Newmarket Era, 3 Jan 1902, p. 6

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Just Arrived a caitLoad Fine Salt HUbprt wV feeds fee crate mount albert Both private money and per DAVIDSON Notary Public Ac Mount Albert try BLACKBERRY CORDIAL WILD STRAWBERRY Per etc FLY PADS TANGLEFOOT INSECT POWDER protect your cattle from the flies and get increase in the flow of by our It will Hi them Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT FURNITURE You save money buying your at the I Furniture Store A STOCKTHANBVBROF Bedroom Extension snd Parlor Tables and Fancy We are for Pillow Sham Bolder and Carpet and a Specialty delivered free of charge when ordered to ALLAN THEAKER aV A Take your WOOL to the get the highest Toronto prices in Gash Full stock of Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blanket etc also J goo assortment of fashionable Saltings always on hand extra paid for wool taken in ex change Geo Sons attendance Tuesdays to the average and JTfaeywecf as fol lows butter 18 to chickens to ducks geese to to in the ftl at imfctl notice instead of at formerly We wish our many friends patrons a happy and prosperous of the Directors of Albert Cemetery be in the Printing tonight day and new the held PERSONAL Mr French of Uni versity is spending his holidays at his home Mr David Arnold has returned from the I Mr Norman in town for V few Misses Alma and Ada s Miss Beatrice Swain and Mis Jen nings Christmas holidays at their homes in p Mr N was town On Thursday and favored a call Mr Dafoe has sold a number of his brashes in this town and those who have been using them steak of them in the highest terms of is visiting her sister Mrs J J Terry Mr has been for a of years is visiting Mr Win J Large are visiting at Dr Mr Turner of was home for the Judge BALDWIN BREEZES I Christmas by many happy home gatherings The sick list is increasing other victims are Mrs Geo son bronchitis and Sinclair Both have been very serious cases Trios Kveringham and wife Moil UnsCornersrATere guests at Ben Friday first Visit Presentations and addresses they couldnt dispense with the address even if the gift were only a are the order of the day received solid gold guard of a handsome school at there aLo received beautiful gifts from his school at to accept Egypt r Mnskoka are spending holidays with her sister Mrs Crittenden our hotel some recent remarks concerning objectionable action at religious servance folks remarked Oh thats a slap at the I ally deny the charge A sketch in a copy of trie War Cry is responsible If or criticism if any took of- fence the shoe must have fit Ive often what a lovable girl Mary is Whats the reason some may ask 1 think Ive divined secrej Its because Mary is christian Invitations are out for the marri age on New Years day of to Miss Mabel ynialiwcigdT most charming Baldwin lassie Bothare welt Ijnown here as excel- KNTERTAINMKNT The annual entertainment of the Methodist Sunday School was held in the town ball on Christmas night and was the most successful held for years The ball was filled- to its ut most capacity to obtain en titled The Ten Virgins was given in a manner that reflected credit on alKconcerned- The b girls was I vet attractive feature the little ones showing evi dence of very careful training- The entertainment was brought to a close by a patriotic Drill entitled Uritan- by young ladies who character- every body will join formed their in a very creditable j good wishes for their future well manner The recitation in connection with the ttrili lis Only an Old Bit Mrs Hamilton we are pleased to announce is decidedly bet ter- Her ana is regaining its Tonimy Clark who assisted in the Vain here was sent tlxTKidge happy indeed as his friends amongst gave him which he very acceptable to the old I think some of have a tinge of in their make Up One wife does not seem to satisfy It is a pleasure tosee Mrs Andy nee Beatrice Thompson Hunts- home On a visit She is as ever little woman Im sure bur spinsters if they chose could make more times- It they would listen to the pleading and answer Yes instead of I Know to a certainly- many of them could shed sunshine oer some lonely mans long ago are you so hard hearted An bachelor has long been smiling on one of you I but the only satisfaction he appears to have got is Yes dear by Mrs Rod nee Stevenson is home for the holi days with her parents Scotty Steven son Geo Kay A of Marie arid Amos Kay our new teach er visiting their sister Mrs Joe Foster on Monday education has not made him conceited sycophant as it does some Let every trueMeth be on hand at the Egypt hot fowl supper and on eve next The best cooks in the province are here J presided at the Xmas Tree of Baldwin S S on Mon day eve The Climb ftPneeijDitous Hill Infiiot Disbar Upon the London Dee is now possible to sum up the full tent of the blow j which inflicted at DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE tefetrcloa Only bora are HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY A WKftWAal OF Ai 4 until 1 rtearraar In ear entirely treatment for catarrh far three ao tut and that only ten muUedai who told me on Christmas morning The corrected lists of casualties show killed 54 J annihilated as the companies of Yeomanry which it was S3 SiSSlStS would not in any event have men and the pro- iMaacdcar entirely and to remain R A Broadway nam noise would more than is that each company was slightly below full strength News papers are calling anoth er and certainly its results bring back very vividly the disaster to Sir George in Feb ruary At as at Majuba the British were encamped upon a bill with one side precipitous the other being a gentle slope and in cave the Boers succeeded climb ing the side that supposed to be impregnable At however there was a panic but at our displayed deeds gallantry and tire battle itself was little more tn an incident in the long drawnout campaign Wets tactics are like- wire compared with Wolfes at Que bec and the conclusion is arrived- at that a position apparently of great natural strength may also be in itself a of disasterl- total number of Boers captured killed or Wounded during is com puted at 21800 keai and ordered tod- of Bunting Foster of the highest praise was given by Miss in a manner deserving HDivy The residence of Mr Jewell was the scene of a very pleas ant family reunion on Saturday Dec the occasion being the celebra tion of the birthday of Mrs Elizabeth Steeper mother of Mrs Jewell There were present Mr Par ish Steeper and son WiUJain Mr and Mrs John Steeper and sons Arthur and Millard of Albert Mrs Jacob Markham Mr aruYMfU Trahn iotts and David anoaugliters Sa- Ida Cora arid Fanny of Mr Thomas Steeper and and and fepn anil daughter Graces A J and daughter Ruth Pittsburg jthip Mr and Mrs Frank Steeper a grandson with two grand children Oscar and Perry Several friends and neighbors were al so present Mrs Steeper was the of many handsome from the different of her family old lady is still hale ard hearty tho from a slight lameness She is the mother Of eleven children of whom eight are living has twentyfour arid ftvj greatgrandchildren very pleasant and social time was spent which was heartily enjoyed the old lady The party was photo- graphed by Mr Arthtir Steeper a grandson Ive got an inkling of at more of those interesting IS NOW COMPLETE Specials in Furs and Ladies Coats OUR I Lined Rubber Coat IT IS A SELLER CALL AND SEE THEM Mr Henry Strasler gave a Christmas dinner his sons and daughters whom were Mr ant Dunham Mr least two events The telephone went crazy last week When saying my angel its darling somefln surely has astray expert is at it Who does the biggest trade in Baldwin Im frequently asked As Im somewhat conservative by nature my reply usually is I dont know Certain it is there is rivalry slightly tinged with watchful jealousy The that keeps his tongue be tween his teeth will get he of the J f Miss Draper is now at on Itiverdale on tejl you lor Mr of is spending holidays with his cousins Hes a- lively one arid just the a violin talE Two of my the great norther white owl were shot in the neighborhood last week They are very rare it this part of the province One that Fred shot measured a five feet three from tip to They will be appropriately Any our ladies who wish to fly should smile on Charlie Park who has a matched span fast goers guess their superior is not to be found in No foundation lofUio rumor that however intends returning A number our yovng- ladies at tended dance itlir Lake Shore on Friday night If they were dylgjtfoF around have gone It just intimated wish almost any of our gents wpuld have been pleased Our Baldwin bachelor club is fiour- SUTTON Mr and Mrs Evans of Virgin ia went on a visit last week- with Mrs Evans father who resides in the vicinity of Mr and Arthur Cuttle of spent Christmas with his parents Mr arid Mrs Cuttle Mr arid Mr Willie Donald of spent here with parents Mrsf George who has been quite poorly for some months has im proved- late Mrs has returned home to her sister Mrs so much in not to need her Care Mr Amos Way A attended the tree enter tainment at Sunderland and report a good time- Miss Alma went to the city last week to spend the holidays with friends Mr Jacobs Travistown Michigan here last wee with his cousin Mrs J Mr and Mrs spent Christmas at S Kays Vir ginia Misses Lily Berry Nellie and Cora Hawkins are spending the holidays here with parent Misses Sarah and Emma teachers are spending the holidays here with relatives Mr and Mrs- Muir and family of Sutton with his mother at Mrs of Manitoba arrived here last week to spend the winter with parents Mr and Mrs Martin Taylor The Methodist congregation of Sut ton will annual Supper and entertainment In St James Hall Wednesday evening Mr Silver and Mr Anson are here with for the Our Council for were elected by acclamation as Reeve Li Councillors McLaugln Greenwoodi and Daley All other candidates resigned Keep Yourself WARM by buying a Queen Stove i Mount Albert Newmarket Mr- and Mrs Jno Spring of Newmarket Miss Spring To ronto Messrs and Kellers of Albert grandsons Mr who Was presented with a valu able Arm Chair The address- was read by his daughter Miss Kinma and presented Steadier also one of his A very time was spent v Mws his gone home or the holidays- will charge of the junior room In our school alter holidays Mr A- A Smith and family of are visiting at Mr Mr of Station y for a few holidays He reports things boom ing In the West Misses Clara and Amelia are visiting under the parental root Miss Cora of Newmarket visiting in town this week If family spent A and family spent at Sharon in liberie best authorities member ship two have cleared We ig- an dnialgamatiori of the They old times Charlie has set his heart on having the ctittcatt In these clever workman await future At present Chapman has ffp per an by paying In advance you- get knocked remember this fact Cold Damp Weather train Coldi etc which are fore of the dread tablets prevent and cure all forma of throat and lung affectioni and counteract the effect of of all kinds will prevent you taking cold if after exposure They break up and cure a cold In a day A tablet tonight will make you all them box Sold at Scotfe Drug Store yblNT The Christmas service was held in the chtirch here on morning In the afternoon the annual Christ mas tree took place at Miss Marsh to one day week A otyojihg been enjoying skating during the past moonlight night- Kantuir lost in the oft the lakb- on Tuesday Wat anxiety was felt oh his ac count however he turned up to the good Mr Jack Osier Toronto paid visit to one day last week A number of friends called on Mrs Marsh on and Mr P Young church warden In a neat speech presented her with a hand some lamp and a nicely hound volume poems In token of their apprecia tion of her services as Mrs Marsh thanked her friends lor their kindness and pleasant evening was spent Mr and Mrs Geo of To ronto spent Xmas at the Lawrence Horn The Hornet wishes all his brother scribes Owls Jokers Judges etc very Happy New Year The Hornet DONT BECOME AN OBJECT Of And Pity Our Your Catarrh Purity Your And Stop Rev Dr of wife and I were both troubled with Catarrh bat we have enjoyed freedom from aggravating malady the day we first used Agoewa Catarrhal action was instantaneous the most grateful relief within ten minutes first application cents Sold by Lehman Newmarket TIMBER VANTBD Cedar Tamarack tim ber and Hemlock lumber plank etc for a barn Bill furnished on appli cation to SMITH Lot 13 York Mills PO Township of East t Your vote and influence are respect fully solicited for the Election of JOHN MOORE As Reeve for ELECTORS OK THE Township or Bast Your vote and Influence are respect fully solicited for the election of Horace Aa Reeve for Polling Monday Jan We Wish a Our Many Happy Year and thanking them one and- all for there and hoping lor on- same The Fashion Mount Albert a ALBERT- DRUG STORE For etc a For GeoeraJ Condition Powder for Ac our We a full line of Ham- edits and Family personal attention day or night W T LLOYD AMD Our treatment doe interfere with your usual occupation YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME SK AURAL SALLE AVE CHICAGO ILL Ion dk fret Clearing Ladies Jackets Batancelf Stock -AT- Reduced Prices H D RAMSDEN MT ALBERT Stoves Cooking kinds Stoves for either Con or Wood Ranges anci Heaters ALL A HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT J GOOD NEWS FOR FARMERS 10 have taken the Agency for the Harvesting also the Mann Seeding Implements and will be pleased to explain the merits of these makes over all others Dont place your order lor next season until you see what I can do for you Also carry Full Line Buggies Cutters the Maxwell small wares J Main Wagons Sleighs and A Baltimore Ohio train lumped the track at Pa killing men and Injuring seventeen The shipments of Canadian cattle and sheep from- Portland last year were nearly the number the previous year Mill Gutting Skidding- or Sawing all kinds of or lumber done either together or sepaxately at lowest rates First Class work guaranteed P 0 lip THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN r We are prepared to please you in New Suitings- style and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES I Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you fcan buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R H KEN YON

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