tk IT CAPITAL REST CHASMOOIXL BRANCH A General Banking Baste TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits IT HTM DRAFTS AT ALL nd American Drift 0 Collections romptlJ attended to Q BOSS Mrs Simpson MKKtoBt Fancy MISS of AHn to more pupil private rldcoefl or Jctner of Prospect And Timothy me emu NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones totltus ON IK ABOUT Home Commissioners met last week and passed accounts amounting to This sum includes cars coal There are of coal to come yet The last Sunday afternoon was conducted by Rev Next Sunday Rev of Aurora is expected to take charge Open The Autumn Session of the Central Business College Toronto has open ed out this month under most favor able conditions with largestenrol ment of new members in its history The reputation of this excellent school seems to be of the right kind and has been won by its ample equipment and its first class work The Game There is no change in the game laws of Ontario Partridges pheas ants plover rail snipe woodcock black and grey squirrels open season September to December both days inclusive Quail open season October 15 to December both days inclusive The duck season opened on Sept ami will close Dec Fop Fmxr Days Davison Bros have Arranged to oc cupy the pre between thij and Allan Hardware Stores- cm Street to conduct a serv ing Meals Lunches Hot Tea and Coffee and Refreshments during the Fair Days A welcome is extended to all The Dont forge the Revival meetings which are being held in the A Bar racks by Brigadier and Captain Mantpn every night at oclock Sunday next at old fashioned Love Feast at a Canaan 3 pm Sowing and Reaping pm Divine Hypnotism Monday miles by land and sea being a sketch of Brig life- work and travels No person ought to miss these special services OLD BOYS Will be here in force next Thursday the absent ones of your are them why not avail yourselves the opportunity of having the family grouped We will have extra help during the Fair and will guaran tee you satisfaction SMITH BROS Photographers omebody Dont be Too Commencing with the 1st of October all new subscribers to Ihe Weekly Globe will not only receive the balance of the year Free but will be presented with two beautiful premi ums The Duke and Duchess of Corn wall and The Farm Pets The clubbing price with the will be the same as last year fleeldent Last Friday morning Mr Albert Flanagan met with an accident at the Specially Works which laid him of work Tor a few days He was carry ing a box of metal when he slipped on a short piece of gas pipe which caus ed him to lose his balance and he fell to the floor The weight of the metal was thrown principally upon his arm and hand but fortunately no bones were broken and he expects to get back to work again in a day or two Be as well dressed as you can and its good advice But clothes cost money more or less according to quality of fabric more or less according to length of wear More or less according to the of unseen work This in side part is the life of the garment It keeps it in shape and is one of the features which determine its appearance and neatness Call and see us buy Co The Royal Train According to the latest program published the train conveying the Royal party thru Canada will pass thru the Town of Newmarket a few minutes after oclock noon on Thursday Oct 10th According to tbe last Communication on the sub ject received by the Town Council His Royal Highness Duke of Cornwall and York will not leave the ear though if time permit it may halt sufficiently to allow the reading of a brief address Hughes millinery Opening Tuesday Sept and following days Messrs Hunter and A Hunter have formed a partnership as i Contractors ft- Builders I And are now In a position to take contracts for all branches of Mason Work Estimates Given at Shop Notice And satisfaction guaranteed BOILER SETTING A SPECIALTY TEAMS All kinds of Carting and Teaming done on Short Notice HUNTER Sr Timothy Street East ANDREW HUNTER Street Perkins harness shop has a new roof this week Regular meeting of Town Council next Monday evening Main street is being cleaned up again this week Butter makers can be supplied with the choicest quality of genuine Ger man vegetable parchment for butter wrappers neatly printed with brand name and address at very low prices at the Era office Mr Smiths residential pre mises are greatly improved in appear ance by tbe liberal use of the paint pot and brush The Foil Following are the dates bo far as known of the Fall Fairs In which the people of this section are specially interested NORTH YORK at NEWMARKET Sept to Sept Central at Sept 25 to Sept East York at Oct 2 to Oct 4 Bolton Fair Monday and Tuesday Oct and Georgia NG at Sutton Oct and East at on Oct and Sept 24 and Grand Trunk Syatem The Great Railroad Day at the PanAmerican Buffalo on Saturday September It is expected that on Railway Day the largest number of Railway men will be congregated together than on occasion Buffalo being a great railway centre having a popu lation of a large number of them being engaged in railway work In order to give the railway men and their friends an opportunity to visit Buffalo special excursion fares have been arranged by the Grand Trunk Railway System Tickets will be valid going by all regular trains on Monday Sept Ask your near est Grand Trunk Agent about it In connection with this excursion the Grand Trunk Railway System will is sue Engraved Souvenir admission tickets to the Exposition at 50 cents for adults These tickets can be pur chased from Agents at starting point A The Heine Memorial The Monument to the memory of Haines who died in South Africa will be Unveiled on Thursday morning of next week Sept 19th at 1030 oclock On the arrival of the Special Train from Toronto conveying the North York Old Boys a procession will be formed at the depot composed of Our Visitors accompanied by the Highlanders Band of Toronto the Royal Grenadiers Band of Toronto the Regiment Band of Aurora the Citizens Band of Newmarket two companies of the Regiment Vol unteers Aurora and Newmarket Procession will proceed along Huron and Main streets to the Water Works Lawn when the Ceremony of Unveiling will be in the hands of the Mayor Irving Presi dent of the North York Old Association has been selected to offi cially do the unveiling assisted by Capt Barker of Toronto in whose company young- Haines served in South Africa Mr A Watson will be in charge of details assisted by Pies and Mills who also served in South Africa Short addresses will be interspersed by the music of the bands and the ceremony will partake of a military aspect with Lieut CoJonel Lloyd in command The whole will be a fit ting honor to the memory of a heroic Canadian and will give a stimulus to patriotism in this part of the coun try The contractors Messrs Allan are putting in the foundation this week and the granite shaft will also be erected by Saturday night but the bust of the dead soldier which is to adorn the shaft will not be placed in position till the morning of the ceremony As the Committee arc about short in meeting the cost of the Memorial if there are any persons who have not subscribed to this worthy object and would feel assisting in its construction dona tions will be received by Mr Ross manager of the Ontario Bank and duly credited Baby in the Home A Joy and Treasure Good and Healthy All children in every home in the country need at some time or other a such as Babys Own Tab lets and this famous remedy has cur ed many a serious illness and saved many a little life Mothers insist upon having it because it contains no opiate or harmful drugs It is purely vegetable sweet and pleasant to take and prompt in its For simple fevers colic constipa tion disordered stomach diarrhoea irritation accompanying the cutting of teeth and indigestion Babys Own Tablets are a certain cure In fact in almost any disorder common to children these tablets should be given at once and relief may be promptly looked for Never give the babies socalled soothing medicines which simply put them into an unnatural sleep These tablets are small sweet pleasant to take and prompt in acting Dissolv ed in water they will be taken read ily by the smallest infant Mrs John McEwan Vil lage writes My baby was almost constantly troubled with colic before I gave him Babys Own Tab lets but since giving them to him he has not since suffered Every mother should keep these tablets always at nana They cost cents a box You can find them at jour druggists or il you do hot forward the money direct to us and we will send the tablets prepaid The Dr Williams Medicine Co Beet Sugar Exhibit at Toronto BEETS ARE FOUR TIMES MORE VALUABLE THAN ANY OTHER CROP J Will Yet Rival Dairying Industry in Ontario School fcesson Sept Geo JACOB A PRINCE WITH GOD iv Golden Text Men ought always to pray and not to faint INTRODUCTION m From Bethel Jacob went to his home of his kinsmen in the land of the east found the family of Syrian whose daughter Rachel he loved refused to give Rachel to him in marriage until he had served seven years These years to Jacob seemed but a lew days for the love he had for her but at their end was given to him deceitfully instead of Rachel and seven additional years had served to secure the woman he loved Six years longer he remained with caring for his property and then left to return to Isaac his in the land of Canaan The homeward was full of inci dent partly painful partly of a joyous kind All these incidents however sink into insignificance be hind- the mysterious experience which forms the climax of our lesson story PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS To make a friend of God for the good that we can get is the idea the merely religious man Jacob desired to know more about God not to get more from God The largest wealth that anyone can achieve will last only for a few years and then passaway like a dream Symbolical incidents It was nighttime Jacob was alone With God Jacob was burdened with temporal anxiety at the time he secured the crowning spiritual bless ing is made weak in his physical hold at the moment he re ceives the spiritual gift The Venezuelan fleet is bombard ing Rio on the north coast of Colombia Engineer John of the Grand Trunk was drowned while caiw at Midland Buggy For Sale Mikado style in good running order Cost cash Will be sold at a bargain Enquire at the Era office Mr Win J Mitchell the oldest resident of Marfcharn Tp is dead in his year Doing Good Work Mr Frank of Ottawa has received a letter from Major Charles Ross commanding the Can adian in South Africa whose wife resides in Newmarket The letter is written from Camp West Pretoria and dated Aug 1 Major Ross state that his corps has received much praise from the general officer commanding The says that the feeling among the Dutch to wards British is not nearly so bit ter as generally supposed To prove this Major Ross encloses a letter of appreciation received by him from some burghers accompanied by a ring manufactured by the burghers them selves from Pauls money The letter Is signed by four of the troops of burghers serving under British com mand at Camp Irene Infante and Children Coil at Hughes When attending the Newmarket Big Fair Bent Nearly Double Disease A and or Disease A of the to the by Dr Pills Mr James a much respect of ConHecon was a sufferer from for several years end at times the tor tures or and body were almost be yond endurance The pains were In head between the shoulders and down the spine concentrating- across the kidneys was never entire ly free from pain When I got up In the morning vent about bent over early double It mo great pain to urinate and at wster was very Medicines seemed to have or no effect in case until J Chases Kidney- Pills The first dose relieved me Ave boxes entirely cured me I no pains in my kidneys and can as good a days work as I ever Mr J J Ward of cer- that he knows Mr of his cure to correct and rue and without exaggeration It seems to trifle with newfangled when you can get the tested and kind Dr Chases KidneyLiver one pill a box all Tenters or Bates Co Toronto Agents wonted for Dr Chaftos last and complete Receipt Book The establishment at the Exhibition of a beet sugar exhibit was an under taking for which great credit is due the Ontario Department of Agricul ture and the Minister Hon John It was simple and inexpensive but the Value of the instruction im parted to the thousands of farmers and others cannot be overestimated In mind of Prof and other experts it is beyond doubt that sugar beet growing in Ontario will in the near future rival dairying as an industry and it is little wonder they regarded the exhibit as in many respects the most important at the Fair Certainly from an educational point of view it was It was unpre tentious in appearance consisting of three beds of sugar beets in the earli est- intermediate and ripening stages of development and of samples of beets grown by farmers Ontario on quarteracre plots under direction of the Department of Agri culture Prof of the Ontario Agricultural College was in charge distributed literature contain ing not ail but a good deal about beet culture and in conversation ex plained a great deal to the visiting and interested farmers But it was the beds of beets that most interested the agriculturists Beets in the opinion of Prof Shuttle- worth require the most scientific in the sense of careful culture They must be grown neither too close to gether nor too wide apart and must be thinned at the right time to a day The bed of the largest growth showed a solid mass of foliage and the unani mous question of the farmers was Arent they too close together It was explained to them that when Hie beets reach a certain growth further growth must be prevented by the thick foliage that may develop sugar Thus the beds wore of Inestimable advantage Then as to- the value of the beet sugar Industry Anyone looking at the bed of grown beets could not but be struck with the possibilities of fod der in the luxuriant green tons and as a matter of fact it is from beet sugar tops that the famous butter ol Denmark is produced There is no better fodder In the world Hut that is as a byeproduct Prof Shuttle- worth asserts that beets are four times as profitable as any other crop that can be grown Properly culti vated an acre of beets will pay 40 clear profit At present the Ontario fanners market is across the line The Marine City Mich sugar factory has made contracts this year for the cultivation of acres of beets in Ontario at a ton and at that figure the American import duty and tire freight comes off the Canadian fanners price The- Peninsular Refin ing of Mich last produced pounds of sugar This year they have acres under estivation in Ontario Some of the sugar was on view an a part of the beet sugar exhibit Caught 950 lb Fish With lee Tongs Atlantic City Kept Chas Clark is the champion of the season He won his title with a pair of ice tongs and his catch makes the California tuna look like a Clark was miles out at sea in his yacht Red Dragoon when a huge fish was observed near the boat It was no game for line arid hook or harpoon for that matter the skipper had neither He did have a strong pair of Ice tongs however and putting the yacht close alongside the fish he made a mighty grab The prongs sank in the gills of the fish and Clark fastened the handles to the boat At Dishers Inlet House where he took his capture for inspection old fishermen said it was a rare species They also declarethat it tipped the scales at pounds the of Success c Hundreds of business men in all parts of the Dominion are ready to speak of the thorough training they have received In business subjects in one or other of the Federated Business Col leges of Ontario with schools at Toronto Hamilton London Ot tawa Berlin St Catharines No better time than now to enter British American Business College TORONTO ONT DAVID Chartered tint principal The esigns SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE I TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE as Is arriving daily and m we will un dersell every house in the trade HOUSE the In the Latest American and Canadian Styles AT The Latest Blocks in English and American Soft and Hard Felt Hats A Lazier Sons paper mills at were burned Loss The foundry at Hamilton was damaged by Ore to the extent of A young son of Mr J Donnelly of Kingston was drowned while bath ing Compare the Era with any other veekly for home Try Red House Boots the Best School Boots in Can ada Sold at GOGHENOURS PERFECTION No wiring or piping yet beats gas and Electricity Cheaper than oil Never out of order Gives a delightfully soft tight which does not strain the eves descriptive catalogue Write for il LIGHT CO MAium MONTntu i VOLUNTEERS AU Members of No Company Regiment will Report At Once to Allan Acting AdJuUnt or to Lieut Howard Acting No Co Regiment No Company will go to Toronto in October to take part in the Review to be held In honor of his Royal Highness Duke of Cornwall and York Drill will commence on Tuesday night Scptj 3rd at oclock on the Market Square and will continue on each Tuesday and Friday night at the same hour and place until orders Any young fellow who would like to take part in the above event who would leave in his name anO attend drills might possibly taken on with the Company if ho turns out to be a good man and appears clean and tidy on parade J A ALLAN Acting Adjutant 3w32 Regiment Grocery and Provision Store Best Granulated Sugar lbs for Bright Yellow Sugar lbs or lbs Raisins Best Selected for lbs Currants Best Selected Tin Box Biscuits Large for Peas Corn Tomatoes7 c per Good per lb or six lbs for Try our Tea and per lb Best Value in Town Fruit Biscuits per lb Cakes Toilet Soap for 5c Eclipse and Surprise Soap Good Cooking Apples per peck Pickles regular Prepared Mustard Mix Pickles Westons Bread and Cakes Have the waggon call and try them KNOWLESj