Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1901, p. 6

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v- i j ire wiiisofi of all kinds of w on v 4 OF Veterinary College Next door North of Drug Low jBoth private and companies money and per cent DAVIDSON Notary Albert ER FRIDAY iVipbi ft tiJ j 1- V I MANAGER I I i GRAIN MARKET The following arc the latent lions on the grain market Fall to barley to id B to Jays i for Grain Seeds Potatoes etc SALT always on hand MOUNT ALBERT NO MEETING A meeting of the Board Directors of the Mount- Albert Cemetery to have been held on Monday night but toe pouring rain and blackness were too discouraging and there no quorum present Another tempt will be made shortly was at- will be held in Chaimers Church oil Sunday Nov Rev A SlcGtnlvrayor will the pulpit at BALDWIN BREEZES m One of thQ happiest little I know of is that of Robt presided oer by his both services On the evening of sister alary Rob seems as devot- Bay Mary as Robbie Burns was t of Jfarkham will deliver- a lec ture 0 At the last regular meeting the Lodge of tie Canadian todef Oddfellows oil Thursday night eleven candidates were initiat ed and several propositions received This encouraging result is largely due to the efforts of the Mr J I WRITE FOR A Free sarnie copy of the Canadian the leading garden magazine in America treating fully the cultivation fruits- and flow ers numerous ilhistrations practical and professional contributors Ad dress TOoiolverton by FOR 54LB Bell organ nearly new octave sets of reeds and stops For safe very cheap 3Iiss Leek Albert- his Highland Mary and it will be a sorry day indeed lucky Chap Jugs off Mary to he queen of his castle In sweet content long may tiey live Unconscious a care Helmed by all true steadfast friends Is my honest prayer Jos Foster was visiting daw and maw and sis and bub at the old home last week ATr Jos Kay was greeting old last week on his thirty- first annual as tour it speaks volumes for Josephs popular ity that he has been engaged so long Would become legitimate cause it some places arid countries they are legalized The of a business must bo determined lip on its Intrinsic value and moral Miss Lily has ed Brown Hill school for the coin ing year Mr Amos Kay will take charge of the school for- the ensuing year- Mr Eyre of Torontowas visiting at Mr Johnstons last week Miss Sarah of Norwich form erly of this village was here for a brief visit from Saturday to Mr went to the city fast Saturday on business met at the home Mrs Fisk this week for the dispatch of business J Mrs of Toronto came up Just Received A NEW LOT OF 1 I without complain It js n lender- j last Saturday for a short visit METHODIST CHURCH BLACKBERRY CORDIAL AND WILD STRAWBERRY For FLY INSECT from the a Increase in flow of by It will Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT fecial services will held in Methodist Church here on Sunday PERSONAL Jewell and two children friends lastweelc Miss Bertha Rosamond has return ed from pleasant visit friends in Lindsay Misses May and g for the new organ Ramsden drove to Bolton on Friday evening to visit at the home of Rev foot indeed who know him I guess we cant have much more fine weather We have been j favored this fall Its time for a switch oft to j weather next -Rev- 0 Dewey a Prof the eminent pastor of Hie and advises all at both and evening police officers and detectives vices A thankoffering will be asked of study in those arts- Aside for at both services to assist in JACKETS LATEST K They returned on Sunday Miss Stella Steeper of Dresden is visiting at the home of her uncle Mr Steeper Ernest Brooks is from the shortly He is compelled to return owing to the illness of his wife Sir C Elliott a former resident was in town this week Tuesday forenoon was not very pleasant lor getting out to market but the attendance was nearly equal to the average Prices as follows butter to eggs 17 to chickens to to turkeys dressed live geese to sheepskins to You can save money by baying your Furniture at the pit Furniture Store A Bedroom and lrlor Suites Extension and Parlor Tables and Fancy Wo are areola for Pillow Sham Carpet Stretcher aud a delivered free of charge when ordered raqoantity in town last week on old friends V Mrs J Cook was seriously ill last week but is ALLAN WOOL J MARKET Take your WOOL to toe Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get highest Toronto prices In Gash- Full atock of Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment of fashionable Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken In ex change for goods Geo Sons From present indications that vexa tious will soon be caus ing trod hie The best way out is to shovel the snow and look pleasant The deer hunters will be home this week as the season expires on strange to that a village as as Mount Albert should have no facilities this state df affairs can be re- medied I Mr shot five wild ducks on pond on Monday Rev D Cameron will preach a special sermon to young men en Sun day evening next These dark nights forcibly remind us that we have no street lamps On Monday night in partktulax it was not safe to even venture across tlie street without a lantern Mr Val Brooks has disposed of farm in Scott A of those interested in the old burying ground on the top of hill made a last week to clear away the rubbish A great improve ment was the result Mr Alex Tates auction sale on Wednesday wan well and went off very successfully Mr John intends mov ing into village shortly He will occupy the recently vacated by Mr Charles Lloyd Mr Robert lie Centre intends moving into the vil lage after his sale The funeral of the late Flem ing took place on Wednesday from the home of Richard Young on Union St Mrs Fleming was one of pioneers of this district having lived here- a great many years Deceased was nearly years of age The AOUW will attend the Meth odist church in a body on Sunday morning next when Rev J Simpson will preach a sermon to the pay- I from selfish motives his advice is good as criminality is certainly dis cernible in the features He claims that the assassin of MftKinley was prominently developed thus Our Mount Albert friends in was good as Thats the way to do it Bad weather for our sportsmen in Too warm The meat no j keepa good By actual count just thirtyseven hunters from here Perhaps if Id say the musical ta lent was as highly developed in the family as in the Deans Wil sons or the of Sharon might arouse an argument but as J parents Mr and Airs Henry Miss Bailey wjio is attend ing the Markham School spent last gunday parents Dr and are spending a few days in Toronto pV Mrs Rev Brace spent last Won- to in with friends Miss Milne spent Saturday and Sunday with friends In the country and Mrs r of were the guests v and A p Brace last Tuesday Two of our young men Messrs Stanley Osborne and left here last Tuesday for Newmarket where they intend establishing butchering business We wish them every success Mr has sold his barber business and intends to take Up Mie Gold Plating A water tank is being erected at the railway depot here Missionary service will be held in the Methodist church here next Sim- day The Rev A J Brace will MENS OVERCOATS SUITS AH Prices ALBERT Teacher Wanted For Section No Bast for the year Must have had some experience Applicants to state salary required and be ad dressed to GILBERT JOHNSTON ACRE FARM FOR SALE Keep Yourself WARM r by buying a Queen Stove the i cannot be success- preach Half of Lot in the 3rd of East brick house and good- bank barn Terms easy WRIGHT Box contradicted livery member of the family and all their descendants The Right Hon Joseph Chamber lain Colonial Secretary on Temper- of entertainers Even those who know not a note can play with tt fraternity All brethren are request- deceive- the very to meet at the Lodge Room at a Visiting brethren even down to the babies are says No statistics are needed of melody If they so to Ao to assure you that temperance reform they could get tip a firstclass troupe lies at the bottom of all further itieal social and religious progress Drink is the curse of the country It ruins the fortunes it injures the health and destroys the lives of one in twen ty of our population If I could J S ROWLAND come Miss Williams of Newmarket was visiting at J Ay wards on Sunday Mrs Wight has been visiting friends in for a couple of weeks Grandpa seems be very pop ular with young men They tomorrow the desire for strong want the of calling him grandpa Four brothers at present seem to inside track and as there are so many shall see what we shall see Why dont some of our parents vis- drink in the people of England what should we see We should see our taxes reduced by Millions Sterling and our Jails and workhouses empty Wo should see more lives saved in twelve months than are consumed in the school and see for themselves a century of bitter and savage wax Mrs W Nichols was visiting in affaifs Toronto a few days fast week- Perhaps Miss Blanche Pearson returned home If css for a Saturday last after a months vis- SSSSS on it in Toronto I public school a day was regularly set apart each week for vis- Miss of Toronto was- almost to con- it a religious duty to attend weekly It proved beneficial A vis itors book was kept in which names were recorded and for the teach er Wed a if any thing censurable was recorded A visitor from was re- corded in Mount Albert items last week Idle may he true It is reported that Jacksons hotel has been broken into Do you use your neighbors TELEPHONE By so doing you are injuring his business PRESENT RATES make it pos sible for you to have a Telephone in YOUR NAME The Bell Telephone Co- or Canada STARR Local Manager visiting at Mr Wright Foggs a few days last week Mr and Mrs Thomas were visiting at Mr Fred on Sunday Mr Harry has moved to Keswick where he intends working at his trade A number from here intend taking in the fowl supper at Holland Land ing on Monday night next Judge GRIPQUININE TABLETS CORNERS OUR FALL STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE INCLUDING Specials in Furs and Ladies Coats OUR i Lined Rubber Coat IT IS A SELLER CALL AND THEM The Grand Trunfe nUMoa at was burned with all contents Power Theatre at Grand Rapids Michigan by fire One man perished ALBERT PUBLIC- SCHOOL Hunter Ill Grose Watts Florence Smart Herb Sibley 337 Topic Jewell Jr Moore Wesley Reggie Dark Frank Watts Es sie Jewell 543 Ross tic 350 Morgan Promotion to total max marks required Flora Mor gan Toole Jen nings Pansy Wallace 296 Porter Roy Roy Cook To III total marks required 2U0Margarei Turne afaud Mitchell 335 Alta French Alice Case Austin- Vera Hogg Leek- teacher Mcmullen Myrtle m John Smart Floyd Leslie 338 Millard Steeper MaKelvey 828 Frank Harold Barrett 23 Armand Woodcock Jr LI Phoda 355 287 Edward Bert f Pt Graham Barrett 3Ip 296 John Morian 206 Laura Brooke Donald Shields Oliver Sibley 201 Myrtle Graham Jr PL Melville Moore Ken- 1 Ross Willie 247 Woodcock Edward Mot- Howard teacher They are having revival meetings at fcto just now I think this week will end them The farmers are about thm their fall flowing Miss Maiy Sweet is home for avis- it We are glad to have her in our midst got his hand badly hurt one day last week Messrs Sweet and J Sweet have gone to Muskoka to spend the winter SHARON Mr Bert Phillips of returned home to Recuperate after sustained in a railway accident at White Horse Three Operations Filled to Cure Itphlng Piles of MarvHoi Cur Film the Continent Father lb cures effected by Dr Chnaes Ointment like miracle Herd in a where doc torn labored In vain failed to cure Mr Donald TarbotYtle U write received the box of and linn douo me a corintderablg amount of good now payment for box Jo Dr Ointment which you will please to my I had Itching Piles four years and did not know of any medi cine that would relieve me lact fall when I received a letter from my Winnipeg- who aafd hat Hire doctors treated him and operated piles but failed to cure him He now thank and Dr Oint ment for a perfect cure He had pile- In the form and Buffered terribly He Ik now working Hard every does not feel any symptom You are at liberty uvthls letter for the benefit of la Utile trying to cure unless you use Dr Oint ment It la certain to afford and ultimately thorough cure ct a box at all dealers or son Bate Toronto says hes to carry off a fair maid from that If Ill win a prize Perhaps I have a imaginative it is generally supposed I a wedding does not shortly transpire on the outskirts of Gum Swamp call me a Conjuror More at the A drop letter box has been convenience Looks as they feared a change No danger as everything seems satisfactory I know are others willing aye anxious for the post It is an understood fact that son or Jos Kay will wield the sceptre at school the incoming year magnificent market on Monday but owing to the absence of one buy er prices were what Our teacher should have no difficul ty in collecting his hill as all the trustees are Win and Km raises the finest In section He gets fancy prices- The next event here will probably be the dedicatory functions at the Methodist church No thing definite as yet The J SUTTON ON EVERY BOX Grippe Coughs AND Golds In In One Day per Box at all Druggists Sold at Scott Drug Store Hampshire Down SHEEP combine the best- mutton quality with large she and a 1 good fleece Excellent for crossing with other breeds to increase the she I have for Rama lambs and yearlings from Imported stock and a few Ewes to Imported ram A J J Buy early to get the best Prices Moderate Our report of what took place on Halloween got considerably mixed up and turned topsyturvy In the Rev Simpsons address before the Bel haven we respectfully exception to one statement he made if correctly re ported viz That the hotelkeeper follows Just as legitimate a calling does the merchant beside him The merchant supplies or deals in ne cessaries of lite and give value for the money spent whereas vendor intoxicants that is of no real value but on the confoary Is positively Injurious and constantly down to degradation ana ruin Because a thing Is legalized does constitute its legitimacy this were so polygamy and the house of ft J VANDORF Lot 16 con Whitchurch All You Nead to Know if interested In practical fethe name of our schWi tbej We prepare young In Wo provide a dozen era and Eighty Typewrit ma chines arid produce good re sults Enter any time Circulars free AW iongoGerrard Toronto Tenders fop Supplies The undersigned will receive up to noon on INST forauppltea of butcher meat creamery butter flour oatmeal potatoes- cordwood etc etc for Institutions during the year vis for the Insane la Toronto London Kingston Hamilton vllleConourjrsnd no Central Pris on and Mercer Reformatory Toronto the for Boys renctflngulsbene Institutions for Dear and Dumb and at Tenders not required for the supply of moat to asylums Toron to Kingston Hamilton and nor Ceutral Prison and Mercer Toronto A marked cheque for five percent of tbe tall mated amount of Day able to order of Provincial must furnish by each as a his bona flelout sureties will be the due fulfillment of contract and should tender be withdrawn uld tenderer fall to furn ish security tho amount of the deposit will bo forms or tender may be radon application to Department of the Provincial Secretary Toronto or to of the respective Institutions lowest or any tender not Inserting this advertisement authority from the Department not be paid for it J Provincial Parliament Buildings Toronto Mount Albert Fresh Stock Groceries always hand We have a Complete Stcok of UptoDate Suiting Overconings also a Special Range of Choice Panting from is the to your winter Clothing AND SEE US KELLERS The Taylor Mount Albert ALBERT DRUG STORE For Coughs Colds use fialtn of Cough Syitup For a General Condi tloa Powder for Distemper use our We also carry a full line of Patent Medicines and Cure and Family re personal day or off hi W T LLOYD AND THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN si A We are prepared to please you in New Suitingsstyle workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Grinds Groceries Always Fresh KENVON A 1

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