Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1901, p. 3

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THB WHIT ok town a leader is native town Fairly good attendance at the meet- last Sunday by the League in J Linton gave an temperance address which I glistened to attention TO grim ne Sunday V Those who miss the Sacred Concert Monday night in will certainly too treat the season Very is there such an opportunity forded to the musicloving Olivers ability as i The Services of Praise he has given already arc ample guarantee of the quality of music we may expect soloists ate well and favorably known in Toronto and addition to the music ftiss Rogers an a high order will give some se lections- See posters or particular Remember the date Monday evening W Nov Tbe program will commence at sharp Sudden The death of Mrs Charles Case last Wednesday a gloom over that part Town W on the previous evening she complained of a pain in the bead As it was no better during the night her husband suggested that he would go fer the doctor but she said till morning A little after four oclock the altet- papers were read by antfjlrs i Illusion AgJoity The all fall Society ha and it facilitate the work of closing the boots for the year those who have not yet been TOuld and draw the respective amounts There are un settled accounts which- haw been or dered to be paid but up to the pres ent have not been apied for Council meets at i Rm at Nov sentaVandaotne granite Church burying ground at Sutton yes terday Mr baa made an ex tensive imprpf errant residence meeting at Mayor Canes residence Tuesday after- noon Mr Frank Dhorne- son of Mr Richard Osborne Is laid this week on account of getting his knee cut at home Saturday of week will Market IWashioned- snowstorm 7 one on the jug in interest Initiations neatly every night of Next Sittif- day evening to Night when it Quite in tWlown the noise of the car a reorganized a few weeks ago is puts J move Mr and fft Bond Velma Bond and Miss Howard drove expected there will be out to Mr of the number of initiations line to spend Sunday Messrs from Newmarket Jr- of Toronto re- conipletod the stone wall for Mr Con- turned Monday morning after spend- new barn last week job two days at his parental home is a credit to them We are alt to learn that There was a large at the Perry is after a long and Endeavor meeting Inst Sunday even- painful illness jing The subject was introduced by Mr left on Tuesday Miss A Main Miss Kate Oldham for The Black where he Will Dr Law continue on in the good way for the Rev and Mrs are future away for a few weeks visit in the I 1- J rf Miss I paid a flying vis- States Mr John sr to town Monday pied the pulpit of the Christian Jfr Street wheeled up from To- church last Sunday morning f beard her making a peculiar noise while breathing and arousing fee saw that she was His son was ient at once for two doctors and they arrived in a few minutes could really do nothing for her relief A Wood vessel had burst in causing paralysis she died before noon The two daugh ters in Toronto were telephoned for they arrived before her death but was past consciousness Much sympathy is expressed for the bereav ed family in their sudden loss Hockey annual meeting of the ket Hockey Club was- held at the House on Monday evening and was the largest and most en thusiastic ever held by the Club The report showed a bal ance on hand following officers were elected Hon Patron and Patroness Mr and Mrs Cane Patrons and Pat ronesses Mr and toa Mr and Mrs P Mr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs lnnox Mr and Irs Ross and Stewart Mr hire J A Al lan Mr and Mrs Lloyd Mr and Mrs Cane Mr and Mrs H Lloyd Mr and Mrs Hon President Hon J Davis Lieut A 2nd Dr Clark P Doyle Captain To be appointed Exec members Cane J Cameron and Smith Hon mem bers to the Allan and Lloyd At a meeting of the Executive on Wednesday night Mr Ceo It Simp son was unanimously chosen as the Clubs candidate for representation on A Executive Mr is the only candidate in the field from the Northern District and it is believed he will the hearty support of the Northern Clubs in par ticular Sale FRIDAY per the one mile north of M i ATS will bold an auction sale of farm stock etc on the bar terms Sale atone TUESDAY fithalfmile north of dispone of bis ments etc on the Hale at Robert Nelson auctioneer to view old familiar scenes A successful meeting of the members result in a grand Christmas Concert If will kindly send over a car for day no doubt there will be a crowded About eight coupfe from here at tended a well crowded dancing party at on Tuesday and bad time There are two empty houses how in the village Any person wishing to be light of the gas jets and the convenience of the cars which will run twice a year had better apply at once Prices the Lowest Quality the Best CM Public School meeting Tuesday evening Manning and report shows on the roll with mriJuttv last month of Nonresident fees Following Wills The Cane Sons Co- re pairs W Lehman Bliss McDonald teaching Kcefey damages Oct ikv J Wilson repairing damages Oct Millard drawing earth Scotts Pharmacy supples fl70 Vim Gould A supplies and ro- pairs a fcbr1h ttag stall Two tables are to be the Primary and the counter of The Secretary reported the receipt of Provincial Model School The Secretary was to direct the attention of Health to the- Act Mm to notify of schools any outbreak contagious dis ease The Chairman Mr were anointed a to at tend the mcUrg tie County Cotmcil with reference to the distri bution of Model School candidates A reward of is to he offered fcjr that will to thecon- meeting of the and branch of the Bible Soci ety was held on Monday evening Nov in the Methodist Church here Considering the state of the weather there was quite a number present- The usual devotional exer cises were conducted by the pastor of the Church the President having re moved from the neighborhood Then followed the election of the officers for the year The Rev of Toronto gave the address of the to the delight and profit of all present- The assisted by rendering some selections Rev Mr of was present and acted as Secretary for the even ing editor of tbe branch of the Sentinel Is out of town owing to the death of bis far The Baptist services are supplied by students from Toronto for the pres ent Our railway slowly It is coming by and by Improvements at the Methodist par sonage during the week in the way papering A letter from Dr Livingstone formerly states lie is now located in the northeastern part of Natal South Africa- On arrival in that lone section he found a medi cal missionary suffering from blood poisoning alter operating on a pa tient He attended him day and night but all to no avails as The Dr had to make coffin and attend to his burial all alone The letter was written Oct and reacted Nov The Dr and wife were Well though they had tra velled for the interior on an oxcart The Rev Amos pastor of the Presbyterian church here will ex change pulpits with Rev Dr Smith of Bradford next Dr Smith will preach at Aurora and here in the afternoon Among those who attended the Convention at Bradford from here last week were Mrs J H J Ferguson Miss Ketswell- Miss Case Miss Bostwick and Rev Amos of Au rora who is our Bible Class teacher Tere is no doubt but that this was the largest delegation of any one school in North York The Rev Mr Mote is conducting re vival services in the Methodist Oh here They will continue until the end of next week The aspirants for municipal honors are beginning to canvas as usual in the hope of securing a handsome vote next New Years We certainly do need some men of business in connec tion with our Township Council Mr Mitchell who has been an employee of Mr A Wells received kick on the knee from a horse which causes him to be laid up probably some time Miss and Nellie a fer last week visiting friends at Bradford Mr Norman Glass Miss A Glass Mr and Mrs Neil of Jefferson were the guests of Mr last Sunday Mr Isaac Gilpin of will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday morning- The of our village intend holding a Gospel Temperance Meeting on Suuday eve the when Rev Simpson will give the address There will no doubt be a crowd as Mr is an able speaker on this subject On Tuesday morning Mr James found a very unwelcome vis iter in his cellar was a skunk Mr fortunately managed to get it out of the cellar before killing it The village was seemed all the same York is building a new woodshed to his house just now There will soon be a vacant house in the village as Mr is mov ing out of the house lately sold to Mr Ira Crittenden Dame minor says it will not be long vacant The many friends of Mrs Mann will be sorry to hear that rfie is very sick at present Very little hopes are entertained for her recovery Threshing machines are busy in our neighborhood just now Mr threshed about of red clover seed last week Mr John Jr lias been on the sick list for the past week or two Mr Powell of by a friend paid our village a vis it on Monday Mrs of Centre has been spending a couple of weeks relatives here She left for home on Pink Saxony Flannelette per yd Mens Heavy Kniti Top Shirts inch Navy Cloth per yd 54 inch Blk Nap Coating reg Saxony Wool per Special Bargains this week in Blankets Flannels and Undrwear i 5c- for 65c Black Dress Goods This is our Hobby We can show you variety and price that cannot be approach- GROCERIES Red Salmon per tin Choice Prunes per lb 5c Sardines in oil per tin 4c At BRUNTONS CORNER STORE SO GOOD AS BAKING POWDER The Cheap Store Departments Try us for what you want and get our Prices Household Things GROCERIES MEDICINES 1 Children Cry for CASTOR I A Council Regular held at Nov The Bond was accepted as satisfactory f Mr and Mr itfcCordick were heard regarding fence and ditch at Following amount paid John A for culvert cedar for culvert adworlc Lake Shore Fred culverts on Con Samuel repairing culvert Lots 16 Con John for ftjcliard filling wash out at bridge Lots Id J Con refund dog tax wrongly Thos Yates statute labor per formed after List Hazard statute labor per formed List returned John Hamilton to pay of Jurors victlon of the party or parties who Ira Morton cedar for Plv 100 broke into the School on J P McKay part payment on night and stole the bell printing contract rope I Council adjourned to meet on Hoard adjourned December dramatic of the Young Peoples Association of ihe English church here as previously in timated presented drama Dot the Miners Daughter at Maple on Tuesday night The hall was filled to its utmost capacity and the whole affair wasvery succoNsfiil After the entertainment the members of the company were entertained at the Rec tory by McDonald and the of St Stephen Maple arid a very enjoyable time was spent Hon J Davis is in Northern Ontario on a couple of weeks injec tion lour in the interests of his de partment Miss and Gill- ham of Toronto spent two or three days during the last week at their homes here Mr Alex Cray for Messrs A Davis Son spent- lie Kings birthday and Sunday at his parents home in Port Credit Mr has returned for a short stay- after an of some months Woodstock We staiul he spent a tew on his way here vlsiUug friends in We notice that the defect at the bridge across the at Davis Sons tannery which has been caus ing some talk in the Council has at last been remedied Miss A of is couple of weeks at ntrff Kinghorn The Anniversary Services of Hie King Methodist Church will be held this corning when Rev J of Toronto will preach both morning and evening and a Mass- Meeting of the Sunday School will be held In the afternoon Market The bulk of exporters sold in To ronto this week at to per The demand for choice wellbred heavy feeding steers was good and there was not enough to supply the different dealers and farmers who were looking for them Loads of good burners cattle arc worth 5380 to and medium butchers mixed cows heifers and steers 340 to per Common butchers cows to and inferior cows to per Heavy Feeders Heavy steers weigh ing to lbs each of good qualities such as farmers re quire sold at to per those of the same weights suitable for the byres sold at to per Light Feeders Steers weighing from to lbs each are worth to per cwt Dry cows sold at about to Calves were scarce but still did not sell particularly high being I about the top figure Milkers are In active demand There would be no trouble in getting to for good ones In ewes and wethers sold at to and at 276 to S3 Lambs sold at to 375 per cwt Hogs light delivery Selects fats lights in HARDWARE DEFT NOT Dr Thomas Klectric Oil large bottles Special Bargains Chases Pills Pink Pills Kidney Pills 35c Kidney Pills Burdock Blood Bitters BUT Clothes Pins dozen Crown Washboards each Globe Washboards each Jubilee Washboards 20c each Wash Tubs largest size made Wash- Tubs next Largest Wash Tubs next size mado Wash Tubs next size made Wooden Pails hoops 15c Baking Powder Guaranteed Celery Compound Everyday Prices Hood in 1lb tins Scotts Emulsion to give satisfaction Consumption Cure We have sold over a ton of this powder and have yet to hear the first complaint Try it Baking Soda lb Royal Yeast 3c box New Clean Currants c lb New lb Selected Old lb New Cooking Figs lb Wooden Pails Royal American Clothes Wringer 5 Scrub Brushes Solid Back Fibre it rowed worth special lb Granite Wash Basin in special Sugar 25 lb Dark Yellow 1 Sugar lb Lightest Yellow Sugar Its Coffee Sugar lbs Granulated Grape Nuts Malt Breakfast Food Breakfast Food 13c Chases Syrup of Linseed Turpen tine Kemps Balsam 20c Pectoral Belladonna Plaster Plaster All other lines of Patent Medicines at Cut Prices Toronto Markets Nov I Mi at 1 DM si I ft It 100a IM w Whli4 rjiKiVc per hut per pit Run roll per lb new phlilt per lb Hogs per jr per pair Dm per Turkypcr lb J ft 1 it a R DM lift CO at Iron Pails worth special Iron Pails worth special me Daisy Barrel Churn Latest Improved Steel Ball Hearings pilous Hfi Toilet Soar cakes for 5c Maple Butter Bowls 10 SJirT Butter Moulds Oblong lb Scottish Chief Oatmeal Toilet Soap Maple flutter Ladles worth cake our for Maple Butter Spades Babys Own Combination Boiler Steam Pan 15c Dress Goods Tweed Effects in several shades Worth i clearing Ladies Boots Storm Comfort Veil Time 75 It is curious how some awl dress weH and yet never seem to follow any occupation while others who labor daily find it hard work to malic both ends meet PILL tudtanM imrMdiAto result Hot to mink tow If ou nut we look tot and wrest f5SZ are wpreme In Sallow CootlptU Sold by Newmarket White per per Ft bushel Butter per lb per ton Bran per tow WW Nov 1901 a IBS a it It pays to be com fortable in stormy from a physical point You can not health any more effective way than by weather- proof clothing These and other rain- lor- men ad women will an swer your purpose admirably Ladles Fine Lace Double Soles Wool Lined cap new tall style worth Special This is the time when it Is co- to protect the Kid Sole lace the raw winds A veil Is BOOTS A therefore an essential of all characters The sort that Will best preserve complex- silk wool or tonbut all a qual ity that assures you excellent value for tbe price you pay cents FUR COATS We have a lino at that cant bo beat at any price come and see it We are Headquarters for Mens and Boys Clothing ChlcJtenipor ntlr Turkey per lb per lb 1 0 a no ft a Ont

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