J mile up the side of a kopje commandant of the place There are thai we have a good view of the no hotels open at all and things are pretty high here Bread cost l shill ing for a 21U loaf spent one night at road The Boers were reported to be clost to us so at oclock our Squadron formed up and divided up Into an advance guard It was a surrounding country We are three- quarters of a mile from Town Thef Kaflir women carry loads on their heads and are very dirty looking peo ple went down Town on Sunday It is a very pretty place only since the war it has been neglected There are night Falconers general store by these men On the subject which was also of village was entered and a quantity of good taken The High County ol the method carrying prisoners from the court to the jail the High Constable reported as follows There has been much comment both Constable I eel suspected Rutledge who had disappeared A J telegram sent to Toronto and I the court house and he boy arrested Ho was taken to J hftg sentenced the M not ed Judge Scott of Peel to years vlcw in the penitentiary and remanded to jail before starting for Kingston In his cell wrenched one of the legs from the iro cot and lay in wait cltv has a van for the conveyance of mu nicipal prisoners or those who are to he tried before the Police Magistrate the safe conduct of prisoners But why the county should be blamed lor the guard a man named That evening as stepped in to give prisoner his supper Rut- pitch dark night and armed with six or seven churches all rounds ammunition and magazines tions some very nice stores and charged proceeded up the railroad beautiful shade trees We can go paces interval between each man down Town after four oclock A Our orders were to lie down fiat as good many of the native children here soon as wo could hear or see anyone dont wear any clothes and will eat coming and if we saw anyone mount- anything they can find Hoping this to Ire at once We extended out will find you all well at home I re- over the country and went out about main at ever J miles but no one was in sight and Corp Win Brock we got back about oclock next Troop Canadian SACV morning There was a fight a short South Africa ledge pounded the head with who to be voannn filmnct the tho weapon almost killing the guard His attempt at escape failed and he was sentenced to years Imprison ment for the At the end four years lor a reason not given he was pardoned went into the penitentiary a raw youth and came out of It the police say at the head of desperate crowd of bur glars V to as compared with for the same period four Inches high constructed of previous fiscal year tried by a Judge and jury or who have committed crimes not triable by the Police Magistrate are brought up to the court house and taken back in cabs just as the county prisoners are There are many more city prisoners brougnt up in cabs than county prisoners pays all this cab hire both for the city and county prisoners but the Government has nomore right to furnish a van Canadas aggregate trade for the for the County of York than for any eleven months ending May amount- other county of Province it ooo with would perhaps bo well for the judicial county to such a van for the convenience of this class of prisoners arid I suggest that this matter be re ferred to a committee of Council for consideration After the consideration of some communications Council adjourned until Monday morning next Tues day morning the members of Council left on the 7 oclock steamer for Niagara the guests of the Warden Please look pleasant remarked the photographer Snap went the camera Now maam he con tinued you may resume your natur al expression An American exchange thus bids farewell to a departed citizen He was a man ot push He played mar bles for keeps when a boy and all his playmates out of their allys he swapped a knife on wjari- a sold- As the result of a fire sight unseen tho steamer James Swift at Ottawa on Sunday morning one man Robert o ftnd ft Ireland was suflocated to death and flde threo others are at St Lukes He sUrted so pital- suffering from more or less choco CJts ftndmade a vcro injuries When he got a thousand of Chicago visited dollars ha organized convpany with his place capital mostly water and to inquire about his wife sold the stock at par When had left him Mrs McCord re- pany busted it was found out be had tell him where Mrs sold out some time before When he was and he deliberately shot her dead died he was a millionaire and he left and then killed himself in the presence it all here It is warm where be is of the family now l

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