Newmarket Era, 10 Jan 1902, p. 4

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TV Dyspepsia foreign fcj tffhlfy moat of the disease ij l i life more certainty do they SHxita aite toooiled tor rears and girt fi Wis who was afflicted that be nervosa Sm and actnay relief from Jooalr iJ war completely cared as others ffoods to own Baser tot Hoods J Barrister Public Street to Lo on good security- t Solicitor Hot a vision Court Building Ontario liennox Cboppio Barristers Cod a door South or Peat Of fice Herbert Lennox Aurora also and Court J Rom A Co Bankers nod Ontario Bank Aurora p S Barrister Off Main Sr mar Block- to Loan A I Block opposite the DR DENTIST l Lundy Broughtoni Store GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TIME TABLE o CI TO a a a CO a tt- W a i CO a I en The of- amending- the agreement between tl Metropolitan Company ad Corpora tion before any steps are allowed to be taVen to extend the line through tbo by the fact that does not stanii in the relation ioifte public an ordinary street electric railway The Saturday points this feature wit the proposed Toronto agreement and clearly indicates the weakness of our Town agreement which the present time has never been rati fied either by the electorate or the Legislature The Telegram says The facts of the case are these The Metropolitan is not incorpor ated as an electric railway but as a railway in be general sense of the word and eminent legal au thority agrees that the moment it crosses a Dominion line it becomes a Dominion line itself comes under the control of the Railway Committee of the Privy- Council Thus when the Metropolitan ex tends its lines south across toe it becomes at once a Doming ion railway and the control of that of it in the city passes out of the bands of the city and into the hands ot the Railway Committee of the Privy Council And to go further how will it take the clever men behind the deal to prove that the Toronto k Street Railway has been absorbed fey the Metropolitan and is part- of that system That being the case Toronto will awake to the fact that her street railway has passed from her control forever And the street railway people will rejoice in trie fact that the perpet ual franchise for which they have longed is at last within their grasp A press despatch an nounces that the Dominion parlia ment will convene for the despatch of business on the of Liberals and Conservatives are now ready for the coming byeelection to fill the vacancy in the by the appointment Kingstons late member to the bench Hon Mr Hatty is the Liberal nom inee and Mr J is the Opposition candidate The death of Mr Walter Lee general manager of the fcanada Per manent and Western Mortgage Cor poration was announced in Mondays dailies the sad event having occurred late on Saturday night Deceased was one of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents of Toronto- and his demise will leave a wide breach in social and business life For thirty- five years he occupied a seat at the Public School Board and for several years was its chairman Mr- Lee was a of Toronto born Oct Being a brother or Mrs J A of Newmarket he often visited this Town and was known to quite a wide circle of here as well as in Toronto Epilepsy A DISEASE THAT HAS LONG BAFFLED MEDICAL SKILL Av Gaudier of Buckingham Gives His Experience for the fit of Other from this Terrible Malady Scotland Is heavy floods and the shepherds have tost flocks and Houstons restaurant at Owen Sound with other businesses adjoining was destroyed by fireJ David Spencers Arcade Victor ia the largest dry goods store on the coast destroyedhy Are On Satur day night Loss about a quarter a million flows tit A Cm CO ffl 3 a a I s aSS gagSVffifco Metropolitan TORONTO AND SO aft e 9 a tf I 0 400 pi o MO a etM o o too 0 P7 naftMta n a 5 o la iAQ If and Saturday afternoon emigration from the Kingdom last year was an increase over the preceding year Children for CASTOR I The abolition the exchange pass system between the railways is giving ticket agents and travelling passenger agents something to hump about When presidents and directors of dif ferent lines of railway talked out loud about abolishing the exchange pass system the ticket and travelling agents thought it only meant the other a large number of travelling agents met in Toronto last week and it was soon apparent that a lever apprehension had dawned upon them that they were in the whirl none of them had received the usual exchange pass What the outcome will be remains to be seen but if the entire pass system were abolished the regular fares on all our railways could be reduced to two cents mile instead of three and the railways make more money The License Department of the Gov ernment now after the slotma chine operators in hotels and the new device has got to go The Star says The and the manufacturers of the various slot decorate the bars and other places thru the Province are jockeying for posi tion in the light which is being waged between The manufacturers who do business from Windsor Have distributed a new machine which they guaranteed to their customers Would not come under the law prohibiting gambling in hotels But the License claim that the only dif ference from the old machine la that checks are used to prime it instead of nickels and that these checks have a par value at the bar when drinks are being There have been two in Windsor who permitted the use of the new machines and both resulted In fines being inflicted prose cutions will now- be Instituted all over the Province wherever machines are In for the department is de termined that no gambling of any kind shall be permitted hotels are quickly relieved by turbos- of Man lost his way and was frozen to death From the Post Buckingham Que We venture to say than in town of inhabitants lew business men are better known than Mr A the young and hustling butcher Main street He wasnt however as- energetic or as hustling a couple of years ago as he is today and for a good reAson he wasnt well- Having gone into reaching his majority his desire to succeed was such that no heed was paid- to lplngthebpdy in the state health necessary stand a strain and consequence of the extra de mands upon the system it became run down to such an extent that- epilepsy or falling sickness resulted and these lapses into unconsciousness becoming alarmingly frequent he consulted phy sicians and some remedies hut- without beneficial results Finally seeing Dr Williams Pink Pills adveiw Used as a cure for falling sickness he decidea to give them a trial As to th6 result the Post cannot do better than give Mr story in his own words Yes said Mr for nearly four years I suffered from epilepsy or falling fits which took me without warning and usually in most inconvenient places I am just twen tyfour years of age and I think I started business too young and the failing spurred me to greater perhaps than was good for my constitution and the consequence was that I became subject to those at tacks which came without any warn ing whatsoever leaving me terribly sick and weak after they had passed I pot to dread their recurrence very much I consulted doctors and took their remedies to no purpose the fits still troubled me I saw Dr Wil liams Pink Pills advertised and de termined to try them I did so and the medicine helped me so much that I sot more and kept on taking them until today I am as well yes better than I ever was and am not troubled at all by epilepsy or the fear of the Ota seizing me again Thinking there may he others similarly I give my to the Pont It may perhaps lead them to give this great medicine a trial Dr Williams Pink Pills a losi- cure for all diseases arising from blood or a weak or shattered condition of the nervous system Every dose makes new rich red blood and give tone to the nerves thus curing diseases as epilepsy St Vitus paralysis rheuma tism sciatica heart troubles anaem ia etc These pills are also a cure for the ailments that make the lives of so many women a constant misery They are sold in boxes the wrapper around which bears the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple Can be procured from drug gists or will be sent by mail- post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes lor by addressing the Dr Wil liams Medicine Co Students necessary it is when car sentences or sets- of to transpose words phrases aqd Clauses and make a of the whofe so as to obtain the correct ffkrmatlcal conduction It la surprising- fidw different renderings oi pn line be made without tf ansjpfossiiig pi the laws pure arid We offer ward for any case Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J Cheney Co- Props Toledo the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able carry out any obligations made- by their- firm West Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the system Price per bottle by all Druggists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best Big Fine at Hat Portage r Rat Pottage Jan A disastrous fire started- here at one oclock this morning and destroyed property to the value of nearly The lire or iginated in Hall ds store and spreading almost entirely destroyed tie two blocks owned by Mr A Car- The principle sufferers be sides Mr are K Hall dry goods Dr dent ist Dr Chapman Dr Marshall Courtney billiards barber and White furnishers With the destruction of their ball the Masons lose handsome furniture and fittings the loss being to Insured for HOW IT IS DONE The first object in life with the Canadian is to get rich He second how to obtain good health first can be obtained by energy honesty and saving the second by using Greens August Flower Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the of Dys pepsia Liver Appendicitis Indigestion etc such as Sick Head ache Palpitation the Heart Sour Stomach Habitual of the Prostra tion Low etc you need not suffer another day Two doses the wellknown August Flower will relieve you at size ta You can get Dr Greens at Ph A Winnipeg paper states that the will double the elevator capa city at Fort William and Port Arthur which now to five and a half millions The Maritime Express on the In tercolonial ran off the track near Riv iere du Loup last night Engineer Sawyers leg was broken but no pas sengers were injured A Wilson girl made a cake for her best Sunday fellow but mistook the sewing machine oil that of lemon extract The was dis covered wily when dessert was served hat was indeed a smart Yankee trick THE MATERIALS USED in The are the finest the market affords regardless of ex pense Taken in cases of wasting diseases loss of weight or loss of appetite with great benefit Davis Lawrence Co Ltd manufacturers Some men pay cash for eery- thing they buy because they want to and others because thev have to Womans Priceless Pearl The to Is The to Younr South Am erican Kinney Our So It Mr A Que It ren I look my American Kidney Cure and have not bad of Iheaggraraiirig Kidney rouble from which I o many I doctors a fortune without remedy a price- pearl for women as did It la Sold by Lehman Newmarket There is a world truth in the dictum attributed to that nothing except the mint can make money without advertising About the value of advertising in general there is no more doubt than about the rising of the sun NINE TIMES OUT OF TEN Pain- Killer be found to AH your needs as a household remedy Used as a liniment tor stillness and taken inter nally for all bowel complaints Avoid substitutes 25c and A Russian Jew named H was arrested on Saturday night at St Albans Vt on suspicion of smuggling diamonds and when he was scanned worth were found sewed up in his undershirt He was on his way from Montreal to New A CARD We the undersigned do hereby agree to- refund the money a bot tle of Greenes Warranted Syrup of Tar If it tails to cure your or cold We also guarantee a bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded J perhaps carries o8 It can be Into least twenty different- readings without materially The Weary The ploughman his weary way The ploughman weary homeward plods his Way The ploughman weary plods his homo- ward way The homeward plods The weary his way home ward plods The ploughman plods his homeward way The weary ploughman plods his homo- ward way The weary ploughman homeward plods his way Weary the ploughman homeward plods his way Weary bis homeward way the plough man plods Weary the his way home ward plods His homeward way the weary raan plods His homeward way the ploughman plods His way the weary ploughman home ward plods His way the ploughman weary home wardplods His homeward weary way the plods His weary way the homeward plods His weary way the ploughman home ward plods Homeward the ploughman plods his weary way Homeward his way the weary plough man plods Homeward the ploughman plods his weary way Homeward the weary plods his way Homeward his weary way the plough man plods And anyone with a little patience could easily add to this number of different all correct from a simple grammatical point of view An exchange says A subscriber writes us that he found a on his and wants to know if is a bad sign No thchpldeT was sim ply looking over the advertisements to find out what merchants did not ad vertise so It could And a place to spin its web undisturbed CURE OHM BAT fbmo druggie refund the fit falls to E Droves ilgnitcre Is on box go to law the seaMon of an the lawyers Ret the contents and the fools get the shell Isaac Walter Kerrey Mill were committed for trial at on a charge of robbing their own store and THE CLERGY Dr Powder mil Creeds rtM Kara are a few of of MAKE A NOTE OF IT when you who are leaving to buy D Catarrhal up io Menthol Piaster It is in all teed to cure the worst Dr hiadarh WUhrow and Rev Dr Chambers ache headache stitches Avoid and Dr all of said to be just as good Canada of their Get made by Davis loiterator Sold by Newmarket Bedfords sawmill at was burned A little girl named Bernard was fatally scalded at Montreal by a pot of boiling water falling on her STOPS TOTS WORKS TUB COLD Laxative cure a In one day No Cure no Pay Price cents Farm for Sale Part of Lot No I in the Con of East Acres- Frame dwelling good barn with stone foundation about 1J acres in Orchard good well and cis tern Apply to on the premises or to Newmarket 100 Acres for Sale Lot Cou West All cleared Brick house and outbuildings Plowing all done and fifteen acres of wheat sown This Is extra well watered farm Im mediate possession can be given fly to A Aurora tilsiun Telephone IS THE RAPID TRANSIT t Long Distance Increases And cuts down over- time charges The Contract Department will furnish particulars J- 1 Co Canada lioealMaiuigejr Hogs I 1 In buying their pfgs in country markets r the of the South of Ireland or rather their presenUtlVes always give the prefer ence to animals with good coats of fine and Invariably take occa sion of tbe by a pig of such covering to belittle tbe value of the animals in the of own ers The reason for this Is that have found out that pigs with plenty of hair usually give a better quality of meat than devoid of a good coat Meat d- from such pigs lean and tat well mixed and as a rule fat Is also of a firmer qual ity than that of a fatter and less hairy types of pigs to be met- with in many parts the country 11 SAYINGS TORONTO CANADA jBui j t- Capital Fund INVESTMENT BONOS if Corripaay of and upwards lisuin therefor bonds payable to the order of party remitting the amount upon the following conditions I The Cfomjiaijy to pay Interest pay- able halfyearly The Company to pay Interest from date of money to date of repay- 9 III The Company to pay exchange on all remit tan Company agrees the bond at any time upon day a notice fpom party hpidlnir Executors and are by Ontario Govern meat to latest la tho bonds of Company 1S07 chapter section The Dominion and Ontario Bonds of tills Company to be by life and fire in Canada Write for copy of annua report and for to Assistant Manager ASTHMA CURED FREE Brings Inatant and Permanent in All ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL Write Your Name and Plainly FOR TEN YEARS There is nothing like It brings Instant relief even in the worst cases It cures when all else falls The Rev WELLS of VlUa Ridge III Your trial bottle received in good condi tion I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it I was a slave chained with putrid throat and Asthma for ten years I despaired of ever betag cured I saw your advertisement for the cure of tats dreadful and tormenting disease As thma and thought you had en but resolved to give It a trial To my astonishment the tri al acted like a charm Send me a fullsized bottle RELItr Morris Rabbi the Gong Bnat Israel Hew York Jan Taft Bros Medicine Co Gentlemen Your is excellent remedy lor Asthma and Hay Fever and composition alleviate all troubles which combine with Asthma Its success la aatonisWag aal wonderful After having it carefully analyzed we can state that Athraateoe cea- no morphine chloroform or ether Very truly yours REV DR MORRIS WECHSLER Dr Bros Medicine Co Avon Springs Feb Gentlemen I write this testimonial from a sense of duty having test ed the wonderful effect your Asthmalene tor the cure of Asthma My wife has been with spasmodic asthma for the past J years Hav ing exhausted my own skill as well as many others I chanced to see sign upon your windows on street New York I at once obtained a bottle of My wife commenced taking It ahout tho first November I very soon noticed a radical improvement After using bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symp toms I feel that I can consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease Yours respectfully Dr- Bros Medicine Co Feb fi Gentlemen I was troubled with Asthma for years I have tried numerous remedies but they have all failed I ran across your adverttae- and started with a trial bottle I found relief at once I have purchased your fullfitted bottle and I am eve grateful I family of four children and tot six years was unable to work I am now In the best of health and am doing business every day This testimony you can make ouch use of as you see fit Home address street RAPHAEL fc East at New Yet City Trial am l not delays Write addressing DR BROS East Mm St ALL DRUGGISTS THE NEW PUFF THE NEW FLOWING END TIES THE NEW LONG DERBY TIES WHITE AND COLORED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS NECK SCARFS FANCY SUSPENDERS KID GLOVES LINKS FANOY SLIPPERS FOR LADIES GENTLEMEN CHILDREN

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