Newmarket Era, 10 Jan 1902, p. 1

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dV J rf I NORTH INTELLIGENCES AND V aVatta aIT 111 I Ma am micMj PAGES ma too liberty to know to otter mud to argue freely according to above all other liberty Ont Friday Jail 1902 No paper seat outside of North York unless In advance J TERMS per annum I if pah in advance r for J HOCKEY SUPPLIES Prices 1 00 2 1 200 S0 and Leather Shin Pads pair Shin Pads with ankle supports Pucks 15 and each White Duck Knickers heavy padded 125 Hockey Sticks 10 15 25 30 and 35c Oar Toronto Under the kindly intervention of Hon Mr of La bor the strike among the piano mak ers was brought to a speedy close by the return of the workmen to the shops on Thursday The strike last ed just bine days and the men accept ed the compromise father than pro long a fight with a hard winter be fore them The Peter street branch pi the City system was closed for good on Tuesday night The postmaster of the blanch Mr J Bird was presented with a purse of in gold and Miss Stevenson his assistant with a gold as a recognition of their services and courtesy by those who used the office lor mail accom modation On Tuesday of last week Air Clerk the Peace for York swore in -v- as Justice the postmaster at the People he was a cripple He Some of the fellows who make good resolutions on New Years Day broke through the platform the same even- the Mission Rooms nearly men sat down to a warm break fast last Sunday morning Hon Sam Blake gave them a short help ful address By the death of Rev James Robert- yon Presbyterian church in Canada on Saturday last lost one of its prominent and most trusted leaders As superintendent of mis sions in the Northwest and British Columbia he was wide and favorably tnown The Women s Historical Society of this city has passed absolution call ing on all women to wear violets on January corantem- of Queen Victoria It has been decided by- Directors to new now being erect ed the King ward Joseph went abegging about was afrestel as a fraud and the Po lice Magistrate in the absence of hav ing tt wherewith to liquidate a Spring Skates 1 125 2 a pair Best Straps tan or black 10c pair GENERAL HARDWARE CARRIAGE WOODENWARE BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES merit buildings Fire losses in city during totalled less th in m A picture of William Lyon a has been plated in th Parliament Wesley Methodic buildings The Globe says presented serves the honor as and thews deserve the modest monument which after too long a delay was UMBINQ G A NEWMARKET QNT PRICES on PATENT MEDICINES are the erected the Necropolis Hon J Gibson Ontarios At torneyGeneral was sixty years on New Years day Many happy returns The At Home given on New Years day at Stanley Barracks by Mrs Lawrence and the ladies oi the Royal Canadian Dragoons and the Royal Canadian Regiment was very enjoyed by all their numer ous guests The function was a bright and happy one Dr Supreme- Chief Ranger the Independent Forresters has arrived home from Australia at which place he has been for several months in connection with the busi ness of the order The Toronto Cage Bird So and the Queen City Homing Pig eon Club held out of the most success ful exhibitions in their history on New Years Day in St Lawrence Hall Fully bird fanciers attended the show which was marked for the un usually large number of birds and pig eons on exhibition Mrs of House with a litersize oil painting of hint- self in recognition of his services He has been superintendent for years Nelson Burns secretary of tin school for the past ten years was al so presented with a beautiful easy A in the coal at IB street on Saturday wrecking the stove and severe ly cutting the hand of Miss Maclean who was sitting in front of the Are with a little girl upon her knee Miss Macleans injuries would not have been no serious but out her hand to save the child Childhood indigestion Often Leads to Serious Trouble Un less Prompt Steps Taken to Check it- How This Can West He Done Indigestion is a trouble that is very common in infancy and child hood and unless prompt measures are taken to control it the result is I BROUGHTONS DRUG STORE O a Have a Look at some of them Regular Our Price Price Williams Pink Pills Kidney Pills Ozone small Any three of above Ozone large Burdock Blood Bitters Hoods Scotts Emulsion Regular Our Price Price Chases K Pierces Golden Medical Discovery Chases Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine Electrio Oil Dr Thorn 16 South American Kidney Carters Little Liver Pills Cure Compare our Prices any others All patents at Cut Prices We Lead In all Branches of our and will not bo Undeieoltl by anyone J R The Leading Druggist NEWMARKET ONTARIO has sent out cards of often very it prevents the tation for an At Home for Thursday the proper growth of the child and January from to oclock weakens the constitution so that he pm is unable to resist other An letter lo the Legislature that are more dangerous been issued by the executive of the however the trouble is one that Ontario Womens Christian Temper- is easily controlled Proper food- ante Union It relates to the not too much hut absolutely pure billon issue plenty of air Babys Own There are on the membership rolls Tablets freely administered according of the Methodist Sunday Schools of to Ihe directions will soon make both Toronto and vicinity over nineteen mother and child Mrs thousand names and a rally of teach- of Kingston Out is one of and scholars of these the many mothers who has proved the schools means an immense truth of thin statement She says Such was the meeting at Mas- When my littl girl was about three Hall on New Years Day The months old she had indigestion Very rendered on the occasion was badly She was vomiting and had most inspiring JdCairlioea almost constantly She Government House was- thrown op- was very thin weighed only four en the usual reception on pounds and although she had a day when gentlemen call- appetite food did her no to pay their to Sir Oliver good whatever I had tried several and hitf esteemed daughter j medicines but they did nut help her The oldfashioned custom of making Then I heard of Babys Tablets New Years calls about tilts city has and procured a box After giving her largely died out the Tablets for a few clays the treasurer of Victoria University and diarrhoea ceased she began Touin A special meeting was held last Fri day night for the purpose of discuss ing matters in connection with the Metropolitan Agreement Members all present except Councillor Hughes The President of the Company was present and explained the causes of delay in the construction of the roati The following resolution was car ried Whereas Mr Warren presi dent of the Metropolitan Co has at this meeting of the Council to deposit a cheque for with the Town Council to be to the Town in case the Railway Co- shall not complete its track to Huron St in this Town by the 1st day of July provided however toat no- in junction be obtained enjoining the Railway Co from proceeding with such completion of the track in which case the Railway Co shall be entitl ed to two months after the termina tion of the litigation to complete lay ing of the track to Huron Street un less the Council desire that such track laying not at such time be gone on with Therefore the Council of the Town of Newmarket resolves that so soon as Mr Warren shall deposit with the Town Clerk such cheque for the said Clerk be and is hereby instructed to withdraw application to the Local Legislature of which notice has been given in the Ontario Gazette and that the proceed no further there with Council adjourned Regular meeting last Monday even ing Members all present Following bills passed J Caldwell repairs Jackson law costs 180 Hughes work at Power House Rogers coal Freight and Customs 2632 A Howling Can Gen Co J Wilson wood coal etc United Factories freight on electric sup- 1 T ft Morrison Co Gray snow cleaning dig to lots The Canadian Gen account for was referred to the Fire and Light Coin The report of the Hoard of Health was placed on Tile Some correspondence from the Office Specialty Co was referred to the Fire fc Light Com The portrait of the late Private Haines which was so generously pre sented to the Council by his parents was with very great plea sure The treasurer was authorized to pay SMOO being Newmarket share of the expense of Mr- Hamiltons visit here re fleet Sugar Factory The collector was authorized to al low the same rebates on farm land taxes as fn 1901 A rebate of was allowed M W Vernon on personal effects and SB to Lloyd in respect of using his Office for meetings if committees The minutes were then confirmed ami the Council of adjourned sine die 155 FBI has received from the executors of the estate of the late Hart A a to improve at once and grew plump and fat I always give her the Tab- check for only half lets now when she is ailing and the of the total bequests to the result is always Babys Own tional institutions of the Methodist are the best medicine I have church 50000 of the balance for Farm for Sale Lot in the Con of Kat containing about acres under cultivation Good bare and underground stables plenty of good water on the premises There Is also a good roughcast with eight rooms and good stone cel lar further particulars apply to PETER Newmarket ii Compare with any weekly for rwm RCC0MMEN0EO BY PHYSICIANS art ftf a remedy for Burnt Wound Coughs Colds and all fo in CAVTIOKThirtUeah Pouts Extract Be rt yai fit told faotllu IK but go to Anhealey Hall the residence of the women undergraduates York County has just over to the City for maintenance of County prisoners in the jail during the year Altogether the County had prisoners thero and had a total of days to pay board for at day each Mr Arthur Minister of Pub lic Works in the Northwest Terri tories and Mrs have taken a furnished house op street for the winter Both the Alliance and Methodist Conferences deputations Interviewed the Ontario Government last Ft Id ay regard to prohibition were both told their representations would receive most careful attention On Friday last a young girl named Nellie Gray broke thru the ice on the bay while skating and rescued from drowning by Mr Hector Mao- Hon- Mr Minister of Public Works was in the city Friday inspects the official buildings located here Two more suspected cases of small pox developed in the city oh Sunday These tablets will promptly cure all the minor ailments of little ones such as sour stomach indigestion colic constipation allay the irritation ac companying the of teeth etc They are good for children of all ages and crushed to a povyder or dissolved water can bo given with absolute safety to the youngest infant If you cannot obtain Babys Own Tab lets at your druggists they will be sent postpaid at cents a box by ad dressing the Dr Williams Medicine tin A I that I have made a careful chemical analysis of Babys Own Tablets which personally purchased in a drug store in Montreal My analysis has proved that the tablets contain absolutely no opiate or narcotic that they can be given with perfect Safety to the youngest Infant that they are a safe and efficient medicine for the troubles they arc Indicated to relieve and cure Signed MILTON H10RSEY Provincial Analyst for Quebec Montreal Dec 23 The From Glengarry All Canada is Indebted to the pub lishers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star for it has just leaked out that hat great paper has secured the serial rights of that most absorb ing story The Man from Glengarry by Rev Cordon of Winni peg who writes under the nom plume of Ralph Connor The pub lication we learn will begin in a week or two just soon as the Fam ily Herald Subscription Department have entered the thousands of renewal subscriptions that have poured Into that office during the past week or Family Herald readers arc to be congratulated They will certain ly get the years subscription price in this story alone A chopper hurst at the mill and Geo Taylor was struck by a piece of the bursting- stone and badly injured The plant of the Manufacturing Co of anoque was destroyed by fire with a loss of Win Duncan of atly shot himself while hunting and died soon after He leaves a wife and four children HAS BBKN MUCH TALK about the greatest mod ern remedy for coughs and colds It cures quickly and certainly Of all dealers Made by proprietor of Perry Davis Two officers of the Intelligence De partment who were sent to parley with Boers who desired to surrender near were treacherously shot by concealed Boers Bloemfontien Hun dred men of Scouts left Dec with the ob ject of clearing the in the district of armed On Christmas Pay the Scouts sighted a number of burghers attached to commando When the Boers saw the Scouts they took light Col with a greater of his nun and gave chase The rest of the Scouts were left to guard the wagons These were soon after attacked by an other body of burghers from the rear and a stiff fight ensued Before Col main tody return to assist the Beers captured and burned the wagons and their con tents saving only the liquids When main force returned the Boers scattered- The Boers had five killed and many wounded prisoners were taken Orange River Colony Jan- force of Constab ulary encountered a force of Boers January A in the central part of the Orange River Colony and killed Field Cornet Preforms and men and captured burghers including Field Cornet ami Erasmus London Jan The total reduc tion of Great Britains military force in South Africa from the beginning of the war to the end of in cluding deaths from diseixc men re ported missing etc amounts to 21- Of this number were act ually killed or died Boers ambushed a party of Scots Greys on Saturday about forty miles east of Pretoria killing six and wound ing thirteen Use of Soap will not Wash Out Diamond Dye Colors Diamond Dye colors are absolutely fast and unfading Washing with strong soap or exposure in sunlight cannot start or fade these imperish able colors No other dyes in the world have such a reputation for strength brilliancy purity and beauty of colors Diamond Dyes are the most economical dyes one package will color as much material as three packages of any other dye If you have not yet seen the new and attractive Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns send your address to The Wells Richardson Co Limited Mountain St Montreal P and you will be immediately supplied Devotion Family prayers are often of no use Perhaps they are too hurried We have to much before us of the days work that we hustle the children to gether We get half through the chapter before the family are seated We read it as if we were reading for a wager We drop on our Knees an are ill the second or third sentence before they get down It is an express train with Amen for first depot We rush for the hat and overcoat and are on our way to the store leaving the impression that family prayers are a necessary nui sance and we had better not have had any gathering the family at all Better have given them a kiss all around it taken less time and would have been more ac ceptable to and them prayers often fail Do not read for the morn ing a genealogical chapter about Sampsons setting the foxes tails on fire or the prophecy about the horses black and red speckled unless you explain why they were speckled For- all the good you children get from such reading might as well have read a Chinese almanac Rather give the of Jesus and the children climbing His arms of the lad with the loaves and fishes or the sea of Galilee drop ping to sleep under Christs lullaby Stop and ask questions Make exercise so interesting that Johnny will stop playing with shoestrings and Jenny will milt rubbing the cats fur the wrong way Left the prayer be pointed and made up of small words and no wise in- formation- to the Lord about He knows without your telling Hi Let the children feel they are prayed for Have a hymn if any of you sing Let tbe season be spirited ap propriate and gladly solemn Chris- tian Herald fin Eden of the Sea BY A BANKER- For the Kra Although is one of the most thickly populated countries upon the face of the earth yet within three or four hours sail from her shores is archipelago of some forty islands all of Which with the exception of about five are uninhabited The first thing which startles the voyager to the Islands after leaving the mainland is perhaps the spectacle of a number of of spray and water rising up from the tea which appear to approach the vessel Soon it is seen that these are caused by a school of whales the small bottlenosed variety which play about around the steamer a few ac companying her for some distance their long while bodies about twenty feet in length appearing quite weird and ghostlike as they rise an sink and gambol about in the sea Approaching the islands if the sea happens to be calm with that shim mering glare often seen after two or three days still weather the first view reminds forcibly of the appear ance a range of lofty peaked moun tains as seen from a high summit when beneath as far as the eye can reach is outspread a vast sea of pure white rolling billows of gleaming cloud like an ocean of solid chalce dony pierced here and there by up- reared pinacies of rock towering high towards the azure sky Upon a nearer view this similarity disappears for instead of snowclad precipices and treeless wastes many ol the islands are seen to be clad in green verdure or are resplendent i a very hi bloom great tracts be ing now devoted to the culture of early lowers lor the markets of the mainland Here frost is almost unknown and in the beautiful gardens of tropical trees palms revel in lux uriant growth and with many another tro pical flowering tree or shrub are re splendent in a glowing mass of mauve or scarlet or while avenues of tall dragon trees still more accent uate the aspect of the place Rowing from island to island the sea is found to be so extraordinarily clear and translucent that the bottom is distinctly visible the beauty of the ocean garden beneath being in a way almost equal to the display on shore Graceful marine plants with many feathery fronds handsome cor allines their waving pendant branches glistening in the subdued sunlight brilliant purple seafans pea cock tails their iridescent filaments reflecting all the colors of the rain bow a delicate pink feathery seaweed of beauty standing erect from the rack all combine to form a marine parterre of extreme beauty arid loveliness But if the Great Creator has so clothed the oft hidden recesses of the great deep in all this attractive grace and beauty how much more will tie cloth and In glory those who attain to the resurrection the just by availing themselves of the benefits for by the Redeemer and by conforming their lives to His laws and But if they refuse neglect they will only see the glory which is not for from afar oft in the depths The roundhouse at Owen Sound was wrecked by an explosion of acetylene gas and one of the em ployees Thomas Gordon was very seriously injured Returning Officer McCartney of has decided on the advise of Mr J that the election- of the threes candidates lor the Council who resigned and then withdrew their resignations is illegal and a new elec tion will be held to fill the Vacancies Kills Germs Thats precisely what VapoCresoUnedoes You light the vaporizer the vapor of Cresolene Is given off Not a disease germ can live in this vapor yet it cant possibly harm even the youngest child Just naturally breathein the vapor it destroys the germs of la grippe hay ever influ enza and whoopingcough Its the common sense treatment for all trouble of the throat and old A VpoCtt0ent I VporUx Limp which ibouM tod of corn C- CtiMUVi Ch Fulton St VSJk and sold by w Wunaa druggist Newmiriort J r ft

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