Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1901, p. 7

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CHINA Weeks i LANDING Mrs- Law Mass were and daughter of Boston visiting their aunt Mrs WHAT IS OH IK ABOUT I The villa of appears to also H have a secession corner On Tuesday Toronto Football last a denotation waited on The High football team General Gibson to see if something went to Saturday could not be done by which that part of the village lying south ot the be detached from No wonder our by the corporation and added to the a adore of to V UY a- Sehool Report No Miller Geneva JTownsfcip The PP tor Bast Herman Lucy York introduced the deputation yi Ada Jenny Stanley Armstrong Helen Nov 1901 J Grocery HE RAISINS Selected lbs NEW CURRANTS Very fine ft FIGS From to 20 lb Choice ORANGE CITRON PEEL per ft Years SELECTED RAISINS for or box for A snap while they last BOOTS SHOES and RUBBERS LADIES ana GENTS HISSES and CHILDRENS Fine Medium or Good and Strong The Empress FINE SHOES FOR LADIES Fit Perfectly are Stylish Wearing County Council report later J ST h SSL2 states tbat- Christina Jr Taylor Tit the previous her Alice Jessie ore rJ W to dafvlMt it th MSjIHe Miller Lallan more May Ier- an agreement as basis settlement than the loss of in weight temporary in Norman l strength PIseand temperature- lor Elmer Cryderman lcIL nearly normal at lie close of IfcCdltli Stiles of Kay the fast She purposes going to New Charlie Its All the Rage Now GIVING BARGAINS after a- brief holiday and Owens Vera Kay Hughes iJaekat Sole breaking Dr Tanners record Ma- Rachel Tibbie Ethel Thomas Is the talk now That is why the Christiansen is nuking an eflort Bruce sales are so to stance into notoriety Flora John nil Herman Pearl Thomas and market last Saturday and question a big crowd of people in Town Poul try abundant and virtually no in prices except that dressed turkeys men as well as men resort to many Pearl Thomas Velma different seeking Taylor and it appears the lady in is accomplishing her pur pose by reducing her board bill Boiler Up And now it is stated Mr Norwood Nov A severe to in quantities wants to commence opera- plosion occurred here this morning Butter sold from 1 and and port when fresh Potatoes were The Globe of Tuesday says boiler was blown T Negotiations have it is stated been at the time resumed between Hv Oakley the the Marie capitalist and owner was struck on the head by the Councils of Arthur and Fort ailing but not seriously hurt with reference to the pur- is a mass of ruins and chase of the waterower- north the sever al hundred feet smashing many win dows in the surrounding The cause of the explosion is unknown at bag- Quite a quan tity of lamb and by the quarter Our November Sale is always Great Bargain Sale CHINA Special days safe of Dinner Sets AND Toilet Sets at a fraction over the cost of laying teem down as we require the room at once lor other purposes R A SMITH Leading Reliable Telephone A the public library for the long evenings is now in order those two Mr- Spencer New wiU be ready next of Chicago has had an tensive project under way for two or The ground was covered snow three years in connection With this on Wednesday morning but it did not power but has as yet been unable to sUy long undertake extensive operations The Time to get stormwindows in pro- Councils have replied to Mr per position j that they cannot consider any propose Mr James Smith sold his farm of from until the expiration of Thessalon Nov A pioneer acres on the shore of Lake Sim- Mr agreement which will Island -named- to Mr John Hamilton Reeve of be in a few months should J Harper has had an experience North for be done in that time it is likely be would not care to repeat that an agreement will be made with He was crossing from Thessalon to Mr It is stated that Mr WUIe in his sail boat when offered to buy out the public- a squall capsized the boat He electric railway between the in getting upon the bottom two towns and is willing to under- take the of horse- nights drifted helplessly the water at power andtlie establishment of in- over him and once he to utilize that power to the asleep and fell onboard losing full extent than fifty hours PRESCRIPTION SECURITY it If you all the facts about our depart- youfc would come here even if our prices were they never are If you knew the measures wej take to insure the purity and of our it you were the guards we throw about the com- pounding and- varioutf other methods peouliar to this store you could not entire in the accuracy of any prescription we put up To have to feel safe is worth yomethiug and it nothing extra SCOTTS DRUG STORE Prescription Druggist Main Street Phone Hot Supper The Ladies of the Christian Church ate scaring no pains to make their annual Hot Fowl Supper and this year fully equal to any of its the menu and program will as excel lent yet the committee have decided to make admission fee to both Supper and Concert at the low price of either of which will be more than worth the money The Male Quartette of University of Toronto under the leadership of Dr has been secured and will render a choice pro gram of solos duetts quartettes Mr a popular elocutionist will also contribute several selections and a most enjoyable evening is as sured Remember the date Tuesday Nov and dont miss this of a social and musical feast 22 lbs Granulated Sugar 100 1 lb tin B Powder 15c 7 Bars Soap for Big 12c bar Soap for 10c Comfort Soap for Valencia Raisins Its Fresh Smoked lb J the boat touched Grants Island and The recent demise of Mr Harper crawled ashore He lived McMillan of County of Huron on berries strawberry has removed a notable figure from the leaves birch buds etc for several public life of this country Here is days when a party of Indians coming incident illustrative of the man as from Johns Island camped on Grants given by the Clinton New Era Mr Island and found him almost McMHIan did not use tobacco or li- They carefully nursed him he was an abstainer from the poulticed his feet which were former ever since he came to this numb and after hours brought country but his conversion to to on the one principles is of more recent I departure date and shows his determination Meantime the people of Thessalon his of liquor at anyy time fearing ftome disaster had sent out had always been in moderation A two tugs with bands of men to scour fewyears ago he went into a hotel at islands in the vicinity and happened to overhear a Wr carried the mail of young men in heated arg and for ment during which his own name was years a most perilius On November the home of Mrs used One of the men under the talcing and on two former occasions A Dyke Andrew Street was the influence liquor and the was nearly his life He will soon be scene of a very pleasing event when trying to him to go home on about again her Grace was united in the plea that he had had enough matrimony to Mr Lorne Miller of other asserted that he was going to Main St Newmarket FINE GROCERS I Card of Thanks The bride was assist- have more liquor for he was like by her sister Sarah while Mr John McMillan who could take a Frank of Aurora supported glass or leave it atone it he wanted the groom The ceremony was per- to Mr McMillan found they were formed by Rev McCulloch in the presence of immediate relatives of the contracting parties Miss Annie Archibald of Strange played the Wed ding March The bride was given away by her brother Mr Dyke The bride looked charming in white organdie trimmed with white ribbon and carrying a bouquet of white flowers The happy couple left on evening train for amid showers of rice and good wishes of their many friends The presents were numerous and handsome neighbors sons and said Well boys if you are taking me as an Ill you one that you need not be to follow for I promise you that Ill never touch a drop of liquor again And from that time hence forth be became a staunch advocate of total abstinence AFTER Very The I- frequently called at tention to the careless habit of people in tying horses to trees plant ed on the of the streets Trees that have taken years of attention to get Into a delightful shade and orna ment ate destroyed in a few minutes by thoughtlessly tying horses to them the animals gnawing oil the bark Another wanton iractne is the driv ing of young into Town out sufficient help to ktep them in proper control drovers evidently car ing little whose lawn suffers the removal of has become gen eral It is an easy matter for a drove of animals to cause a great deal of destruction PINE t J of the China Mission Toronto Is expected to preach here next Sunday evening at oclock We hope to sec a good turn out to him An effort is being made to get the same gentleman to lecture here about Thanksgiving Day Good General Servant Wanted at once MRS MiADDOQK Pair Fur Gauntlets the Market last Saturday morn ing Black connected with a cord Finder will please leave at Kra Office HOLLERS Mr Henry Shaw of de sires to thank all those who so kind ly rendered assistance during Illness and death of Mrs Shaw and also those who sent kind messages of sympathy to him In his bereave Hones m The annual meeting the share holders of the Newmarket Co Limited will to held at the House on Tuesday Nov at the purpose of electing directors and other business FRANK STEWART Secretary xo The undersigned has been inaUutted by MR P OF TORONTO TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT IV OfjOf1 Several Good Buggies And a number of Choice Goat- akin s -oo- LAKE On Wednesday the 30th at the home of the brides parents Miss Mabel of this place and Mr George of Severn Bridge were united in I heartily congratule the young man on good fortune The ceremony took place at am the Rev Mr Hewitt Severn Bridge The bride was gowned in SPECIAL SALE lbs Brown Sugar for 1 lbs Granulated Sugar for lbs Selected Raisins 25c Special price by the Box lbs Nice Cleaned fur A few Boxes left of last years TWO WEEKS Nov 15 Good Salmon cans for Matches per box fie lb tins Coffee Good Ground Coffee per lb 23o The Best Ground Coffee per lb 35o Work Horses Good Drivers Mares in foal Road Wagons Mr Rraher is one the best Judges of Horseflesh in Canada so ln tending purchasers can depend on getting something good TERfuiS Sums of and under Cash over that months credit on approved Joint Notes Six per cent per off for Cash SALE COMMENCES AT OCLOCK SHARP KAVANAOH- Raisins at lbs for or Surprise Comfort and Eclipse Soap THE HOST FACE TO A CLOSE WAVE WITHOUT ftE8ULT gray travelling suit and held a Last Saturday a drove of white of Bronchos were into Town by was bridesmaid way of Queen Street and instead of and Mr Ernie groomsman lb Box SI New Lemon Peel per lb New Bright Dates per lb- 8c Good Cooking Figs lb or lbs for 25c Nice Layer lb Mixed Biscuits per lb per bar Toilet Soap cakes for Ginger per lb Washing Soda per lb Baking Soda per lb So New Cheese per lb tin An Baking Powder Flour per bag We want to Call Your Attention to the excellent values we are a BULK TEAS Japan Black Mixed The undersigned has been instructed by MR R TO SELL BY way having them under control they were of driven like a flock of in charge crowded with an array Malaga Grapes 20c lb of a couple of men on horsebook articles both of beauty and utility and dozen Oranges and dozen lemons dozen the fitting out of The lawn of Mr Savage he has nearly sufficient for had in such floe shape after a the happy couples new home -In- deal of labor and expense suffered of the collation of cold viands severely In consequence Not only on swph an occasion the guests was it trampled into holes by the number about forty were regaled loose pontes but the drivers with a dinner in which good things rode their horses the terra In great variety were served in cutting ft shamefully People who stinted abundance After the dinner old it it for the property the wedding party drove away showers of rice good wishes and it and mlov d damaRes This wild few old shoes to take the It a to visit the grooms Aunt prairie town Mrs M Wooding but when they are Into After a time Mr and Mrs Finnan lb Large dozen Large Labrador Herring fin salt per dozen I SELECT OYSTERS 4Cc per quart NICE WINTER SALE BY THE Bread daily to of the Town CHOCOLATES Cream Cream Caramels Lady Caramels made from Cream Called Pox arid Delivered Promptly GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER j em All fclnr In by our let that will take up their abode at Severn A ft WIddifiklo check or kept oft the prlncipol streets Bridge H NOLLER PUBLIC AUCTION AT TIPS JACKSON NEWMARKET ON SATURDAY OP MONTANA HORSBS from to years old The above horses ire Bays Blank s and Iron Grays Ing from lbs to lbs and are said to be the flneat lot of ever imported into this section Joint Notes or per cent per annum oil for Cash credit with per cent interest or SALE COMMENCES AT OCLOCK SHARP

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