Newmarket Era, 10 Jan 1902, p. 6

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a fcV J fc I rt o a J j IS 4- I T IN Fin V p vfc It 1 rrV T in ST a 5 lioney at wid cent Mount Albert at produce crow dC prices Gutter IS to eggs sheep BLAGKBERRT AND WILD STRAWBERRY FLY PADS TANGLEFOOT- INSECT POWDER Protect from flies tbe flow of altk by our It will Ox thenu Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT- You crtti save by ore It A STOCK EVER OF Bedroom lrrlr Parlor Cbaim W an Mr pillow A dangerous corner at the junction of Centre and Main streets Richard Rowens cutter to when returning from church on Sun day evening Mr and Mrs were thrown out but wre not injured e Save a few- of nice for out- to ask for one when subscription at the Albert branch A v t I The- annual entertainment of the Presbyterian Sabbath held on New Years night was most successful The town was filFed to its utmost capacity There was an excellent program of songs recitations and drills the fea ture The Dairy Maids by lb young ladies which was very cleverly executed BROKEN v Mr Lewis Toole a and a client on very New a Years day a tree in the woods falling lodged in an other tree slipped oft the stump striking Mr Toole on the leg break ing it badly Mr convey to his hone and medical aid We understand the fracture is a serious one Mr George fprmeriy of moved into tie village last He is the ntf at the north school Mrs Macfeie Jr is very ill we hope to sec her around Peters ilas purchased the bouse and lot adjoining the skating rink Miss Marjory Wight is visiting With friends in the Methodist Chi last week It is being hoist ed Into place this week A hockey club- has been organized so we hope to see some good games this winter The election is oer and the electors have cooled down- again A mad steer created considerable excitement in town one day this week The rateiaye s of No are to consider the advisability of putting j a storic foundation under the school- j house on Thursday evening the at Judge af PERSONAL Mr and Mrs the Misses of Toronto and Miss of Detroit were the guests of Mr and Mrs Richard last week- Mr Robert Rowland of Toronto was town over Sunday Mr and Mrs A Jones and Hoi r if flb Toronto spent New Years Fremiti delivered ordered quantity ALLAN WOOL MARKET fHfHHf Take your WOOL to tbe Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get the highest Toronto prices in Gash Full stock Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also good assortment of fashionable Suitings always on band extra paid for wool taken in change or goods Geo Sons in town Mr Win IJagh Lindsay spent New Years at his home here THEYWJU BE Two familiar faces will he missed at this years Council board Messrs Richard Boyd and John Moore Both gentlemen have been in the Council for a number of years and no one will deny that they rendered excellent ser vice to the township and had its best Interests at heart But you cant Keep a man down and we have no doubt but that one or both will be in the fight again Mr KILLED Mr John son of the con cession with a serious accident which resulted in the loss of valu able horse on New Years day The animal became unmanageable a short- distance west of the on the road between Mount Albert and Holt and dashed into a ditch which was covered with The horse broke thru the ice and his leg so badly that He had to he shot The driver fortunately was un hurt SUTTON George Kay is at home for the holidays from the North Coun try where he is engaged with the as valuator of mineral lands and ore deposits He brought home a number of samples of ore obtained from the various mines in that dis trict Mr John and wife of spent New Years herewith bis brother Mr F Mr Geo V Crocker tinsmith who has been in for a considerable time doing business ie- borne last Tuesday to see his family and friends Mr Bert and Mrs Town- ley Toronto came up on New Years to a few days in Sutton with friends Dr brother of Mr of has an appoint ment as Surgeon under the Imperial Govt and is going in company with the contingent to South Africa- The met last Friday at the home of Mrs J Miss Blanche Silver who has been on a visit here with parents loft last Friday for Calumet Mich to resume her duties as teacher Mr Toronto was here over Sunday with parents Master Harold returned home Monday after a couple of weeks visit in the city Mr Ernest Vrooman has accepted a situation with Lewis wholesale hardware firm of Montreal Mr George Phillips eldest son of Mr Phillips of Sutton has been jnitc ill at with In accordance with previous in these items age Mitel and P on Years Gregory pastor 6f the- Free home of tbe brides parents- Mr and Robert Baldwin invited were present who by gifts many articles of value expressed their esi teem for the handsome little Miss filled the post of tfie happy beiii life riglitbere very happy auspices and as are workers- in the their future has a A handsome widower Vachejl on Miss of Ontario spent New Years at Win his customary gal lantry towards the fair sex escorted her home next day Patience ray friends for what to tell ye day if Mabels New Year resolution A maid no will I bei V My sweetheart he will marry me Well seal bargain with a Kiss And settle down in bliss An inquisitive Canuck hollered thru the hone on Thursday night Whos the Baldwin lies been pass ing remarks re the a phone Come up old chap Ill introduce thee Miss of Scott Tp is visiting her aunties the Misses Crawford and Uncle Sandy too at Ave The Crawford have received j from Billy of Montana specimens views photo he took while at home lat fall He executed some shots at Baldwin scenery and caught the Owl on wing Theyre work for an amateur Scared to- death Duncan Crawford instructed Win to shoot and scare his dog thereby hoping to im bue him with a greater attachment for home iWnu faithfully obeyed or ders Duncan has no house watch now scared htm to death I made a brief hint of wireless phon ing in a recent Breezed In a few days a Toronto daily stated that a had been experimenting to that view and had succeeded in con versing a- distance of two thousand yards Thats nothing though as it is a well known fact that in the i southern States there are Coons dig gers who can throw their voices a distance- of two and occasionally three miles In his disteciical poems Untie Rasmus Joel Chandler Hams refers to this wonderful gift Mr James Owens Toronto spent New Years with his motherinlaw Mrs The Owen kids are leg ged out in new suits now Grandma celebrated her energy into this- of- Ami- t Some ladies yeberi observing Charlie to He goes like a whirlwind as if going but Charlie has need for sucbVag they A 1 L J who was called DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE iewihTeotioii Only bom HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY Of to Port Arthur last week was AhoA At -5- iA Kirch to Briar entirely to I wilt now rati used jo I here Tuesday eve last He sent befof city who and a- substitute stormy night the snow was postpone to a week later The of the church form me that their church is practically clear of debt This must be very gratifying to the mem- Conference Sunday and Monday were banner days in the history of Methodism The air was redolent with Large overflow congregations attended all three vices Sunday and the finances church considerably thru the agency of a clergyman from the Hub lie was the of and would almost draw the money from the pocket of the bronze statue Sir John A on Parliament Square somehow the money be in the Jl poo it People didnt respond as liberally as be The dinner on Monday was all that could be desired One of youths on marriage bent spoke for the parson invited the guests and made all preliminary pre parations lor a Happy New Year l a day or so he went the rounds withdrawing tie invitations The old woman had and thrown cold water on the affair was his sor rowful story Whod blame if a I bled old woman Mrs Geo and Charles are recovering say girls bachelor Sandy Crawford has a swell new cutter Wedding bells may soon ring at Friday is bargain day in The Owl consulted VOJy thai the Owing to flnm to cad ordered Our not interfere with occupation YOU CAH CURE YOURSELF AT HOME INTERNATIONAl AURAL CLINIC 586 LA SALLE AVE CHICAGO ILL Jackets Balance of Stock AT- Reduced Prices H D MTV ALBERT Stoves Stoves Three death in a children were at Buffalo burned to eightyfirst birthday on New Years day She is still hate and hearty Miss Maggie OBrien of South was spending few days last week with her cousins he Misses Crittenden at the village She- informed me of the CARELINED FACES Are hoi always the in of mental worry for many a day In and day out Buffering almost beyond tolling from ly pain and the only that lootraya the face Stomach out of order Indigestion with catting every you draw a dagger pain gnawing to almost of distraction all things the brow and instead of lha care he the glow of First Jew cure it Sold by Lehman Newmarket- Cooking of all kinds Stoves for either Coal or Wood Ranges and Heaters in great variety ALL AT- SUMMERFELDTS HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT f is or OUR m FALL STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE- INCLUDING Specials in Furs and Ladies Coats OUR Lined Rubber Coat IT IS A SELLER AND SEE THEM Keep Yourself WARM ELECTION ECHOKM He made it eight It was all the way Monday It was a to that ran in Ibis contest only walked The most exciting contest was and the winning by votes We made no mistake when we pre dicted that this would be consecutive defeat may have felt hat he was in the lions den on Monday hut it was the Ramsden that swallowed him up JIT PUBLIC SCHOOL Report lor December to Asa Jewell 201 Wallace Toole Flora Morgan Hunter 105 Roy Cook Frank Sibley Porter Merl Jcnnliigs Pansy JJehtley Jewell Grose Alice Case Alia trench 250 Watts Herbert Sibley Florence Smart Au stin Malum Maud Mitchell JO Jr Ill Gertie Moore Essie Jewell Vera Dark 177 Myrtle VantJcwater Mary Morgan 155 Wesley Brooks Reggie Annie Frank Watte 111 fiertha Ross Promotion to Ill tola max mark required Wesley Theater 338 it Leek Quite a large number went from Sutton to the hot fowl supper in con nection with the Methodist church in It proved trium phantly successful The offer of five muses from Canada for South Africa has been accepted by the War Office GRiQUlNiNB Tablet ar a new safe and speedy cure for coughs cold fiimihar affections GnpQutnine effects of old fashioned quinine without its nauseous taste and consequences Grip- Quinine or NortiYork Liconso cures fever etc A dose at cold before morning Relief one Cure In one day has the Docs Trade Mark on bo Refuse all others a- box your druggtaU or by mail from the Canada Ltd Brock- til On Sold Scotts Drug Store NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the Directors jot theQueensYlile Cemetery- Company wlllbe held George Weights hop l m at for the Election Officers order of the President WRIGHT President by- buying a Rev Mr Morgan brother of the pastor the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday evening School opened on Monday with Mr J la charge of the senior department Miss Minnie Leek in the second department arid Miss Prankish in the third Special services were held in the Methodist church on Sunday at both morning and evening services The annual meeting of the public Library will be held In the town hall Mount Albert Monday evening All ticket hold- eta are requested to attend Queen Stove FROM J ROWLAND Mount Alport Ob Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the above company wilt he held In the TOWN HALL MOUNT ALBERT at oclock pm for election of a Hoard of Directors lor ensuing year the reception of reports and other business A full attendance Is requested It TrtfSDALtf humorous culled citizen of the Road- He was ever a patron he circus when it came to town Win has had a had at tack of- animation of kidneys Dr Charlie is bringing him around a cram Amos Crittenden is very low with of lungs It is a jnnt- ter of nature combatting with dis ease A good constitution may pull him through Moral suicide Thats what J term tills allowing young slips of girls to run around at nights unaccompanied by statable guardians A very cau tious and exemplary mother was speaking of two such lassies who- tame trapesing revival services alorie nearly at the close of meeting Id rather lay a child mine beneath the cold cold ground than she should be doing so she said If Id mistake not the girls were safer In the church then outside as there- was doubtful characters out that evening IfI had Kirch a man as you Id were the words addressed by an indignant little matron to a gay Lothario who himself on being a man and gallant who was with a gay little Her rebuke had a temporary but not very appreciable True to a promise given long ago my young tfriend Mabel sent mo a donation of brides cake equal to any I have ever taseL It was that delicate flavor and richness not a bit doughy so prized by Our girls all know Im an expert In Redding cake and are all my opinion Oh Mr Owl are you married Such was the plump and plain question fired point blank at me by one of our most charming girls I was thunderstruck- My tongue clove to my mouth couldnt nor I yet answered i A good many dancing parties about here at present but our Smart ate riot attending them In order remove doubts may exist in minds of the uninitiated concern ing the pleasures of dancing I may state the whole matter lies a nut shell It you have a pretty partner to entwine your arm around you are an earthly paradise If not It has no fcr thee But I must con- 1 Notice i9 hereby given that Applica tion has been made tor a Transfer of the Tavern Licence the Mansion House Sharon from WTNichols to John Wesley A J Inspector LASTING SNAPS oiler Winter Suit- Ings at Reduced Prices Call and Inspect our Goods and Prices m I KELLERS The Fashionable Taylor Mount Albert GOOD NEWS FOR FARMERS j xo ox I have taken tbe Agency for the Harvesting Machines also Maim Seeding Implements and will be pleased to explain the merits of these makes over all others Dont place your order lor next season until you see what I can do for you J Main Street Newmarket Also carry a Full Lino of Buggies Cutters Wagons Sleighs the Maxwell small wares A Thoroughbred Improved Large English Yorkshire Hog for service on East half lot In the Fourth Concession of East Terme One dollar WM Saw Mill Cutting Skidding or Sawing of all kind of timber or lumber done either together or separately at lowest rates First Class work guaranteed Holt P ALBERT DRUG STORE or Cold Balm of cough syfupf Powder for Distemper Ac our Condition Wo carry a roll Una of fiesa- snd and Family ro ost attention T LLOYD aw v THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R H KENYON

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