Newmarket Era, 14 Jun 1901, p. 4

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I i v Constipated Bowels or of tht towel la probably the of and Buffering than any Once the Wdopya torpid ani the atom- and whole digestive ayatem com pletely Interfered with la of vision pains the back and the ac cumulation of wind and on the stomach pains and in the re ason of the and Z can never be cured by fi of and almilar and debilitating Dr KidneyLiver Pills not only the natural of the bowels atremthen and ii as to enable them to regularly rietforo their without SET of One pill a dose 25 MQtl dealer ERA afflaSJa Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills Barrister Street Newmarket to Loan on good Farm eourfty Solicitor Notary Ibarra atafa Court Newmar ket Ontario L to Chopplo South or Flat flee South or Herbert Aurora will beat Newmarket on Saturday and Court tfVfoUvttoAfor J Roe A and Ontario Bank Aurora I J j S Money to loan rxoSaxton Block We are pleased to notice that in cordance with made to Hon J Davis a carload fi was deposited in Lake at Jacksons Point last Saturday The TeiegraraVi announces another in the Conservative program lor North Toronto It- remarks as Conservatives declare with the utmost freedom that the Hon Poster will be the Conserva tive candidate tor the legislature in North Toronto He will be big gun in th Tory carripaign and the WhitneyFoster combination is expect ed to carry the province and put the Ross administration into opposition- Mr Foster is now a citizen of Ontario and Toronto The runny part in regard to this new combination is that the Conservative papers of the city are silent on the subject Per- J haps they have not come in contact with that section the Conservative party who want Mr Marter to step aside for Torontos new citizen The Montreal Grand Jury brought in a true bill against Jones and John Toronto who acting under the name of Jones Company are charged with forging testimonials belonging to Vapo-Creso- Co while introducing a in competition with said Com pany when up lor commit tal tried to prove he had no connec tion with Jones Co He said he was employed by but he did know who was in the firm He never heard of any other names in connection with it He had no inter est in tie profits but in cross exam ination he admitted he signed checks Jones Co without power of at torney without per alter the signature- There is a great deal of interest in the case among business people as the decision will establish an important precedent UNFORTUNATE CONDITION OF MISS ERNESTINE Interesting battels NOW IN SOUTH AFRICA h kind permission Ross we herewith give some extracts of public interest front Major SfiooI Report letters to his wire Paul Burg March 31sfe She Grew Older Her Troubles Be- would write any way came More PronouncedDoctors Case Was One of time It has rained nearly every Debility and Held out Small day Hope of RecoveryShe is out of feed for horses Well and Strong A Lesson for and rations for men The rivers Parents a A- Kefonner Block Money to Loan fl I opposite DR vBDlW to Dr Drugstore DR Correction of Irregular teeth given Special Attention Jobbing a A Agent for run Honey to at Curt en the nice New market Council met at Hills Hall on Wed nesday the of May After mak ing the necessary affidavit they organ ized as a Court of Revision Coun cillor in the chair The appeal of Thos to duce his assessment was not enter tained Armstrong was assessed as owner of lC of lot 24 Con in lieu of J Woods Allan placed on the Roll as MF J lot Con John was assessed as Ten ant lot Con was assessed as owner of J lot- ion Robert Smith and were erased from the Roll having left the Township The following were added lo the Roll Mills Geo Milton Cook Henry Johnson Geo Claugh- ton A Hoover Joseph Tunney Williams Robt Brown Mark John Crake Luther Pot tage Philander Jaques Dogs destroyed or disposed of as sessed to the following parties were erased from the Roll Grieve Reynolds John Jos Collard D Lehman Brandon Abra ham Miller and John Miller The Roll as amended was passed and the Court adjourned i- A fl Ramsay ra Bates and Low prank Newmarket PAINTING between between between 30 between between 50 opposite alae liiwllar promptly neatly and In Ian aaaoclated with a Car ole ana era can aPWh OB Hardware Store or at the residence of ilrjfi head of Street Bolton Painter House Decorator a v Street Lane 9 Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES I udf aw at If J wr OF MARRIAGE Council Meeting Communications from County Clerk re Good Roads Convention P- J Bowman claim for- damages to stove and furniture tuhave been caused by Petition signed by others asking for aid to gravel the side Line between lots and in and Concessions The following grants were made for road improvements on between and Con be tween lots- 15 and Con on Con opposite lot 31 between lots 30 and- Con lots and Con- 6 lots and Con lots and Con lots 30 and 31 Con lots and Con lot Con between lots To and on Town Line north on sideline east of Au rora provided Aurora Council appro priate 200 for same purpose The Treasurer was instructed to pay P Brooks on sawed cedar W Banbury damages to cutter and harness J VanNos- Estate lumber J injury to crop by road in fields Kennedy injury to crop by road in fields Councillor was instructed to repair- bridge on 2nd Con op posite lot The Reeve and Councillor were instructed to Investigate the al leged claim of damages of J How- man and deal with the matter as they deem wise McDonald was instructed to repair hill on 3rd Con line at lot Lehman was appointed No Con In lieu of removed The Council were authorized to tend the Good Convention Council adjourned to meet- at Halt on the 3rd of July From the Telegraph Quebec No discovery in medicine in modern times has done so much to bring back the rich glow of health and the natur al activity of healthy young girls as has Dr Williams Pink Pills Girls delicate from childhood have used these pills with remarkably effects and the cherished daughter of many a household has been transform ed from a pale and sickly girl into a happy and robust condition by use Among the many who have regain ed health and strength through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills Is Miss Ernestine the fifteen-year- old daughter Mr A residing at No street Quebec city Mi in an in terview with a representative the Telegraph gave the following account his daughters illness and recovery Almost from infancy my daughter had not enjoyed good health her con stitution being a trail character We did not pay much attention tocher weakness as thought that she would outgrow it Unfortunately this was not the case and as she grew older she became so weak that I got alarmed at her condition For days at a time she was unable to take out of exercise she became listless her appetite failed her and as time went on she could not stand without supporting herself against something and at times she would in n taint called in a doctor but his did not help her and she was growing weaker than ever other physician was then consulted who pronounced her case one of gener al debility and gave me very little hope for Her recovery Some months age while reading one of- the daily papers I came across the case of- a woman cured by the use of Williams Pink Pills deter mined to give them a trial After she had used about three boxes the began to come back to her cheeks and she began to grow strong er Greatly encouraged by this she continued to use the pills for several months and now she is as well as any girl of her age Her appetite is good and she gained thirtyfive pounds in weight Dr Williams Pink Pills have built up her system and have made her healthy and active after doctors failed to benefit her I be lieve that Dr Williams Pink Pills are the greatest known medicine for grow ing girls and I would advise their use in all cases similar to that my daughters Miss Clout story should bring hope to many thousands of other young girls who suffer as she did Those who are pale lack appetite suffer from headaches and palpitation the heart dizziness or a feeling constant weariness will find renew ed health and strength In the use of a few boxes Williams Pink Pills Sold by all dealers or sent by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brampton June Benjamin Parsons a wholesale butcher this morning between and oclock killed his wife and suicided by cutting their throats from ear to ear with a large butcher knife for some time had been deeply irTected by the loss of a child six years age and expreasior to the belief that ho bad nothing to live for f i Children cry for by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deaf ness and that is by constitutional medics Deafness Is canned by an in flamed condition of tie mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When tube gets inflamed you have a rumbl ing sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed in ttie result and unless can be taken out this restored to its normal condition hear ing will be destroyed nine out of ten are caused which Is nothing but of the mucous surfaces We- will give One JilaF any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that can not I cured Halls Catarrh Cure Send for free J Co Toledo Sold by Druggists Halls Family Pills are the best General Servant to go to tor summer Must be good Cook and used to children Apply at once MRS J E CANE are very high The Boers ntc not much on the fight these days is too wet I had one of my guides shot in the calf of hi leg and one of the scouts captured but he escaped I am expecting my Majors commission soon as General told yesterday that he intended to have put in orders in place of poor Gat Howard- I intend coming home after the war that is if I get good in the Trans vaal Police arid General says he will see to that himself As soon as we get through here I am go ing to Cape Town to recruit more men for the scouts as have tost a good many have not received any mail for two months not even a pa per but I expect- to find lots waiting for me at Pretoria Dundee April I have reached civilization once more and am not sorry It been a fine trip and Ihaveseen a large part off the country next move will be to the Bush veldt It will- be a winter trip When I reach Cape Town I will try and recruit an other hundred men so I can do better work It is very hot here in Dundee but a very pretty place We have not been doing much fighting lately had one of my Kaffir scouts killed and three others had their horses shot We captured Boers and kill ed a Field Cornet last week I also got 3200 head of cattle in one day About six columns- have returned Pretoria Cape Town May 2nd I arrived here a couple of days ago had quite an experience on the way down About six days before I arriv ed some man had been in all the towns on the line and passed himself off for me and then returned to the Boer General sowhen I reach ed a station called I- was met by Lord Henry Scott Major of the Royal Scotland arrested for a spy I showed letters from Lord Kitchener and General Alderson that I had received the night before but he still- insisted- that I was the man he wanted so he placed a guard of three armedmen and a over me and then had the cheek to ask me to promise on the words of a gentle man that J would not try to escape I asked him what he had me arrested for but he gave me no satisfaction There were about seven brother offic ers on the train that knew me but he would not listen to them He thought lie had made a big capture I then taken back to Kronstad and as soon as I arrived there was released as every one knew me I wrote to General Alderson about the case and asked him to see Lord Kitchener and make Lord Scott apologize to me In public Another Ross in Cape Town- has been personating me He passed himself oft on Lord Roberts and Kitchener and it was quite a while before they found out he was a fraud they are so anxious to oersonate me I wish they would do It in the field and not in the towns I was forgetting to tell you that I have received the Distinguished Sex- vice Order and Medal I am getting congratulations from all over I am sending you the cases curios which hope you will receive all right I expect to leave here for an other town called about 100 miles from here I will get 40 Australians to join my scouts from there I suppose you know they have the plague in Cape Town but it is mostly confined to the native portion As soon as I return to Pretoria I will right off on trip do not know when I will return but I in tend to see the war and if I am spared will come home for a it Trusting this may find you all well I remain your loving husband C J Robs Major Ross Canadian Scouts No Sir 1VV Merle l Will Geneva IV Crittenden Arthur Taylor Herman Sadie Burrows Ada Helen Kay Stanley Armstrong John Sr ii Maurice Roy Stiles- Jessie Roy Taylor Bertram Owens Maud Alice Glover Charlie Thomas Vjr Miller May Small- wood Agnes SriPti Taylor George Stiles Elmer jr Edith Stiles I Lome Burrows Kay Kay Vera Charlie Owens Ethel Thomas Rachel Present every daySadie Burrows Ada Taylor May Small- wood Nettie Miller Merle Miller Maurice Roy Stiles Miss teacher AND INDIA TEA OR BLACK The Choice Rests with You Will you continue using imp handrolled tea when a better article grown on British soil at your disposal Both Greens Sample on application Ceylon Teas sold in sealed lead pacts only never In bulk Black W Ceylon Green Address SALAft A Toronto Pvogtram Concept Tonight PARTI I Overture S Solo Solo No Sharon Class H Morrison Jr Wesley A Fart Watson R Vernon Black Haines Smith Jr II M- ftlcKrilf Jr Black Simpson J e Nichols Vernon Nichols A Trent I Simpson Black J Jr Hughes O Morrison Nichols Barker Long teacher fm mm mm m a liillMIPH 4 Orchestra V Song Miss Beverley Robinson a I Dream of Loves Dilemma J Richardson Miss Alice A- Well Fight for tbn Grand Old Flag Miss Flossie Sword Misi Blanche Song She Wandered Down the Mountain Side Clay Miss Robinson Comic Song Delaneys Chicken Ml Blake Hewitt March of Peace Orchestra Hughes Belhaven V Class Edna Morton J Stella Mahoney Jennie Draper Carl Morton absent one Class max 550 Noah Draper King Frances Bertie absent Jr max Walter Draper 36 Raymond York Allan Ethel Morton 302 absent III max Stanley Mahoney Fern Morton Dora Mahoney Ethel Nelson Lloyd Pol lock Maud Aimer 430 Rich ard absent Jr Hi max Harry Cecil Stanley Adele Winch 243 George Fair barn Class max 450 Vivian Gilpin Samuel Hiram King Myrtle Draper Willie absent J A Breils teacher No Whitchurch Leila Reynolds Walter Reyn olds Ida Taylor III P Jordan Arthur Jr Ill Annie Miles Stephens Garfield Clara Ste phens Jr Walter Browning Milton Graham a Hade Trent Minnie Graham P H Cecil II Dot Flin- toff A Bunch of Blackberries Orchestra Theres a Land Frances Miss Alice A Nells Ride to Camp Louise Rogers Miss Alice M Partridge Descriptive Song- Dolly Gray Barnes J Mr Scott Little Boy Blue Reginald Miss Comic Song The Man Who Hypnotized McCarthy Mr Hewitt- Miss Beverley Robinson Miss Blanche GOD SAV13 THE KING Cake Walk Solo Reading mm that Slip or Pinch men fit eye glasses thej fifllrpily yet comfortably as near the eyes as the lashes will ailotf each eye todkihg through the centre each glass Comfort assure Satisfaction guaranteed Atknsoti GRADUATE OPTICIAN MnCo Taint MANKIND CANNOT Let fcW tar ova home I AUVOfii a -1MC- 1- NO should be without It PainKiller the best allaround medi cine ever made Used as a liniment for bruises and swellings Internally for cramps and diarrhoea Avoid substitutes there Is hut one KUler Perry Davis and Chas Is prepared to take contracts for lousePainting Kal- etc or by the day years experience Residence Old School Lot Street VfTHOTHUBT WORTHY MRS to travel and ad vert ts for old of year and all In No required Give apd atampeilcn- C Medico Pretoria June Col Wilson with Kitcheners Scouts has sur prised and routed Boers belong ing to Beyers commando miles west Warm Baths The Boers re sisted stubbornly but finally broke and lied leaving dead prison ers and all their wagons and supplies including cattle in the hands of the British The loss of the latter was three men killed and wounded Cape Town June 9 The British surprised two Boer laagers at differ ent points in Cape Colony Thursday night and captured 42 prisoners 15- rounds ammunition and a quantity supplies A railroad wreck occurred near Pre toria on June in which soldiers killed and many injured London June Lord Kitchener in a despatch Irons Pretoria under txn date says the number of Boers kilted surrendered dur ing the last rronth totalled 2640 From June to Juno twentysix were killed four wounded 409 were mad prisoners and and rifles rounds of ammunition wagons and horses were captured Good Acre Farm pot Sale by Tender Tenders will bo received underalKnc up to July for the Bart Quarter of GO low ThUlslhe There la a log and a new bank biro also a rood orchard and water The aoll Is a food clay loom fair and everything good condition Intending will send In tenders price and amount of to down lor apply to Solicitor tor and Not true An may person to try an article a FIRST time But an advertisement wont Induce- a person that article a SECOND time unless it aatla Sunlight Soap has a fade larger than combined sales of any other three aoapa Miss Sarah of 14yearold girl was killed in tho corset factory by a piece of machinery tailing upon her TO NERVOUS of Rich mond street Toronto says My daughters nerves were so exhausted and she was so weak and that she had to give lip and woe An may In to try foAP once that makes SUNLIGHT SOAP WOTMHft old ERA r Prospect Ave TOR AT THE J Hon J I Taxie and Mr H were by the a victim o Dr Chases Nerve Food proved an ex- company attended the remedy in restoring her to and strength After having used four boxes she at Work again healthy arid happy a box at all for Three Success During the xV6 I have Bold engines BeveraV have hid bo or disputes of and far- as I know my well I have several j for sale including and lean supply a full refitted rig at giving years time No cheap rig sold where It will interfere with my regular Trial given nnel customers before for settlement Cream Separators The to the market use yew cheer fully given by Lot Con PO sole agent torNewmaricet and vicinity A

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