J yhs Era JSSiiW fa Paper No Copies Cent Each w J w I I- vr A fi- YORK INTEElJEKiOEE 8 PAGES No piper sett outside North York unless paid JllILi ft5 Newm TERMS per mum Newmarket I to trustees- v 250 and 3 SO Leather Shin Pads despair Shin Pads with ankle supports each J- Robertson Somen Denne jT J ft White Duck 126 Hockey Sticks 10 15 26 30 and 35c li25 2 a pair Best Considerable interest was manifested in municipal matters here on Mon day evening good attendance ratepayers at the Town Hall During hour appointed Nomination the Clerk laWd Lloyd Ksb received Received following FOR I Candidate H Cane Jackson I LI m J Seconder J Nominator J Robertson Lloyd a- Lloyd Woodcock f FOKCOUNCiLLORS J Woodcock T Woodcock J Woodcock H Lloyd Lloyd Hughes Geo Richardson A Smith J H Lloyd Scott Keith Lloyd J Woodcock 7 IT H Lloyd H Cane J Robertson J Robertson T J Robertson T J T J- Wesley Widdifield A- W- Evans J Savage H FOR McKay i J Woodcock McKay Geo Manning N J GENERAL CARRIAGE There being only three Trustees nominated they were declared elected but more candidates being nominated than required to fill the offices Mayor and Councillors the Clerk staled that a poll will be opened Monday next to decide by ballot whom they choose On motion the Town Clerk was requested to act as for the public meeting to follow and the candidates were called upon in the order of their nomination BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES G A BINNS NEWMARKET ON A i i P R I on PATENT MEDICINES are the LOWEST A BROUGHTdNS Have a Look at some of them Regular Our Price Price Williams Pink Pills Kidney Pills i small Any three above- 35 Regular Our Price Price Ozone Burdock Blood Hoods Scotts 100 65 Pierced prescxip- Pierces Golden Medical I discovery South American Kidney 75 Chases K Pills Chads and J Electric Oil Dr Carters Little Pills IB Cure our Prices with any All patent at Cut Prices We in all Branches of our Business and will not be Uhdex sold by anyone J The Reading Kigfiist NEWMARKET ONTARIO Mr explained that lie was only a candidate for the because in connection With the Metropolitan which were commenced two years ago were still unfinished He thanked the jile or their confidence in him Having served cow for ten as Councillor live us Reeve and five as Mayor he thought it was about time to give else a chance A year ago Cm a change in Lighting System The Itw plant is completed the old arc lights on the reels have place to and longburning arcs distributing the light upon every street in the and all the ratepayers satisfied It has proved a good system there is reserve power for eight or more street lumps found many people were faorin lamps instead which basis the rales were adopted Hie deeitjs advisable to enforce the schedule in this respect and he made with all consumers the Hat rate counting five to three A minimum rate of per per lamp is also to he charg ed to those paying lor light meter to get even with who economize too closely- In explanation of the high taxes Mr Cane said that lie re duced rate was made early aiid for three or lour years the Council has had to carry a deficit but with the retiring ot the debentures on the Town Hall this year he toped to see a reduction In the rale next year Promising it elected to labor for what he considered the best Interests the Town he wished the electors a new year Mr J speaking of the electric light rales left the im pression that the present flat rates were too low As a matter fact the Council placed a meter in his house to make a test and or the month of October it indicated a cost of while all that he is paying is per month The Council docs input strongly object to every what he thought fit and proper His impression was that risers ol electric by meter do not pay for all they Lloyd was to the rale who pay by meter are the only ones who do pay for alt- they get and in exact propor tion- a member of the Road Bridge Committee he confessed that he had done less than ever before be cause he had not always been con sulted The roads were not as god they should be for the money With reference to the Metro politan lie had done all in his power to force the agreement and he hoped the Council wont be humbugged any more He had served or nearly twenty years and ashed to tie reelect ed Mr Jackson said that he had been unexpectedly no initial and did not propose a candidate There was a matter however of which he spoke two years ago which has not yet attended to He was op posed lo giving away all the rights of the Town for all time to come to Metropolitan Co without compensation He was informed that the agreement would le ratified by the Legislature but so far this has nut been done and he hoped the Council would see that such clause is not al lowed to stand in its present condi tion With to the electric light he thought the present rates were paying all expenses only some people were abusing their privileges leges Mr said he had thing to ashamed of in his record on School Hoard and any one who Had as much spare time on his hands as he had should be willing to servo the public when requested particularly as he had been advised by Ids solicitor that it was not In compatible for him to hold two fires If elected as Mayor or the coming year he had some promises to He would provide meters for everybody the street lights and all public buildings everybody to pay the same rate and pay for what they use only In Midland everybody had in the house being lit every meters and the plant gave a revenue Mr Cane being recalled to the m thanked the electors for electing him as Mayor by acf He wished to correct impression that the users of electric light were paying for the streetlight ing The estimate this and jfing the Town Chamber and otter public buildings- The same about watertakers they do not pay all the expense the About a year are paid in taxes en debentures for the- hydrants for fire jTotection The reason the Coun cil spent for electric light was to expense power is given by the Legislature for such purpose when it can be shown to the Cabinet that the revenue will meet the expense The Town from to- year for street- watering and the the people more directly benefited pay the rest and this he only right Meeting broke up about 11 oclock from South For the lira Nov Dear Parents I received your letter a week ago and was ever so glad to hear from you and to know you are all well at home am still in Hospital As soon as I was put on full diet I had a relapse of but I getting better again and expect to be out in a few davs- I have been in here lor six weeks and am getting tired it- Wo lots rain lately and hail storms with hail as large as The war is going on as hard as ever The Boers are growing more desperate every day and in Several fights lately they have inflicted heavy losses on the British The weather is very warm and the Hies are so bad can hardly write News is scarce this time but Will write more when I get back to the troops again Farm to Rent Acres on the con of seven miles from Stoutly llle Farm is day loam with stone new house driving house hog pen and hen house Plenty water orchard Pork packing estab lishment at capacity to per week Possession after Jay of January Apply to JOHNSON to advertise in the Era- TrUtlUik For TruMM night He considered that the should be charged per year for lighting the streets and public build ings He was now finishing twenty years of service to the Town and elected again would act to the best his ability Mr McKay considered that there were two divisions in the ex- He He pronounced a minimum rate absurd but was proud of the splendid plant and excellent service that we get in Newmarket With re gard lo the on plant last year however he hoped the Council would never the cor poration without the consent of the ratepayers He did hot profess to bo of the electric llghtrthe cost of a prohibitionist but he thought the used and the cost of running the plant- when current watt not used municipal license money from five hotels too small compared with 515 Users should get the at cost from one billiard parlor He was therefore a minimum rate for meters also dissatisfied with the prevent just but some houses on the flat tern of streetwatering He thought rate appear to be lighted from garret to cellar because it dont cost them more Some way should fce de vised to adjust this elected for the position of School Trustee he was not a candidate for the Council Dr said that he did not the office last year but being elected he conscientiously voted for It should be done at the expense of the Town He considered the Coun cil ol men ol absolute integrity and honesty and having a very high estimation of the gentleman at the head of to whom the owes a debt of gratitude lor his ser vices he declined the honor of oppos ing him Activity M A by Boers r BRITISH WOUNDED AND you all a Merry and Happy New Year remain your loving sou Vim Brock No Troop C Heidelberg Africa sons of Tim pmimwc Composed by of the A Constabulary while in Hospital at When the call to arms from the moth erland Hang out in ninetynine It roused the spirits of all Britains sons to Canadas clime For the Doers had loose And boasted desperately That they would surely drive All British into the sea But there they made a big mistake And this war is oer Thousands will he put away The to triuvole no more Pis true they had the bulge on us For the Lion was slow to act But when they trampled on too hard They hurt the Lions back Then off to Aides burning sands The British troops were sent To conquer or to die like men As all true are bent Then dear old Canadas stalwart sons From North South Kast and West Begged to be allowed to And fight the Boers with the rest Their loyal cry was heeded And to Africa did sail And made lor themselves at A name that will never fail Then more help was needed Canada responded to the call- And sent out more of her bravest sons To overcome the Boers or fall For the Boers on stony kopjes With bristling forts were entrench ed And charging up those kopjes To death and glory our brave boys went Still once more we were needed To help end this cruel brawl And twelve hundred brave Can adians Answered readily the call And from good homes and friends we parted And crossed the wide wide sea To uphold the honor of Canada In the ranks of the A And when this war is over Therell be many vacant chair Of loved ones who will return Their mothers love to share Oh I Mothers dont grieve oer the loss Of the one you loved once near But kindly remember ho gave his life For the Flag he loved so dear Loo Ion Dec Despatches from South Africa state that Gen Bruce Hamilton has captured the laager of Commandant killing one and capturing- l Doers Col has captured Field Cornet J and men AH these ac tions took place in the Orange Rivet Colony A despatch from- Durban says Major Chapman the hero of the Fort fight left with his whole force for Zu- a short time ago On his se cond iiijchis march he look up a com manding position and iDove the Boers out a natural stronghold Although the Boers were fully aware of the presence of the British they did not anticipate that such a- swift attack would be made and after very slight resistance they led in all directions Had the Dundee column arrived as had been all of commando would have captured Several prisoners and a quantity of stock and a number wagons were taken The British who were wounded and captured at Fort Itala were rescued The Boers are being followed and the district laid waste The latest advices show that the of in the district Cafe Colony was gallantly sustained despite scarcity of water for a week the Doers event ually drawing oil with a loss it Is said of twenty nine killed and wound ed The British casualties were The two commandants captured by Colonels and in the are and Cotcnbrandcr and have been following up their recent successes very energetically Along with were captured four adjutants including Vos who was mainly instrumental in supplying the commandoes of Botha with remounts from when the Boer head quarters were there Ten burghers were taken prisoners on the same oc casion Colonel Price came in contact with and Scouts at The strength of the enemy having increased to sixty men- eightyfive hordes they took up n strong position under the Mountain and held the heights A party of under tain Fair weather rushed the laager and the Doer led to the mountains leaving fortyseven good horses and thirtytwo mules besides ammunition saddles and other equipment Cap tain was severely wound ed and two men were slightly wound ed London Dec The War Cilice this afternoon issued a list ot the British Casualties at on December when Col Firmans camp consisting of three companies of Yeomanry and two guns was success fully rushed by a Boer force under the command of The length of the list demonstrates the entire success of attack Six offi cers and fifty men were killed eight officers were wounded and four are missing It is presumed that the missing officers were taken along the captured guns Simultaneously with the above the War pave out a despatch front Lord Kitchener chronicling a minor success of the South African Constab ulary who raided and cap tured Boers In a subsequent message Lord Kitchener sends ii stirring account the fighting at Tweefontien showing that the wounded and prisoners must number about He says that in the absence of Col Firman Major Williams who was killed was in com- The column was encamped on the slope of a kopje the southern side which was precipitous Out posts held the edge of the precipice The northern on which the camp was pitched was gentle The outposts were well pushed out and the position naturally strong had been entrenched- The Boers appear to have climbed the precipice and mustering near the top at am suddenly attacked the picket the summit Before the men could get clear of their tents the Boers swooped throng them shooting the soldiers down as they came out Most of the British officers were shot while trying to stem the rush Lieut Harwich himself opened fire with the pom poms and was shot through the heart while firing Lieut was killed while leading a charge There was no panic and all engaged did their best But once the picket was overwhelmed the su perior force of the Boers had all the advantage Including the killed and wounded about half the column is now at River Bridge The remainder are prisoners A fifteenpounder two rounds became jammed The men composing the detachment stood by the gun and were shot down around it Lieut Scarlett who was wound- was overlooked by the Boers and left behind He saw two wagonloads of dead and wounded Boers carried oft They were mostly hit during the first attack on the picket The Boers who apparently number ed about twelve hundred under flen well leaving men to look after the wounded TUB AND Price cents Unprecedented Sales Niagara Falls Dec Niagara Falis Y Cataract says that Sirs Tablets euro Anna Taylor woman who in one day No Cure no Pay ver the Canadian Falls in her barrel is said hive been located in a in Hew York City she is helpless with paralysis a result her trip This information has teen received Winnipeg Man Dec Tie prank Tanner who successfully man- land sales during the past exploits in the lower have been unprecedented in heir river during the past summer After volume The employes the Land leaving the Falls it was understood Department are busy with their that Mrs Taylor went to her home Annual statements In an interview city where she has been today Mr the land paralysis She commissioner when questioned as to from public view entirely and the sales said We estimate that whereabouts was a matter the for will be about conjecture It is said that her condi tio acres for the sum of is serious and that it is doubtful Canada and Land Com- will ever recover panics sales have also been exception- ally large- The annual statement will show that this company has sold in- the neighborhood acres of land for the sum of Mr said that the past yean was a record one in the matter land sales and these sales had been nearly all to farmers or intending set tlers i J- of it bur If you have catarrh why dont you try to got rid of it The first thing you know ft will go down into your lungs w stomach and cause trouble VapoCresoleno Tangier Dee waterspout has easy and so irst over the town of It inundated the lower part of the lamp beneath and the town for the space hours everything into the sea Two thati all The healing hundred persons are reported to have P quieting been drowned There are no Kurope- ans the dead The damage to MMS is a fortified seaport ton of Morocco It has a of including about It is enclosed by massive walls and has and sold by a palace and a small fort Lehman druggist ft