Newmarket Era, 3 Jan 1902, p. 7

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I J i 4 c THE NEWMARKET ERA AN- a gojr VJBr v Week Meal pi IK Sl Mr Davis bis purchased that fine farm of acres Street from Mr Johns on Millard V I Good congregations last Sunday Jjr sermon iuid musicr j audiences were favored splendid solos and evening by tbe Holy City Co Next Sunday morning tfeeSacra- Lords be -pens4- of will the address at the preparatory service this evening IE their Friday 20th Tbe special revival campaign j Newmarket lindet Turk and 1 by will open iieit Sunday Hav ing had ranch success elsewhere their visit is anticipated with much flmu 1A est Special union meeting the CHINA SPECIALS at Methodist church last night cent Large of of the evangelists will preach handsome and novel pieces the Christian church and one in the JAPANESE Import- Methodist church next Sunday mom- ation Handsome and very Mod erate In price comprising CUPS fe SAUCERS JARDINIERES SETS OCLOCK SETS IN PLATES DINNER SETS at reduced prices for Xmas SETS at reduced for Xmas The largest assortment at lowest Presentation Last Friday evening at the Tree in connection with Christ church Barrie the choirmaster Mr Foster formerly of this Town was presented with a magnificent Carving Set in a satinlined Morocco case presentation was made on behalf of tie congregation by His Honor Judge who spoke at length on the services rendered by Mr Foster and of bow they were appreciated by the congregation Fight MUch was said at the Nomination meeting Monday evening about the price of electric light If everybody used as current as they do now a meter rate of per 1000 watts prices ever offered See our t would pay all running expenses and special provide for debentures falling due therefore meter users are now paying Dec 20th and elected the- lowing officers for the coming year Bond God on Sec Treasurer of flay Lecturer Jos ComrnitteeJohn Riddle The Past Master John Gordon in stalled new officers after which the Lodge closed in due torjri v The Convention of the Tpl of King Sunday School Association is to take place here on the arid of January A splendid pro gram has been arranged and will be printed this week ready for distribu tion on the Sabbath No pains will be spared by the friends in this plate to entertain delegates from all parts of the Township and a very successful convention is anticipated with all its grand rags is over for another year Mr and Mr Grant drove out to Christ mas Mr Jim Thompson is home Newmarket for a few days Mr Lennox started for Chatham on Monday morning where he has secured a good situation Miss Ada Hamilton is spending a few weeks with her mother at Bally- Mr Lodge has gone to Toronto on a business trip and will remain a few days- Miss May Bond and her mother spent Christmas week with her uncle Mr Bond Miss Maggie Spears returned with Miss Lennox from Toronto fir a few days Misses and Jessie have gone back to Toronto- Mr and Mrs Vic Attridge of New market spent Sunday at her parental home Mr W Thompsons Miss Mary Hamilton is the guest of her sister Mrs of them- were white ones valued at were Owl stands a but cant spread lilts wings as wide GROCERIES per watts for the has not amounted to but there Miss Lkzie Murphy niece Mrs Deacon It is very easy for anyone to see that those who pay if meter pay for all they in exact pro- Our Xmas Fruits are- as usual the Portion one to the other finest In quality and at knock out speakers seemed to be hot foot prices ater the meterusers but not a I was said about the folKs on the flat LEMON PEEL houses are shut up in the suxn- Where does the minimum cone in on them Many are they PEEL CITRON PEEL KETTLEBY RAISINS CURRANTS for SPICES EXTRACTS JELLY POWDERS prices COWANS ICINGS very fine Special services will begin in King Christian Church on Tuesday evening rate Jan Many are they that have spent holidays in and around Kettle- and we note following from the city of Toronto Mr Norman Curtis Miss Hat tie Love Miss Mabel Mr Win Main is home from city spending holidays Mr pick also spent at Mr James Hazard returned from where he went spend the winter as the smallpox is raging in that vicinity air Ernes of Beaver ton spent a few days at Mr Hazards Rev Simpson and Evangelist Ken nedy ate holding revivals In theMeth- here Messrs Morton and of spent with J Lepardof the lake shore John and his sis terinlaw ttfrs p had an upset oh Sunday last While For tunately neither were seri- Our trying to arrange for their annual races on the lake and will be successful if the purses continue to grow- The track is already marked out spent a few days in the city last week Our quiet village was raised to 50 per cent above heat on Thurs day last being the election day for school trustees of this section It is queer that every winter lately about temperature rises so suddenly and never melts the snow One would think that a schooltrustee ship was the most honorable position on earth and commanded a salary of a cool Rigs were flying in direction from break of day un til pole was closed at pm One party claimed that the other had run the school his own way long enough while the other twitted the first of bribing votes c and likewise a great dislike is since manifested on both sides Some of the ratepayers are abused shamefully because they refused to vote for either party It seems too bad that we cannot have Messrs A Davidson Col Lloyd and from Newmarket to vote on the school question on Thursday Mr J Cole and Mrs Jas Critten den spent Sunday Mr Terry paid the above visiting short visit one day last week Mrs Luther Draper of Belhaven had the to slip and break her arm one day last week As she is a very old lady small hopes are entertained of her recovery Bull S kind sJ i j GROCE CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS we make the Hap piest of time all the year Our Stock Provided with the best GROCERIES and PROVISIONS for Holiday Feasts and Daily Meals Our Stjock of Candy French Roasted Almond Chocolates Lady Carmel Chocolates- Chocolate Chips Pecan Chocolates- Vanilla Chocolates Pansy Chocolates Chocolates Portuguese Bon Boas Buttercup Candy SPECIAL BARGAIN All Kind Nuts Price 12c per pound Mixed Candy lbs for Large Choice Mixed Candy Selected Mixed Cream Candy Extra Fine Chocolate and Cream Candy Selected Walnut and Almond Chocolates spec lb lb 10c lb lb lb are FIGS worth 1Ui to FOR TABLE Very Fine DATES PRUNES APRICOTS Its JAPAN TEA FOR Cost Now at CM Hughes The bal ance of stock wont last long presj Elliott Miss Pratt Miss Sadie Watson Mr Win Briscoe Mr and Mrs Miss Maty Marshal FISH finest quality BAY TROUT Fall caught Boots Shoes Special for all mens Shoes The Empress Fine Show iox Women are perfect fitting investment Mr Walter Crone a Newmarket boy has struck it rich in British Col umbia The Nelson City Daily Miner of Dec 21 has the following When Walter Crone the Montreal drummer bought a half Interest in the Old Friends mine some of the know ing ones thought he had a good thing and were looking for him to unload some wildcats He refused seven thousand five hundred cash for his in terest in this property this week Not a bad investment of two hundred fifty dollars years i Mrs Miss cock Mr John Blackburn and Miss Gertie Elliott milliner of at her home Mr John Elliotts Mr Lloyd Hollingshead went to the city last week find a spinster to suit- He has reported his success as yet John spent Sunday with his son John at St loam Mr and family spent Christmas with friends in the city Mr and Mrs jJohn ate their dinner with his brother in and will partake of New Years dinner with another brother it Large Blue Layer Raisins oh stem J and lb Malaga Grapes lb Layer Figs ioc and lb Select large Layer Figs lb Fresh Cranberries Sausage Spanish Onions Fresh Sagein bulk Thyme Mint Poultry Dressing in tins 5c Large Sweet Oranges 15c and dozen Navel Oranges and dozen Fine Display of Fancy Suitable for Gifts Great value for the money Grip in Carta COLD or a few hour Sold at Scotts Drug Store Large Cups and Saucers Special 5c Gents Cups Special Fancy Pitchers Special Fancy Porridge Sets Fancy Bread and Milk Sets Fancy Plates various sizes MAIN NEWMARKET Fancy Berry Sets Special pieces for 1 Fancy Salad Dishes Special Tea Pots Celery Dishes Cake Plates Special Fancy Pin Trays RO US YOUR Orders For Groceries And be ure the finest quality at of ordinary fruits and ptcefl A Ik those Inflamed Eyes Ponds with pa ftoft water with or y dp con will be It CAUTION represented be the which ar it The of Tramp On Thursday of last week a man was going around Town boose to house begging money to purchase a ticket to get down to Toronto In one place Kb was given cents but- about an hour wards the gentle man who bad it to him happen ed to be Town and saw the man coming out of a hotel staggering as tho be was drunk Being opposed to that kind of work begging and drinking information was laid before J Woodcock JJV against the man as a vagrant He was ar rested by Chief Anderson and fined and coats hut was given halt an hour to get out of Town The man did not seem to be very anxious out and being observed still In Town word was sent to tbe constable but soon as the man saw the constable coming after Wm he made was learned after be had- Town that this same man called at a were- there were a couple- of ladies in the house and demanded that they should give him money frighten ing them considerably Had been known previously he would been- sent down without any option Fellows that go round from bouse to house begging money and afterwards drinking It should have no mercy shown them Sutton I tell Jon John is getting the lions share this time Mr of and its brother Elijah were calling on old friends the past week Some of the people here are getting oyster hungry arid in are looking for the Foresters stew in the near future is expected about the The Committee have been scouring the country for talent suit able The people around are pretty hard to suit you know in municipal affairs and Rev McGllvray Toronto has already signified a disposition be present as also Mr Morgan ot two able and talented gentlemen of the Order Messrs William have Lake where several months in woods The boys look hale- and hearty and we Judge it agre ed with ii We regret to report the serious Ill ness of Miss and trust that her strength may be kept up till re covery Pneumonia the Rouble Mr Angus Campbell Informs us be has a young Orangemen added to Ibis household and seems quite the advent of boy Mrs Alfred presented a handsome box to her husband in the form of a baby girl Mr J Wilson has succeeded in cap turing no less four three FARM FOR SALE East halt Lot in 3rd con of Whitchurch containing about acres The place is now leased sub ject to a notice to leave There are few better farms in Whitchurch than this one when cultivated as it was the season of 1001 J WESLEY Newmarket GROCERY PEC I A RAILWAY SYSTEM FOR THIS WEEK NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the Newmarket Dairy will be held on Wodawffcy at thehour of pm in the Fire Hall Newmarket tor the Election of Of ficers and business By Order H HAINES President Secretary Dried Apples per lb Evaporated Apples lb for Apples 30c peck Fresh Ground Coffee 30c per lb try James Cook is out alter having been laid up a week from running a in his After an illness of about four years roin that malignant disease- canfeiy Mrs Valentine daughter of passed fully away on Thursday Dec in the year of her age I Hoover of con GOOD OPINIONS with it applied t of Lard by the 2D lb Prime Cheese pail 215 per lb 12c ELECTORS OF THE OF Your Voteiand solicited for LEMtON for Reeve An oumea recently wrote fob who benefit ham met a painful accident Saturday last handling a KsAmerNwvioafnthrfrgopliitonj ting his left In of It It A YoVKshlre the knives will be feept serVlce on the pre- veins in Ihe back of the hand tia fared Irwin Town Jo he may regain the Jan MIXED CANDY 5c pound J Oranges from 10 cents dozen up Fresh British Columbia Salmon Manitoba White Fish Lake Superior Trout Smelts We have the Finest Oysters in Town Dried Herrings boxes for New Year Holidays Between All Stations in Canada All stations in Canada to and from Detroit and Port Huron Mich Black Rock Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls NY GENERAL PUBLIC Going Dates and One way FirstClass Fare Dec and Jan 1st 1902 Tickets good re turning from destination not later than January 2nd At OneWay FirstClass Fare and OneThird Deo 28th 29th and Jan good returning from destination not later than January 3rd SCHOOL VACATIONS To Teachers and Pupils on surrender Certificate signed by Principal Going Dates and At Low est OneWay Firstclass Fare and One- Third from Dec to inclu sive Tickets good returning from destination not later than January Full information and tickets from agents of Grand Trunk A Newmarket M DICKSON Agent PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given the Annual Meeting of above Society will be held in the Council JAN at hour of oclock pm for tbe reception of Annual Reports Election of Officers By order WEBB KEITH President Secretary 4 FOE SALE at Keswick Cheap Easy Apply to We Wish You a Happy New Year are the PLACE IN TOWN GIVE US A TRIAL The Grocer I T ACRES FIRST CLASS LAND for SALE- composed of of East Good Excellent Orchard of all kinds of fruit Fall plowing done and seven acres of Fall Wheat planted Plenty of firstclass water Five Acres of Hardwood Convenient for school and Apply to Mf JOHN WILLIAMS on the premises or to Newmarket 7 a

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