The than any two other J papers in North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading Co yah ism Paper PAGES No paper sent outside of North York paid In No Copies Cent Etch Newmarket Ont Friday Dec 27 TEKMf I paid In advance j I 19 0 I We wish all our I I J i H A A ft V AND PROSPEROUS NEW A ft plumbing H Art WARE NEWMARKET ONT Ml PRI0MSaixrsv on PATENT MEDICINES are the For the Era TM Old The curtains dropped the is The old year gone to come ho more has Jen an door As he trie gloom j And as lie went into the night Was in a moment lost to sight iSo his For room on the sill and both were REV TURK Corqiig Evangelists The Rev Turk lately obtaining honors id pastor of the Street Method philosophy logic and civil polity church Toronto and the George Kerby whose last charge was Douglas church Montreal rcere set apart at their Coherences special work ami have started on their labors in this new field effort They have had success already and commence a series of meetings in Newmarket the first yuhdaytn January Messrs Kerby and Turk were first introduced to other some years ago by the wellknown in moral and receiving philosophy was received on probation for the ministry in June and or dained in His first appoint ment after ordination was Woodstock Since he has labored in Hamil ton St Catharines Brant avenue his last charge being He introduced the century Douglas church Montreal He Was Made its initial history married in October to Miss Spencer daughter the late James- Spencer editor He paused a moment The new year came still They each other with will ace to see went his ancestors to meet To cast his xophies at their feet An honored Jue the first to greet this new Century He went without a sigh or tear For those who gave welcome cheer Who were his friends linoughoui the year Ami did not wish him gone They looked in vain to hud his place Hut not a vestige could Ihey trace Expecting neer to see his face Hes left lor parts unknown The drama he began is done His laurels he has bravely won Deserving praise dear For all he has achieve J lists and Hunter of the Christian Guardian Mr ripened into Both has had large ingatherings on alt his being evangelistic in spirit each found charges and from the first has given in the other an affinity of soul Tho special attention to work among frequently urged to enter the special young people He is the originator of field as evangelists they hesitated to the Forward Movement in do so being successful and in Study and Work and is pastorale opening of widely known for hid successful work new century young men however to yield what they believ- A BROUGHTONS DRUG STORE to be a divine call Their respec tive conferences Montreal and Toron to have given their hearty lion to trie step they have taken it being regarded as significant the new evangelism these men of ability experience and culture should feel led to enter this special field of Christian Messrs and Turk after talc ing part in the great international J T 1 Have a at of them Price Price Williams plnV Pills- 35 Kfdney Pills Ozone CTnal M of above Chases K ttefilar Our Price Price Ozone large 100 Burdock Blood Bitters S wapaxla Hoods 100 Scotts Pierces Golden Medical Discovery Chases Linseed and Turpentine Electric Oil Dr Thomas KidMy Carters Pills 25 our Prices any others All Prices We in all of oar Business ana will not be by anyone J NEWMARKET ONTARIO The George Tiirk was bom in the township of Bay ham county of Elgin June lie was edu cated at the Collegiate Insti tute and at the College Montreal He was received as a pro bationer in the Methodist ministry in and ordained in and sta tioned at Chatham Out as assist ant to the president of the London conference Hey Dr Since then he has labored at Morpeth conference of young people in San Owen Francisco began their special mission Grace Church Winnipeg in Woodstock been thought street Toronto He was that a brief skeUbof the new evange lists would interest- The Rev George was born in Township county July married in to Miss Palmer daughter of John Palmer Esq Mon treal Mr Turk is strong in his per sonality evangelistic in his preaching and wherever he has gone the failures fame and victory More than can he conceived educated at High School a condition of the church has been Cobourg Collegiate Institute V and many have been added University He graduated n being the valedictorian to the membership JSLeuis Mounted Infantry Cut Up or wounded By that time reinforce- not of Horse came up and barged and captured the kopje Since Sun day last lighting burghers nave been captured in the Orange The footprints he has left behind Are not on sand but mind For others to perfection find Advancing each year Along his path are tokens strewn That point to new things yet un known That will in time to come he shown Old problems made more clear w And many who first greeting gave Of great and good and true and brave Like him have stepped beyond the wave That rolls two worlds between The men whose lives leave impress here Whose deeds will appear preparing for a nobler sphere Beyond earths changing scene influence will still expand Their thoughts Mused through every land Inscribed as with immortal hand By men for ages read May those who lived through his career And those who welcome the New Year Be counted worthy appear With Christ when life is fled Hill December iii Wireless Telegraphy Across the Atlantic lor a Word I In the Transvaal a column under Major while engaged in searching farms was attacked with I prisoners determination by and- J Wauled by s scouts as having been of last week and while responding to toast to by case it is said the Boers burned unfortunate native alive an ALL BBIGKHT GOODS 44 4 4 4 I THE TIBS NEW END TIES ANT FANCY KID LINKS FANCY SLIPPERS FOR LADIES A CHILDREN to be severe not yet to hand London Dec Lord further details- of pen JBrucc HOW IT IK DUNK operations on 10 in I The first object in life with the which Wing and Col Canadian people is to get rich He Ham starting at pm marched by second how to obtain good health a long detour of over miles and fiitt can be obtained by energy completely surprised the Boer laager honesty and saving the second good at at dawn on Dec by using Augubt Williams and Wing had marched Flower Should you be a miles in join Hamilton on the after- from any the Ucc and total distance jidpsla Appendicitis covered these columns including indigestion etc such as Sick the pursuit was in lies in hours ache Palpitation of the Heart Sour thirty which were at night Stomach Habitual mm- A force during the night of of the Head Nervous Dec attacked the British post at tfon Low Spirits etc you need not Eland Spruit but the burghers were suffer another day Two doses the driven off caving eight men killed wellknown August Flower will relieve including Commandant at once Regular size its Cornet who was and You can get Dr reliable three other wounded men were also remedies at Pharmacy on the field The ties were men killed and- six dm officers and eighteen winded Fought to the Death er ftaK acre at the Kop as British Yeomanry Portage Win Watson in a splendid race with the of manslaughter was sentenced in an attempt to be ftrst to ten years In the Penitentiary by gaining the crest the The Boers the summit first and In Dover Kent County where opened a heavy on the single probably the most serious troop of Horse which took In he Province exists nart In the race for the kopje These gent measures for its suppression are troopers took advantage of all the pursued latest reports small amount of cover available say that upwards of cases mediately below the Boers and fought and that the township has practically until all hut four of them were killed been cut the outside world At a luncheon given by His the Hit Cavendish Boyle in on Thursday and while lo Governor Mr said The present rates are if I am not mistaken twentylive cents a word I do not see why eventually with the wirelevs system the cost should not be reduced to one cent a word or less I have spoken of the wire- lets telegraphy may prove to bo to the nations of the world but as I am at least half a Britisher I wish to emphasize that- with respect id the British empire it has unite special importance Facilitating methods of communication between the mother country and her great colonies beyond the seas cannot result in still more that bond of unity and common in the interest of of which the empire has given such splendid ex ample to the world during the anxl- times of the last two or three years Gentlemen this colony was the first In which a message was received cable from across the ocean and i am glad to say it has equally been the first to receive a message across the same ocean without a cable A of twenty acres has been presented to the City of by the family FACT IS BETTER than ten hearsays Ask Doctor Burgess for Insane Montreal where have used it for years lor bis opinion of The L Menthol Plaster Oct the genuine made by Davis Lawrence Co Ltd Year to All I Council to statute Council met on Monday Dec Members all present A bylaw appointing polling places and Deputy for Municipal Elections was passed also one providing lor the payment of cer tain township officers The collectors roll for 1901 was said roll shewing tor dogs that cannot be collected and the sunt of for real estate and this ha ter amount ordered to be returned to the County Treasurer Cor ner was given a of being township lax on mill lCt owing to mill having been de stroyed by lire J and the Clerk were ap pointed to sell any timber that may be on con line west of sideline between lots and The Clerk Was ordered to those parties who supplemented town ship grants to certain portions of the highways that as the improvements for have now been made to kindly pay to the Treasurer Ihe amounts promised The following accounts and sheep claims were paid Mrs gravel expenses to Toronto postage Corpor ation of Sutton township share ma terial for culvert on So Kay gravel David Drap er gravel A Jameron gravel gravel A gravel J Shier gravel T Noble medical Bailey to wheel scraper World blank forms Lake culvert and repairing washout Amos Millard cutting water- thru gravel pit Amos Millard township share for work on Sutton townllne culvert in Div No grub- blag stump John com missioner re culvert con line SI John Lee work on road No 39 5150 Frank Kay repairing washout No 26 burying dead found on highway David work on 2nd Con Jos work on Donald Ego postage stationery and express charges James Cornwall pick and the following sheep claims 5560 Oliver 52 Thos Graham Philip 5733 John Jones 5466 David den Jacob Shier 52 Albert SI Council adjourned sine die It pays to advertise in the Era The Still Hour j A man understands only whit is akin to something already existing in himself We are all visionaries and what we see is our soul in things We reward ourselves and punish selves without knowing it so that all appears to change when we change Every soul has its climate or is a climate Journal Is there nothing that Christ as your friend your Lord your Saviour wants you to do that you ate tog undone today Do you doubt- one instant with his high and deep love for your soul that he wants you to pray And do you pray Do you doubt one instant that it is his will that you should and help and bless all the men about you who ate his And are you doing anything like that Do you doubt one instant that his will is that you should make life serious and lofty Do you one instant that he wants you to be pure In word and deed and thought And are you pure Do you doubt one instant that bis command is or you openly to declare that yon are servailis before all the world And have you done it These are questions which make the matter clear No not in quiet nor in bright temple as owe ho spake and not from blazing heav ens men sometimes to expect not so does Christ speak And yet he sJMsviis I I know What- he there all his glory he In my heart wants me to do today and I know that I am not mistaken In my Knowledge It is no mine If is his voice that Philips Brooks Dont Wake- the Baby Did know you could give ten while ftouiid sleeping can- It is called Vipo- Creiolene You put Crewleno in the vaporizer lamp place near the bed The children quietly breathein the vapor There is nothing equal to it for whooping cough croup colds throat and other troubles the throat and chest It is eco nomical icld A on tit tin of CniOtiM Co Fallen York Recommended and sold by druggist Newmarket it I Vpoiua and