Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1901, p. 2

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Ic in iVS GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TIME THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT CO CO V Sun- Fred is moK to a gf 7 4 Drills WW a P a ft jggsvflySS S v g a CO T kahili quo S a 1 lis Co Toronto to TIME TABLE North Toronto Itc pm pm pm pm 30 am LB pm 3 pm 15 pm pm Kite Never Lets Up Brighter and Better Each Issue Type Set in Newmarket AU Printing Done at Home FRIDAY SEPT EDITOQIilt the city Miss Edna is spending two weeks A Is here from St Louis on of Woodford was the guest of Miss over Sunday Mrs Sparrow spent a few days last week with brother Mr Mr Walter of Hami ton was in Town this week visiting his parents tos Fanning and her are visiting her sister Mrs Driver and wife of were visiting at Allans last week Miss Phillips of Brougham is spending this week with her friend Miss Nettie Lehman Aldermen Hughes and Richardson and Mr Howard Cane visited the Pan Am over Sunday Mrs Cameron and little daughter from were guests at Mr Lehmans over Sunday Mrs James Freed of East Wilson is visiting her brother Mr Jos Newton at Pearsons Crossing ExMayo A of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mr Albert Roe on his farm in King Miss of Pittsburg Pa is visiting with Mr and Mrs Archie Thomson for a couple of months Mr Peter Milne of Marie formerly of Queensville is here visiting friends till after the Fair Dr Connolly and wife of near Niagara Falls were calling on friends in Town last Saturday Mrs Charles leaves lor Rat- Portage this week to join her husband who has employment there Mr and Mrs Scott left on Monday morning for an trip to the PanAm and Eastern On tario Miss Algie of is visit ing friends in Newmarket for a few days and is the guest of Mrs preparations for the celebration of the visit of His Royal Highness the Duke hackly onkuAtJantic weefai vacation Ho goes to next wreck Mrs Wrn- Terrell was in the city last week visiting her daughter Mrs and intends ay month with Son- Terrell before returning Mr Fred Hughes and Miss Alice were attending the wedding of Miss Wilkinson on Tues day Miss pi bridesmaid AfteUlftpxooy Miss Alice accompanied sister to The most in FOR ITS SIZE IS OLD And its residents have clinched the rivet of enthusiasm that they were driving so vigorously all thru the South African campaign by the erec tion of a handsome monument to the memory of Haines a Newmarket boy who succumbed on the march to Pretoria The monument will occupy a central location in the waterworks square of the town and is of granite surmounted by a lifesize bust of Haines Irv ing president of the North York Old Boys Association will have the honor of unveiling the monument on Old Boys day Sept when many hundreds of old boys from the Metropolitan County will revisit their boyhoods surroundings The bands of the Highlanders the Royals and 12th Regiments will also be present and the occasion being the third day of the County Fair New market begins to think it will have to annex a neighboring township in or der to hold the crowd expected To ronto World of Sept toViJto hencS The Grand arc as follows Watson foreman Beaton J J Brown Alex Cameron Alex Mc Donald Geo and Peter These arc in ad dition to adjourned cases about new ones consisting largely of eading Store The easiest and simplest way we can suggest for our rea4ers to get a good Idea of the styles that will be popu lar this winter is to buy a copy The October Delineator A Old Boy WHO IS COMING BACK ON i From the Toronto Globe The air is thick with the sound of A press despatch from Halifax dated Sept says TheOphir with the Royal party on board is supposed to be off the coast as the warships Indefatigable and Tribune and the destroyer Quail left last even ing to escort her to Quebec where she due on Sunday During this week a weliknown nick el prospector Mr OConnor of Sudbury was a caller at the Crown Lands Department in the Parliament buildings Toronto and in the course of conversation expressed much for the early construction of a railway to the region either by the Government or a private company He says such a line would Increase the value of the pine of which there are three billion feet around Lake Temagami besides open- country for settlement and for tourist travel of which the natural beauties of the country would attract a great volume Mr Edison on his recent visit to Sudbury was much in- in the locality and is anxi ous to secure a property that will produce about pounds of nickel daily for use in his new storage bat teries Lundy Mr Low wife and family spent last week in Toronto with Mr Geo Bradley engineer of Technical School Miss Jennie Linstead of ville is visiting her sister Mrs Bert Starr at Pine Orchard for a couple of weeks Mrs Thomas McKeever and Loyalty and patriotism are abroad and few be they who are not for Canada and the Empire Now Toronto is the AngloSaxon metropolis of Canada and should use every means to lend eclat to its cele bration Ingratitude is one of the basest of crimes Yet how often has ingratitude been the portion of the greatest and the best Toronto has of are visiting at one citizen of whom she should be her brothers Mr Joseph Newton at proud but who because he is a citi- Crossing and not a millionaire may be The Misses Cox and Master Leslie gotten I refer to Alexander Cox who have been spending the sum- author of the magnificent national mer with Mrs A Cody have returned to Pickering College Mrs J Hewitt of who has been the guest of Mrs Barron of Trafford Hill for the past week returned home on Monday even ing Messrs I and Ross went to ColHngwood yesterday to attend the launching of a large boat and were the guests of Mayor Silver The woman Emma Goldman whose reckless are said to have inspired to assassinate Pre sident Is dubbed the high- priestess of Anarchism in America She is a fiery and Impassioned speak er and said to be absolutely unre strained in her ideas She would abolish both marriage and divorce and leave parties to the doctrine of natural selection Her teachings are destructive of private rights in pro- and she believes that individu als should be above the necessity of all restraining law In her rangues she has been known to teach doctrines destructive of all social law and order declaring that laws were made for the rich and not for the poor She is now in custody and it la said the chain of evidence connect- her with is being woven around her Woodstock Sept About mid night last night a rearend collision occurred 2 miles east of Princeton in which men were killed Windsor Sept Justice of the Peace Kelly of Bay City thia tried and convicted his own august person of assault and battery thereupon imposed a fine on him self of or ted days imprisonment Justice rather than to Jail paid his own fine to himself and allowed himself to go tree The case but of a pommeling which Kelly administered to Dr A Mr Edgar Jackson visited the PanAmerican the latter part of last week and stopped with Mrs J S in Hamilton on his return on Sunday Mr J is Just getting around again after the accident which happened two weeks ago He was driving Into the shed and his bead struck the door frame and very near ly killed him The Commanding Officer of the Regiment Lloyd was in ihe city this week looking after the new equipment tor the officer and men to meet the Duke of Cornwall and York Mrs Hilton from Northern granddaughter of the late Sam uel who was executed during the Rebellion of 37 Is spending a week with her aunt Mrs Clark Han- mer Mr Howard of accompanied by his friend Mr proc tor were visiting with his mother on Dots ford street over Sunday Mr Allan Howard of Toronto was also there on Sunday Miss returned on Tuesday from a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in Buffalo while at the PanAmerican She was accompanied home by her Miss Mabel Black who intends visiting her Canadian relatives and friends Mr A was the guest of Dr Russell of Buffalo for a couple of days last week while taking In the PanAmerican We notice that Edgar when he here last Sunday wore a unloue American viz a deep scar across his noise the result of realistic song The Maple Forever Songs patriotic ones I mean if hap pily conceived act like match paper to loyalty and patriotism in the hu man breast Do I need to refer to the almost electric effect The Maple Leaf Forever had in unbuilding a loyalty to Canada and the Empire If anyone deserves well his country it is Alexander But his muse has not ceased to pour forth a series of patriotic songs which have had great popularity Further he is sending thousands of men and women abroad permeated to their hearts cores with love Canada ami the Empire lor every week In his school an hour or so has been devoted to the singing of patriotic songs One of his pupils a noble fellow died a soldiers death in South Africa and hundreds more burn I dont doubt to avenge his death tor he was foully murdered But I said enough Let not Toronto treat Alexander with neglect at the incoming celebra tion Canadian Sept i Work on Tuesday on the electrical decorations the Parlia ment buildings for the Duke of Corn walls visit Over 5000 electric lights will be installed At the City Hall also about electric lights will be installed The principal feature will be illumination tower years of named Anderson fell accidentally from a story window in the rear of the Kent building Front street east ou Tuesday shortly noon and almost instantly killed Since Hon Mr return from Australia he has ordered the manufacture of a number of letter boxes of at least double the capacity of those how in use on the streets to be placed in business districts of the city and also the same for Mon treal which will readily of large letters and other postal pack ages The business public will ap preciate the Postmaster- Generals though I fulness By a fall from a train hear the Exhibition grounds on Saturday Geo Wilson of had his foot badly crushed Principal Grant of Queens Univer sity Kingston who has spent some weeks in England writes The Star that he will leave Liverpool by the Lake on Sept The Militia Department has decided to raise the authorized establishment of the Queens Rifles from to and a complete outfit includ ing serges tunics trousers and over coats for that number has been issued and the regiment will turn out in new uniforms for the review by the Duke of Cornwall and York The fruit dealers state that the largest supply of fruit for this market of the year has been brought in this week Every boat from the Niagara Peninsula has been loaded Mr and Mrs J K who have been summering on the Georgian Bay have returned to town Mrs and Miss Jones are home again after a short visit in distinguished officer of the army Majorgeneral com mander of the British forces in China during the Boxer outrages To ronto on a few days visit The trial of nonjury cases in the Assize Court began at the City Hall last Monday Chief Justice Meredith presiding The news of defeat was received in this city with much regret In sporting circles The date of the demonstration to Premier Ross Is Sept and not the as was reported Mrs widow of the late A of Toronto has been appointed by the Ontario Government to the office of Superin tendent of the Mercer Reformatory Hon J Davis left for Coll in Thursday morning to be present at the launching of the Huron at that port The carbureter of a auto mobile blew out today Thursday and the mail carrier James OBrien had a narrow escape He saved the mail matter from injury The Newest and Best of the Prices are the Lowest to be Found The Stock is the Largest and most comprehensive in Town DRY GOODS CLOTHING BOOTS MENS GROCERIES CARPETS WALL PAPERS HATS CAPS PURS JACKETS and in every department the Stocks are complete MENS TIES BOOTS AND Your tailor cannot show you as Stylish Goods as you will find here and our prices are only tailors charge Fine Tweed Suits in dark shades splendid wearing goods all sizes at JtMta Mens Fine fancy Worsted Tailormade Suits These are up-to- date in every way Reg price You can get your size at Mens AltWool Navy Serge double breasted Suits reg price all sizes at At you have a big Selection of Fine Tweed or Worsted Suits all well J- lined tailor made and in every particular uptodate See our Boys Clothing The stock is large and prices as usual the Very Lowest On Saturday your choice of about dozen Stylish Ties at We sell all kinds of worthy Footwear and the prices are extremely That is why trade in this department improves every day See our special fine Kid Button Boots at pair sizes to See our extra fine Button or Lace Kid Boots Kings make at Vv SHOES A Few Ladies Jackets See our Mens Fine Lace Boots at 9125 See Mens Box Calf Leather Lined Boots at bur range Heavy Boots from to Every pair a bargain Best wearing Shoes for Boys and Girls at Lowest Prices Remnants of Flannelettes at 9c worth Remnants of Bleached Cottons at worth 9c Heavy Moleback at 19c worth Heavy Twill Sheeting at Worth Unbleached Cotton Sheets size each Fine White Counterpanes large size Womens Fine Ribbed Cashmere Hose at 25c The finest range of Coats we have ever shown are here for you to criticise We invite every lady in North York to see them and Judge for themselves of their merits MADDOCK Affile em Sept The following despatch has been received from Lord Kitchener dated Pretoria today Since Sept the columns have again got good results the total bag being composed of killed wounded made prisoners and surrendered also rifles rounds of ammunition horses and head of cattle J Mrs John Jones London fell Sown stairs and was fatally Injured Is to have a new armory which Is to be built as soon as pos sible The Czar and Czarina the King and Queen of England and 28 Royal Princes and Princesses have arrived at Copenhagen The first day of the Grand Army opened on Tuesday at Cleveland O with nearly 200000 visitois In the city The Canadian Pacta Ry railway collision given by the New is moving freely in the York Central on the evening of Labor jest and that an average of cars Day A locomotive standing Wn wot to the elevators train attached on a aiding with a St George Ont Sept 10 A Bad switch carelessly left open at Lewlin accident occurred a few mile no th a well known physician be- Y resulted In a collision of the village this afternoon when Mr cause the latter said to have stat- which caused much damage to the J Thomson a prominent farmer publicly that Present companys rolling stock and much lost his life He wan in the act to he shot Justice Kelly suffering and some severe fractures to hooking his team to a disc harrow he would do thing over many of the passengers and friend when on of the animals him again and it worth appears to have been one of on his temple causing Immediate to whip any defamer of the President the unfortunate death Council met at Sharon on August all members present The following payments made Cain sheep claim J Steeper re killing dog 00 P Gibson re survey lota and Con KingTreasurer cost repairs West J H Wesley work re road ma chine G Work re J Watts work re Mt Albert J Cook for ft lumber lumber re Sharon 58 I lutaber re Con J W- Allan Work re J work re Con A reps lots and Op Con 10 The Reeve introduced a ByLaw to levy taxes for the current year By- Law regularly passed Rates levied as followed viz County General Pur poses and industrial Home the mills on Township rate 210ths mills on Gen School Rate 2 mills on Special School Section rates in addition to above No King mill No King mills No EG mills No 3 No No mills No 1 fi0ths No 1 No No No No 4lOths No mills No 6 No mills No EG Whitchurch Brown Hill 3 210ths Separate School Supporters mills general school rate being ex cluded Council adjourned to meet on Sat urday Oct at am s York bounty Fair Visitors At Whitchurch on the Inst to Mr and Mrs Albert daughter Tomb MoKARLANEAt on Sept Robert In his year THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House a Specialty Night attended to at AvJohnHWWIarcL TELEPHONE rf on fiept 4th Mr Fred A Lundy to Miss May Lepard both of New market WAITS- the Church of the Redeemer Toronto August by the Rev Fred erick Waite to Viva Mary youngest daughter of J Esq Aurora AUandaks Sept Kenneth son of the Rev Thomas Webster Pickett Toronto to Durham daughter tlie late Blanchfteld Durham Bradford Will please make note of our Large Stock BOOKS STATIONERY GOODS CROCKERY GLASSWARE WALLPAPER Games Souvenirs Notions Agents for Butterick Fashions LUNCHES Hot Tea and Coffee SERVED AT ALL HOURS Fresh Groceries S A J- Large assortment Best Teas Coffees Spices Canned Fruit Meats Fish Cereal Foods Cocoas- and Chocolates Flavoring Extracts Famous Chocolates Bon Bon Cream Fruit delicacies In fancy boxes or by the pound Bon Bona box Chocolate Bars i5 cents Bread Cakes Pastry Plain and Fancy Rolls and I Genoa Lemon Sponge icl or ylain with almonds Drop A Fruit Pies Lemon and Fruit Tarts Fresh Fruits Daily MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET AU Orders receive Careful CENTRAL TELEPHONE and Prompt Attention Crawford Peaches Grapes Plums ail varieties Melons Bananas Oranges Lemoha ICE v WN J

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