gives iiiB week any in Norths- winfe acknowledged to bo the leading County Paper i faTtV A ijSS i1 xiii Give me tie ES No ws Wat tow- HUSB finger THE National night I Range send HARDV BUA PLUMBING BRC Kidney Chases Kidney Kidney Ozone large Ozone small Fowlers Extract Strawberry Carters Little Williams Pink Pi Three for- Wo by any J Hi acres Farm Is and everything it stocfc or grain Newmarket Aurora all own fall wheat Enquire or to v W Box THE KRA SUPPLEMENT NOV- Ouf Toronto The Aid Association is turning fust predicted agowben t on to plea the secured grants dis pensed witntnitbe4ngacGciurLied foe There axe now about a year among theni these charitable donations and is said annually in for clergymen visit criminal institutions of tiie on theSab- Latterly Salvation Array have been having hands in the bag and getting more than tiie other fellows think they should The the new palate ho tel are considering a proposition to increase tile height of the building two storeys Present plans are for six stories with les than- 300 rooms for guests Two additional stories would add rooms The Canada National Railway and transportation Co wliicfa is pushing the air line has asfe- the city for acres- of land in Ashbridge marsh for terminal facil ities V Oh Wednesday of lat week M Toner of Belleville who was visiting in this city received a bicycle acci dent at the corner of and Elm streets which proved fatal six hours later An inquest was held and- a verdict of accidental death was re turned In an exciting last week a horse belonging to Mr Stewart crashed into a glass front in a vacant store on Queen St The horse was badly cut and the rig smashed but the driver miraculous ly escaped unhurt Possibly another year rolls its round the Street Railway Co- will be securing electric power from the Falls of Niagara Fully people witnessed the an imal inspection of the Highland ers last Friday evening at the Arm ouries At the Assies last Friday in the of Dr Pollard and Mrs Julia Thompson charged witii committing a criminal operation upon a young woman returned a verdict of not An agitation has been commenced here favoring the importation of col ored female domestic servants from The agitation does not ice yet- hut ally as domestics are in the city The Grand Jury at the Assizes such a- change in criminal law as to make Christian demonstrators amenable for their actions They also reported that drunkenness seems to be the most source of crime Thomas Ray years old of died St Hospital gangrene pois oning the result a gunshot wound while hunting in a week ago Several days ago an opera tion for supposed one of the city hospitals a large quantity of hair was found in a young ladys Sale of The entire in and to patent No for Ventilated Shoes is sued to T has been by to White Boston Maw tor the On of August 1001 of Owen Sound Opt paid for the entire to the pat ent for Carriage Springs to TV K- were paid on August by K Swift of Sterling III to and J J A to secure to the entire right to their patent for Boil ers for Automobiles Set Toil to fc Set your toil to a And sing as you hoe ray laddie toil to- a tune as sweet June And sing as you- sew ray For tort is pleasure When Of mystical rhythms and runes And common place toil On soil Can be set to a thousand tunes Happy Thought Thought a Set to the stitches and sing as you sew Aye sing while the tad fair lassies Set to the furrows and sing as they hoe Sours He asleep in toe grasses For the heart sings Hours fly on swift Of mystical rune and rhythm And carry the tunes Of a year of Junes the heart toiler with em of phrase is to the Irish following flow ers of speech are from donagbs Irish Life and Character An Irishman was asked in America how he was getting on MidiUm he said but I rather be a in Dublin nor President of the United States An Irish navvy was complaining of his foreman Hed not stir a finger himself to lift a red herring the but hed you to shift the Rock of Gibraltar Sixtyfive men and seven command ers were tilled in vie between the troqls and the forces of the man who pretends to be the Sultan of A SWEET STOMACH TT to6k Money r and Brains J to perfect TJie Happy J bought and its J that ardent taken their cue from tit ii are made in different and different have all the latest practical iit such the Corrugated Oven Transparent Oven Oven Pamper and a Thorough System of Ventilation J Rocoraiiicncl THotii Write for iliustraled by The Win Buck Stove Co Limited Q- A- NBWAIARKBT ONT LOOP DISEASED If Contracted blood are unless poison mouth half taldSt blotches the red a of ftccoadry your mercury- for dflly to out L lite- let experiment on Our Oar are backed lllilTcrr6tara patients bteu cared by Method v Mr w rites Soar remedies ban Hot doctors and I bad pro have not felt any of pata or any mad of My hair baa la fully and I am married and FOR BUAkI WREOUAItATH0ORNaAY J Am K K Dr fa of Von fltnn and th they aid and Stomtch ferment induces IndJ- produces distress after weight in the wind on be Stomach loss of tile nausea Wood catarrh of headache and many disorders but Dr Von Stans ASSURANCE if nip the trouble in the hud prevent It may Eminent orc hard to scribe Sixty tablets cents Sold by Newmarket S MAKE THE FARM PAY Progressive stock breeders dairy men root and fruit growers beekeepers agricul tural students and home makers find the articles and answers to questions in every issue of the FARMERS ADVOCATE arid HOME rvUOAZlNt simply unequalled and Indispensable If you are not already a subscriber to the rhost helpful best printed and beautifully illustrated farmers paper published we invite scrutiny a sample copy A post card will bring The Company has now enter ed its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY LIBER- POPULARITY Accumulated Funds Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Policies- vere issued lor Write for our Interesting hooka Invent or Help and How you pre Bead ui a or model of opinion whether 1 liable Refected en successfully We conduct fully equipped offices Montreal and Washington us to prompt ly Work and quickly pcure as the Inveolton- furnished patent through Marlon Ma- notice without charge over distributed the and MARION MARION Expert ft New York Atlantic RUBBER Govt over Invite A post card wilt it free Address THE WILLIAM CO Limited CANADA Th subscription price 1 year Includes also the superb tans Number WVWrAW STANDARD baa investments Id Canada amounting to Fifteen Millions ol Dollars w J A Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector Farm for Sale Tires carry heavy and withstand hard service An riding tire Every set Can be fitted to Any for Catsloftt ACRES Boll Web and cultivation well watered buildings kind of to money on from the GEO 37 Aurora I idvanco I- i in to Care sab to perfect as a very ex- give con- cure tije uje iar or any it is absolutely sleep- stomach other Tablets medicine I dissolved absolute for in at is hbe tf N Own children regulates ething I without iggists or price the S ielpful m VoJved in and plan for which by per- i to lone and wastes I conquer naive it in the he power tower of power of Gbd si true to will make to all i soil house seeds 51 in In Bee- ranged Vest- in and escaped For apply to Mrs J A Hunter Agent Newmarket I tor paint to In wring to Ue4 said bottles I Compare the Era with any other weekly for home ami w a There- is many a- man now glorying in selfrighteousness who inthe day of awakening will have to confront a saloonvoting record the turpitude of which he never dreamed while here Many a man who prays and resolves against the will be confronted by spirits lost through saloons estab lished by the political parties his vote supported At the altar he prays Lead us not into temptation al he votes for politic- Mr B a lineman was killed try It is reported that cavalry will from England to South TO A COLD IN DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets Alt druggists refund the money If it falls to cure signature is on box wuiicv Saunders and Sarah Barnwell Elliott A full announcement of the new will be sent to any address on request The new for who sends 175 lor the new volume at once will receive free all the issues for including the double Holiday numbers also the Companion Calendar for litho graphed in twelve colors and gold I TBI YOUTHS COMPACTION Columbus Ave Boston Mass aobu K wheat The loss is Nov An old lady who was traveling to Victoria Toronto in company with daughter and died on the train between Barrio and rtrillia Not until the train arrived at the station here was it discoverer she was dead The lady who was probably years of age got on tne train at Toronto apparently in iar United Kat halting up or niata Bach is brought rich colors on the best imported Scotch Hessian ready for hooding reside from the Diamond Dye Mat and Pug Pattern were at and attracted much attention The 00 St Montreal will send postpaid to any of new designs to enable ladies to make prober