1 0AP1TAD REST a NEWMARKET BRANCH i General Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits If DRAFTS ISSUED AT fltritoK And American an attended to Manager jWps Simpson and Goods THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE WHAT OH JH ft ABOUT Too Good Jo A friend mites I heard a deli cate compliment to the Era which is too good to keep One of East most intelligent resi dents being would he be at home on Friday replied Oh I an always at home on Friday it is day r NEWMARKET MARBLE Works DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call fe BUY YOUR SEEDS AT Seed Store Opposite Hotel The Beat are always Reliable Just cheap other and no Id up laappolntmeot about Overcoats a Everyone should possess one Its a good inestmentfpr theres years of set vice lit them and tie price paid neednt be beyond anybodys Spring Overcoat light in weight light in colorsheavier in weight darker in color from any Overcoating material thai you wish perfect fit- moderate In price correct in patterns to choose from McDougaU Co Messrs Hunter and A Hunter have formed a as j i Contractors Builders And are now in a position to take contracts for all branches of Mason Work Estimates Given at Short And satisfaction guaranteed boiler setting a specialty TEAMS FOR All kinds of Carting and Teaming done on Short Notice THOS HUNTER Timothy Street East ANDREW HUNTER Street 11 you enjoy firstclass singing dont miss the Concert in the Town Hall tonight We will all gladly welcome the home grown strawberries The WMS of the Methodist church are sending a box of quilts and to the NorthWest Indian Mission week Ladies Cotton Vasts Short and Long Sleeves at Hughes Thimbu Tea The regular meeting ot the will take place next Tuesday at the residence fiirs Cane commencing at 3 oclock to which all ladies interested are cordial invited On the conclusion the business Mrs Cane will a Tea On the following afternoon the Union intends to visit Indus trial Home On 2nd of May Mr Ben- and his staff of carpenters com- the erection of the new tene ment on Church street for Jack son- Last Monday morning Mr Hunter and his men finished the ma son wprk and the carpenter work was completed yesterday just six weeks from the time of commencing the building Mr aso completed the outside painting yes terday and Mr Bolt Hewitt- will pro bably finish the inside painting this week This house has gone up about the quickest of any ever- built in tbis Town and is not slighted in any par ticular Every man has done his best to make the Job a credit- to the Town and they have succeeded Summer Corsets And are right for this hot weather all for Cash FULL VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY York Teachers Institute for North York which was held in the Model School at June and was profitable and enjoyable meeting An excellent paper on Composi tion was read by Mr Geo Hopkins and quite a lengthy discussion fol lowed In the absence the secre tary Rev Mr read Mr paper on School Helps- Then Use and Abuse Ml- who was pres ent gave a paper on Relative Im portance Quality vs Quantity in School Work- Mr Shaw Toronto Business Col lege introduced How to Improve Writing in Public Schools and a most animated discussion took place Teachers presented their diffculties and Mr Shaw suggested methods by which the evils common in writing might be remedied I On the Agricultural cicty Messrs and Coombs came the teachers asking their aid in th6 School Competitions at Fall Fair The last paper Thursday was given by the Rev Mr on The Teacher outside the School and alter an animated discussion the meeting adjourned On Thursday evening the Rev Mr McMillan St Enochs Church To ronto lectured on Haunts and Homes Sir Walter in the Temperance Hall The lecture was exceedingly interesting and all who heard it were delighted On Friday morning Mr Holland Landing gave a paper en Entrance History Mr Toronto gave a -lemon- stranoa the- use History Charts and distributed some charts among teachers In connection with Mr Davidsons paper on School Libraries he urg ed upon the teachers to try to secure better reading matter Eor their pupils and also to introduce more suitable supplementary reading into the schools In the afternoon Rev Mr Amos of Aurora spoke on the subject How may the Use ol the Bible be Extend ed Mr Aurora a paper on Hints as to how to Study and Mr of Richmond Hill V J- p Rev 1930 June 16 Unless she la a mother No If the baby has drained her vitality its care is a if in short the baby is a burden instead of a blessing how can she enjoy it She loves it but- she cannot feed it She yearns for it but has not the strength to fondle it There is nothing more beautiful in world than a healthy mother and her healthy child The madonna is the reach of human art In the serene strength which art gives to the typical mother anil child- there is distinct dental of suffering and weakness as a necessity of motherhood But how few women are there to whom motherhood is naturally an abiding joy In how many cases woman dates loss of from birth of her To all such suffering women Dr Pierces Fa vorite Prescription comes as a veritable It prepares the mother for hour of trial her nerves encourages her appetite and brings her restful sleep It makes the babys ad vent practically painless and gives the mother abundant strength to nurse and nourish her child Every claim for n Favorite Pre scription is supported by the testimon ials of wives and mothers thousands in number and covering in their several experiences the range of womanly suffering In a jjreat number of cases after the utter failure of all doctors and medicines Dr Piurces Favorite Pre scription tried as a last resort has ef fected a perfect and permanent cure Sick women are invited to Dr Pierce by letter AH womanly con fidences held under the seal of strict professional privacy Address Dr V Pierce Buffalo is no alcohol in Favorite Pre- Thats what we like to give each and every customer that deals with us be- sides those that are coming as we are doubling our trade each and every season Why because we do as we say So if you are In need a spring Overcoat Suit Fancy Veat or Trousers call on us and you will be one of the many customers that go away well pleased respect fa Hamiltons population according to the census is an increase over Children Cry for CASTOR I A Barn Raising Half a century ago one of the most notable events in the countryside around here was the raising the new logbarn scarcely less notable and certainly more exciting is trie raising one the present day barns which furnishes a topic conversation probably more general than a wedding An event of this kind took place on the homestead Queen street East on Saturday after noon last which was attended by nearly all the residents in the vicin ity This arm was purchased from the Crown in 1804 by Mr John who was one the most promin ent men his day For years he occupied the position of Township Clerk and did most the conveyanc ing for the settlers the Township Many changes have taken place since then in the owners of the adjoining but these premises have always remained in the family the present owner Mr Graham being a grandson ol the original owner The lor the new barn was built by Mr A Miller with stone taken on the premises and better walls not to be found in this sec tion Thu outside walls are and long by leet high and are the admiration of all who examine them The barnraising was announced to take place on Saturday afternoon and than men were present to give their aid In such a worthy enterprise The carpenter work was in charge of Mr Charles son of Mr Dunham of and being his first barn there was naturally a good deal of curiosity to see how it went to gether but as piece after piece was united and everything fitted snugly the anxious look began to wear away ready to shout Yawheave with a light heart- It was nearly four oclock when the first bent was raised carpenter being somewhat delay ed by the wet weather in getting ready bui by oclock the last plate was placed in position and the heavy Iran work completed without any accident or mishap whatever Then the men made a beeline for the tables which had been set on the lawn and with the good things which the ladies knew would please even though the heavy lifting and the lateness the hour had not worked up a tirstclass appetite- It was about as interesting to sec the viands walk ofl the tables as to watch the raising Everything passed oil finely and everybody was in good humor The boys expected the raising to be over an hour before it was and had come prepared wind up proceedings with a football match but a few entered Into the sport When completed Mr will have a fine barn with stabling and all modern improvement He was the- second largest patron of Newmarket Cheese Factory last w- and Intends to continue that line of agriculture gave a good talk on Reading in and it is entirely free from graded Schools The meeting closed with The following officers for the year were appointed President Mr McKachern Holland Landing Vice Amos Aurora Librarian Newmarket Secretary Mr Newmarket Executive Messrs Hopkins not warn across the room Jos Stephenson and Misses SirJllKJlrJ Wilson McCallurn and Auditors Messrs J and Forbes Following is the list of Teachers in attendance Mis Sutton Thomas Miss Ross Terry Queensville Smith Mist Newmarket Miss Newmarket I McCarty Miss Jones ville J Power Miss Wesley Holt John Storey Sharon Geo Hopkins A McKay Miss Miss Leek Miss Nixon Miss Albert Miss Stephen son Aurora Miss Gray Newmarket May Pine Orchard Miss ffhitc Rose Geo William I Pike Geo Car ley Aurora Miss Oak Ridges J Precious Miss King Miss Petit A Graham Linton More Kettleby John Harper Noble- ton Miss Newmarket J Aurora Geo Miss Campbell Mist Doyle Mis Mifil ftfissRlair Linton Mia Porter Misi Linton Miss Dav is Mr Snider Temperance- Miss Rolling Miss Brad ford Miss McCormick Miss Morrison Thorn- burn Maple C Velio re Harvey John McDon ald Ewers Klelnf Harrison Richmond HHI Kitto Sharon Queensville J Miss McCauley Miss Ross Miss Miss Cody Miss ironsides Newmarket Miss Rosa Miss McCallurn Miss Wilson Au rora Mr Holland Land ing Mr Miss Keith Rich mond Mr Coombs J Hol Forbes Rev A Mac- Mr Wee Miss Mills Rev Ainos Aurora Mr Mr Johnson Richmond opium and all other narcotics Between and Death Profile the world writes Amelia Dough erty of Wayne summer After I be came ill that be am uterine to Medicine no I life for Julie ft while day growing could cot walk ine room My A wrote urn lold me ftbout V and I once wrote to for medical advice lit replied ffivlnjc me full tionj as to what to at oner followed ilvlce and I had Ms medicine about felt a Rood deal I taken it about one J felt a I do today look four of each arid two of Jesus Christ the same and today and for ever INTRODUCTION Over and over again Paul told of the vision on the wayside near Dam ascus but always ho seems to have the emphasis on what he heard Johns vision on is a symbolic account of our Lords mat and of his relations to the Church PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Each peculiarity described is a di rect symbol a quality ol mind or heart The vail is a type seclusion and mystery the anchor is a type and- steadfastness Seven is the number of complete ness The candlesticks represent the whole body Christian believers of all times and places and Jesus pres ent with them according to His pro mise The flowing garment with golden girdle indicates dignity honor and majesty The head white as snow suggests wisdom of him who is the An cient Days The flaming eyes suggest omni science the power to bring hidden things to light warning and search ing all hearts with their love and truth the feet like glowing brass beautiful in swiftness to save terrible in might to tread down all that- Is wrong the voice full majesty scattering the proud but giving joy and confidence to the lowly the sharptwoedged sword going out of his mouth those wonderful words of comfort and rebuke of salvation and judgment that pierce the soul ol all who hear and his countenance as the sun sbinetlfin hist strength HUnii the LEAbikd HARDWARE if I It cured per- tliAnka for Pounds am td poof know done for me writes Mm EH win Norfolk Box know I wrote to I read wht medicine kal done for other people Ihoucht ft I fcknd It falcsAing to me nod ianHy I and took bottle of iVrw of I when I had a ten girt J time I of I have leen very We I tedi- I look three- PtuccV three of G1da three of Pellet no and could not eat much ft me before I took Prescription I only weighed Now Dr Pierces Pleasant PklTet commend themselves as a family They are easy to take and their use docs not the pill LIFE ON THE RAIL Mr Geo CumxningQ one of the best known engineers on the writes For years suf fered from kidney disease brought on by railroad life The doctors called it railroad kidney but could give me no permanent relief A commended Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills saying they had cured A few boxes of this medicine com pletely me putting an end to the dreadful jjains in back and the kidneys I am well man today thanks to Dr Chase One pill a dose a box Do intend a Bicycle this season It you do call and see tbe lj THE BEST BICYCLE on the- market tor 1801 AH kinds of Bicycle Repairing and Cleaning done on shortest notice We also keep a full line Bicycle Sundries and parts When the road gets fit we will have a few Ladies and j Gents- wheels for hire We have the agency for the MassesHarris Binder and Mower parts v J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE are showing IN v The Ontario County Council has decided to establish the House of luge at Whitby Andrew Newton of Richmond Hill was standing on a step ladder de stroying caterpillars on Wednesday evening when he and broke his collarbone To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Quinine Tab let AH druggists refund tim money it to cure ftrgnatrircls on each box Prices r h A yon want Groceries vOo to a grocer But When You Want Drugs orr Halifax June Tilling and John Merlin two mantra in the colliery on afternoon were re scued alive oclock Sunday morning after hours imprison ment At the time of the accident the men clearing out an slope- They were far out hearing of the other men There was a fall of many sands of tons of stone down the incline completely blocking up tot nearly 200 It The tap tap the buried men could be a gang men went hard to wort to rescue their comrades the work proceeded the tap came nearer and rescuers could hear the prisoners talking When rescued the men were extremely exhausted their scant clothing being inadequate In protecting them from the cold and continuous drip- of water which fell upon them They hail had no food since oclock on Friday morning go to a DRUGGIST I T The Druggist can supply your Wants In the Drug line In Miss Smith of was Town last week calling on friends Miss 1Hva entertained some young people at Tho Cedars last Fri day night Win Low conducted ser vice at and Holland Land ing last Sunday in the Methodist Church pastor being away Conference Black of the PO at Fire in yard at Parry Sound Vast week burn ed lumber tramways and docks valu ed at Miss Mary Doyle who is in the PO at Ottawa has been spending her holidays with her fa ther Mr- Luke Doyle Newmarket Owing to political meetings at which Hon J Davis had consents ed to give addresses he was deprived the privilege of Joining the farmers North York oh their Excursion to on Wednesday whlchjic very much regretted He was down in Glengarry County last Friday and Saturday and on Tuesday addressed Are fresh and pure HIS PRICES Hunter Hunter Have bought the patent right for the County York for Granolithic Cellar Floors and Hoofing Persons desiring to have old tools repaired in a way which will prolong the life of the old shingles should suit the above firm or write for in formation Models can be seen at the shop on Timothy street Grocery and Provision Store Are help He keeps experienced Ottawa son ol Mr- Black of home for a few days He has electors Co at- Win- three week holidays and Intends to Chester and Morrlsburg In the PanAmerican before re turning to the Capitol -V- very busy man even is not In session He Is a though the House Your Prescriptions Are filled by a Graduate in r The And Best Place to buy your Seeds Is at Lehmans Drug and SEED STORE Dont listen to what others say Come and See All kinds of Rubber Tires for all kinds of Vehicles Duntop Tire Solid Rubber Carriage Invalid Chair Tina Tir for Baby Carriage Tire Co Limited TORONTO Best Granulated Sugar 20 lbs for Bright Yellow Sugar lbs for lbs Raisins Best Selected for lbs Currants Best Selected Tin Box Biscuits Large for Peas Com Tomatoes per can Good Coffee per lb or six ins lor Try our Tea and 25c per lb Best Value in Town Fruit Biscuits 10c per lb Cakes Toilet Soap for Eclipse and Surprise Soap Good Cooking Apples per peck Pickles regular for Prepared Mustard Mix Pickles Westons Bread and Cakes Have the waggon call and try hem H KNOWLES Buggy For Sale Mikado style in good running order Cost cash Wilt bo sold at a bargain Enquire at the Era office Fop Sale to Close an Estate for on bearing ft per cent la paid to J Newmarket You wish to make an appointment for the evening with a friend or client Unexpectedly you are called upon to entertain guests and numerous errands to run in a hurry You are obliged to be away from Home and desire to get news at any point The most convenient and satis factory means by which you may adjust these conditions 13 Telephone Service ORDER A TELEPHONE Telephone of a FOE BALE Lot No in Con of North acres oil clay loam good house nearly new good barn underground stables and out buildings extra well fenced good orchard three good wells easy terms Apply to Mccarty 16 j v