Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1901, p. 7

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I a i J aaaAiLSM Turgor SPECIAL Clearing up sale of all Summer Shoes and Slippers Womens Misses and Childrens at Specially Low Prices We do not look for profits We simply want them out to make room for Fall Goods which will be arriving Fancy Groceries CANNED MEATS CAMPERS We have the Finest Quality Largest Stock and at Reasonable Prices ON Of Mr Robert has added an other storey to his cottage on Huron street and has the building ready to be The place will look splendid when completed and be a great improvement roof on Peter on Queen Street Mr Hoover intends to put a new foundation under his residence on street- next Spring The addition to Mr residence is about completed and workmen are potting tile drain this week- villi Villi Gospel meeting last Sunday was in charge of the Friends Endeavor Mr Lehman occupied the chair and Miss Lehman organist- Mrs Cody and Mrs L Armitage gave readings and a very fine address by Rev Parry the new Friends minis ter The Royal Templars will pro vide the program next Sunday- Idle the Hub tfBXX COR TO Miss Graham has been visiting in this vicinity for a few days Miss Allison of Toronto has been visiting Miss Maud Morton Nearly every one around hero took The Specialty Works Orders for all kinds of Work are coming fa so fast that night work was resumed three departments this weefc metal plating rooms and was tool The factory is getting I AlisOQ out a fine set sectional book cases Kia Am to exhibit at the arc- here together in the Deaf and Dumb with other articles which they institute at Washington US car loads school of this place met desks wareshipped this week Wednesday last at the Hall We un derstand they have purchased a lan tern to light the shed at the back of tie hall Now the Endeavor Badly Hurt On Tuesday Mr Luck Holland Eves Taylor shipped a car Landing drove Mrs of the same of mixed stock to the city yesterday one for the front it would place to Newmarket to do some Mr Geo has an immense lighted While returning home and just Castor Bean in his garden It and son north of the Cemetery at least feet high and looks at Mr Kings on Monday children were playing among the like a great tropical plant v V cedars on the roadside and as the Mr Eves shipped a car load LANDING horse came near It became frightened of hogs from here on Monday to Col- at them Being a spirited animal it and another yesterday from The- Misses Hutchinson of Berlin gave a sudden jerk which broke the King City after spending four weeks with their seat oft the buggy Mrs Little fell cousin Miss Kitching returned home backwards on the hard ground and- on last had her broken besides and Mrs of Toronto other injuries Mr Luck was also new fire engine arrived this spent a few days last week at Mr thrown out but escaped injury The to be placed Wests v horse was stopped at once thdugh the Position yesterday It pumps Miss West who has been rig upset in the ditch At last gallons a minute with easy speed has spending a couple of weeks at counts Mrs Little was doing very a and 8inch discharge returned to the city Tuesday evening well About another week will finish the We see the Old Boys are going to I GOODS In Dinner and Toilet Sets we have entirely New and Uptodate Patterns and Styles an close prices R A SMITH The Leading Reliable Telephone Hollers Grocery AND Fruit Market BARGAIN and Saturday Sugar 100 L Vinegars XXX Cider Vinegar White Wine Vinegar Special Pickling Vinegar This vinegar is used by the famous Heinz Company and is the secret of their success If you have never seen or used it call and enquire about it J f Tomatoes per Basket Main St Newmarket FINE GROCERS THE PARKER TROUPE IN THE GYMNASTIC FEATS AT NEWMARKET COUNTY FAIR Fresh seasonable fruits received daily A Big Consignment of Crawford Peaches Pears m Plums m Grapes SATURDAY Festival fire sys at the have a day in Newmarket on the The and soldiers or the Sal- toty lines or What is the matter with the Old vation Army are certainly pushing can upon premises Girls having a time too their Harvest Festival wUh jn the an3 e at the Long corn Mb Geo Tate has a able enterprise They are collecting rear expected lest stalk measuring leet inches in fruit vegetables gram groceries and length still- growing Next every other useful article which they tew this Some of our tanners were quite sur prised when they tried their field po tatoes They seemed to be swelled to a good size will sell for the benefit or the Army work in their Barracks on Tuesday Sept The amount which the local aims to raise is We wish them every success Cant busy preparing a program Tor the Harvest Festival which promises to be one of exceptional interest week with friends in Vaughap Messrs James Beaton and William Li Festival The peach festival in the Christian Church on Tuesday evening was very successful Good attendance and AND FAIR DAYS We want a share of your Grocery Trade Look out for a Bargain in On Fair Days HNOLLER Old Stand GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY WJU NOW IS THE TIME ToUee Meyers Poultry Spice you Eggs In the early winter For Sato at FEED STORE Opposite Forsyth House St Church The Forty Hours Devotion conclud ed about 10 oclock on Tuesday night Father Whitney was assisted in these services by Dean Father Tracey of Toronto and Father of Toronto and Patter Sweeney of There were large congregations at each evening service and Dean Egan preached three sermons appropriate to the occasion Two new stained glass windows have recently been added to those al ready in the church The one con taining the representation of St was presented by the Altar Society of the Church St died at the age of twenty one hundred years ago and is held up to youth as a model of purity The other window was presented by Mrs P J Flanagan in memory of her parents John and Ellen Collins These windows cost each and are protected by special glass on the out side There are now sixteen stained glass windows in the church and only lour plain ones Father Whitney is anxious to get the two remaining ones on the south side the church filled up with similar designs before Christmas ann hopes that some in dividuals will generously contribute towards the memory of some Saint or private individual The Separate School pupils- as well as School Hoard are greatly in debted to Father Whitney for the presentation new beautiful maps including the latest statistical information regarding the of Canada the British Empire American Continent besides aids for younger pupils They are a very handsome set and show the interest which Father Whitney has for the young of his pastorate after refreshments had been served an interesting program was presented Mr Albert Collins occupied the chair Solos were given by Messrs Willis and Walter Stephens also Miss Mabel Prosper and Miss A Read ing by Miss Nettie and re citation by Miss Starr The pro ceeds amounted to over A Serious Cose While out driving last Tuesday Miss Flo Trent who resides with her brother Mr Loader Trent on the 2nd con of Whitchurch was stung on the nose by some insect which immedi ately became very painful Her sister drove her to a doctor in Newmarket who gave her a lotion and the two ladies returned home But the pain continued to increase and her brother had to right back to Town for the doctpr Miss face is swell ed to a very unnatural size and blood poisoning set in Yesterday she was partly out of her mind and her case is considered quite serious the city J Chapman leaves on Monday next to attend jury Mrs Little was unfortunate in being thrown out of the rig while returning from Newmarket on Tuesday after noon last She was badly bruised Nothing serious is anticipated and we hope to see her out again in a few days Mr Luck who was in the rig with Mrs Little was thrown out al so but escaped with a few bruises Mr Alex has sold nine tons of of an acre this sea- son Can any one heat that Mrs returned from the city Monday last after spending a week with friends Mr and Mr Moulds have flnls1ied their contract In and are home again They are hustlers Roy must think there Is more money In repairing stoves than haul ing milk He is quite a favorite COLLEGE CORNERS Our warm weather will surely have the sniffles after this sudden cooling off Miss Katykid in green attire Sings nightly in her tree It wont be long before Jack Frost Will have a mash on me Mr James sold fine horses for and 200 respective ly You see fine horses pay most money Tills week winds up the harvest in our locality which has been a very fair crop Several from around here took in thj Exhibition and report a good time Farmers about here will soon ho Harvesting their corn or the silo which Is a good crop Some com Is high as feet 6 In which makes a vdiltable coon forest the young ladies The fellow who had his foot broken climbing on to the mirk wagon y Abbs was the guest at Mr returned the Hospital in Toron- last Sunday to last week after weeks of treat ment He Is getting on nicely J Robinson Woodstock was killed in collision with a street car In Detroit A fire St Johns de stroyed several stores containing fish and seal oil to the value of I the winter months Miss Sutherland has gone bo the city Mrs and spent at Mr Suther lands also Mrs A Our Cheese Factory Is doing fairly well under the present manager Mr Young and promises to run through BETHEL CORNERS Fall wheat seeding is about finished Quite a large acreage is now sown Seeds are being rapidly bought up at good prices which seem to tend higher A number of the people this vicinity went down into Egypt to the laying of the comer stone of the new Church on Tuesday Hon J Davis performed ceremony Rev Brace gave a stirring address on Sunday morning Mrs Knowlton nee Miss Kittle Ar- and family returned home to Cleveland S last week after few weeks visit with her parents and The Ladies Aid meet this month at Mrs Samuel on Wednesday p m At Mrs Dafocs last month there was a full house That petition was a dead failure- all work based on slander falsehood and Sabbath work cannot prosper One thing Is most certain the bearer should be called upon to verify his statements Miss Williams of Newmarket is vis iting at Mr Ellis The Bethel Church fathers meet for some special business on Wednesday evening Is anarchism growing If so what feeds Its growth One can feel proud of few If any Canadians are among the gang Dr Connolly and wife of Es sex Co were on a short visit under the parental roof this week Mr Connolly and lady friend of Toronto were also home last week lor a few days Mr and Mrs Ira of were visiting Mrs Rs mother on Sunday Miss Carson Port Hope Is tk along nicely In Base Line School Morrison is getting better aid will soon be out again Miss Violet returned from Saturday last accompanied by her Miss Flora returnadon Saturday from a of weeks visit in the city The Abbey Choris ters quite enthused her musically and she Is about adding to and the Bethel Choir Preston- Sept John Miller an employe of the Preston Furniture Co met with a painful accident last even ing while operating a in the factory In some manner he slipped his right hand came in contact with the revolving saw which cut oft portions of the third and fourth fingers and badly lacerated the re maining fingers and thumb FOUND On St last Saturday a Ladies Cloth Coat The owner can get the same at the Industrial Home by paying for this notice ASTRA Marked with blue paint on rump and shoulder Any information lead ing to their recovery will he thank fully received J of Thanks To the Directors of The York Mutual Fire Ins Co I have much pleasure in returning to you my sincere thanks for the prompt and liberal manner my loss by fire was adjusted and settled The fire occurred on the 29th day of Au gust covered by your Policy No and I received a cheque dated day September for the full amount of claim I was agree ably surprised on receiving the full amount as I was informed that your Company only paid of amount insured I would recommend all especially Farmers to insure in progressive and reliable Home Company GEO A GRANDER Oak Ridges Ont PietupesijuePanAfflepican Special Excursion TO BUFFALO September the 14th will bo lsuod at follow by ail rains Sept 1Mb NEWMARKET AURORA KINO MAPLE by all regular trains Sept and Wh in connection with this excursion t4 Souvenir Admission will be sold at AO for adults allowed at Niagara Falls For Sale PIANO Condition Can bo seen at any Unit TENDERS Will be by the undersigned up to the 1st of October for Four of Good Feb No tender necessarily accepted St HARVEST EXCURSIONS SEPT etc etc SlO good until Nov Pull information and tickets front agents of Grand Trunk System A McCLELLAN Agent Newmarket DICKSON District Passenger Agent RUNAWAY BOY Disappeared from the home of Urn undersigned on Saturday last a by the name of years of age Had on blue overalls stripped black and brown coat soft brown felt hat blue sweater In formation as to his whereaabouts will be rewarded by ROBERT Newmarket WANTED By first October firstclass general farm help single on a mixed dairy farm near Toronto Highest wages paid to a firstclass man References P Jarvis King Street West Toronto t WANTED Dozen Good StroHg young men years and learn trades of Iron moulding tin- smithing stove mounting FOUNDRY CO Limited Toronto

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