Newmarket Era, 10 Jan 1902, p. 3

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IB OH a The Friend Tie Rev Cornell from Kingston preached Sunday morning and was very- favorably re ceived congregation fie en market Depot Mr stock to Toronto on Monday morning and on the afternoon of the same day Mr Eves shipped a jVlri Of the Bath Co now in Town at the House and will take his Bath to any and leave tbenx on trial II they prove satisfactory you pay for it he will take it back it will you nothing ttie use of it- i Looking towards the development of the Lake Summer Resorts Lieut Colonel Newmarket has applied to the Legislature be half a company which seeks incor poration for the purpose of generat ing transmitting selling distribut ing supplying- for the purpose light power- and sound within the counties of York and evening Cat See the at Hughes Police A case of theft was investigated by County Councillor Woodcock and Col- Lloyd at the Police Court here on Tuesday afternoon A man hired a cutter from livery to purpose There only Aurora and at the same time other Debenture linking Fund A very weeding took place at home of Mr and Mrs David SjUeV on Wednesday afternoon the when their daughter Eliza beth was united in matrimony to Mr of Mount Albert The bridge was assisted by her sister Miss while Robert Grose supported tie groom The ceremony was ty in the about forty guests Pleasant played march The bride was given her father blue grey with a white talked silk waist silver Jfrjgualafe and silk lace and carried roses The wore suit with a pink- silk waist pink roses The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents also good wishes her many friends The happy couple left oh the evening train lor Toronto and other cities Debentures Paid Off Last week the Town Treasurer paid of the last group of debentures on trie Town Hall and Market Building in cluding principal and in- the Sinking created one and rowed a pair -fur- mitts- While tie the Cane Bonus winch ex- list next year J Total- After adopting these- reports the tpeeting to elect officers for The new Board is follows Webb isi E Martin 2nd Vice P John SecretaryWin Keith Jackson J E Hughes J J A- J Smith J Robertson McKay and Howard Cane Auditors and J Y A- cordial Vote of thanks was tend ered Mr Webb the past year and duly acknowledged A resolution was also adopted recom mending the Board to procure a lec turer on horticulture plant grow ing during the present winter pos sible and the meeting adjourned A Happy e Agonies of PainesGeleryGompoond EFFECTS A CURE AITER FAIL URES OF PHYSICIANS PAT ENT MEDICINES AND MEDICINAL SPRINGS I a I i S i I J V o to w r J fc w w iff fl M F W W CO to CO CO CO W b CO W W CO W as- CO CO CO a- qt Go ffi t Co fc 4 CD 4 CD t A A i 4 i t v rf- w yi I CD W en CD a The Wonderful Victory Over rible Disease Vouched for by of our Prominent Druggists Tcr- rig was standing under the Methodist church shed at Aurora the mitts were stolen from the cutter This was on the of December and no trace of against the Town are payable by direct tax each year Last Monday a number of could be found tilt last Friday voted on- bylaws lor special when Mr heard of a -per- j purposes For instance Ayr carried son who was offering a pair of mitts at a tow price He followed this clue until he got two young men arrested one at Aurora and one at Richmond Hill The evidence went to show that young the milts a bylaw by a large majority to spend in permanent sidewalks and carried a bylaw pavements which we take to be the same thing Considering the price of lumber whit needs constant rencw- and divided the proceeds with and the durability as well as John The latter was let appearance of cement walks on suspended sentence and the former j it seems to us that the Town Council is to on Saturday for sentence would act very wisely in submitting The annual meeting took place on Monday evening There was a good Street attendance and the meeting was very interesting Various re ports were presented The member ship showed an increase of five over last year and finances were in ex cellent condition all outstanding ac counts having been paid The Ladies Aid also gave a splendid report hav ing met obligations and having a a balance of over in the treasury The ladies undertake to pay for the caretaker and organist The election of officers resulted as follows Pastor Rev J Everingham- a bylaw here next election to borrow three or four thousand dollars for a of five years and expend the same on permanent walks on Main Hollaed Landing Reeve Lane Councillors West Art Hell and Bradford Oldham George Green Walter Strong and t Reeve Wilson Speiglit Billing W Latimer and A Milne Annual White Goods Sale Everything in White Goods at Reduced Prices Fine White Cqtton regular for- inch factory regular for Fine White Lawn regular for 46 inch Pillow Cotton regular for Fine Heavy Shelling inches wide regular for Lonsdale ambric inches wide regular now These are only a few sample prices Look out for Big List next week Remerti- ber this during the Month of January BRUNTONS CORNER STORE N0NS5 SO GOOD AS BAKING POWDER 6 6 The Cheap Store the Bath Cabinet at the Forsyth House fit Again The school population of Newmarket is increasing so rapidly that quite evident another teacher wilt be required by the Public Board next Spring The following was the attendance when the schools opened on Monday Model School Chairman alt Business Commit- I Mr room tees for the year Mr Church Walter Treasurer J Wesley Fin Mr A Thompson Trustees J fe Millard J Proctor Johnson Kin A Collins viss Kirton Kelly Howard Stewards Gardner W Howard Heddel Wilfred Traviss Low Arthur Cocker ill Low Caretaker Richard Willis Miss room Miss Ross room Miss citys room Miss Codys room Primary School Miss Ironside teacrter Separate School Miss teacher Private School Mrs Bayly teacher If- you are a sufferer from rheuma tism in any of its terrible forms muscular inflammatory of sciatic be J assured of the glorious truth that Celery Compound will work for you a permanent and happy cure The thousands of letters received from people who have thrown off their bur dens and agonies prove conclusively that Celery Compound is the one great specific for this awful dis ease The following letter from Mr J of Virdcn Man and indorsed by Mr J Druggist of the same town should convince all that the immedi ate use of Celery Compound is their only hope Mr says For more than a year I was suf fering from the agonizing pains of and after trying all fliat medical sfcill could and using many remedies patent and otherwise I concluded to try the Hot Springs at Banff under the superintendence of a medical- man I took the and six week and came home at the end of time racked with pain and weighing pounds less At this juncture when hope had almost fled I heard of Celery Compound It seemed suited to my case and I sent to my driest Mr of this place and asked about it He recommended it to me and took a bottle I soon began to feel better and after taking the second bottle I was a cured man and threw away my crutches I have always been a farm er and am as able to do hard work now as ever I was Sale Register FRIDAY Jan Geo and Miller will have an ex tensive sale of horses head of cattle pigs sheep implements furniture on Jhe home stead street about half way between Aurora and Newmar ket No reserve Terms Ten months credit on sums over for hay Sale at oclock sharp mith auct Fighting has occurred between the Russian soldiers at China and the- sailors of the United Stales cruiser I Stock The cattle trade looks promising Light exporters sold in Toronto this week from to and heavier ones as high as 525 bulls from to from to Butchering cat tle Iron to Dry cows from 53 to Calves from to per Id Milch cows still in good demand from to Sheep to bucks S3 and lambs Si still going up for se lects for lights and fats TrirrimJng In Ivory Cream and Black at Hughes Death of On Thursday of week there passed away after a painful Illness of four months one who may be regard ed among oldest native residents of Newmarket Mrs Annie daughter of the late Thomas being here over 61 years ago and with exception of eight years In Bradford has resided at Newmarket all her life Deceased was of wry amiable dis position and beloved by all who en- Joyed the pleasure of her Thirtyseven years ago she married Mr Samuel Mouatey and union was one of harmonious content ment while for a number of years her only daughter has a constant companion During the last two or three weeks of her illness she was attended by Mrs Freeman of Toronto Mrs Brown and Miss Detroit together with the family and loving friends and she was conscious to the last leaving a bright testimony of her hope in Jesus Christ as her Saviour Her only remaining brother Mr of Detroit was here to tend the funeral obsequies which took on afternoon at her home on Queen Street conducted by Hey J rector of St Pauls church The pallbearers were Mayor Cane Messrs A Thompson Win Fred Sax- ton and Donald Morrison Being a member of the the Newmar ket Union placed a beautiful wreath among the other floral offerings that adorned the casket- The family Have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their be reavement Total Children The attendance has increased at the Model School since the opening 15 at the Primary School at the Separate and at Ihe Private School This shows that there arc about children of school age in Newmarket beside those attending High School and the boys working around the Fac tories and stores There are on the High School roll this term Tlie typewriters are kept in constant use municipal Elections A 2 42 15 SO 35 62 ID 102 118 lis it 51 43 SO The Vapor Bath Will positively cure Rheumatism Call and get one and try it If it doesnt- cure you you are not out anything Horticultural The annual meeting of the Newmar ket Horticultural Society took place In the Council Chamber on Wednesday Webb President In lie chair After reading and con firming the minutes of last annual meeting the annual reports were pre sented from which It was nod that the exhibition had been a pronounced success Number- of en tries In the several classes awarded and paid The numbered The Trea surers report gave the following par ticulars Receipts Balance from including moneys for members subscriptions f legislative grant Members subscription Proceeds from admission to iiii llPlia Proceeds from booth Grants for union with Y Ag Society Members for 02 248 Total votes cast Reeve I Councillors P ley A J f 4 EC 3 is 97 93 72 110 38 til 103 24 15 Children Cry for castor 1 a Toronto Toronto Jan Wheat per bush a White Wheal per bush Spring Wheal per bush Wheat tit Barley per bush Oats per bush per bush Rye per bush Eggs per Butter roll per Potatoes per bag Wool per lb I a a a a a a a a a a a Hay per ton a Dressed Hogs per a Beat fore a Beet hind a Chickens per pair a Ducks per pair a Turkeys per dressed a a Seed a Clover Seed a TimoUiy Seed 2 a a ft a 2 13 00 373 417 Reeve Haines Clark and Total mi rw 5260 Paid prizes 66 a t 3 1 19 29 12 a- 86 I Wesley Kvans Jan Flour per- barrel a White W7eat per bush a Red Wheat per Coose Wheat per- bush 0 a wheat liarley Oats per bush Peas per bush Rye per bush Butter Sheep Wool per lb Hay pec ion Bran per top Potatoes per bag per per pair V ft Turkeys per lb per lb a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 0 08 CASTOR A For Infant and Departments Try us for what you want and get our Prices A SALE Mens Fur Coats and Caps Reduced in Price Come and see the Goods and get Prices Ladies Costumes Reduced FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR 2500 FOR FOR 3500 Mens Shirts Reduced Colored Shirts Re gular price Special this cents Mens House Jackets Regular Price for Regular Price or Regular Price lor Regular Price 1000 for 605 Regular or 860 Regular Price for Mens Clothing The past year has been a splendid Clothing year with us The most reliable goods that can be bought sold on a Small Margin of Profit One Price to all is what has told so emphatically in our favor Preparatory to receiving SPRING GOODS we are offering the balance of our Stock of Winter Suits Overcoats Ulsters at i SPECIAL PRICES A Table of Ladies Jackets 85 in Number All Very Much Reduced In Price There are many Prices in this lot that space docs not permit to give particulars Sufficient to Bay every Garment la a Bargain at the Price marked Wool Blankets Carpets worth 1 and yd SPECIAL yd Regular 500 Special this Week Newmarket Ont I

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