Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1901, p. 8

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k- THE RKET FRIDAY l h wr i r Too lite for tart week V DENTS WORTHY TO all nice Br careless eating women for trouble Has been rudely defined by some cyn as slops and sweets And after a theres more truth than poetry in the definition Ice cream and cake satisfy the palate bat they are far satisfying to the stomach which that food be nutritious first and pave the ftSid its kindred miseries Dr Golden Medical Discov ery is confidently commended cure for diseases of the stomach and other Organs of digestion and nutrition By curing diseases which prevent the assimilation of food it enables the to be built up and strengthened in the only way known to nature by food digested and For long month suffered untold misery Mrs- Colgate of Ran dolph Co No tongue could the pain Hint I iidircd before com- taking lr Pierces medicine I not able to do anything at all Could no tat anything tea or if I did the top of my head hurt it it would Mil with all that I do it would bum like fire Put now your and I can a of 11 thing I want and can io days rt as well as anybody can Am better than hare been for years Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure headache STRANGE A very sudden death midst on Wednesday last in tie per son of Mrs J Jenkins Deceas ed was as well as usual up to the hour of death which was caused by heart failure Mrs was one of the pioneers of this district and she will be greatly missed in our midst On Thursday last a son W ft Robinson and two others were Stella and Misses tempting to run across the track at Morton of Morton Goodwood as the express train was J attending Newmarket High coining in Two of them got com- pletelv across but Robinsons son pi number from here have been was struck on the heel the boot the Exhibition this week ami thrown feet coming j ion Too late for last week Hep Davis raised his barn Wed- afternoon On Friday evening Miss was at home to a number of in- friends Miss Ferguson entertained a few young people at her home Tuesday evening Mrs don a small party on Wednesday erening the chief amusement being euchre escaped Last year he was very severely injured by a kick from horse but through all right AlLU A- Anna Smith of spent over Sunday with Master Starr and Nora McMah- P Toronto Miss iris has been suffering since last fail There was a large attendance at the Niagara Falls ffillard Canton Ohio lost her life- yesterday afternoon in an at tempt to go thru the Whirlpool Raj A little dog t4at accompanied the woman in a barrel was rescued alive i was oclock when the barrel containing the woman her pet dog was towed out to midstream At of her sister of a si Natural 48 WW ROACHS POINT We are very sorry to record the Resembles Japan Ik never superior in quality- It Is making strides while infinitely in public favor because of the above facts Drinkers of Japan give it a was well known in this locality and 1 JJ hi on evening in fat Michaels Cathedral on M I Harvest home services be held in the church on Sept Rev In gram a former pastor of this circuit has been invited and is expected to be present Services will be held at am and at and 7 pm A large attendance is expected cordially invited A good number from here and vicin ity attended Exhibition at Toron- To Died On Monday the infant tec of Mr and Mrs TV A Cook aged weeks and days Mr and Mrs Alex Lemon attended the PanAmerican last week- Miss of Newmarket is visit ing at Mr Taylors aid Of at am and the body it seems to be the opmi6n of c Michaels Cemetery one present that tne event was one of the most pleasing of the season Mr ii beautiful grounds was an ideal place for a social gathering and on tie above occasion the decoration of flags Chinese lanterns etc added much to the attractive- appearance of the cosy spot An interesting pro- entered the Whirlpool and when dark ness settled it was floating there- tip to that time she had the pool over times and had been on those waters longer than any other person the barrel was sucked sight and came to the surface many feet away from where it- disappeared The was un der- the a searchlight and strenuous efforts were made to capture the barrel The barret was recovered about oclock Miss was dead but her pet dog was still alive Miss was a performer and expected to make a fortune out A Ceylon Teas are in Sealed Packets only Hack Mixed Ceylon Green Free samples sent Address Toronto V The late Isaac Simpson of Kingston tram vocal and instrumental music left- to the superannuation her had she been success was given and enjoyed the Methodist Church Some During lite were members that denomination do not on a cake made by Miss and take kindly to the endorsatiori of his netted lie neat sun of Mr fund as opposed to the in- ivcm ciiitt holding the discriminate pension of retiring clergy- number receipts men Others however like the late paying ail expenses and the Mr Simpson enter the opinion pastor father and that worthy and needy men should the congregation 1 over the success of are the much pleased be to suffer because some art ft Jus rK Ail1 J oral- The Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY POPULARITY Accumulated Funds Annual over Bonuses Already Declared Claimi Paid The Future Yukon Hon J Governor of the Yukon is in Ottawa for the pur cose men get a slice who really do not need it During year Policies were issued for Deposit Govt over STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to oyer Millions of Dollars J A Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector Mrs Walter Hill from near Park- hill Ont was visiting Mrs Rachel Hill last week Our popular librarian Miss Lilian Rail am started for the PanAm on Monday J A Hopkins gave a most excellent sermon in the Methodist church Sun day evening The verdict of all is that John is improving alt the time Wilson at is quite an acquisition to our business circle Mrs is still confined to her room as is also Mrs- We hope both will soon be around again as both are greatly missed in church work We were glad to welcome hack our popular minister Rev last Sunday He looks quite refreshed by his trip across the deep We trust the beneficial results may lie per manent John Walton had a narrow escape from death last week He was cfsfng his driver with a plow line tached to the halter in some unac countable way the line became twists ed around Johns legs horse started for the gate dragging the un fortunate man with him A short distance down the road rope broke and the horse Mr Walton who is just recovering from his recent illness received a severe shaking up and was confined to his room for some days Times An Ottawa paper states that while the Duke of Cornwall and York is watching the lacrosse match to be given for his entertainment there he v a chair occupied by his M the King when as Prince of Minister of the Interior Mr Ross Wales Vsitd says he does not intend resign but stone administration oi the gold territory if He states tbebas ed in crimson Tor at coast recommended the the sane tion oi the 5 pet cent royalty on j J gold output but simply a change in J possession the the method collection or in other words the adoption of an export tax He would not discuss the matter but An Ottawa special to the preferred that any statements to Star says DulTerin made should ioix Govern- formerly of Woodstock but who has been in the Klondike since the estab lishment of a mining camp there has been appointed acting assistant gold commissioner in the Yukon in the place of Mr Bell who has been sus pended on account of irregularities in his office Mr went to the as private secretary to Major Walsh After the major resigned lie was appointed to a in the Mining Record Office He has now been selected to act as assistant gold commissioner Mr is a son of Sheriff Pattullo of Woodstock Vegetables and fruits are selling at a much higher price in New York than at any time in years before Many of them are telling at twenty- five percent over season prices The drought following the spring rains and cold is the cause of the scarcity and enhanced prices Chicago Sept Diamonds and other valuables worth which were recently shipped into the coun try by a prominent Chicago man on his return from Europe without the payment of duty have been seized by J Crowley special agent of the Treasury Department in this city An effort is being to settle the case with as little publicity as it is probable that the owner of the I valuables will pay all the costs which will amount to something and thus avoid prosecution British Columbia Red it HUMES FOR SALE Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED Dick Decker or Peerless SEPARATORS And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 40000 On four years time Cheap at 600 A THOMPSON Before the introduction of water meters in Winnipeg from 2000000 to gallons a day were used now the average is Children Cry for CASTQRl A The peach crop in county is to plentiful that Early are selling for a bushel while last year they brought 4 and 0 AURORA Oil TO that Dr euro for fcW n4 pile bare it In and your neigh bors what the think of It You can It and tretour wooer back If not cured a hox at dealers or Dr Chases Ointment Mr Sold his farm street two miles north of this place last week to Mr Frank Proctor King for There is acres the farm and it is beau tifully situated The executors of the estate the laic have sold the farm lot in the 2nd con King consisting acres to Win Thom as of Ridges The amount paid was On Saturday Mr Jos Bond form erly this place died at his late residence street Toronto aged years after a lUncbs Mr Bond came to Aurora some years ago and was for some time en gaged in lumbering and afterwards in the mercantile line About three years ago he moved to Toronto where he resided until his death funer al took place on Monday special Metropolitan car from to the Aurora cemetery Me leaves a wid ow and nine children three daughters six sons It now seems certain that the Met ropolitan Co have abandoned all hope obtaining the bonus from King Township for building the Railway line It will be remembered that the bylaw granting the bonus had lapsed and that the company at the last session of the legislature assisted by the Township Council obtained legislation to make the by Jaw operative on condition that the work must be completed on or be fore Che 1st of October next This company have no hope doing and the bylaw laps again un less the Council extend the time Evidently the Council have no inten tion of doing this as at their meeting at last Saturdayit was de cided not to levy a rate to pay the debenture maturing this year It is also said the company have abandon ed the idea of constructing the road tor steam and in that case they will lose the grant of per mile also Banner Referring to the present stat us and future prospects of Yukon the Governor said As a proof that the country is not out some of gold was exported this year the first or August The total output tor ilc season will be very large and in my opinion wouid have reached the mark if water had been available The rea son for the lack water was not that the season was much drier than usual hut the fact is that the timber cut from oft the coulees causes the water to rush early in the springs instead of drying up gradually As to the future of the Klondike the country has lots alluvial gold and it is good fur many years yet Certain claim workers informed me that they have considerable work in sight for six years at least With respect to quart mining there- are indications that denote great possibilities in this direction Mining by the ordinary method has changed on the Yukon and it is more of a business proposi tion of removing dirt cheaply Upon the question of freight rates depends whether low grade ground can be suc cessfully operated or not If Ihere was a rcdiiction freight rates hun dreds and hundreds of claims would at once become active With the cheapening of transportation cheap and other requisites would fol low As matters stand the transpor tation charges are out of the ques tion The trouble In this regard is that the transportation companies have not faith in the country They wanted to get their money out too quickly instead of being con tented with the interest on their ln vestment they nave sought to get back the capital too speedily lb A Perfectly Clear Shingle and very wide The Globe of Saturday states that the large bridge which the Ontario Department of Public Works is erecting across the Riv er at the village of will be completed in the course of a few days It has two spans each of 85 feet which rest on concrete abut ments The bridge is situated about a mile and a half up stream from the old colonization road bridge and will save parties residing on the north side of the river a distance of three miles of travel in reaching the sta tion A like distance will also be saved to school children coming from the north side of the river Feeble Wasted Nerves Ar to New Life A Sufferer For Year From Heart Exhausted Nerves and Sleepless is Cared by Fire Boxes or Dr Chases Food Whether weakened and wasted by overwork worry or disease the re sult or exhausted nerves Is In neuralgic pains nervous headache and dyspepsia functional derange ments and ultimately In epil epsy locomotor ataxia prostration or Insanity the remedy Is found In Dr Chases Nerve Food as Is proven In the ease referred to below Mrs Jonee Que Writes For years I have a greet sufferer with my and nerves I would tike pells and a dizzy swimming feeling would come over me after night I never close my eyes my heal ache as though It would burst At lest I had to keep to my my dot tor attended me from to his medicine did not jeln me have now taken flvo boxen of Nerve Food and has one me more good than I ever a medicine could do Words fall to ex- pesa my gratitude for the wonderful brought about by this treatment Dr Nerve Food cents rt boxes for at nil dealers cr Company Toronto PINE SHINGLES LATH DOORS AND SASH ALL KINDS A PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS ft i j THE WM- CANE After Work or Exercise A SONS mm MFG jf coY Vrg Of Newmarket Limited for Sale In good condition fitted with a new of tires also new chain sprocket Enquire at ofnec for the Children Give them oil cddliver oil Its curious to see the result Give it to the peevish Jul child and he laughs Give it to the ansemic child and his ace becomes rosy and full of health Take aflat chested child or a child that has stopped growing give the and he will grow big and strong like the rest This is not a new scheme It has been don for years Of course you must use the right oil Scotts ErAiilsion is the one Scotts Emulsion neither looks nor taste like oil because we are so careful in making It pleasant to take Send tot free sample Tor cm to all Proposed The Works met Saturday morning but did not endorse the agreement drafted by the Corporation Cojinsel to allow the Metropolitan Hallway lu make a leintuirary connec tion with the in order to fa cilitate the transfer of construction material for the ftew Aurora and Railway At Aid Lambs suggestion the matter was left over until the which Is try ing to arrange the terms on which the Metropolitan Railway may come into the city brings in a report Aid Lamb said he take the committee tils confidence and tell them how negotiations with the rail ways were progressing He declared they had seventyfive per cent of the agreement prepared but a hitch had taken place which impeded further progress The trouble was occasioned by the difficulty in coining to an agreement by which goods should be brought over the Metropolitan line to the St Lawrence Market The railways ob jected to the carrying of freight be ing confined to the night time They said ft was impossible to do It then as wanted to bring farm produce to the market in the mornings The railways also wished to run freight cars into the city than three per hour which was the Jlmftrthesub- cominlttee thought advisable The excuse was given that the companies desired to delay signing any agree ment until ft was seen that the mar ket Improvements were to be carried out to success AW Crane remarked that some of the freight cars on the Metropolitan Railway were so like passenger cars that he had no objection if they were kept running all the time si Earn money before Soothe re motes and tiff- and Wes the body a or fcod the weak watery witch hazel preparation to be the tame as Pond Extract which easily and generally contain wood alcohol a deadly poison For Salo House and Lot Good orchard and small stable For further particulars write Lock Box Newmarket k FOE SALE FALL Now open in all Departments of the Central Business College Several pieces of Square Timber suitable tor building purposes En quire of Jackson pure as GOLD I cold It was last winter ami as sparkling water la that which A la and oh how cheap try It and red It will yourcbecka your shoulders broad your corn quit pinching In- your hair and curley and get toenails atop itrowliiK ooo have for hat oh the and ecp Its color All brought about by ike Able kept In such good condition by our loo A TORONTO Young Men bnd Women are coming In from all parts the Dominion to attend our School because they find very superior advantages Our Cata logue explains them Write for it ANY TIMR W 811 AW Principal Sts TORONTO Lord Kitchener will not leave South Africa until he has finished his task Mr Geo Bran ton of was killed and his companion Hiram Hales had his skull fractured by be ing thrown from a buggy Three cases diphtheria occurred in Uxbrldge recently but precautions of isolation c have been taken by the health authorities and it is the disease has been stamped out The Dutch arc demanding satisfac tion from the Sultan because his emis saries forced entrance into the garden of their legation in Constantinople to secure a fleeing prisoner London Sept It ti Hunger J Grand Master of the Ontario Masonic Grand Lodge who hail been suffering for over a month from paralysis of the right side died thin morning in Victoria hospital Winnipeg Man Sept Six cars Nut Stove and Egg car and five coaches of the second section of the Imperial Limit ed were derailed at this The engine did not leave the track people were in luted but no fatalities are reported St Catharines Sept Mr Black received word today that his son Black who was wounded in South about ten days ago died on Thursday from the effects of his wounds J Vinsons -FOR- J Three masked men with Revolvers held up the at in Kaisers Hotel and secured in cash three gold watches and several diamonds Children Cry for COAL WOOD FLOUR FEED TIMOTHY SEED tor fall sowing J cor Main A Timothy St THE SIGN OF THE LUEBELL II DYSPEPTICS cure la a ha fcfta for bui Dr Yea Tablets aid nr arrtrtat ftmu of sura that la to con andactpllcal of thtio about with you In your pocket take When and where theyre harmless and Ire almost Initial A gentle onto to the whole nervous system IS for tablets Sold by Lehman Newmarket Ib a reminder that you need not wait yourself to- see a customer in person While competitor one in person yon can have a PRIVATE at any Pay The telephone Co of Canada i 1

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