v Weeks i WHAT OX A ABOUT i it Chafer fa Years ere- an THE E a 1 e J to preach morning en The regular meeting the Womens Missionary Society of Methodist Church will be held at the Hughes on Wednesday January- at pm A full at tendance is desirable The pupils of the Christian Sunday were given a on Monday to There were large and youngs enjoyed themselves greatly A tea was given return EW Kettlehy the actions and and Mr John Hopkins regi- election raw the of fiil a The Vol ft The the Si Georges and Newmarket on flew Years day resulted in- a victory or Visitors by a score For the first game the playing -was- of a high order visiting had the advantage of hoys having more practice and their and shooting was much ef fective and accurate- Considering the fact that the St Georges are praying Senior hockey this boys made a very good showing The tew uniforms look immense The next will be with Brampton Thursday evening the This will be the firsgameMn the Intermediate Series Oft A ReodyWUJeQp And Sailors from All millinery at reduced prices at Hughes A few weeks ago the pastor re marked that he would he greatly de lighted as well as many the Con gregation to see the mortgage lifted from the church edifice which now been standing over years He thought the congregation did not do as well last year- under the Century Fund as they might the assistance a committee appointed by the official boards of the church a- canvass was made and it was that the peo ple were much in favor of the propel Last Sunday was announced as debt paying day whea was asked for being half arbount Some people were so anxious to see the debt removed that paidall they promised and the result was that were received This certain very ance that June see beautiful church pipe organ entirely free from debt- I are all on Monday person entered in either Part I or Part of the Voters List for has a vote male female In tie voting is off the Council being elected by acclamation In the adjoining Townships the vot er votes or and four in the polling division in he resides- Th only mark one baling matter tin polling sMbdivS- sions he may own or lease property tt Sale Register Jan Geo and will have an ex tensive sale of horses bead of cattle pigs sheep furniture on the Way between Aurora aid Main School Brimson Roy Cody J Brock Cody Springy OtoiH ilorley Cody May MilYigan Rheta Carrie Simpson- Thompson Ross A Douglas Scott Primary Monte Brimson ifiicta Inez I Atkinson Ada TercSTen credit on ftirnsdver Jib Sale at sharp Smith Jan Samuel will hold an extensive auction sale of cattle sheep pigs at east half of con- East Terms All sums of and under over that months credit or pen cent off for cash Sale at one oclock sharp No Kavanagh auctioiwr S a ij A Testament We are in receipt a handsome copy of t The New Testament in Braid Scots from foe translator pev of St Catha rines and ah eieqied C a t S I The anauaimeeting Court No was held on Dec when the OTpvingcerS were elected L3ft IP I R Sec jv Howard J fclpyd Court Deputy W J Elmer Webster and Mills -E- -V- Court Signet thefts when it Coombs District Deputy will be present and install officers of Jhelast was held on Tuesday night when the ton- test Committee presented their two sides Mv regular meetings and ever since then three persons on each side have con tributed to the entertainment of the Council at eachmeefing macks kept the Committee The results A as frUows Mrs Br linger wins Vie Captains badge her side being best individual Essay badge lor- the best individual Essay and Miss vtiitpi lite fast fa dividual address with Mr Walter as second The work of the printer Gardner Paisley Scotland has been well and done The print is sufficiently large and clear to make it easy lor the aged to read A glossary extending to over a thousand words has been added jfe an appendix A familiar with Scottish language his youth assures us that the translator has done bis work well land has not employed in his translation the dialect peculiar to any particular district Scotland but has made a large use of that portion of the Scot tish tongue that is common to all Scotland as- the extract will shew John Than Jesus till them again Truly truly say I I am the door the sheep eer cam- afore but thieve and the sheep am the door gin man tome lien by me he sal be saved and oot and in 10 The reiver but for to steal and kill J 4 meets alt Hughes next Tuesddyr Newmarket Horticultural Society elects rext night See ad Cane the lovliest Christmas Cactus we Have ever seen Dont forget to vote next Monday for long term next Monday J A number of the Specialty hands are work this stocktaking A new ihuatfy has started over The Curlers had a splendid match at the kink on day The Presidents side won car ol cattle and sheep to Toronto iday Win 11 am the Shepherd shepherd f But the man for a fee the herd and aufeP whan he sees the wolf leas them and flees and the wolf grips them The flees for that he is but for a lee the I am Shepherd and ken my and my IS And the Teens and the and life for the sheep We heartily commend this New Testament in Braid Scots to all Scotchmen and the descendant who arc to some extent familiar with the Scottish tongue but especially to the aged sons and daughters of Scotland to whom it come with a special force and a peculiar power to cheer and comlort them in their declining years Copies may be obtained from tlfe Smith Wt Catharines post paid on receipt of About a dpaen people bee last Tuesday evening andmoved the into where it shows to splendid vahtage Books will be changed the same days as previously The Free Reading Room is now to all persons years of Every is to ttrTVwiftTttbM and other flttings were constructed by Mr McDonald and he has excellent Joh -i- The Board are spending lor reading matter Including three of tour dallies ftye weeklies about a dozen popular monthlies scientific and fflw- papers besides one or two comics the Several persons have also their wlllingnesa to contribute illustrated assoon as they are readlTg them This is a portunltyfortne young men New market to become acquainted with the without any cost and a can be spent with great profit We shall he greatly d teappolnted I the room Is not the young men of the Town if they dont they will regret It In after years Children Cry for CASTOR A m The great and event- seats in King Council took at on the The largest crowd that has ever adorned a nomination hall was present pack ed as sardines in a box and from the commencment perfect order was maintained everybody present being interested in the proceedings There nominations for Reeve and ten or twelve- for Councillors the hour was up Mr Stokes was voted to the chair The first be called upon was Mr Lemon the old to give an account of his stewardship He talked for ten min utes and then began soliciting and asking questions from the audience He held in his hand some clippings from the Aurora Banner written by a Ratepayer who he claimed was Mr J aid which he stated were scandalous Mr asked him to read them and then crowd took up the cry Read read Finally Mr Lemon did read one of them then asked was that which- he had read true Mr Lemon replied that it was Mr Lemon did not read any more from these clippings An hour and quarter was taken up by Lemon in answering the supposed questions that one or another asked him and he entirely to make any impression Whatever iipoh the crowd of ratepay ers to dealings and tions in connecti6n with the Railway Co Mr was then called upon as he appeared to be the first in the dominations for peeve He told the crowd that he would riot ask them for questions and that when he had Joining of his own he would reviewed Qie acttdnsof past year and also took up the matter finances quoting from the financial staterhenj and proved to the audience that- entering trie Council with tjie set purpose of practising strict econ omy in order to wipe out a debt against the Township of he had with Mr Rogers aid been able to reduce this debt by about and he promised were elected he would during the year wipe out this balance and have a surplus in the treasury has not been during the past years and the large attendance of ratepayers were satisfied in this regard Mr Cross- ley then look up the Bonus ByLaw and proved clearly that the action of Reeve Lemon in levying Bonus tar during the years- was illegal according to the best au thority in Ontario the Municipal World an his authority After took tho some satisfied their ac- of the others nominated made speeches the crowd began to disperse as Cross- leys speech was what they hid come to and having heard it they were completely on election diy4Adieceo UpbnlCjavlng tifi wnd hiijwf yrnes him with bursts fi vied with each other as to whowould shaking his hand and wishing him success on the of January- Evi dently his election is assured as fully threefourths of the vast multitudes were his supporters Many in doubt before he spoke were completely carled away masterly speech Of the five nominations- for- Reeve have resigned the exception of Mr Lemon and Mr those the the only ones Messrs Thomas Frank Kgan Jos Rogers Gallagher and Phillips King Cor Judging by the jitCtne fink the young people enjoyed the holidays There will be a the hear pev J Simpson gave us a very fine sermon on Sunday Quite a large gathering Mr on Among those present were Mr and Mrs of and and Miss of Sunday purposes hold ing an entertainment 011 Thursday evening Rig crowd expected Mr Morris goes down or jury on the Know AH tti NO for- TheD L Menthol Plaster although some dealers rnaysay there is by doctors the clergy by everybody for stiffness pleurisy C Made by Lawrence Co Ltd t The election of officers for Sunday School took place a weekago when some changes made Mr Wil- liams last was peJsoaded to again accept the posi tion for another year He is a very energetic worker entertainment on night proved 10 be a great success Much credit is due the School meeting was ok Thursday There were two in Board of Trustees this time Mr Starr was rejected and Mr takes the place of Hill who is removing from our midst Kef says a big crowd at Nomin ation on Monday where he dirTmnt Candidates had a chance presenting themselves Mr Baker our present Reeve will stand again and consider ing his good record of last year his reduction of expenditure- and iarge balance on hand there is no doubt but that he the poll the 6th of January Miss Starr with the young ladies her Class met at Smiths Gallery New Years morn ing and hail their phonos taken be fore her departure to accept a at Acton TV 1 r CTK fffffffffff Annual White Goods Safe For January Everything in White Goods at Reduced Prices Fine White Cotton regular for I 4JC inch factory Cotton regular 5c FiftQ White Lawn regular for inch Pillow Cotton regular jr J Fine Heavy Sheeting inches wide regular for c Lonsdale inches wide regular now These are only a few sample prices Look out for Big List next week Remem ber this sate only lasts during the Month of January At BRUNTONS NONE SO GOOD AS BAKING POWDER CORNER STORE- HEART STARTS effort excite the Heart th breathing Induce fluttering palpitation You need no urer symptom of for when the heart alok The Cheap Store a Departments 9 Try us for what you want and get our Prices A Aafcia AA the Heart is pacific li any or all of of will dew sun golden TryUy as a dew relief a thirty minutes A few bottle will cure the most stubborn case Sold by Lehman Newmarket Newmarket Jan- Flour barrel a White Wheat per bush a Red Wheat per busk a Goose Wheat per bush a Barley per bush Oat per Pea hush Rye per bush Butter Sheep Pelts Wool per lb a Hay per ton a Bran per ton 17 a per a Potatoes per bag a per pair a per pair a per lb a per lb 0 a a a a a a a a a 66 52 56 25 13 MO 18 19 DO 60 0 There been a very light cattle trade In Toronto the past wee fug to the holidays but buyers are now anxious to purchase 1400- to are offered for good exporter- Good from Good butchers cattle PW to and dry cows weighing about to 4 No In prices calves and sheep show another advance as high as being paid lor selects and tot lights and tats- CASTORIA let Infant and Children JfiSff Toronto Jan Red Wheat per a 78 White per hush- a fipring Wheat per hush a Goose Wheat per bush a Barley per bush Oats per bush per bush Rye per bush per Butter per lb Potatoes per bag a a Wool per ft a Hay per ton 10 a Dressed per Dee fore qr a a a a a a a 0 0 a a NEW YEAR BARGAINS We start the New Year with Special Bargains in every in the Store Want of space allows us to give parti- culars of the following only Brussel worth 1 and Si yd SPECIAL yd Wool Blankets Regular Prices were Special this Week TOYS BIG REDUCTION Prices good until Saturday Night Only Toys Toys Toys Toys to lor for lor IS lor Toys In Books Dolls Games Albums Frames Pictures Glove and Hdkf Boxes Fancy Lamps Fancy China Vases c The balance of bur Stock at WHOLESALE PRICE ft SKATES Ladies Costumes Reduced Beef hind a per pair 0 60 a pair 0 a Turkeys per dressed 06 a Alslke ieed a Red Clover Seed a Timothy a tf- After January lor a course under Individual Instruc tion in all Subjects Telegraphy Shorthand In the TORONTO splendid school with typewriting ma- and thoro courses of study- Is the bent of the kind in Canada Circulars free Write for them Toronto i- FOR FOR 775 FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR 3500 Mens House Jackets Regular Price 600 lor Regular Price for Regular Price for Regular Price for Regular for Regular Price for Mens Shirts Reduced Mens Colored Shirts Re gular price Special this A Table of Ladies Jackets 85 in Number All Very Much Reduced in Price There are so many Prices in tbia lot that space does not permit us to give particulars Sufficient to say every Garment in a Bargain at the Price marked Newmarket Ont