Newmarket Era, 27 Dec 1901, p. 7

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T5r NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY PEC ij 7 gciv CHINA I Weeks fleas WHAT IB IK A St Pauls burgh mi A The service morning was airly well attended and the solo by Miss Elliott was appreciated- iflnotbep Holiday As New Years is also a jtory holiday all places business Will be closed The Post Office however will be open for the accom modation tie public from tnl oclock Goods Christmas is as far as ever Lawrence Lepard has patch on the side of his bead the re sult of a crack from a stick 20 degrees below zero on Friday night the coldest yet this winter The Rink was well- patronized on Christmas afternoon and evening SPECIALS at cents Large assortment of handsome and novel pieces JAPANESE CHIrfA Direct Import ation Handsome and very Mod erate in price comprising CUPS SAUCERS JARDINIEKES PORRIDGE SETS OCLOCK SETS IN PLATES DINNER SETS at reduced prices tor TOILET SETS at reduced prices for LAMPS The largest assortment at the lowest prices ever See our special Nearly the entire seating the church was occupied list Sun day evening and the service song was greatly appreciated Solos were taken by Miss Elliott Miss and also Miss Walton Holy City Company who sang most beautifully The Birthday a King v The music was the best that has been in the church for a long time GROCERIES Our Fruits are as usual the In quality and at knock out prices Special 15c See for LEMON PEEL ORANGE PEEL CITRON PEEL RAISINS CURRANTS EXTRACTS MCLARENS JELLY POWDERS COWANS ICINGS very fine CHOICE ELEME PIGS worth l0 NUTS So RAISINS FOR TABLE Very Pine DATES PRUNES APRICOTS its JAPAN TEA FOR Free Reading Room The Public Library is to be moved on New Years Day to the new pre mises corner of Main St and Park Ave The Directors Have agreed to make a commencing at so as to make the change at the least possible expense The Directors hope to be able to ar range for the Free Reading Room be open every night in the week for the first two months and libraries three times a week salt The scenery and apparatus of The Holy City Co was seized for debt here and wilt be sold by auction neat Monday It is to be regretted that such an excellent entertainment should grief for lack of public sup port Sale Register FRIDAY Jan Messrs and Annis Miller will have an tensive sale of horses head of i Gospel Meeting Monday evening Mctfer- deliver the address of the Miss C Agnew has returned alter a weeks visit Mr and his wife armed on Saturday evening froni Michigan We congratulate them tad they have the- best wishes of the j-eo- of our village Mr Watson has returned after pigs sheep implements absence on the home- W Christmas stead street about half way between Aurora J No reserve Terms Ten months credit on sums over for hay Sale at oclock sharp Smith Police The adjourned before Jack son and J Pearson fur violation of the Health Act preferred by the Sanitary Inspector against Mr A Evans was called for Mon day- Our readers will remember that the real issue was in reference to he unauthorised removal of defendants daughter out of quarantine who was supposed to have diphtheria Prom the evidence previously adduced the magistrates appeared to regard the trouble as having largely arisen from misinterpreted conversations between defendant his family physician and the Medical Health officer rather Mian from any contempt of authority and suggested a mutual settlement put of court This was finally accepted and proceedings dropped by mutual con sent It seemed apparent that Mr Evans entertained a strong conviction that he had full permission to take the the child out of quarantine and had no thought of disrespect to the Health authorities and the magis trates were also satisfied that the Board of Health in making com plaint simply acted from a sense of the responsibility renting upon them as guardians of public health FISH The finest quality GEORGIA TROUT Fall caught Boots Shoes Special Price for all The Empress Fine Shoes for Women are jertect fitting LADIES GIVE US YOUR Orders For Groceries bo sure of the finest quality at the price of ordinary and spices A SMITH Leading fitter Telephone Whole Story In letter TOW From Cap Ley Police No lATJ for in liM nod Two We TO A ihorobred Yorkshire White Boar ill kept the pre- narrowly escaped being Irwin Town Line West first shot was fired tear in court this morning- Into Trouble Herb formerly of Newmar ket was arrested on Christmas day for shooting with intent The fol lowing particulars appear the To ronto World of yesterday A shooting affair occurred Christ mas afternoon at West the house of Herbert the victim being Frank Rich residing No on the same street is now in St Michaels and an will be made today to ex tract the bullet which entered the right leg just above the knee claims the shooting was done in i About three months ago Rich bound over to keep the peace yesterday afternoon while the two men were in the Fines Hotel the old trouble was dismissed culminat ing ft said in Rich threatening to kill who was let out of rear of the betel by the propri etor to avoid further trouble went to his home followed by Rich and his Frank West Rich went right into iTurans house and followed hint to the stairway Turan fired one shot in the air expected to frighten Rich but the shot did not prevent the lat ter from following him Another shot was fired which struck Rich in the leg The wounded man limped home and when Varlcy reach ed house he saw running across the vacant Iota towards Toron to Junction Accompanied by Po licemen Martin and Sergeant Varley followed- film on a ear And found at Toronto Junction that had himself reported the shooting to Deputy Chief and had been placed arrest took charge of the prisoner and he was removed to theSt Andrews Market Station where he was charged with shooting with intent In the meantime Rich toen removed in the ambulance to St Michael Hospital The revolver used by and now in the hands of the po lice is a weapon with but two empty who accompanied to house hit when ihe very pretty and quiet wedding was celebrated at the borne of Mr and Mrs- David Draper on Tuesday the when their third daughter Ethel was married to William se cond son of Albert of Keswick The ceremony was performed by Rev I tie retiring pastor of Christian church A large num ber of relatives and intimate friends were present and the presents received by the bride were very handsome and useful among them being a very handsome bedroom set The young couple are welt known and well liked throughout the and a number presents were sent by peo ple who were not present The bride was supported by her sister Louie and Mr Thomas as best man After the wedding breakfast the happy couple left for Newmarket where they took depar ture for Falls where they will spend couple of weeks after which they will reside near the village Trie grooms gift to the bride was a hand some gold bracelet Following the other gifts air Airs L of pair woollen blankets and Miss Terry bed room set dishes Mr and Mrs J butter dish Mr end Mrs Draper table cover and oil tainting in frame Mr and Mrs Winter lamp Miss Stella Si cash Mr and airs John silver pickle dish Mr and Mrs ftm pair table vases and handkerchief Mr and Mrs Jas Nelson lemonade set Messrs Win and Mill Draper glass lea set Rev and Mrs set fruit plates Mr Howard Morton table cover Mr card receiver Sir Thus meat fork Mr arid Mrs cheese dish Mr and Miss Stewart Draper set fruit dishes Mr and Mrs A Rigler table cloth Mr Jos Rigler tea set Miss Edith Draper fruit dish Mr and Mrs A Winch berry dish Mr and Mrs Stephen Draper berry set dishes Mr and Mrs A McCarthy silver fruit spoon the Misses Hamilton berry set Mr and Mrs Deavitt ber ry set duties Mr John Richardson P P of spent Christmas with Mrs Draper Mr and Mrs A Winch are spend ing the holiday in Toronto Mrs Huntley spent Monday in the city Mr Stephen Winch is spending a few days with his daughter Mrs J A Irwin at Delhi Mr and Mrs Rahmer of Blooming- ton spent the holiday wilh Mrs Ben nett Mr and Mrs Walker had a family gathering Christmas Day We are pleased to report that Mrs Rogers who has been very ill of pneumonia Is recovering Mr and Mrs M Gilpin spent the holiday Mr and Mrs in Mr John P Rove of Michigan is spending a few days with his sister Mis John Pollock The village was quite astir on Mon day night when Mr pur genial gave an oyster supper to a few of his many friends among them being a number from Sutton A string orchestra furnished a musical program after the refresh ments were served and a very enjoy- ible time was spent Mr Draper of Toronto spent Christmas Day here Master Percy York is home for a few days from Huntaville where he has been staying for the- last few months Mr David Fairbarn Michigan spending a few days with his patents here A few from here attended the wed ding of Miss Clara at last week and report a very enjoyable time and a fashionable wedding Mr Lyall and Miss Alice Scott Toronto are home for the vacation Mr Holmes Davidson of Toronto spent Christmas with his parents here We are sorry to report that Muster Raymond York son of Mr Walter York is ill Mr York has the sympathy of toe neigh borhood he having lost two of his children quite recently Iherja Mr M Murphy of is spend ing a week with The members of the Young Peoples Bible Class presented their teacher Draper with a handsome lamp at her residence on evening Miss Draper Is a very popular young lady and is high ly appreciated as an teacher V dinner I guess they think they can eat the most at home Miss Katie Heacock returned from Toronto last week to spend her holiday at her parental home Mr Clifford Armstrong spent a day at his parental home before returning to- Winnipeg Miss A Howard has returned to her home in Bath to spend her holi days and Grant two of our boys are constantly singing Just one girl Now any reasonable person would know they cannot both have the one girl Skating rink will afford lots of amusement for the young folks and will open on Christmas eve Mr and Mrs A Wells visited with J Gould of this village on Sunday Mr Walker Street has been ill but ad to say is recovering Miss Mary Street has gone to vill for a short time Mr Walt Street has returned from USA where he has been for some time i gktfwrtiwnwate GROCERY CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS JEALOUS RIVALS turn back Th demand for Dr Agnswt Pill Is a Its the old story The of Fittest and Jeal ousy Its own Destroysr to boy but diamonds In quality Biases coated tongue water brash after sick headache never doses doses Sold by Lehman How can we make Christmas the Hap time of all the year Our Stock t Provided with the best GROCERIES and PROVISIONS for Holiday Feasts and Daily Meals THE CHRISTMAS DINNER Our Stock Candy French Roasted Almond Chocolates Lady Carmel Chips Pecan Chocolates Vanilla Chocolates Pansy Chocolates Marshmallow Chocolates Portuguese Bon Buttercup Candy SPECIAL BARGAIN All Kind Nuts Price 12c per pound lb 10c lb lb lb Mixed Candy lbs for Large Choice Candy Selected Mixed Cream Candy Extra Fine Chocolate and Cream Candy Selected Walnut and Almond Chocolates spec lb Large Sweet Oranges 15c and dozen Large Blue Layer Raisins on stem and lb Malaga Grapes 20c Layer Figs and lb Select large Layer Figs lb Fresh Haddie Cranberries Sausage Spanish Onions Fresh Sagein bulk Thyme Mint Poultry Dressing in tins 5c Navel Oranges and dozen Mr carries ofl the plum for breeding hogs He has a sow which birth to twenty seventeen of them are and doing well Who can beat that Monday evening Dec the members and adherents ol the Presby terian church at Pleasant held an at home at the residence of Mr and Mrs James Hamilton A very feature of the evening was the presentation the following ad dress accompanied with a Purse to their pastor the Rev McArOmr Dear Mr We the members of the Mt Pleas ant congregation desire to express appreciation of your earnest self- sacrificing endeavors for the welfare of our congregation and we ask you to accept this purse do not you this for its material value but as a slight evidence of our esteem and regard With best wishes for your welfare we pray that- God will and sustain you in the work He lias for you to do Signed behalf of the congregation by Mrs James Hamilton and Annie Davidson Mr a very feeling appropriate reply thanking the friends for very great kind ness shown towards him after which they alt sat down to partake of the provided by the ladies The company then dispersed to their homes having spent a most enjoyable evening Fine Display of Fancy Suitable for Gifts Great value for the money Large Cups and Saucers Special 25C Gents Moustache Cups Special 25c Fancy Pitchers Special Fancy Porridge Sets Fancy Bread and Milk Sets Fancy Plates various sizes Fancy Berry Sets Special pieces for 1 Fancy Salad Dishes Special Tea Pots Celery Dishes Cake Plates Special Fancy Pin Trays MAIN STREET NEWMARKET DAVISON BROS GROCERY For Sale Tbt THIS WEEK London Dec Lord Kitchener In a despatch from Johannesburg dated Monday Dec reports the weeks results as being Boers kill ed wounded made prisoners and surrendered By a gas explosion at Kenton one man was fatally hurt and six store fronts were blown out Tablets Fanners Dried Apples per lb Evaporated Apples lb lor Apples peck Fresh Ground Coffee per lb TRY IT Wardoff breakup and core all Had body cold Grip Tablet coated When you feel mean Grip Quinine you want to feel fine take Grip Quinine The pergonal and family medicine Relief In a Cure in a day For aale by dealer generally cent Sold at Scotts Store Lard by the 20 lb Prime Cheese pail 216 per lb 12c MIXED CANDY pound ox Newmarket Horticultural PUBUOITOTIOE Is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of above Society will be held in the -ON- JAN 1902 at the hour of oclock pm for the reception of Annual Reports of Ac order I am very sorry to record the Wf Secretary Oranges from 10 cents dozen up Fresh British Columbia Salmon Manitoba White Fish Lake Superior Trout Smelts We the Finest Oysters in Town Dried Herrings boxes for fa We Wish You a Happy New Year I Lot alt ted on north Newmarket owned by Town cliUm water Term of Apply Newmarket you are not able to give farm get one that dont get the farm a KftheoraPalr he will be always warm dry while the with the farm may be wet and cold And If you want to mar ry well buy them one of my good and the for by a FOR SALE Good Big Strong Horse for Sale Inquire of Grocer Ellis Architect and Sanitary Engineer 1 Adelaide Toronto Plans and Estimates made lor kinds of buildings all Potatoes Wanted At the Market In Newmarket every Saturday about Bags First Class Potatoes lor which the highest Market Price will be paid J a CANAL illness of Mrs Rogers We one to hear her recovery President We are the CHEAPEST PLACE IN GIVE US A TRIAL The Grocer for TBNDKUSrortiuppieaa4dreae4 Engineer it oclock Friday January anddelUery of rl of m her Hardware Paints for on the Canal and It for B peel Heat forma tender and other may leoitanod at the Super- IntmdlnicKnalnetraOacvSt alhtrnelSOn tee Monday the 1Mb of December lioi The lowest or any tender not LKJ0NE3 Boor Mary Department of and Ottawa Malaria continues to be greater scourge of the British army In India than any other fatal cause r J a

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