I J I THE EkA FRIDAY NOV I AS COAL Nut Stove and Egg FLOUR FEED TIMOTHY SEED for fall sowing J cor Main Timothy St in Type Alii Home Oaf Toronto kb FRIDAY NOV J Premier Honored J KNOWLES Grocery and Provision Store HEADQUARTERS FOR FirstClass Hams Lard FRESH SAUSAGE FRESH PORK FRESH BEEF FRESH LAMB will be kept always on hand year round Groceries as cheap as good groceries be sold lbs Select Currants per lb 1 lb T Jams A good Coffee lb Japan Tea for and a full line of choice vegetables always on hand Westons Bread KNOWLES banks and government buildings closed on 1 but large percentage 4ttiss over Sua- kept from any day at lack of loyalty to the reigning mon- Joseph Hughes got back from it was that the city the last Friday had a surfeit of holidays this Walter was home for year tie Kings birthday holidays Borden Opposition lead- JHiffl Fanny of Toronto was the House of Commons was in visiting in Town over Sunday the city over Sunday and addressed a Miss Kavanagh spent Kings Conservative Association on birthday with friends at Klmvate Tuesday night Miss of Bradford thieves broke into the of On evening last Premier Ross as Honorary President of- the Ross Club Toronto was presented with a portrait in oils of himself the I spent Friday last with Lottie Canadian Produce Co Esplanade St gift bringing with it not only the I Jones w Saturday morning and got away good wishes of the members of the Newmarkets Leading Store Club but also those of hundreds of Ms friends throughout the city of Toronto and the Province The Premiers address in reply to the presentation was in his happiest vein and called forth repeated plaudits from those who had the pleasure or being present During the course of his observations be referred to a statement made by Mr Whitney on a recent occasion that Liberals since Confederation never offered anything importance to Canada either at Ottawa or at Toronto Mr Ross pointed out a result the struggle by a Liberal Administration Jack Cane son of Mr in which was in Cane had a party yes- drawer The colored porter of a palace car Alex of Toronto is who criminally as- spending a week with his son Mr suited a young girl passenger was found guilty at the Assizes on Mr and Mrs are and sentenced to years in in attending the funeral of penitentiary at Kingston his sister The Band of the 18th Highlanders Mr was visiting ftWay iw relatives in London on the Chicago on Kings birthday lhe Canadian Wiss was As9ociati0fl now ENGINES FOR SAli Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Packer or Peerless SEPARATORS And belt- Your choice of Full Rig for 400 On four years time Cheap at 600 R THOMPSON Newmarket Farm for Sale That wellknown and desirably lo cated farm containing acres of which are choice wood land and on the East half of Lot In the Con of Whitchurch and known as the homestead of the Late James Starr Good comfortable dwelling and large Barn with stone basement and abundance of stabling all of which are In good state or repair For terms and particulars apply on the premises to MISS STARR over the delimitation of Ontarios boundaries miles had been added to the area of this Pro vince He next called to remem brance the made by a Conserva tive Administration at Ottawa to transfer the control of the license sys tem of Ontario the effect of which would have been to deprive this Pro vince of a revenue of nearly yet they found the leader of a great party venturing the statement that neither at Ottawa nor at Toronto had anything of importance been done by the Liberal in addition to the above the Premier then went on to show the stimulus given to agri culture by the policy of the present and previous Governments and quot ed figures illustrative of the growth in agricultural exports from Canada He also pointed out the care exercised in administering the Crown Lands the development of our educational institutionthe extension of our rail way systems the building of coloniz- roads and the phenomenal de velopment of New Ontario as a full and complete refutation of the Op position leaders statement No one acquainted with the progressive his tory of the Province but must all these were important and yefc in nearly every instance the measures to give effect thereto had to be carried through the House in the face of the j to Askin Street strongest opposition nay more in some respects they had to educate the country up to see the importance of them Altogether it was a telling speech the guest of Mrs at the WaterWorks this week A party young were en tertained at the residence of J A Esq last Friday night Miss Florence Hopper of Toronto spent over Sunday with her sister Mrs Matt Brown also her friend Miss Rogers Richmond Hill Liberal Beatrice of Newmarket spent a few days with Mrs A Sander son last week The four Misses of Toron to sent over Sunday with their cou sins Mrs and Mrs J Mr Will Belfry has moved two doors further West on Ontario street and Mrs is prepared to do dressmaking again J Esq A Prin cipal of Collegiate Institute was the of Mr J K last Friday night J of Queens- formulating plans to give the Kilties warm reception Clias Ryan a former wellknown newspaper man of this city was found dead in his ted on Monday morning at his lodgings in Jarvis street Death was due to natural causes Mrs got a judgment of 525- against the City of Toronto for the accidental of her hus band last winter in a post hole at the new market The body of Alfred book keeper for A Taylor who been missing ever since Oct was found in the bay Tuesday His gold watch and 2 in money were found in his pockets it Was a clear case of It is understood was something wrong with his books unbalanced his mind Andrews on last was sentence in iv to five years in the for Wall Snap About rolls Handsome Gilt Papers in odd lots of from to 20 rolls no Borders to match Regular price 12 to 17c Taclear at per roll Boots Shoes We are ready with Ae biggest and best Shoe and Rubber Stock we have ever shown ChiMs Fine Rubbers per pair Misses Fine Rubbers 37 per pair Womens Fine Rubbers 50 6o per pair Mens Fine Rubbers per pair Boys Fine iv i 55 P pair Stub Proof Heavy Rubbers are the Best Rubbers money can buy We are Sole Agents for this celebrated brand Wile one of the members of the East intimacy with a gill Council moved into Mrs Pecks house on Main St South lust Wednesday Mrs of Allendale spent a few days in Town with Mrs wood Hughes The latter went The Police have commenced the investigation against the Police force for conniving with of gambling resorts A gold nugget weighing over 48 ouucis and reputed to be the largest We have the Largest Stock of New Furs in Newmarket Ladies Fine jacket guaranteed 25 to 30 Beautiful 450 5 6 up to 1 5 Fu- aid Onus 275 up to 10 Genuine South Sea Seal Caps at A Pine Orchard NOTES Speaking of Institute meetings during the approaching win ter season Mr Q re ports that meetings have been ar ranged for beginning on toe in stant aw 1 SYSTEM Look Out for Thanksgiving Excursions It is current report about the Par liament Buildings that the Ontario Legislature will be called together the transaction of business very early in the New Year The of Janu ary is spoken of as the possible date It was an off year for fruit in some parts of Ontario in but we are told this Province swept the Pan- American with her fruit exhibit all the same It is true that New York State had a greater variety of fruit for a general display of fruits of superior excellence Ontario secur ed the gold medal On individual exhibit the Province carried ofl gold medals silver medals bronze and honorary men tions back home with her on Wednesday for nugget of pure gold ever found the a few days visit prized of fcjanne Mr Richard Way ling returned a pioneer the Atlin district BC from Brandon on Saturday and has who is at present in the city The great hopes of the country The nugget is valued at but the wheat crop is immense and a great ownr has refuted for it as a deal saved in A 1 condition Rev former pas- Several cases of stealing tor of the Methodist el ch here from halls of private Where the dined an for the fourth front doors have been left unlocked year at an las invited been reported to the police Lorn The Chrysanthemum Show is now on at the Pavilion and is the best in Mr Hi son the history of the Florist and Gar- Mr George attended a deners Association There are over farewell banquet in last entries and the display is truly Saturday given on the departure magnificent one of the old Band Boys They An evening paper announced that so spent a few days visiting old there promises to be no scarcity of friends in that vicinity and near King candidates in Toronto a City month hence A private telegram from Mr Jno The mysterious disaprarance of received by his family yester- Rev John a superannuated day states that r had reached his Methodist minister who left his home destination at Walsh station on the in Sheridan Ave nearly a month ago with the ranch cattle all still remains unsolved right Mr Currey was a little over I Anotter big tenement house is to eight days on the trip and expected be erected on University Ave It is to have his cattle at the ranch on the estimated to cost 5100000 will be a western prairies today j seven story building feet It Mr Carl Lloyd son of will be almost lirepi oof and will Lloyd of this Town has re- prise compartment with an the appointment of Choir Mas- age of six rooms to each compart- and Organist in the Methodist On the top door will be a at have no cafe and the basement will be occupi- CLOTH G This is the Leading Clothing Store Nothing but good material well made at Lowest Prices Mens Suits from 450 to 13 Mens Overcoats from 5 to 10 Boys Suits from 175 to bso Boys Overcoats from 259 to 575 London Nov The gale which has been over Great Britain and Ireland for the past two days continues unabated at many coast points Over the lowlands the torrential rains are increasing caus ing disastrous floods Reports of wrecks and casualties continue to float in The made up of threes and fours an approaching one hundred H E THE FAMOUS HENTY BOOKS Titles handsomely bound Mr is the King of story tellers aggregate for boys Many other Titles also to choose from NEW SHAPES AJ NEW e nave no doubt that he will fill the position- to the satisfaction all concerned as be received his a- r College Organists Canada in and has been keeping his work up ever since ed by billiard rooms and barber shops Sixtythree gentlemen and one lady presented as candidates for the civil service exams on Tues day Tablets I Paper in box or by quire Note Paper Envelopes to match Wardoff and cure cold kind Every body catches cold Everybody Grip Tablets coated feel New Wall Papers A m New Stationery New Books New Fancy Goods Full information and tickets from agent of Grand Trunk System A McCLELLAN Agent Passenger Agent NOW TIME To Meyers Poultry Spice If you want Eggs In the early winter For Sale at DENNISS FERQ Since Premier Ross Induced the Imperial authorities to purchase horses in Canada in the course of his speech on the occasion the present atlon of an oil painting by the Ross Club of Toronto this week he said horses had been purchased In the and of this number were purchased in Ontario This was a single instance among pro jected by the that yield a harvest in due time to the people of this Province Astray The Oppositions geography tout Is amusement The Globe of Wednesday plays with Mr and his supportera in regard thereto Mr Whitney locate Salt Creek in the new or old geography The Ontario Opposi tion appears have procured a geo graphy to find out where it is at Fish Captured in Dominion City Man Nov enormous sturgeon was captured in the river here a few days ago It was feet 5 inches long and weighed pounds The fish got into shallow water near the shore and was seen by Mr Wad- dell and his nephew Hastily arming themselves with clubs rushed in to he water and attacked the mon ster After a desperate struggle in which both of them were knocked down they succeeded In practically the and dragging it ashore It lived twentyfour hours after being taken from the water cut up the and among the town people and the whole town is feeding on A press despatch from Winnipeg dated Nov states that tho weekly report shows that the quantity of wheat in store west of that city was on Saturday last bushels The quantity ship ped east during the past was about two million bushels ON Mr Alex McLeans residence and bams at Place Mrs James McLean old lady of years and an employee named Mc Gregor perished in the names The Cradle Town on 11th Nov to Mr and Mrs a daughter Thursday at the wife J A M- Van of a son Aurora Nov 3rd to Mr and Mrs J a sou Hamilton Nov to Mr and Mrs A a daughter granddaughter to J A Ivsq Postmaster New market Quinine The best and family medicine Relief in a dose Cure In a day Por aale by generally Price cenU Sold at Scotts Drug Store you reel mean iafl GripQuinine If is Metropolitan Fashions All of the Patterns on sale Subscribe lor DELINEATOR HERE only roo a year Fashion sheets free lot in the rear of the Con of Whitchurch time last opting ONE RED STEER old ONE RED HEIFER old QUESTIONS FOR WOMEN you weak nervous irritable Mr will observe that even the old geography gives Ontario that square easily worried and fatigued Do you his party friends endeavored to dread your daily work and feel like her In a speech made In letting your duties go undone Dr the other evening Mr I far- Chases Nerve Food will restore your court pointed out that the new public nervous system and send the of No special rnformation school geography Is authorized for new life and energy through the body lug to their recovery will be suitably use in the schools high schools It la above all a womans medicine rewarded- and collegiate institutes of Ontario as Its invigorating Influence on the PENROSE was left ncns Insures regularity lothefunc- THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House FRESH GROCERIES Standard Sugar Its For Tha Tornb Oct Bell son Wtn Mercy years In Toronto Nov Catharine Fountain Geo f Standard Granulate SinlSS on Nov 10 Hew Raisins select Harrold son Mr Arthur WW- New by the to son and ot Mr Last yerB Select lbs lor or It box tor years and thla Is a will not last Town Nov HORSE SHOE SALMON Astnatti wife Wr Charles In Tin tor Case In year Daisy brand Powder in tin 130 Funeral on Friday Meet at rwU Malaga Grapes Cranberries Sweet Potatoes Oranges Lemons Bananas donee Prospect Ave at pm la- Jellies A Jams Plum In Jars torment at Pine Orchard otnont Bros Bon Boos Nectarine Bon Bona Burnt Almonds A Nov opjwft Chocolate Caramels Sea Foam Chocolate iire ail new and very choice In boxes ox by the pound on Mercy wife ol Mr Bell and sister of New- about Funeral this Friday afternoon w Pine Orchard 4 the great geography J of the organs A Night calls attended to at residence street John Millard I TELEPHONE S A J H MAIN NORTH NEWMARKET Ail Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Rogers BEST FLOUR FOR BREAD BEST HIGH GRADE FLOUR FOR PASTRY V in Barrel lota or Small Lota of our buy by barrel CENTRAL TELEPHONE OYSTERS Pine WN STARR- a