Newmarket Era, 27 Dec 1901, p. 2

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FRIDAY SPEC I mm gfui gdpedijSfments FOE New House at Keswick Cheap Bast Terms Apply to 2w TO A Pure Bred Boar tor Sale on Lot A Yonge Street Farm to Rent Acres on the con of Whit church seven mites from Farm is clay loam with stone stall ing new house driving house hog pen and hen house Plenty of water Godd orchard estab lishment at capacity to week Possession utter 1st day of January Apply to JOHNSON Farm for Sale Lot in the Con of East containing acres about acres under cultivation Good barn and underground stables plenty good water on the is also a good roughcast House with eight rooms and good stone eel- Tar For particulars apply to PETER Newmarket North York A Society Is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of above Society will be held in the Council Chamber on Mil at the hour of l oclock pm for the reception and adoption Annual Re ports Election of Officers and otter business A general attendance is requested A Meeting of the existing Board will be held at the same place at am on above date J CANE KEITH President Secretary GRAND TR RAILWAY SYSTEM New Year Holidays Between AH Stations in Canada All stations in Canada to and from Detroit and Port Huron Black Rock Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls GENERAL PUBLIC Going Dates and Limits At One way FirstClass Fare Dec 1901 and Jan 1st Tickets good re turning from destination not later than January 2nd 1902 At OneWay FirstClass Fare and OneThird Dec 29th and Jan good returning from destination not later than January 3rd SCHOOL VACATIONS To Teachers and Pupils on surrender of Certificate signed by Principal Going Dates and Limit At Low est OneWay Firstclass Fare and One- Third from Dec to inclu sive Tickets good returning from destination not later than January Full Information and agent of Grand Trunk System A Agent Newmarket DICKSON CHRISTMAS PERFUMES i As sweet and delicate as the Sowers they imitate Our first aim Is to secure an that cannot be matched tor excellence and our endeavor to supply these per- feet odors at lowest price The cct of perfumes la right here and you are certain of tbooe odors that aw roost enduring and most true to nature i SCOTTS DRUG STORE Main Street Phone Lush is for Christ- mas holidays Mrs John Warren was in the week Mr from Toronto was in Town this week Mr was home from for Christmas Mr and Mrs Herb Elvjdge spent Christmas day in Mr Karl Miller of Toronto- was visiting friends here this week And Mrs K Foster of were home for Christmas Miss Anna is home from Picketing College for the holidays srMisg Matty Watson of Toronto spent last Friday evening in Town Air Harry is home from Toronto for the Christmas holidays Miss Ethel has returned from College for the holidays Mr and Mrs J Y Also Mips spent Christmas in Bradford Miss and brother of were visiting in Town on Sunday Mr A A of the O at Peter was also home for Christmas Walter Cain principal of the Lindsay Separate school is home for the Mr AH Manning was in Town on Tuesday The family are living in Orjllia now Mr Silas Pearson of Toronto spent Christmas with his brother Mr Robert Pearson A number of young people were the guests of Mr Walter Jackson last Friday evening Mr Colin Gamble of staff here Christmas at his home in Miss Sadie is spending the holidays with aunt Mrs George Triveu Sir Ed Lehman school teacher in township is home for Christmas holidays Mr Ed of Toronto is spending holidays with his uncle Rev Geo Mrs L Kitchen and children are spending the Christmas holidays at and Owen Sound Mrs Webster spent over Sun day in King and also attended the wedding of Miss Bertie Black Mr and Mrs of aie spending Christmas holidays at her fathers Mr Irwin Mr John Coombs of Maple is spending the Christmas holidays vith his son and daughter in Town Mrs Stevenson of Toronto attended the wedding of her Miss Webster last week Master of Toronto is spending the holidays with his cousin Master Douglas Scott Mr Jos Meads wife and child of Toronto attended a family gathering at his fathers residence Park Ave Mr- and Sirs Lyons of Niagara Kalis are spending Christmas holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Mr and Miss Smith accompanied rfhe remains of Aft John Smith here from for burial Mr and Mrs Thomas of Toronto spent Xmas with their son Mr David and also Mr Will and Mrs also Mr and Mrs Hiram Lloyd took Christmas dinner with Mr Karl in Toronto Some sixteen High school boys and girls enjoyed the hospitality of Messrs and Cody last Friday night Mr and Mrs of Har row Essex Co are spending holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Low The in Miss room presented her with a wry ty glove box last Friday at the clos ing of the school Miss Hewitt daughter of George Hewitt is spending the Christmas holidays with her cousin Miss Hewitt Mrs J Stephens was remem bered by her Sunday school class by the presentation of a copy of Notes for 1902 The four Misses of Toron to and Mr and J of Hamilton attended Christmas ga thering at the editors A of young people from Newmarket attended the concert in Miss school in East llmbuty last Friday night Mrs Dr Watson daughter of Mr Is home Michi gan for Christmas holidays Mr FA two sons of are spending the Christ- mas with their grandparents Mr and Mrs A I Hningi4ad Mrs Oliver had a family gather ing on Christmas day among whom were Dr and Mrs Oliver end Miss Dorothy of Almonte Mr and Mrs Oliver Arthur Olivet of ToronU Yes terday her mother Mrs pretty and brother Mr Pretty of joined them and tomorrow Miss and her mother are holidays in George town was there his sister for Christmas Tiro of ftoliingsheada boys from neat spending their Christmas holidays their grandfather Mr A I Mr Graham Tench son of Mr Tench who moved to Manitoba five years ago is here On a visit with I reports i he family all Well Mr Arthur fcherest who was man ager of the on Yonge street has moved to Town Mr J D Davidson a professional- stock raiser has taken his place Mr Richard also Mr and Mrs son of joined a family gathering on Christmas day John Brim- sons Mr of Toronto was also present Lieutenant Newmarket who served as a private in First Contingent in Africa had the honor of commanding the Toronto Corps who left for Hali fax on Christmas day to join those who have just offered to serve in South Africa The following from Toronto spent in Newmarket Messrs Jack and James Hodge Art Wilson Lock Fox Jack Greenwood Willis Bert Willis Bert Cane Pratt wife and daughter Miss Clara Lundy Miss Thorpe Miss Mor row Mis Geo Hewitt Miss Mr James Mr Walter Trhett Mr Ontario to Other Byes The Province Looks Like Home to an People Happy tented and Prosperous Good Climate of Toronto coming up It is a familiar remark that all cities are alike writes the special respondent of The London Standard who accompanied the royal party dur ing their tour In Canada however they entirely different Quebec for is a beautiful and ancient dame with the manners of a past age is a hoyden Victoria a dain ty maiden Ottawa a lady of fashion Montreal a solid business man and Toronto a welltodo citizen with a place in the country It was a feel ing of repose that we approached the of Ontario Night and day we had sped across bare heaths and thru great stretches of forest ful in their scarlet and purple ness Never have seen such masses of color the deep purple of the blue beech the trembling orange and gold of birch and aspen wreathed with the dark green of pines a carpet of nam ing scmunach all fading into a dream of pink and purple and green and against the cold blue of an autumn sky As we drew near to Toronto a new and quiet sense of home tame over us From the window of the train we looted out across English meadows and gardens and hedgerows right away to a blue line of hills and a grey sky Smiling homesteads pleasant hamlets busy towns glided past us leaving an impression of in dustry content and settled prosper ity people too reminded us strongly of home for we were the heart of a British and Protestant community Everywhere the But and Duchess had been welcomed warmly and heartily even in French and Catholic Quebec but in my ears the cheers of Toronto sounded more stirring more British in force and volume aw not sure that this feeling of home was not due in part to another cause It was raining The climate of Canada has been woefully misrepre sented people the wo Our Lady of the Snows and forget the license of the poet There ut a popular belief that in the Domin ion they leap from winter to sum mer without a spring Now journey of nearly six thousand miles we have had almost perfect weather Though on the edge winter only on one fleeting day have we had snow Three or four showers of rain and all the rest bright warn and sunny t5ven the winter as everyone will tell you is less trying than that for the air is clear and dry and still the thermometer may be many degrees below zero Only when the wind and that rarely do you need to wrap yourself In furs and avoid exposure Well it was In Toronto the sky was leaden and no one storried to give it a thought The children there were six thousand youngsters at the railway station sang their na tional songs waved their Union Jacks maple leaves and cheered as lustily as if the sun bad been shining on them and they were not soaked to the skin The streets were densely crowded and the enthusiasm was a thing to be Their Royal drove thru miles of in which are many beautiful re sidences gardens radiant with and avenues Id the city are many handsome churches and pub lic buildings with wellordered streets traversed in direction by elec tric trarnears Canada in a land nubile building and tramways Provincial capital has a pile of Gov ernment buildings that not dis credit a European capital and the wealthy merchants and citizens dis play admirable taste In the construc tion of their business houses and dwellings The is pleasing and surprising especially In not a quarter of a century old Their Royal Highnesses spent two busy days in Toronto- I have given by cable a brief description of the chief incidents The revie was the principal event- In numbers it sur passed any thing we nad seen in Can ada Nearly twelve thousand mm were drawn up on the shore of lake in front of nit thousand who watched with manifest Interest every evolution on the plain I have said before that the Canadians appear to take interest in the war than do the Australian Martial spirit is not sci manifest and the cadet system strong and widespread in Australia is here in its infancy From Toronto the Duke and Duchess a short and Vapid tour among the eastern towns of Ontario stop ping for a tew hours on the Thames in the County of Middle sex London is the centre of a rich agricultural district and the visit must have enabled them to form some opinion of the wonderful natural re sources of the country On every side were evidences of industry and thrift and of a soil that yields abundant harvests London is but one of a group of townships that give to On tario its preeminence as the est and most populous province in the Dominion In 1826 it was the ad ministrative centre and today it is the boast of London that more trains arrive and depart daily there than at any other point in Canada The most tie area of Ontario is its tributary and sends to its busy markets every kind of agricultural produce A great brewing industry has been established and London ales are famous the continent At Hamilton which the Duke and Duchess visited they saw another flourishing city A canopy of smoke rising from the foot of mountain at the head of Lake Ontario recalled Sheffield or Birming ham- And on near approach found a small capital of the Midlands for Hamilton claims that distinction The outskirts are mean and dingy and it is only when you- come to the heart of the city that you are reconciled to such meanness and in a laud of sir and light and space Hamilton can plead in extenuation an industri ous and thriving population T i V J Store 1 f Thousands of Customers and Friends t VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR We wish to close the greatest Business year we have ever had with the following offer of about School Report SCHOOL Exams mas Or vol King Delia Noah Draper Maud Frances Bertie 563 Delia Hartley Jr Walter Draper Herbert Smith Raymond York 400 Ill max Feme Morton Dora Ethel Aimer New- burn Stanley Mahoriey 566 Cecil Richard Jr HI Winnie 639 Winch Stanley George Jr max Evelyn Gilpin Samuel Vivian 445 AUona King 395 Hiram 383 Willie Sedore Jr IN- Ivan King Harold Gertie Gilpin Ruby Mia New- bum Pt Irwin Winch 1st Book Mahoney Sadie Nelson Uriel B Gladys Morton Draper Junior- Hector J A teacher The very best in the store Prices marked from 900 to 1250 To clear all opt we will sell them On Saturday at 499 Each 4 99 for a Coat the best bargain of 1901 HE The miserable grip is again afllct- ing people in this locality It has the same old characteristics and yields to the same old cures Cer tain gentlemen who appear to have lost their grip can easily find it Th On Wednesday Dec at by Rev J Wilson It A James son Mr Clinton Cook to Miss Ida daughter Mrs A MBNAIMHLfJKSAt the residence the brides father Mr Earnest lies on Christmas Day by Bid Prosser of Newmarket Mr to Miss Mary K ail of East GRIFFITHS COOK In Newmarket on Christmas Day by Elder at his resklenoe Street Mr Griffiths Aurora to Miss Ethel Cook King Dec by Bidet at tbe borne bride Mr to Kb Browning all of above Town on Day by George Mr Hilton of Toronto to Miss Mary of Newmarket persons were kilted and four teen injured in a trolley accident near Pa ANY TIME After January lor a course under individual instruc tion in all Commercial Subjects Telegraphy Shorthand Type writing in the Business TORONTO This splendid school with teachers typewriting ma chines and courses of study is the best of the kind in Canada Circulars free for them A SU Toronto HOLIDAY GREETING Xmas Eve marked the close of the best and biggest holiday trade this Store ever had Thanks to our many Customers for their liberal patron age arid the kindly way in which they aided us to accomplish so nuich We emphasize our appreciation to you by extending to one and all a very Happy New Year have a few handsome THE LEADING Furniture and A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence street John Millard In New York on Dec to Mr and Mm J of Newmarket a daughter King on Dec to Mr and Mrs James Gamble a son FOUNTAIN In Town on to Mr and Mrs Fountain a daughter town Dec Inst to Mr and Mrs a daughter Tomb In East on the of Dee Percy son of Walter aged and days the residence of bis sister Mrs on John eldest of the late Robert Smith of Newmarket The remains were brought to market and- interred family plot in Newmarket Cemetery on Wednes day morning on in fant son of Mr James Gamble To tnose who wish to return some token we gifts left from which you can make aready selection and also remind that we now have on sale for the new year I Diaries and Canadian Almanacs FOR 1902 a MAIN ST NOHTH NEWMARKET All prders receive and Prompt Attention J also Peloubets Notes on the International Lessons mm mm nun FRESH GROCERIES pa lb- Yellow for NewVoMJra per it Uptons Marmalade New Layer Baking Powder White Daisy Select for ado Beat Mince Meat Baking Soda A Orange Peel per ft Best Citron pink for Beak New Prunes a aid ft- Golden Syrup Hew Syrup per Standard Sugar Ha Freak Ginger for hi Famous Boh and Chocolates Newport Cream Don Cons and Chocolates in fancy up to for Fried Cakes Buns end Pastry fresh Wednesdays and Saturdays OYSTERS per QUART GOOD OYSTERS per QUARTALL FRESH at all hoars Hot Tea and Coffee CENTRAL TELEPHONE I

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