Newmarket Era, 10 Jan 1902, p. 7

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WHAT purchased Wood homestead on fjueen Street Mrs- id Cape and immediate J J I iv ii it i Hotkey A match take place at the last and the first in the Intermediate series interesting game was anticipated Club ftt fA Al1 rested n literal s are requested to meet at the cents- handsome and novel pieces home Mr on Tuesday evening next Longfellows Excelsior will be read and then the Handsome and very Mod- reasons course will be determined up on JAPANESE Import ation in price comprising CUPS SAUCERS SETS OCLOCK SETS IN PLATES fc DINNER SETS at reduced prices for TOILET SETS at reduced prices for LAMPS The largest assortment at the lowest prices ever See our special GROCERIES Our Fruits are as usual the In quality and at knock out prices Special See f LEMON PEEL ORANGE PEED CITRON PEEL RAISINS CURRANTS SPICES EXTRACTS JELLY POWDERS COWANS ICINGS very fine lb Free Reodinp We are gratified to see the targe at tendance young men at the Read ing Room each evening It betokens success Dont forget the Concert on the January Annual meeting for the election a new Board next Monday night Messrs and have been appointed auditors mecbodist At annual meeting of the Ladies Aid last Friday afternoon the follow ing officers were elected J E pane Vice Mrs Richardson Secretary Mrs Treasurer Mrs A J Executive Mrs Mrs- Little Mrs George and Mrs J and Mrs L Jackson At the close of the meeting Mrs served refreshments You Suffering With that Cold or Grippe when Mr Remschel will guarantee his Cabinets to break it up in baths CHOICE ELEME FIGS Worth NUTS RAISINS FOR TABLE Very Fine DATES PRUNES APRICOTS lbs JAPAN TEA FOR aflFOTBSHT HOLLAND LAN DINd w fc Our election passed off very nicely Mr was for both the Council and School Board He is a very good business mail but too teit- foe us Mrs Parsons is some better It is rumored friend John had to sleep under the alter his defeat it was nice Tommy stopping with him for company MUTUAL Everything was lively in our town last Monday Every one voted for the right man Mr Spencer of spent the New Year holidays with bis sister Mrs Wilson Miss Homer is visiting at Oak Ridges Miss Wilson on Monday to spend a couple of months with re- in Mrs Bostwick attended a wed ding in the city last week- Miss and Waster Crawlord have visiting at Mr Homers Mrs is quite ill with inflammatory rheumatism Mrs McConachie and son intend to spend the winter with her father Mr Mrs Williams of spent Tuesday at Mr Starrs One our young men brought home a bride a couple weeks ago There was a good attendance at the Christian Endeavor on Tuesday even ing- The topic That which comes first was taken up by Miss Starr The meetings will be full of interest this winter and it is hoped that the young people will all attend similar to a The ttnniraisczqeeinWabeId in the school house town pa Friday fMui by seconded by March ant that Job DuKgan act as chairman by by A Gray that Jos act as auditor Moved by Street seconded Gray that act as Trustees report showing balance of read and unanimously ac cepted Auditors examined report and found correct Moved by seconded by Street that Lloyd be auditor for ensuing year Moved by seconded by A L tiiat the Secretary be paid 5 Moved seconded by Street that A act as trustee for the coming three years A hearty vote of thanks was tend ered to the retiring trustee Ed Lloyd for his valuable service On motion meeting adjourned FISH Tbe quality GEORGIAN BAY TROUT Fall caught Very good market again last Satur day- New laid eggs still sold at per dozen and in demand Tur keys were sold as high as lie per lb The Conservatives in ate to have a massmeeting in New market on Friday the Janu ary at which some of the prominent men of the party are to give ad dresses The season must be short and lively Ash Wednesday comes l2Ul or February Pay your debts to the doctor the lawyer the editor and others and turn over that new leaf The annual meeting of the Citizens Band takes place this Friday evening at oclock sharp AH members requested to be present Next Wednesday is the last day tor making returns of births marriages and deaths for the last year They looked and got left We hear that some were searching Era from top to bottom for news some two weeks ago but were disappointed I will have to beg their pardon as I was eating my pudding away from home preparations now in pro gress for the races which are to take place on Cooks Bay on Tuesday A big time arid large crowd is anticipated Mr spent Monday last in Miss Knight has returned after spending a few days at under the parental roof Evangelist Kennedy left our midst en Saturday Soules was here on Tuesday The ice on the Bay is quite safe now for teaming it being about 13 inches thick The measles are in our village just now two families being afflicted We hope they will not spread further Mr John VanNorman was in To ronto on Tuesday Our general stores close at eight oclock this week on account of the special services of Division elected officers recently Mr Jesse is the new Patriarch Two three re- FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Frozen Trout 10c lb Fresh dozen Fresh Smoked 10c lb Fresh Herring in tins 9c tin Fresh Herring lfjc tin Fresh Canned Salmon tins for 25c Canned Tomatoes Special tin Mr and family of Pf nlen week or l SJ Mr David next eve irrey The ice will soon here Some are filing their saws already MAIN STREET NEWMARKET DAVISON BROS FINE GROCERS Sheriff and a couple of John A McNab of Man lost his way aud was frozen to death Justices of the Peace will draw the jury panels on Saturday for the Ses sions and Court which open March Mr Armstrong was reelected J Mayor at the Junction on Monday and Mr Fisher Mayor of North To ronto Henry May of Bellwood avenue em ployed at the MasseyHarris works while on his way home Tuesday even ing fell in the street and expired al most immediately heart failure Improvements Last Monday bylaws were carried in the following municipalities Bylaw to expend COVERED WITH ECZEMA Joseph infant Homo of Ac- Ointment- We five It our find it a are at Rev Terrv Queens ville preached in Hie church last Sunday J for drainage purposes carried North Yorkj Parted on Monday with full jnf attendance SOren or A curious place is our burg One can stand on either of our most prom inent mounds and see the stars shin ing day and night Then by turning and looking down one can see the I on lnd and one can see ll Myrtle and in their beauty the year round Nor is His sermon is very highly In all probability he will to supply until Conference No school here this on ac count of the Trustees not being able to engage a teacher to commence the 1st of the year It is expected the Monday Boots Shoes Price for all mens Shoes The Express- Fine Shoes for Women axe perfect fitting plenty Patent Spring Umbrellas Press the spring and fly open Hughes sell them R A SMITH The Telephone The eyes at lire assistance Whet you are this age reading or near work becomes an exertion and glasses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should be obtained are experts in this line We examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction L GRADUATE OPTICIAN A Co tor NEWMARKET NOW Meyers Poultry Spice If you early winter For Sale at feed The Union Revival The evangelists He vs Turk and Kerby arrived in Town on Saturday evening and were met by the Union Committee when all arrangements for the campaign were completed Large congregations were out on Sun day in ail the churches and the people were captivated by the magnificent sermons of both gentlemen They also gave addresses in Christian Friends Sunday schools and at Temperance meet ing Afternoon meetings are being- held at 3 oclock all this week in the Friends church and- evening meetings at in Methodist churchSat urday excepted The attendance has been good and splendid meetings is the general verdict Next Sunday oclock there will be a Special Meeting tor Men Only in the Christian Church when Rev Turk will give his address on The Church and the Working Mao man Town should make a point hear this It was flrst given by Mr Turk In San Francisco and drew forth immense applause It is said to be worth walking mites to hear The evangelists are both singers and at this meeting will sing as a duet The Holy City The evening meetings next week will be in the Christian church Every body in Town and vicinity should hear these grand preachers meetings will continue next week In the Friends Friday evening Jan 10th will be Young Peoples and Students night fcerby will give an ad dress on The Young Peoples Move ment for the Century This address was given In July in San Francisco before an audience of or An invitation is extended to and old to be present The arrangement for next Sunday Is as follows Morning Turk in- the Methodist Church in the Friends Church and Rev Rogers In the Christian Church Evening- Revs Turk and Kerby in the Christians Revs Rogers and in the Methodist and no service In the Friends fuel supply short for we have sticks wood peat and coals to keep any fire going even fire people are quite clever for no doubt- some of our young ladies will think they have read it before this is print But all of this is not to be wondered at for we are like the people old wo have a David in our midst A striking accident happened on the farm last week While and his son Joshua were binding on a load of hay the binding pole broke and threw Joshua on the ground spraining his back and cracking his collar bone but we are glad to state that he is doing nicely and will soon he working P Kit to is recovering front her illness and if all continues fa vorable nhc will soon be Wood drawing seems to be I be order of the day A Stair and Williams have been their whirs lively was well attended last Sunday new teachers and officers were in their and there is reason why the school room should not be well filled every Sun day week in Methodist church at Another New Year fairly begun dont write It A social at Mr Ira on Fri day evening in aid of the Methodist church Skating is grand You may either your heels or your head for a go anyway Mrs Large of Bolton was the guest of her daughter Mrs for New Years Quite a stir in the village on Mon day It being election day Mr A Gray was on the sick list for a few days but is able to be around again Mr has returned from where he has been on the sick list for about two weeks Miss Howard has returned to take up her school duties again Mr and Mrs Bond and Miss VeJma Bond attended the wedding of Miss Aggie Graham of Toronto on New Years day and had an elegant time Some of our young people axe going to the Concert of the Literary Soci ety on Friday evening up at the Black Quite an exciting time in the town Monday morning yer the runaway Mr Harry Williams horse It- left Mr and Mrs Williams In the half a mile from the village The cutter was slightly damaged and one shoe broken but all came off re markably safe Mr took suddenly Ill last Thursday jpotnn wick under the managenent Revs in Stanley of the Circuit Their earnest christian efforts and eloquent unfolding of the are already manifest in the number of conversions that have been made during the week May the good work continue Our Toronto Letter beat Mr Maclean for the Mayoralty ol oh Monday a majority of and Mail says the repudiation Maclean was as widespread as it was sweeping livery Ward in the city declared against him Hie Criminal and Civil Assize Court is now being held In city His Lordship Mr Justice on the bench and County Crown Attorney is prosecuting attorney Two old North Yorkers Messrs and Graham were reelected to the City Council on Monday The bylaw to raise for new buildings for the Industrial was carried by a substantial majority Two Volley Cars had a collision at the corner and streets on Monday evening It Is thought received fatal injuries and about passengers were badly shaken up A couple of gypsies were before Police Court on a charge of palmistry on Monday and sent down for trial Seven Chinamen were baptized at the Metropolitan church In this city last Sunday evening A man Frank Walker said to come from Hamilton was taken 111 at the Mission Rooms Kingsteet on Monday afternoon and died during the night A number sot medical gentlemen waited upon Premier on and to have the Ontario Medical Association Act so amended as to provide that Executive Council be made elective Bylaw making a grant a sugar company carried by to Waterloo Bylaw for sewer deben tures carried by The bonus of for the Beet Sugar Company of this town carried almost unanimously To loan 20000 to the J J Mfg Co carried al most unanimously and to loan to Stewart Cameron of for a grist mill carried by a handsome majority From thirteen to seventeen men were buried at the mine Michigan by a cavein One man has been rescued but little hope is felt that the others are still alive Home South Tror I tell r Ointment in pound we you would send 1 1 by in are to our home with fccMma and of U ihc we have used fiod Dr be the mosl Mtlifacipry it has made soma cure for us We it our faJEbet Sold by Lehman Newmarket The Whole Story In letter P Lots Police No inth4tom- and ail affliction la oar I hate no In taal i ih4 but to hat near at band Iotnimltr and Two Slxaa and bottle to All or J rho on day arc to properly picked for will on or before day of Immediately after that date the will no aseeta among led regard only to claim thue they will not for the portion to any that date for Newmarket JWSTBPHBNa Auction Sale OF CHATTEL ESTATE Admlnistratrli of by Public Auction at his Holt on or at clock pm and House hold other Stuff the Lot For further particu lar gee or apply If yon are to all your sons a Ibdt dont get a or a of hand bo will be always warm and dry the with farm cold- And you want your son mar ry ell buy them my good and A K NOLLERS GROCERY to Apply to Mrs Main Street New TO A thorobred White Boar will be kept or service on pro misee Irwin Town Line West Newmarket FISH FISH Fresh Trout lb Manitoba Fish per lb Smelts per and 20c dozen Salt Trout Special price by the Keg Now Is good time to buy before tbe Lenten Season- Labrador tferringa dozen Granulated Sugar lbx for 1 Brown Sugar lbs for SHEEP Came upon lot in the 3rd Con North about 1st December TWO EWES Owner requested to prove property pay charges and take them away fioachs Point Farm to Rent Acres on the con- of Whit church seven miles from Farm clay loam with atone new house driving house hog pen and hen house Plenty water Good orchard Pork packing estab lishment at capacity to per week at once Apply to JOHNSON NOTICE In order to Introduce our Famous Brand Oysters more TASTY TABLET DOSES S Of for now what Von BUni Kaeupplfl And ha I only one of thousand of the getting out of rut ant taking tbo view Hi of are trouble iiVlU np ftkin7UiW plea ant and never treatment the of- prejudice and nature getting the recognition h cure iuec Sixty cents bold by OYSTERS We will sell on Saturday at 34 Quart Remember this la for SATURDAY ONLY a Breakfast Cereals Rolled Oats lbs for Granulated Wheat for A Flaked Wheat lbs tor Quaker Oats pices lor BREAD delivered to any part of the Town Muffins and Crumpets Fresh Tuesday and Friday ORDERS CALLED FOR AND PROMPTLY The Grocer We are the CHEAPEST PLAGE IN US A TRIAL The Annual Meeting the Dairy Association will be held on Jan at the hour of in the Fire Hall Newmarket for the Election Of fleers and general business By Order H HAINES STARR President- Secretary York Is hereby given that the Anoiial Meeting of above Society will be held In the Council Chamber on at the hour of oclock pm for the reception and adoption of Annual ports Election of and other business A general attendance la requested A existing Board will be held at the same place at am on above date J E WW KEITH President Secretary- n

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