Newmarket Era, 14 Jun 1901, p. 2

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i WSV TOW FRIDAY tE frit GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TIME TABLE I a a- a CO rt CO CO a CO CI a A CO CO Q IS 1 i forming a simple act ok justice to wards entrusted the out municipal No one ever thought upon preceding Sheriffs to the pres ent incumbents of he now divided of fice or not having a special Tan or conveyance of prisoners to and jail although crimin als fenians and rebels have been con veyed for trial hence to censure now because the unexpected has hap pened is not specially creditable to their ability to forecast the necessities coming events It is easy to talk about locking the stable after the horse has been stolen On Column PERSON Sir was a guest at Mr Irwins over Sunday Mr Jackson spent over Sun day with friends at seems that the very week that Conferences Synods and kindred associations should be as- iathis city that this very I period should marked by the most crime in its criminal An unfavorable criticism to Site ra Never Lets Up and Better Each Issue All Type Set in Newmarket All Printing Done at Home EDITORIAL JOTS The statement that the Duke and Duchess will go to St John via tie short line thru Maine denied in a despatch from Ottawa Their Royal Highnesses it- is said have no intention passing through foreign territory and will travel by Intercolonial Railway on their trip to Maritime Provinces FRIDAY JUNE A rumor prevails in usually well informed political circles in Toronto that on the widening of tAe Imperial Privy Council so as to admit Colonial representation Hon Edward will be asked by the Dominion Government to retire British House Commons a seat on the bench as Canadas representa tive of the Miss Aurora is the constables as corn- guest Miss Partridge this week to veryiust- Andrew Hunter is visit- by a county official for a couple of weeks aW from Miss Gertie Curtis but they have got away spent Sunday with Miss Effie Webster c locked up Victoria Ave 1 cells and in one instance Mrs Adair left for Parry Sound Saturday alter a som0 about delightful visit an insurance on the lives of county John McDonald of Toronto consUb but who is son Bandmaster was are be insured and home over Sunday l no Undue Censure Toronto World makes a silly blunder oi is guilty ol the grossest deception in regard to its implied in terpretation law respecting the County Sheriff and his relations to the constabulary doing duty at the General Sessions In the first place it censures- him for not having a spe- ambulance lor carrying prisoners te and the jail yet it ignores the fact that neither Sheriff nor Mowat are required by law i to furnish a vehicle that character at their own expense for the benefit of the Province Then again the EWorld sets itself up as a sort of second Daniel come to judgment and intimates that the Sheriff underpays his constables although everybody sufficiently informed to be able mtel- to criticize our municipal or criminal system knows perfectly well that County or City Constables are not paid by Sheriffs neither is the amount of stipends they receive fixed by Sheriffs but by Provincial statute The West Durham election case was brought to a close on Saturday at The seat was voided and a new election ordered The Judges agreed that bribery was proven on part an agent of Thornton This finding was thought sufficient by all parties and the court declared vacant the seat was never fill ed No decision was given on the marked cheque controversy The question of costs has yet to be deter mined by the court The report published in some journ als to the effect that the soldiers who received land grants would have to settlement dues thereon is denied by Hon Mi Davis Commissioner of Crown Lands Id a recent interview ha said that the bill making the grants clearly provided against settle duties being paid by soldiers The Government he said bad even gone further and had provided against the 160 acres being touched any debts The only taxes the soldiers have to pay are school taxes to this unfair criticism of city the Hamilton Times makes the following cons ent The Toronto World which 7 has had a big sharp knife out for Sheriff now demands that he should be dismissed for permitting the tragedy of Tuesday Why not call for the dismissal of all of Toron tos police and detectives for the throwing of revolvers into the prison cab There Is just about as much reason for one demand other- But the Toronto Slar to scent the underlying cause for this arraignment of the Sheriff when it says When the World in its relentless pursuit of political advantage for its proprietor in Bast York criticises Sheriff Widdi field it makes so free with the facta that it defeats itself and exposes Its purposes Possibly the P for East York in his demand for the Sheriff dismissal has a fanciful no tion that the prospective Whitney- Foster combination in North Toronto may be able to defeat the present Government at the approaching gen eral elections in which case this de mand for the Sheriffs official head can be executed to the special advan tage the man who thinks he knows more law than specially called upon to administer the same But there are other Toronto papers the EWorld which criticize the County authorities for not having a special van for the conveyance of prisoner from the jail to the court house oi vice versa and they too censun without authority Under law persons remanded to Jail tor trial charged with crimes committed against the Dominion Code at once become Provincial or State prisoners and a special ambulance van is re quired by the Provincial authorities let the same be furnished by the Gov ernment Council of York is not called upon to provide any such van except for the con veyance such prisoners as may have offended against municipal by laws Under this Countys present relationship to the City both munlcl- one judicial district and were a prisoners BlackMarle a necessity both municipalities and Government Ontario would be to con- towards cont and main tenance in just proportion at each now contribute towards the expense ol criminal justice If our in Toronto who teem to manliest so ardent a desire to have a al County officials and County Councillors would only take the tsouble to Inform whereof The statement made by the Ottawa Citizen to the effect that Sir Oliver had been invited to give up Government House for the use of the and Duchess of Cornwall but he declined to do so is flatly contradicted In reply to a Globe reporter respecting the statement Mist Mowat of the said they had not been ask ed to give up Government House On Tuesday referring to this same rumor the Citizen Hon Mr Ross stat ed that their Royal Highnesses would be the guests of Sir Oliver during their stay in Toronto and that their Exoellencies Lord and Lady Mlnto would be the guests of the Gov ernment at the Parliament Buildings on the occasion According to description given by Mrs the in the Canadian are scru pulously honest and almost wholly good She thinks their goodness shines out all toe brighter because of fierce persecution they had endur ed while the wicked Russian Social ist whose photograph was not prepossessing was tbe villain of the ptot Mrs described fully the benefits of the community system whereby all draw such sup plies as they need from the communal storehouse and give their work for the common good Want for the sick and aged was unknown in a community They were not re lieved by charity the word was dis tasteful to but as ter of right and a matter of Jove for the brotherhood The charge that they refused register their marri ages postively untrue In Russia registration always meant conscrip tion wiUi them but as they come to understand its purpose they have no objection thereto Miss Millard Toronto daughter Mr Alex Millard is visiting with her cousins at The Avonmore Mr and Mrs Maurice Hill street entertained a number of young peoph last Tuesday evening Mr Addison Black of Ottawa and a gentlemen friend from King were visiting friends on Victoria Ave Sun day Mrs Webb was sufficiently recovered from her recent operation at Toronto Hospital to return home this week Miss Harrison of Richmond Hill was visiting her sister Miss Har rison at Starrs store for several days Mrs Jackson spent over Sun day with her daughter Mrs at Hamilton also Rev and Mrs A Cane and family Mr and Mrs Amos Wilson also Mr Davison and sister spent civic holi day at Orchard Beach Mrs Geo Ricliardson and family Mr and Mrs jr took tea with Mrs at Orchard Beach on Civic Mrs Cane was in the southern part the County two or three days last week on U work and remained in the city over Sunday- rHaving been laid off work for sev eral weeks with sickness Mr Fred Jones intends going up north topend a couple ol months on Canes tug at v Miss Irwin daughter of Mr Irwin was married to Mr Principal of Perth High School on Wednesday afternoon It a very quiet wedding Messrs O Tench and Harry Phillips have gone to to superintend the construction of a car woodwork shipped from Canes Factory The latter may be there some time An address and purse were pre sented Rev W Amos by the mem bers of Presbyterian Church at Aurora on Wednesday evening of last week in recognition ol his years service as pastor ol the church there Last Thursday afternoon Mr W editor of Standard dropped in to see our improved machinery at work and paid the Era office quite a compliment He remained over night the guest of Mrs Jackson Tribune J was at Newmarket yesterday to visit mother who has been ill for a of weeks from and found her so far recovered as to be able to get out of bed She Is In year Id the absence of Rev at Conference last the pulpit the Methodist Church was occupied by Rev Mr Ruddle a young man College who gave two very good sermons and also taught Normal Class Mr and Mrs John spent part ol civic holiday In with Dr Patterson who celebrated his birthday last Monday The Gazette says During the afternoon and evening many friends In town called tc congratulate him Nu merous presents were received from friends In town and also from bridge Whitby and other places where the genial doctor Is well known JMMER DRESS GOODS In a game of golf between teams from Rochester and Toronto on Sat the latter won with compara tive ease Hon Mr Davis and the Government axe feeling elated over the success of the excursion Two bigamists were convicted in the Police Court this week one was sent to goal for months and the other months at the Central Prison the wellknown fur rier is in the Emergency Hospital suffering from painful injuries sustain ed by being run down on Monday evening near Toronto and King by a horse and wagon driven by a market gardener of Aboot the- delegates to the convention ol International Asso ciation of Machinists spent Monday night at Island where the bowling alley and dancing pavilion were placed at their disposal The College of Physicians and Sur geons examination results winch were to be published on the will not appear till the of this month Hon A Hardy exPremier of Ontario has been dangerously ill from appendicitis An operation has been performed yd I Wrappers at About twenty places of beautiful Muslins and Ginghams in all the new and Stripes the colors guaranteed fast regular price is and per yard You take your Choice at per yard f Fin Print Wrappers in new patterns and fast colors regular price Your choice this at Fine Skirts 150 Very fine Sateen Underskirts In rich shades of Old Rose Bluet Fine Shoes British insurance companies lost by a great fire at Ant werp A garden party under the auspices the Ladies of Egypt Methodist church will be held on tbe grounds of James Kay Vachellon Friday the Gait June Fire this morning totally destroyed the peat mill owned by J Hogg Co which has been in operation for about years The loss is over only half of which was covered by insurance 00 line This Mens Coat i 2 Tweed Waterproof Coats for Men Coats like v7 these have always sold at to Any size at 1- The On Wed nesday June the residence of the brides father by the Rev P Cameron Mr Wellington of Oshawa to Miss Conners of MOORE In Toronto on June 1st by Rev A Moore of Hamilton assisted by Rev Dr To veil Mr Geo p Sampson of to Miss Fanny A Moore At the residence of the brides parents Observatory Farm on June 12th- by Rev Keam Mr Austin A of to Miss daughter Mr The ceremony took place on the lawn about guests being pres ent Miss Laura Stewart Toronto bridesmaid and Miss was maid honor Mr Hunt of was groomsman Lottie of Newmarket played wedding march and Mr W photographed the wedding party v Mens very fine hard Serge Suits in Black and Dark Blue like these IXLen l at All sizes from to- TIM 9 coll oil for XSSii ZrtZ very latest Fur Felt at is J We sell all the latest Collars for Men made of pure linen and in every shape the price 1b each Our price for Mens Derby Hats at 15P JUNE speak It would at least A despatch Winnipeg to the Ontario press states that rumors a dissolution of the present Provincial Assembly are In the air The Government now controlling the af faire Manitoba Is a creation of circumstances which were brought to pass by the of Hon Hugh John Macdonald to link his fortune and defeat with Sir Charles at the last Dominion elections At present it it supposed that Hon Mr and his colleagues are very mucl exercised oyer something and that they now realize that parlia mentary government under the crown carried on certain limitations and clearly denned by constitutional practice and by prece dent it pretty generally under stood that the Government is not at all prepared to go to the even a remote possibility of such necessity is unpalatable to Its member They feel that besides be ing a discredited administration and besides baying the odium of Introduc ing the spoils system from the United States Into that province they have alse been guilty of the liquor act be per- deceit Kv- Fought Tuio Pretoria A British con voy containing a number Boer wo men and children while proceeding from Bethel to last Sat urday was fiercely attacked by alarge commando Boers under Command- Viljoen and Thi British escort consisted of men The Boers attacked the convoy with great vigor and In their anxiety to guns they rushed at tinjes within yards range A fierce rear guard continued for days At convoy approached the enemy The enemys casualties amounted to killed and wounded and out casualties were six killed wounded convoy between and had a sharp brush with the enemy When crossing the was again attack ed by men strong The fighting which ensued was severe hut the enemy were defeated In their attempt to capture the convoy Three broke down In the drift but thes were burnt and nothing fell In to the hands the enemy Tbe Boer lossis known to be 14 killed and 3 wounded The Mount Albert on Wednesday June Ella daughter the late Critten den aged 33 and months In East on the 7th June Alfred Park father of Mrs Thos Morris aged and days THE LEADING and Undertaking House Queen Victoria was in her bridal robes A SPECIALTY Night calls at tended to at residence street John TELEPHONE 7 RECOMMENDEp BY Ponds Extract Over fifty yean a Coughs and all to occur every home one Extracts Ba Mn oat Mid In labif GIFTS IN I Sets Tea Sets Lemonade Sets Toilet Sets Berry Sets Salad Sets Fancy Stand Lamps and Hanging Lamps at- prices away down to clear BASK and MITSf V BASE BALL CLUBS LACROSSE STICKS LACROSSE BALLS GO special at and 300 The In Aurora June to Mi anil Mrs A a j- June 1st to Mr and Mrs a daugh- DALES At June to Dr and Mrs Dales a son WALLACE In June 1st to Mr and Mrs H Wallace a daughter on Sat urday June to Mr and Mrs Moorehead a son CUTTING On the Con of King to Mr and Mrs Jos Cutting a daughter I A GROCERIES PROVISIONS FRUIT Campers Supplies BOILED HAM POTTED MEATS7 FRESH CANNED GOODS ALL FRUITS IN SEASON ORANGES LE1JONS BANANAS 7 All Best Fancy Biscuits on the market Fancy Tea Biscuits our own make per lb New Port GB Con Ice Cream A SPECIALTY a a Orders receive Careful Ant Prompt Attention IriiHvlilltlll TO The PanAmerican May 1st to Nov 1st The Grand Trunk is the Direct and Popular Route from all points to Buf falo I- V CENTRAL TELEPHONE Elegant and Superior Service Parlor Pullman and Dining Care on through trains For alt Information as to rates train service tourist literature Ap ply to agents Grand Trunk Railway System v Full information and from of Grand Trunk AMCOLRLLAN Agent 7 Agent

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