Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1901, p. 6

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THE NEWMAN J Manufacturer of all kinds of promptly WnhlU I OP TE Ontario Veterinary College ALBERT T g AND door Norjh of oH I MANAGER J r The following are the quotations on A- A Insurance London Globe Royal Perth None best companies at lowest rates DAVIDSON Mount Albert J PRODUCE MA There was the usual busy time 16 on Tuesday in Prices as eggs to ducks to 40c BLACKBERRY CORDIAL AND WILD STRAWBERRY For Dysentery etc FLY PADS TANGLEFOOT INSECT powder Protect your cattle from the fllca and get ph fa Sow of jHk by our Cattle Spray It will fix them Drug Store TELEPHONE CONNECTION Mount Albert will soon have We- phone communication with the outside The poles are now at the sta tion and will no doubt put up shortly The line will extend to Sutton- through on the north and west through Sharon to Holland Landing which is already concerted with BALDWIN It is reported that Long Jenny the animated lightning rod left this neighborhood en route for Pass her on for- assure you she causes many black- clouds and thunder storms to arise in are remarking that Uncle Sam and wife are attending church regularly as as you please something never known before This is due to Elijahs good offices Gregory the new pastor held his first the Free Methodist churches on this district on Sunday last wii persuaded he will popular You can save money by your Furniture at the Our friend says that burg is a dry spot Thats because for fenerations past its in the days of their youth have been taught temperance sobriety and truths Not so up our way as firewater is as free as the air we breathe But the accursed stuff does not quench on the contrary it promotes thirst But so long as we Sanction franchise the maintenance of a can not censure justly the vendors thereof Was it genuine Nelson certainly deserves a Johnnie Cake for his tali corn It even equals the best products of Bryans State Nebraska but I defy the world r in harvest A OP- Bedroom and Extension and Parlor Tables Lounges and Chairs are alto agents for Pillow Sham Holder and the celebrated Bel vide re Carpet Stretcher And a Specially Goods delivered free of charge when ordered i ALLAN THE WOOL MARKET -H- Take your WOOL to the Albeft Woollen Mills and get the highest Toronto prices in Cash Full stock of Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment of fashionable Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken in ex change for goods Geo Haigh Sons GOOD GROWTH- The hot weather and frequent show ers during the greater portion of the summer now ending have had a most beneficial upon all kinds vegetation are growing rank on our streets and vegetables the re sult We have been shown a water melon grown by Mr A Hunter which weighed lbs and Mr Thos Hayes lugged a sunflower head into out office which measures 15 inches across stalks of corn of phenomenal height are reported LAWN TENNIS Some representative of our newly organized lawn tennis club went to on Saturday for a friendly some tot fte cracks there visit- entCrtaiped the match Vt the homo of Or Pearson in such a manner as quite to remove the sting of defeat A return match will be played shortly if the weather proves Suitable K j is onfoot to our town with acetylene gas It is to be hoped it may carried Mr Hot ley has gone into the grain business in in the building tie Patrons of Industry warehouse A great many people would like Jo see a hell school Some of our citizeia should op the mat- What with caterwauling cats bark ing dogs squealing of pigs tinkling cow bells and crying babies nights in the country are not as quiet as they are cracked up to be Master Ross- Tbmlinson is the hap- to heat some squash have recipient of a dandy timekeeper as never saw their equal at- any fair Im almost tempted to loantheriito some of our exhibitors Im sure theyd get the red ticket Our hens are doing themselves proud these days trying to if not sur pass Coomers hen but theyre not succeeding as Mrs Tomlinson sent two love ly bouquets pure white to Miss Kays wedding das Kays daugh ter was maid of honor There ought to have been a bachelor of honor also and Ill see to it that is at mine I get one of those lovely bid maids The Owl i GARDEN There have been many complaints from a number of people in this vil lage of the theft of fruit and vege tables from gardens Hi long been almost impossible to raise watermelons unless they can he dis guised but the thefts now extend to lomaiecs radishes celery green corn and even onions We would suggest the organisation of a vigilance com mittee the efforts of which some of the offenders might be brought to An example made of some of the offenders might have a good effect on the rest Pure Paris Green In and put up Poison Fly Paper AND TANGLEFOOT We carry a full lice of Patent and Cure and Family re ceive personal or WTLLOYD J See Our New Fall Goods A Complete Stock to Choose From Leave your Order NOW NOW KELLERS The Leading Tailor Albert PERSONAL filr J Rowland made a business trip to the city on Wednesday Mr and Mrs of were visitors at the home of filr John Rosamond last week Mr- Judge of fciust was in town for a few days on Mr Sleeper of Lindsay was spending a weeks holidays at his home here Mr Rowland on Saturday for St Catharines where he has sfcuied a position fitafl of Ridley College Blizzard Frank Har rison and J M Dawson left on Tues day for Buffalo to visit PanAm Mrs Jesse French of Michigan and her son Mr Joseph were vis iting friends in town and vicinity for a week Mr John Paisley has returned from the General Hospital Toronto where he has been undergoing treatment tor his eye He returns greatly Improv ed Maude has returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Pine Orchard Mr Isaac Allison of Washington was in town on a few days visit to his friends here Mr and Mrs J Hamilton of Mount Pleasant were In town on Sunday on a visit to her mother Mrs A Jones Messrs Blizzard of Sharon and John Blizzard of Newmarket paid a visit to their mother on Sun day a reward for diligence work Miss- Miller has gone to Albert to attend the Continuation Class at public school there 1 It is said the animal drowned in the river here was The Board of Health should order its re- as it is a me ace to public I sincerely wish the Old Boys Association a en meeting in fancy see myself a gay old boy with the rest Like most of my girl friends Mary Kay sent her compliments in a jolly big hunk of wedding cake Unlike romantic maids I did not dream on it as dream- 1 myself was married and on awakening find it a horrid dream will not enlarge on the goodness of the only sound the cue Miss our premier cake maker had better look to her Ben has been seriously crippled with a varicose vein in his ankle A rubber stocking is the on ly relief be can obtain Curiously enough his mother is similarly Ive been scolding some about our naughty girls but Im pleased to be able to tmthfuily say that the good ones fax outnumber one the bad inclined no space to record alt their special goodness honor them for it Fragment of an old love song duet for our maids He Handsome men are out of Beauty only lies skin deep Pluck a in the morning the evening it will droop She Blue it is a handsome color When it gets the second dip But young men that go Are very apt to get the slip is now for choice Maple Leaf brand of flour Mrs joy on Friday Leslie returned from the General Hospital rejoicing in being no longer in fear of future suf fering tell you all the nice things he has to say of the white there Miss Maggie his devoted sister returned also She is a noble little woman Other Johnnies besides me think ditto Some of our maiden ladies Ill not say old maids as that sort of grates on their nerves Well as I was some of them imagine soured on them Not by any means Some of them are lovable enough to make one almost worship the ground oer which they tread Im sure they he very happy as they have a beau wherever they go A double pointed pointer to our scribe should such an scribe need pointers I always deal in facts not in fiction of imagination Were subject to nights of imagination I could weave a highly sensational novel out of what fanciful vision me I could point out young men who like Satanic Majesty go about as a roaring Hon seeking whom they- may devour A and buggy a fly young man and a giddy girl make unsafe combination to be out after night Those lonely country roads have- a history Every fence corner and rail a dark secret Mondays market was a screamer Big crowd big fun and a really en joyable time all round Some of our boys visited the Falls while at the Industrial and now they have got Falls on the brain to Miss of that city Mr Cuttle is a worthy young man and we wish partner a happy prosperous thru life i In last peeks items promised make further reference to the age of Miss Mary Kay youngest daughter of Mr Jos Kay of I am now in a position to say that Miss Kay was united in marriage a week ago to Mr Rogers of the of by Rev Rutherford of Sutton The bride was prettily at tired in a dress of pale blue cashmere trimmed with white satin lace She also wore a wreath hi- orange and carried a bou quet white flowers The brides maid Miss May Rogers of the groom wore a heliotrope and white trimmed with black- velvet- Little Katie Kay- was maid of honor and was dressed in pink and carried a bouquet of sweet peas The groom was- attended by Amos Kay brother of the bride After the nuptial knot was tied the guests over a hundred in number sat down to a sumptuous repast Ed Note Copy arrived too late give long list of presents to the bride Mr a nephew of Mrs who has been on a visit here left on for New York Afl LOAN SAVINGS CANADA rlRtor GEO A COX President WOOD- Managing Director- Capital- Reserve Fund INVESTMENT BONDS issuing This Com accepts sum of upwards therefor its investmirit bonds- payable to the of party remitting theamount upon the following condition t The Agrees pay- interest pay able The Company agrees to pay from date of receiving money to date of repay- merit III The Company agreed to pay exchange on all peril it tatioea The to bash the bond at any time upon receiving SO days notice from party holding same Executors are by Ontario Jennie Ross of is visiting hex sister Mrs- J- Miss Andrews- of Aurora was the guest Blanche Pear son on Sunday last Lillian Henderson Toronto is visiting with Miss Link The Misses Bracebridge were visiting with their aunt Mrs J Turner a few clays last week Mrs J was visiting at Camp Orchard Beach a few days last week- Mr Moore and Miss filler of were visiting at Bonds on Sunday 1 Mr Peter Milne and son of are visiting their cousin Mr James Milne Mrs James Wright and- daughter were visiting in Bradford on Monday Mr Lowe formerly of Good wood has moved into the house late- vacated by A of our young sports went to- Toronto last They report a splendid time ill coming home from Newmarket They said the walking was crowded any hut it Was kind of dusty Mr Ayjward is having a new fence erected in front of the Fair grounds Come and the Athletic Sports on the first day of Show then come and sec the Show and the peo ple on the second day and stay for the Concert at night in the Skating Rink An excellent array of talent is being secured Judge SHARON The young people have all the at the Lake Mrs Thomas Brown gave an after noon tea last week in her sister Miss of Chicago Miss of Bradford jisit- Miss t Miss Burr of Toronto is spending a week With Miss Clara Mrs J am has returned from visit friends in Sutton J lias gone to Syra cuse Yfor a visit with her daughter meat to tavt in the this chapter section s Tile mill accept the Bonds ofthliJoiiyjirtyiHMrcitriiy by life ami lire business in Write tor saw bond copy report Ami for further to Out READYMADE CLOTHING c HOLT an amiable sermon on Sunday evening showing the way heaven and how to get there Harvest is finished and fall wheat seeding is the Fail plowing is next and wont that be jolly boys Mr has leased the pro perty Miss- Francis May a term of years The young axe anxious to know the round trip rates from Holt to- Brown Advertise your conveyances Boys Mens Suits Youths and Large Stock just received Suits from up H D MT ALBERT SUTTON Fruit men in the Niagara Penin sula are troubled with the peaches rotting owing to too much rain at the time of ripening r Threshers Supplies WE SELL The Friend IT Household Ammonia Tne machinists strike at Ottawa Is off as the men have acceded to a five per cent increase In wages and fl hours a day dirt half the ard half the labor In clothe and clcamnir Makca water pott In bath and you feel ra In Large J Chemist Druggist wife of Mr J who at one time in Sutton school and who is now a resi dent of Williams Iowa has been vis iting with her cousin Mrs Dr and left for her home on Thursday morning Mr and Mrs Percy who have been the guests of Mr and Mrs Vrooman left for the city last Friday Miss Maggie Cross who has been the guest of Mrs Win Cross for the last month left on Saturday for her home in Mrs McLean who has been visiting with her parents at returned home to London last Men day Mrs James Thomson of died tho past week aged years Her remains were laid to rest in Briar Hill Mr Arthur Cuttle of spent Sunday and Monday here with patents The sacrament of the Lords Supper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian church next Sunday The Drill here was sold on Wednesday for and the lot lor to Mr Mr Duncan of Newmarket was the auc tioneer Mr Hugh formerly of but now of was here for a- short vsft with relatives and friends Mr Ernest has accepted a situation in Toronto The telephone is now established here ready for the public use Miss Blanche Bailey has gone to at tend Marknam High School Dr Greenwood and Mr Vrooman have gone on a trip to Atlantic City and other places Mr Dan Cameron owns a hen that made an honest effort to match the of egg reported In last weeks Era It measured J by J inches Division Court was held hero last Friday forenoon and tbe Court of Revision of the Voters List in the afternoon considerable number of names were struck off as not being entitled to a vote here under present conditions Mr Arthur Cuttle of whose parents reside here is to be married today Wednesday In JWOORE Pays the Highest Price for Grain Seeds Potatoes etc WINDSOR SALT always on hand MOUNT ALBERT Preserving Kettles Fruit Jars Tea Kettles Tea Pots Tea Spoons Desert Spoons Table Knives Forks Beltings Oils Lace Leather Anti- Friction Metals Water Gage Glasses Packings Goggles Belt Hooks and Rivets all at SOMMERFELDTS HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT Trieste Sept The largest oil factory In Austria was burned last night The damage amounts to our million crowns CHEAP -AT- ROWLANDS i Mount Albert North York District Notice hereby frlveu Application baa the Hoard been made named district for grant of of above a Tavern Nichols for the New Hotel Buildings In the villas of To will meet to above application OfHco on at oclock PM Any Petitions against the granting of said muat bo in the Inspectors four days before said AJ HUGHES Inspector East Voters List Court of Revision g held pursuant to Ills Honor the Judge of that a Court will be lv Voters Wat Act by County Court of Is hereby given the Voters Us the County York at Temperance Hall on Day of 1901 At am to hear and determine several complaints of errors and omis sions in the Voters List of the Municipality of East for All having at tbe Court are requested to attend at tho said time place Dated this day of August IQ01 AJ Clerk xHt THE LEADING To make room for FALL GOODS A 0 ARRIVING We are Clearing Out a few Lines of Summer Goods -AT- HALF PRICE CALL AND SEE THEM We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES i Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh H KENYON

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