Newmarket Era, 3 Jan 1902, p. 8

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I THE POISE Of a jKftltU a off too rarely of atomeh which ho bide age the weakness ioWrt There can I no perfect the iowatr from- dis ease of the delicate womanly organ- health is so match related to Ihe local the womanly or gans that these must be cured be fore the general health can be established Dr fierce makes weak women strong and sick well It cures womanly dis orders am diseases brightens the dull eye out the low gives strength wifely duties and maternal cares thebert it has been for fourrntwrilei Mis CO Box jar have bat bottle of your medicine and Golden Medical Discovery These medicines have done me mow good ihaa tl t have ever taten do the time and how can all the time far a family Of lour I I tet half My advice ill who are troubled wit- i jut- lo anil wonder fill Dr PJcrivs Common ivvtiptof one- to of tin U I V -r- Miss Ml Mills tit the High beifebas her costtfdtf aiidi ted i in aiidi sgeJIai fcilioji For Cufa Burns Cramps- Diarrhoea i Complaints Two and her at a advance fa lb which the Era last week person there first heavy hog at Aurora We respondent m Johnston of captured the Tikjlret hog- weighing was than a hundred pounds heavier than any other hog there KastCifitntirjnas tredjtVof this mat ter beg to correct as r a furnace an the sip ffiol mini j Powers he In in iV fc tie flariuj barrels Kasbfine W coal- Co a rf t Mr Art Goring Newmarket was in town Mr Wright recently purchased from Mr an -IS- old filly by sum is a pretty to pay for a of I hat age afiihial is an except She one lst oclock an unsuc cessful attempt to grocery sioif and Sir Strongs shoe store Thc window store was ill and a of mills was from the latter burglars had succeeded in helping themselves to half a bag of oranges and candies from Mr ridges store Nightman Coombs PVearet- scene Mr Coombs saw and this one he pursed to the eastern end of the town where he caught him climbing over a field The young man gave his name as a rid who Claimed hailed from Manitoba a few iigO committed jail the await trial Trunb port on the- hunting season definite repecUh number ill Jed Jn a single ing seasfflj Jkjn 5in Dominion and especially in Oh- in the chase The report com- by announcing that the hunting season in this province result the complete information with to the number of licenses issued this year has come to hand it is estimated that over licenses were issued and hunting parties and est mate- the mx fcilfcd to be and a deer to MAKE THE FARM PAY Progressive Stock breeders g men root arwf fruit growers beekeeper agricul tural studcntt and makers find the articles and questions ever issue of the FARMERS ADVOCATE rid HOME MAGAZINE and indispensable If you are not already a subscriber to the most helpful best printed and beautifully illustrated farmer paper published invite scrutiny of A sample copy A post card will it free Address THE WILLIAM WELD Limited LONDON CANADA PS The faubscriptlon price per year also Number Farm for Sale Clay In excellent cultivation welt watered The kind of farm to on from OHO Aurora m The held their annual December meeting on Fri day evening Dec and after a very interesting meeting excellent financial reports and an supper elected officers as follows John hi John p Gordon Secy Phil Shier los Treasurer J Jos 1st Committee man Robert 2nd Coin i J 1 Com Few men of this vicinity were better known or more- respected than Will and when the report went abroad on Thursday last that he fallen a victim of pneumonia a of loss fell upon In neighbor hood among on Friday tt Saturday of the week before he had to give tip on and gradually grew worse On Mon day as a lasi resort doctor him hut this only gave temporary lie he soon grew worse away Thursday forenoon Hie to on Saturday largely attended by sympathising friends tor ft if Royal Candy ps for Ha- l Cheaper Chocolates lb for Sweet Oranges k -i- i Walitute lb Filberts ft- Dates lb Sweet Cider quart- A SEE OUR i BE I Pair Bob Sleighs- Pair Scales Capacity 240 lbs This a total of is somewhat deer Keep pace with the number killed they are he- coming more numerous and there is an increase instead of a diminution Tins is accounted for by the shortness of the open season from Nov by the govern ment of anyone transgressing the laws The wanton slaughter which no doubt would have prevailed had been allowed to kill at their thus been prevented to a great ex tent one of the best heritages of the PPU This year the Cana dian any carried deer which is an increase over thesta total weight these shipments Jo libs y these ship ments were made from points located on the Grand Railway the largest number carcasses being taKen out of the River region the Lakes District and points on the Northern Division north of Or course this is a criterion of the number that killed us this does not include those killed by settlers Indians and by those hunters who do not- have their deer to their homes nor the wounded ones get away Hud life those killed ami eaten by the hunters during the two weeks they are in the woods this into consid eration there could not less than bOOOorSOOaeerillPa during the season of J j i Met it was the only the collision at TANDARD I IFE The Company has enter ed upon its year The figures testify to its STABILITY POPULARITY Accumulated Funds 49000000 Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims io8ooooeo During year Policies were issued for Deposit Govt over STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to ever Dollars 9 lii i Agert AMES District Inspector t man kilted in ton- KING Blight It a sad thing to see fine fruit trees spoiled by the blight You can always tell them from the rest- do well afterwards but stay small and sickly It is worse a blight health is the of children But some of them dont get For Sale O on St Al or Array by Town od to 5 Newmarket If you arc i one be will be dry wfaJlcbeOfio with ins be to ftll your be farm a- iiKti on of iraom by Spruce Cottage lot on the ton of King was scene of pleasant family gathering on Christinas day- The family of Mr Proctor first settled on this in gathered In union Proctor aged speclively and years were entertainer in the home of Mr arid Mrs Proctor The While the were present with their amities rest of Jeffs I lead iohn Bolton Wes ley Proctor Union and Wal ter Proctor Mrs- Mrs Holland Proctor Au rora Misses and Martha Mao and itr- Toron to There art tree and gifts for the little folk A real mer ry time was experienced by Mr Proctor w was ope of Yorks early pioneers took arms for his reign during rebellion is a Orangeman staunch Con servative and still hale and hearty for one of bin years The commissioners and overseer of the Police Village of City showed a substantia balance at their annual on Thursday Norman was elected overseer and tlic for the year were appointed Dr A I Carle Kennedy v Jle Protect lie As sociation for the capture of thieves held their annual meeting on Wednes day The are Walker ion president secretary Walter treasurer Board of peter McCaltumT J son James Ferguson- Titos T hoy The annual oyster Wr wH place on grow bigaiid strong one stays small and weak- Scotts stop that blight There is no reason why such a child should stay small Scotts Emulsion is a medicine with lots of strength it the strength that makes things grow Scotts Emulsion makes children grow makes them makes them sleep makes them play Give the weak child a chance Scotts Emulsion will make it catch up with the rest picture of Scout and on wrapper of every for SCOTT HO CANADA and Two Whites One Sawyer PAINTED Dick peaked op SEPARATORS And belt Your choice Full Rig for 400 On few Cheap at600 n THowftsoM NOW IS THE TIME Meyers Poultry Spice If you want early wlntr For Sal at The Telephone IS VALUABLE TOBUStNBSSHEN You can speak to an in In the United States distance Have you made Its use a factor In your business The Bell Telephone Us of ff STARE Manager Acre Farm Rent Part lot tlw2od of Bast Apply to Wright Newmarket or to Wright hear Xhe premise on April Swiff tils city totABoitiife ith uny of contest two Journals arcjvinf place conseryfUvd circles arid ftcy tire like pugilists at a Maclean id J is for the Mayoralty in to ad iart supports the latter I at match last week- at Pat by of it shot shell icctdtajlyrilscharged Shot entered Pfe in and he had to go Hospital In- the report of the num ber for for 1901 papers of city call- it committals for YorWV and give the total at but the real truth is county were al most nil while Toronto bad over No wonder York dislikes to le linked with this city Was just about as merry- and cheery as any for the past years The year past has been and the people rejoice in the wise ad ministration of our Provincial- and Dominion affairs under Liberal aus pices The hearing of the appeal in the scrap iron case has been postponed till The mechanics and in the city piano factories went out strike last week- factory at jincc closed down and all are out till the men come to time other factories followed suit and now the Workers are hugging empty stockings and deploring Che absence of old Clans at their homes On Friday last alts Alice K wife of the wellknown florist and rosegrower died at her late resi dence in Ave aged Deceased an active worker art the Presbyterian Church Hon a hies Sutherland lunched with the members the Ontario Gov ernment At the Parliament buildings last Friday The ISast Toronto Standard Is out good strong for the reelection Duncan and the discomfiture of Sir Allies for York All the rate payers near the may le regarded as city Voters and the scale will turn according to which can poll the most votes country or c ty On Christmas eve and some liquors were stolen from Thomas sa loon also some liquors and cigars from the Clyde Hotel bar In both the police think the thieves se creted behind the bars earlier in the evening Rev Dr of the Christian Guardian preached liis first sermon 50 years ago in Wesley Hamilton and preaching in the same church last Sunday he recalled the fact His Honor Judge has got into his new Quarters in the new court house The over drafts of the city corpor ation are admitted to be over Thats the way 10 run a according to Mr While on duty Thursday of week County was taken suddenly ill He was taken to his home and a physician called in who found that was suffering from a stroke of paralysis Mr Alfred inspector ol Customs for Ontario for a long time a resilient and who represeiiled North York in the Local Legislature and afterwards was returned to the Commons for York died suddenly in this city on Sunday last Deceased was of age He leaves four sons to their loss Note Messrs Hunter and Trent now all passed away one of the most spirited mu nicipal elections Newmarket that this town ever experienced Deceased built the block of stores on Main St now occupied as drug stores by Mr and Mr lehruan Arthur Taylor had both his legs broken and received other Injuries at the Atlantic Refinery premises by the explosion of a barrel which be was cleaning by steam Mr J J and Mr Walter two wellknown have been very ill but are Improving A brown pony and twowheeled cart were left at Hotel on Tues day last by a young couple who de clared their intention of doing some shopping have not since been heard of This looks like an elope- ment At the Pavilion in Allan Hardens on Saturday afternoon the Salvation Army fed nearly a thousand hungry men and women and children The tables at the building groaned under the weight of the good cheer deputation from the Methodist Church and the Dominion Alliance who Wish to interview the Provincial Government on the prohibition ques tion will be received at the Parlia ment Building mayoralty contest appears to be warming in flnesiyle Three dldates are in- the present Mayor- Mr Howland- by Mr Maclean editor of DM World and Mr a Socialist fandltfatv 1 I i TORONTO CANADA Reserve fund BONOS accepts of and upwards Issuing therefor its bonds payable to tb order of party remitting the amount upon the following conditions I Company agfies to 4 able IL The Company aarreea to pay Interest from date of money to date of repay- III The- Company agrees to pay on all The Company agrees to cash the bond at any time upon receiving GO days notice from party holding same- Executor by Ontario ito invest In bonds of this Company isut chapter The and Ontario Governments accept be mis of as security to be by life and fire companies business In Canada rite for hum pie bond copy of annual report and for furihor In to Assistant Manager Tor TRNtNAfiK CANADIAN RUBBER CO r- K fa ARE YOU A puOUSANDi of of behind by the po6irotdcoflUgioa5dlMajic the of manhood They ft the they be or lo be and manhood are licking too despondent tired la hare you through work bate ftttctken and haggard looking Irritable and excitable poor and it fagged you weak back with and at deposit la lac weak iej have Debility and Seminal Weakness Oar la to Cure lIrol of CoaakH reliable Books for for Treatment Oram Morgan K A Flatulence Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache BRISTOLS Pills A matt caabo Children Safe Mild do not weaken and always give satisfaction taken at any aeioe Adult or All soil BRISTOLS M mm The Shannon CARD INDEXlDESK TRAY long oi high tor Cauda fipO- Ruled ClwdB I Alphabetic Index Monthly Index guides Daily Index ujde COMPLETE If Outfit Comprises There made which Is capable such variety use Index We Special lor any WRITE L Co Limited Bay Street Toronto Fa 3 M

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