Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1901, p. 8

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J fcl 1 J fi 5i The Bullet Of the assassin more sudden but It is not mart sure than the oat to triad who abuses his stomach- No man is stronger than bis stomach When the stomach is dis eased the whole body is Dr Pierces Discovery cures diseases of stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition It diseases of other organs when it cures the diseases the stomach which the depend far aodfifaJtty to medicine I been greatly benefited by Mr J Van Ox was one time ml door was confined Co and the to my bed had taken bat it only fed the disease but I ay that Golden itcd- cured today I am stouter hive for X rears old la of or of Pellet but no edict fl Dr Pierces Vivas ant Pellets cure Cod Liver OH Will YOUR MAK6 YOU STRONG YOU WELL I for it cdiTM Kim Hoot Toronto sod Bottles DAVIS A CO to 100 candle and cum- only to the light of noon day gup yet soft and restful to ew or read by such loo light of the GAS LAMP makes and burns own gas cheaper than oil and as easy to manage though Gives Our free Write for FOE SALE Several pieces for building purposes ftttlrc Doer loss at killed including Gen and 100 wounded DM WCHASES AC CATARRH CUBE to lb bxnib the the atop core bile LEMON VILLI The Convention will be held in Wesley church The of Mrs place to irons Hill on Wednesday Miss Jessie Brown of Victoria Square visited he Misses Lemon this week Mr and Mrs Geo- attend ed funeral of at say on Sunday The Ladies Aid met at At a business meeting held in the at last it was decided Slid made to hold the annual Roast on Monday night There was quite a last week in the oat market here prices ranging over liit now have Siiiried a business basiV- about is the prevailing price Lehman recently- of market came home a few weeks ago fever and I recovering had a relapse by pneumonia He has been for a week lying in very state but we may soon around again iJii Jghn andiJacoV Were here last week lo visa- it him during his illness The seenisto be in Large turn ami initiations every regular meeting night seems to be in order now J Jewell identified with the organisation of a porkpacing wmpany was last in Hamilton on the charge frauds It is that he received from a Hamilton lady for slot in automobile and that com pany has no existence He was byAfr Toronto understand his trial is to take place this week Tribune AURORA At the Methodist Church last Sun day thirty persons ww reoched in to previous to the brat ton the Lords Supper The house and lot known as tire Rtjtdick property on street was sola on Saturday for the very low figure Mr J Cannon purchased the is The Toronto World gives fol lowing of a episode last week in Aurora It says very slick trick was played on day in the Town A weltKlressed man calling himself J Ford claiming to represent the Hamilton Supply Co- visited the various dressmakers in Town and solicited orders for dress goods and supplied The was very plausible and repress exited that he had visited Newmarket and other mentioned the dress makers with whom he had successful ly dealt and succeeded in partially convincing several trades One dressmaker gave him order for goods and paid him in cash Ford told her that before taking up his present situation he had been a watchmaker and tried to sell her a gold watch as both and her daughter were already possessed of gold watches he made no However be asked to and in- free of cost lie said he had left his tools at the hotel and finally took one of the watches and a gold ring promising to return them prorly engraved at oclock My thai tune however the man had tak en the train northwards having it is said a ticket for He took the and jewelry with him and al- of Police Fetch was appris ed of the circumstances and tele graphed and telephoned to several points- nothing had been heard of him up to yesterday is described as 48 years of age feet in height built with whiskers and moustache dark eyes dark compjexion and when soliciting orders carried a roll hut at the railway had a square travel ing Arrangements were made last Wed nesday or the annual The officers were elected as follows Chairman Caster Sec retary I Treasurer Walton Prize Committee J Knowles Wilcox Committee of- Lloyd H J Holder Banbury Mayor and Mr A were appointed a canvassing committee The market will be the drill shed the Thursday or Friday Christmas Bay BRONCHIAL coughs and colds all quickly cured by Iyny-Ial- It has no equal Acts prompt- heals and cures Manu factured by the proptietorB of Perry Davis- PainKiller School ft IV Kiteley A Jr R Ver- Watson Raines f A V A Inter Morrison Jr Class M Peter- man- Black Simpson J Jr CIass- E Vernon Trent Class J Simpson Morrison Barker FSimp- if JXMccJalluru teacher Report of attendance for the month of October Every day Nellie Watson Missed one day Sanderson Clarence Anthony Crouch Missed two days Johnston John garnet McDonald No Class Vi lit ild f Class IVoA V ifietd Hannah Wright Delia Elsie Penrose aiding Delia Pickering IlXanetta field Willie JaneHarman Penrose Eunice Li Penrose Herbert Spalding Jessie Toole Dawson Davis Sr Kenneth Gladys Penrose Fred Reynolds Moss Jr I Muriel Van Willis WiddifieW Gordon 1st Tablet Clar ence JPerirbse Stewart Stair- Everett Mil- Present every dayIottie Davis Edna Spalding Vina Eunice Dawson Davis Fred Rey nolds Waiter May teacher A BUILDER ARK YOU LOSING The Emulsion will always help and build you up Restores tligeston and brings back health Manufactured by the Davis Lawrence CO Ltd A arge territory of diamonds and rabies has been discovered in the mines of the Ural Mountains New York Nov lifre in the plant- the- Planet Mills in Brooklyn today destroyed- GO worth of property and many lives There were women at work on the upper floors of the building Stewart an ele vator- man kept his cage going until the last woman had left the building and then fell unconscious from the smoke and fire fumes lie had inhaled Three firemen were overcome by smoke and were rescued by- their comrades The refugee of the Rivet Colony celebrated the Klnga birthday by games and planting- m The expedition investigat ing the site of anient Babylon has discovered the tnronerroom of the great king I Babkes and children heed proper food rarely ever medi cine If do not thrive en their food something wrong They need a little help to get their digestive properly- COD LIVER OIL will generally correct this dlfficiiyw If you will from one fourth to a In bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement For larger children half to a teaspoon io age- dissolved In their if you so will very show Hi great MM the milk does baby she It will show an effect at both upon mother and child Con tinned J age Rev a of then delivered an He took as the basis remarks They brought children to Jesus and He took theminIlis arms and He had saying that showed that when of they may Jesus and lave The speaker gave a of ex amples pf persons who learned to serve Jesus at a very We niach better what while young The young mind is receptive The great of the future life a child was given as a reason why we should be careful to guide the child arlgji- at sorne length the benefit of consecrated parents and teachers the ones to Jesus The of personal work all along the lines was t spoken of- at- results Tip approval will be our greatest joy ReVE Harris DD then took up the study of the by books as illustrated in the use of Genesis and the four Gospels- The of Gene sis as a part of The theme of the whole redemp tion Genesis the beginning or a book of beginnings The beginning of sin and the beginning of death The be ginning of great plan to get rid of sin Israel is chosen nation and the treasury of chosen things To them were committed the of The speaker spoke of the authorship and the divisions of the book of The first part giving the history of the world the second part the begin ning and History the twelve nation leading to the redemption il lustrated by the redemption of His chosen people from the bondage of The lour gospels are selec tions from a great mass of materials relating to the life and work- of Christ Matthew wrote of Christ as a King Mark wrote of Je sus Christ- as a wrote of Jesus Christ as a Son of Man John wrote of Jesus Christ as Son of Matthew qeas of Jesus as the Son of David and the Son of a King Matthews Com mission Go make disciples of ail the Gentiles Marks Commission Oo all the world and preach the to every creature Lukes Commission the preached to every creature beginning at Jerusalem Johns adding As the leather hath given The address was highly instructive and interesting Moved by Rev W Amos seconded by that the names of Rev Robinson and Mr Li Jack son be added to the Committee on Constitution and ByLaws Carried Afternoon- Meeting opened with in which the President ami Rev Dr Smith took part On motion and Lehman were appointed auditors to fill vacancy caused by the absence of Messrs York and J no Ander son Dr Harris then took up The Gos pel according to John This have been the last written hook of the Bible John does not write of re pentance but of faith speaks much of prayer John does not the reason being that the is the gospel the Son Tire prayer in the chapter of John is a lliat none Christ could pray Here is taking His as the Priest prayer being a sample of Ihe prayers Jesus offers at the right hand of the Father with it is all power Christ be ing set forth as the Son of God Trie first versos of Join the eter nity of his and His deity In Him was liie and the life was light- of men life light love being ili t pote of the Gospel of John The speaker set forth clearly the reasons why the dif ferent Gospels speak of Jesus from Unless we see the Lord Jesus as the Son of God and with the Father we from right we the Old Testament we cannot fnlly understand the his was made very clear by combing things in the Old and hi the New We might write the Gospel of John the word Send ho seeking soul the and especially lo John At the close of tills beautiful address Rev Dr on earnest prayer The Garrett ted his report showing tiiat the re ceipts were and leaving a balance on hand of Singing will may come J A Jackson then took the Lesson tor Nov and from the Interest shown the teacher and class bad a time The report of the comtnittee to revise was then After some dis cussion on motion this was left oyer till evening session- Evening Meeting opened by oinging Scrip ture reading and prayer led by Rev After reading ol Rev Amos again presented the report of On mo- ill committee C6nstitiUi to- the Nominating Singing Stand up stand up for Jesus report of the Resolution Com mittee was then presented as fol lows ft this convention features so well brought out in the papers to which it has pleasure to ltea and Itopes that as one result thereof earnest attention will be given to the moral and religious welfare of out young people record the sense pleasure with which it listened to the timely and lucid addresses of the Rev Harris and would Indulge the hope of securing his for- fu ture conventions- Rev President of the Provincial Association then spoke on The front line of jwork The speaker spoke of organ ization explained Baby Roll work done in some places is bringing many parents into the churches It brings the little ones into the Primary Promotion from Primary Department should be made on merit only after an examination Give diplomas and Bibles to those who pass examina tions Never give prizes but recog nize good work by giving some ap proval Give for and for learning memory verses Teach the catechism if you have one Teach the scholars to attend public service A plan of was explained which is calculated to rouse greater interest in keep the scholars employed and J to attend the school- lbo ad dress was listened to with undivided interest The Nominating Com presented the following report naming as officers President Rev Robinson King VlvePres J H A Davidson Newmarket Treasurer Garrett Bradford Executive Amps Aurora Jackson Newmarket Mar tin Bradford and one to be ap pointed by each Township Associa tion On report was adopt ed Owing to absence from home con siderably Mr Holland of Aurora who was Secretary last year declined to undertake the work again The collection was then taken up amounting to 600 Mr then explained the financial affairs of the Interna tional and Provincial Associations After attending to some financial matters one of the best conventions held in the county was brought to a close by singing God be with you till we meet again i i What is is for and i substitute for- Castor Paregoric It neither Opium Morphine tid It is Pleasant Its is thirty years by Mothers ilostfy aoi allays Feverish Wind Colic Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates the Foot regulates the and of arid Children healthy and natural sleep is the Panacea The Mathers Friend for told good CmtorU is so adapted to tbt recommend it superior to to known to THE FAGSIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER iTAVjW MURRAY pure blood a bright eye a clear complexion a keen appetite a good digestion and refreshing sleep Take BRISTOLS It arouses the Liver quickens tbe circulation brightens the spirits and generally improves the health jetri It to the BLOOD potior All druggists sell BRISTOLS pays to advertise in the Era Two of the children of Jos how near River got fooling with a gun one last and one a little girl shot in calf of her leg She was brought to for medical attendance and is getting along nicely DINNER AND TEH PIECE AND PIECES A tot fit JcwAtcd Ti t ICO wi Tel wiioext for in i who life Oi Fork rj rV muujiu outer fitlfll tilth Fork finn our I fl WtlilKi lead to eryo J Ibtt TJlMSpQOai Dinner Wt REMEDY Toronto four too l fc If arm doctor fcut Mew Wo i J OH 9 j a fy it H if if t ill I Any of the children ever have it Then will never forget it will you Dont let it jo until midnight again but begin treatment during the evening when that dry hollow barking cough fust begins Get out your for you surely keep this in the house put some in the vaporizer light the lamp be neath and let the child breathein the quieting soothing healing vapor There will be no that night If its midnight and the croup is on inhaling the vapor will break the spasm bring prompt relief For asthma bronchitis sofe throat coughs and it is a prompt and pleasant cure while for whoppingcough it is a perfect specific Your doctor knows ask him about it CURES WHILE It I In of vapor not to a effect In trrditlon Udtbadctlit In JOHN of In thoNY M td Tin nod which ibonW ndbotIao axtra ud jo Co iRrj St i S It dUd druggist

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