Newmarket Era, 3 Jan 1902, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA -FRIDAY- JAN Vlgoi CAPITAL a COCKBtTBN president NEWMARKET A General Banking Mm A J Interest Alio wed CCfBKKKT DRAFTS tod American and to c Manager INSURANCE J Agent lor Life jrfoaer to Loan interest at Current A Newmarket A Ramsay Kir Ituurhfce Bates on Fazio and Town Property Newmarket Simpson Suadne and of A2ID prepared to Lemon lTeo at or at Corner of Ave and Timothy St AUCTIONEER S3 fltmooe Street Bolton Fainter HouaDBOOTtor Millard Lane and Charon a laauer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the If aitrt4 V USB OF MARRIAGE Is MARBLE WORKS IK Monuments and Head Stones- or Call Before Ordering ere fc All Ml fiii And you will pur photographs bet- I and finer than ever GIVE US A CALL smith LATE SMITH BROS l- Youre Invited To See Iff I A A l n the City gave a variety Hail last Saturday ening Iwcca and foot hundred people wer Srifss iOg satisfaction who wrote oil the Civil Ser vice imagination in Toronto last have passed the required fication names appealing Toronto papers last Saturday Geo John P Doyle Mary McCaffrey A At a meeting the Board of Mana gers last Saturday evening it was de cided to hold Mire- proposed proceeds of which are lor the purpose of fitting up the new Free Reading Room on Friday evening Jan A splendid program will be presented annual meeting of members the Public for the election of officers for will take place at the Reading Monday even ing Jan- ficioupatgipg- The holiday trade the past two or three weeks has been the largest for some years The high prices realized by farmers for alt produce has enabl ed them to purchase more lively and thus the wheels of business have been on hum The roads also were in good condition for wheeling and the weather comfortable for travel There was a big crowd in at the market last Saturday and fresh eggs went up to cents per dozen We hear that as high as cents a dozen was paid on our market this season Methodist The Review services last Sunday were very interesting and well attend ed were about pupils present and nearly a hundred visitors The quarter were re viewed a very entertaining manner by RJr- Rev and Mr A E There was lots of music assisted by the Orchestra besides an attractive by Clarice arid and Cane Evelyn gave a good reading and Annie- a recitation- Four little girls three boys received promotion Bibles from the School Mr John gave a capital address The officers and teachers meet this evening to a sleighride and tea for the children Matrimonial On Dec the residence of Mr and Browning Aurora was the scene of a very pleasant event when their daughter Blanch Was united in Matri mony to Mr Wellington p of Toronto The bride was as sisted by Miss Annie Browning of Aurora while Mr Charles of King supported the groom- The ceremony was performed by Elder in the presence of about sixty guests Miss Mcdonald of Aurora played the Wedding March The bride was given away by father and was the recipient of many hand some presents All joined in wishing them a happy and prosperous New Year Rice was not forgotten Toronto Metropolitan According to adopted by the city admitting the Metropoli tan extension within city limits the Metropolitan is restricted to traffic on St If the Co desire to reach the market with freight cars another route will have to be selected The Co also pays Toronto 5800 per mile as a minimum charge and the public are have a ten cent return fare to Hope and Mount Pleasant The railway declared to be a street railway so as to keep ii under control and another clause that cars shall orotic In city without the consent of -To- wind- up clause is attached for vtojatlon of any of tie ni his Newmarket agreement should have a penalty- clause also Repoft A couple weeks ago we had some observations respecting the art report of era for the last giving facts and figures indica tive of the healthy commercial activ ity and of the Dominion and the satisfactory results attending the progressive policy inaugurated by the able Head of the Department We now attention to sone details of local interest Ap pendix C gives the gross postal rev enue of the various in togetjtex with salaries and al lowances to postmasters c This data may be taken to indicate the volume of trade and business life the respective places Our quotations are toNorth York and West Ontario and postoffice centres im mediately adjacent in alphabetical order- These are divided into two classes The first are Accounting Of fices giving gross postal revenue the and amounts of money orders issued and paid and the amount of commission thereon tire value of the postal notes and salaries and allow ances to postmasters etc The are nonaccounting offices do not is sue money orders The offices where salaries are paid fees are given on money postal notes issued lows Aurora and where orders and are as 69 352072 130407 99784 107076 186979 118971 135684 Bradford 174482 Hi Landing Keswick King Sit Albert- Newmarket 1358955 Rich Hill 77177 Sharon Sutton 813205 281406 Zephyr The salaries and fees not including rerilsto above of fices are given as follows- Aurora- Bradford Holland Landing iracsttk i f- it king 7236t Albert 106684 114 10 Richmond Hill Sharon Sutton West 47774 Zephyr Other local postoffices in the dis trict are called nonaccounting and at postmasters are paid by the fees alone at which the remuneration is given as follows Baldwin Ballantrae Bloom on Holt kay S4OU0 Linton Oak Ridges Pine Orchard 1600 Roachs Point Vivian and White Rose 16 people who have a right to demand an uptodate legislative body and one that without would of led by Cunning Corporations For the last four years the and Aurora Railway have had control the Township Council at least so far as the inter ests of the Company were concerned The people in the goodness their heart voted relying on the promises of the promoters that the- line would run from and that the would commence at once- In the Company prepared a ine- sided agreement no safe guards for the concessions by way of rales or anything else The Counr signed the agreement and the Company carried it away The road was not yet commenced and no sign when it would be The Council to their credit be it said did not put on a levy in and in Mr Lemon was elected Reeve and for some son which I cannot explain was bound to put the levy in In August the Council was told by H Lloyd Psq- who was solicitor tor the Township that the Council was not compelled to levy and offered to submit it to the best authority and if be was wrong he would pay the counsel fee This was no good to the- Reeve and Council and they dis missed Mr Lloyd and appointed Armstrong their solicitor who had been President of the Provisional Board and who was then in strong sympathy with the Company The consequence was the levy was put on in 1899 and amid the strongest protests of the ratepayers who went in deputations More the Council ex plaining the gross injustice and in consistency of such a course and when all diplomacy failed an action was entered by one of the ratepayers Mr Bogart who fought for his rights singlehanded and won against the Council as they had defended the action instead of making the Railway Company who was the party most interested and our old Banner Town ship had to pay about 000 for law costs and a judgment entered in the Court of Appeal for This was the result of the Council being the Control of a Corporation and against the people Surely if they had been Possessed of ordinary t Intepnatloaai Sunday School Lesson OK POWER a ft Acts THE Golden Text shall receive power liter Ghost is come upon you INTRODUCTION The Acts of the Apostles was it- ten by Luke the author of the third gospel about as many do that Christ was crucified on Friday April 7 Alt be rose from the dead ort the following Sunday morning and the ascension took place forty days later on Thursday May Our minds are thus directed to those forty days in which the risen Christ associated with his disciples PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Knowledge of the Word The Forgiveness of Power from on High The Spirit Testimony The Certainly Risen Christ The Expectation of a Returning Christ That which most Jills us with won der is that Jesus said it was really better that he himself should go away so that the Spirit might come That must be an unspeakable blessing indeed which is better than the human presence of the Lord Jesus These wonderful days of Pentecost prove that it was better Transformations were wrought by the power of the Spirit in the men and women who had been with Jesus in the intimacy of friendship for years The miracle of conversion and regen eration in millions of souls since that day troves it There are signs wonders through the Spirit in mis sionary lands now equal to those early days of the church in Jerusalem The book of the Acts of the Apostles is not finished- We are living in the age of the dispensation of the Spirit Will you open your heart him so that he may take of the things of Christ show them to you I The Latest AND esigns To the Electors OF TOWNSHIP OK KING to buy Youre to put our work alongside what we and to compare them with tic roost favorable tailoring offer been asked to nailer Fall are going out lively I Co Hotkey Group No 7- of Intermediate A series has adopted a schedule for season Mr Cam eron represented Newmarket at the Toronto meeting when the following dates were play ed on before mentioned January at New market January Varsity at Park- dale January 13th Newmarket at Brampton January at January at New market January at ton January at Park- dale January Varsity at New market January Brampton at Park- date January Newmarket at Var sity at Brampton Spring For Otitis See them at Humes LADIES AND The good people of King have been pleased to honor me with a nomina tion for the office of for the year I am fully aware of the responsibil ities of such office I know it is a bed of roses neither are the Council meetings a love feast and did 1 con sult my own best interests I should decline the honor Sometimes we enter a for fun and sometimes for honor but in my case this time neither fun nor honor prompts me to otter myself but a deep sense of duty I owe to the people and a principal within that tells me that now if never before I can- help my fellow electors For these reasons enter the field for the position of Reeve perfectly abide- by the voice the people who in this matter are supreme When entered the Council last January was anxious to pay oft the debt against the Township by means of strict economy but I found no such element existing and 1 had to prac tice alone I got one resolution through which saved and- by hot asking for grant enough more to make over Now King is that amount less In debt by my adopting that course If elected I would endeavor to have all school invested In Mortgages applying of in vestment as now the ratepayers do not know if there are any funds on hand The road machines are not giving satisfaction on gravel roads and money can be saved by proper management I would improve old Antediluvian System valuing sheep killed or worried by dogs by appointing a Valuator in each Polling Many other reforms of more or less importance and which are really necessary tor the welfare of the muni cipality would be introduced which would raise standing and dignity in the eyes of the and brain power they would have known that as there was no debt they could not sell the debentures 35158 and as the time had lapsed when the debentures could be sold and the de bentures were not sold there was no debt the Council could not when there was no debt neither could they levy for interest when there was no interest due or accruing due To my mind the Council had plain mail ing but they allowed the Railway to tamper with their compass which ran their boat- into the whirlpool of a costly law suit and to show how the Reeve and two of the Council were 1 must mention that they would not pay the judgment against the Township Mr and myself tried to prevail on them to pay otherwise an Execution would issue and one of our safes would be seized This had no effect for they only laughed at our fears and within two weeks Execution did Issue and the officer had started The Reeve was telegraphed to send the money and he rushed to Aurora got the Treasurer to issue a Town ship Cheque not for the amount of Judgment but lor Making the people of King pay 763 costs in addition to the amount of Judgment and our old Township stands today in the unenviable posi tion of being the only Municipality in Ontario that has ever had an Execu tion issued Against it In conclusion let me say that in the year that is past I have fought that battle of the people and against the Railway and this present contest will decide whether the people keep over in their own pockets or whether it shall be given over t a Corporation for no consideration whatever people want their Bonus tax refunded vote or me for if elected 1 shall surely refund before the first day of March the people do not their money back vote for Lemon if the people want to still pay the Bonus after they are free vote for Mr Lemon and if the people do hot want to pay the Bonus and if whole Township does not want to be made pay the Bonus vote for me as I prevented a new Agree ment being entered Into at a meeting at the Reeve with a cheque In tils pocket payable to himself for from the Railway having called TO CURB IS Take Laxative Quinine lets All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure Groves signature Is on each box Fierce Stomas in Columbia r Vancouver Dec Jt is estimated that nearly a million dol lars worth of damage has been done by storms along the Hi vert Sea and Lulu Islands are reclaimed farm lands and are bordered by can neries The violence of the wind and waves broke the dykes and the water rushed over the islands covering them with four feet of water Houses were swept into the raging flood and those that remained standing were flooded to the top windows in many cases Boats have to be used entirely The North Ann Alliance and La brador Canneries were demolished and every cannery on the River was more or less damaged Stacked crops were destroyed over a wide area and the Clove Canning Companys station a very large concern with a cold storage plant adjoining was en tirely swept away All wires being down the news is coming in meagrely but the total loss by the storm on the Canadian Pacific Coast of shipping buildings crops and dykes Is said to be fully a million dollars So fierce was the storm that British Columbia was cut off from the United States to the South for two days and will be cut from Victoria for one week as the cable is torn up at both ends HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE H See Our Immense Stock OF Handkerchiefs TORONTO -i- HOUSE Lindsay is Sugar factory agitating for a Hoot w the meeting for the purpose of a New Agreement for the Township to pay when Railway was com pleted am Informed that the Railway people fully realize the situa tion and will assist Mr Lemon in his canvas- while I am trusting to an intelligent composed of the people who I believe know whether Corporation rule or to be ruled themselves is best and will vote ac cordingly and I am willing that they people shall show by their ballots want done I have the honor to be Your humble servant J King Ont Dec The raisin product of California in was pounds The family of Rev Colin of St Thomas suffering from poi son contained in canned Sainton Miss of Berlin took acid to cure a sore throat and died from effects DeatHKteil of The deathknell of Grippe js sounded medical science has given us the secret dealing this grimmest of ailments a Mow that will effectively ana permanently expel it from the system and prevent the dire distress that follows in its wake GRIPPE Is not a violent treatment but if you are a victim to Grippe or and coughs cure you as certainly op faight dftyiJust testimonials to prove the truth of yon pan verify any or all of them by writing Mil Capsule or you order direct by 55 cent to CO Ltd Ottawa British Columbia 1 i A Perfectly Clear Shingle and very wide ALSO- PINE SHINGLES LUMBER LATH DOORS AND SASH OF ALL KINDS I PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHESPINS THE WM MFG Of Newmarket Limited -FOR- Nut Stove And Egg PEED TIMOTHY SEED for fall J cor Main A Timothy St TOTl SALE AT THE ERA OFFICE Hunter Hunter Have bought the patent right for the County of York for Granolithic Cellar Floors Side walking Ate Pittsburgh Persona to have old roots repaired In a way which will prolong the life of the shingles should coq- suit the above firm or write for In formation Models can be seen at the shop on Timothy street-

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