Newmarket Era, 10 Jan 1902, p. 8

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A FRIDAY A AntNTJON To physical warnings will often prevent a aerioua When there are oppressive fullness alter a rising headache with menial atten tion be to the condition of the diges tive and Mot all symptoms will occur at one or In any single case of Indicitei a disordered condition of the stomach mid other diges tion and nutrition A prompt cure of these condition will he effected the ttmctr use of Puree Golden Medical It heals dis eases of stomach and other organs of digetin and perfectly and Man diseases re mote lb stomach have their origin in a diseased condition of the organs of digestion and nutrition Golden Medical Discovery cures through diseases which their origin in a condition of the stomach diseases of liver lime bean and other organs are cured by us of the Dis covery- It contains no alcohol neither opium cocaine or other narcotic It is true temperance medicine Accept no substitute for Golden Med ical Discovery There is nothing else just as good I was a lot at wreck not steep or eat writes Sir flJer Co Mo two years I tried medicine from doctors but receive i 1 lost flesh and not to do a days wort Pierces Golden itedicil aw- when had taken one bottle sleep and my appetite was wonderfully I hare ten Jive bottles am improving Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation by curium the cause- They do not beget the pill habit Will TONE YOUR NERVES HAKE YOU STROKGI MAKE YOU for jitOUit Bail On ftJ 1 DAVIS A LAWRENCE CO Don I He In a top of yrxu Jelly and Jar In Baal tbo new quick Absolutely by thin coat of Fore- no taste Or odor la air tight and acid Really Applied a other waya about Full directions with Ooiderarwbere Had by OIL CO a MAKE THE FARM PAY Progressive stock breeders dairy men grain root and growers beekeepers agricul tural students and home makers find the articles and answers- to questions in every of the FARMERS ADVOCATE and MAOMlNC simply unequalled indispensable If you are not already a subscriber to the most helpful arid beautifully illustrated farmers paper published we invite scrutiny of a sample copy A post card will bring it free Address THE WILLIAM WELD CO Limited LONDON CANADA The subscription price Includes also mas Number feat USrOuW Our fcH down the in bis stable a tew days ago and fractured a jib- A took place at the home of during the holidays Mrs Grace Burnett Was present- a beautiful rocking chair arid ah address A very social time was spent AURORA During the gale on Tuesday the iron smoke stack at the electric Light power house was blown down The upsetting a load ot hay the Metropolitan track north Wellington on Friday delay ed traffic on the line for a short The Tanning Company gave of their married employees a turkey for a present and each of the unmarried ones a quart of oysters Miis Ttencman of St Thomas has been appointed an assistant in the High School to succeed Miss Morgan presided on Thursday at the Division Court- There were two A Davis Sons were sued by a man named Cairns for wages and Cairns lost his case In the case of Mackenzie v the Metro politan Railway the latter were sued for payment for an ensilage cutter Judgment was reserved closed here on Fri day night Mr Simpson preached ex cellent sermons productive of much good The meeting of were well attended also quite a suc cess We they were con tinued at Keswick the attendance was small the holidays Miss has resigned in section No and Air is duly installed to wield the rod of cor rection for the forthcoming year- lie makes the fifth teacher since Easter We hope he prove a suc cess Wellington Power also Mr Wm have joined the benedicts A very enjoyable evening was spent at the on the the occasion of his eldest sons birthday After supper was served rimsie and games whfled away the hours The company separating wished Mr- Clark many happy returns of day- reftum is certainly progressing ICast year the Council allowed iViUiycis the of of their Statute Labor at 60c per day the Council expending rhe same in contract The election was largely grounds and the result is in favor of the abolition ot statute labor t AND thing in public touching receives recognition he is a thoughtful man- The of the Civil Service- who arranged for the presentation to Horse on the eve of their departure for South Af rica hate each been presented by Lord Willi a handonie gold broach in the shape of a shield bear ing the There is one country in the world Wheie it is considered a crime to Abyssinia The jaw forbid ding tobacco dates from the year It was at first merely intend ed to prevent priests from smoking in the churches it was taken too literally and nowadays even foreign ers have to be Careful not to be seen smoking There is no use for smok ing cars on railways in Abyssinia nor smoking concerts A cablegram last week stated that the postage stamps bearing the Kings head were issued in England on New Years Day The report was a tremendous rush to tain of the new stamps Never before have stamps had the picture of a mans head on them and everybody seemed interested in the new design showing a head of the King within a wreath of laurel and oak surmounted by the Imperial crown tore THAN EVER The Ohio Supreme Court settled the question about osteopaths who at tempt to practice the healing art be ing doctors that is that osteopath is a practice of medicine and that followers of that belief according to the law of that- State will require to Cass an examination of the State Medical Board before attempting to practice the healing art The other schools of medicine regard tins as a complete triumph as it knocks out the Scientists at the first round Farm for Sale Soil Clay and excellent watered The kind of farm to make money OR from the fitru GEO Aurora ANY January for a course under individual instruc tion in all Subject Telegraphy Type writing in the TORONTO This splendid hool with teachers typewriting ma chines and course of study of the kind In Canada Circulars free Writ for them Him Toronto late for last week Our Sunday School elected the fol lowing officers and teachers for the coming year Mr Williams Mr HI Hawtin Organist Mrs Mrs Secretary Mr Mr Homer Treasurer Mi Geo Mr Homer Asst Mr- Willis Class No 1 Miss No Mrs Williams No Mrs No Miss No Mrs A Starr No Miss J Starr No Mr A Starr Lily lmeryour popular dress maker was sewing at Pleasant Valley last week Mr of and bride spent part of their honeymoon Willi his niece Mrs A- Starr- Mr J Waering of Newark wan visiting friends in the last week Mrs P Kitto who has very low for some lime is now convales cent Mr and Miss Mar garet of Toronto spent with his daughter Mrs A Starr Lawyer of Waterloo with his parents Mrs and daughter spent part of the holidays with her parent Mr- and It Simpson Mr and Mrs- and family spent with her sister Mrs of Mount Albert Our Sunday School entertainment passed off very nicely The children acquitted therasel creditably We arc much Indebted to Miss Powell of Vandorf for her excellent services The Toronto Street Railway re ceipts during 1901 amounted to SI or more than in The largest increase for any one month in thcuyear was in October due to the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York when the increase over the corre sponding month of amounted to The citys percentage on this increase and the targe sums ex pended by visitors in the city for ac commodations amply paid for the corporation outlay If the Railway Co had only got a perpetual fran chise like tie Metropolitan obtained from our Town Fathers the SI 52263 total increase of receipts for the year would be a nice Old Santa Christmas stocking for the stock holders even if part of it was wrung from strapholders flea Manitoba y Opened Port Arthur Ont Dec 30 With the brilliant sunlight of a Western Canadian winters day flooding the scene Hon J Davis supported by Mackenzie Mann and distinguished company at Station miles west of Port Ar thur on Monday noon drove home silver spike which marked the closing of the last link of the Canadian Northern Railway from Lake Superi or to Manitoba the of miles of main line and the binding into one system of over till teen hun dred miles of railway the growing trunk and branches of the second transCanadian line As the last stroke rang afcafnst the rail the as semblage with bared heads led by A Lash solicitor of road Cod Save the King James MPP started three ringing cheers which with ItaUine across the sparkl ing and thru the aromatic Nature BaWcs and children proper food rarely ever 1 cine If they do not ii their food wmething wrong They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working property will generally correct difficulty If you will put from one- fourth to half a teaspoonfuli in bottle three or four- times a you will soon a Improvement For larger children from half to a teaspoonful according to age dissolved In their milk if you so desire will very soon show great nourish ing If the mothers milk does not nourish the baby she needs the It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child SCOTT Best Flour per barrel Coffee 30c Japan Tea per ft Brown Sugar foic lbs Granulated Sugar for tins Apples v Pails Jam c bottles Catsup bottle Grape Nuts pkg Flawed Wheat cans Salmon City Mtied Oxford and Ginger Bread Only Favorite Churns for lbs- Beef Steak Loin Roasts Wesson unifliS ion its record mAtxa all for for on Mcnday night have declined to stand and a new nomina tion will- be held There are now three candidates for reeve and several for trustees l ii ASSURANCE GO The Company has now enter- upon its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY LIBER ALITY POPULARITY Accumulated Funds 49000000 Annual Revenue over 6046921 Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Policies were issued lor Deposit Govt over 4000000 s STANDARD has Investments in Canada amounting to over Fifteen Millions Dollars J A Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector ENGINES F0rfSALE Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Decker on Peerless SEPARATORS And belt Your choice of Full Rig lor 40p 00 On four years time Cheap at 600 JUJTO4rk0t Professor Smith discusses School in the January Canadian Magazine teliing present system as and inflexible thinfes voluntary grafted on our present system The Hon power Speak er trie Senate tary arid advocates the en- of fil citizens in the force with shorter unpaid There ire also other contributions which make the number exceedingly valuable J r m Are England Scotland and Ireland destined ultimately to apart of t The United States of America and Great Britain is the startling inquiry which William Stead makes In the January Cosmopolitan He has been one of the prophets of Great Britain and has at been able to see in advance of his events have proven He has been studying the brought about by the industrial com- and reaches the conclusion that England and the United States are destined to be more closely united are destined to be more closely united West York byeelection for the House of Commons is now on Nomination took place last Wednesday and poll ing on the Mr Peter Police Magistrate at the Junction is Returning From all we can learn the contest is one of unusual in terest and as the constituency is largely Toronto the Opposition are putting forth extraordinary efforts to elect the brother of the late Hon Wallace with usual majority in order to show that- Conservatism is not declining West York by virtue of the Jerrymander Act instead of be ing composed of part of York County as its name implies includes the northwest portion of Toronto which goes to make up the greater part of Wards and It is expected the city vote will determine the result by outvoting rural district electors but they may be disappointed Our American exchanges report that a regulation of the Board of Health of York State requires that a corpse shipped by railroad must be ac companied by gome person Except the advantage to the Railway Com pany by at least the fare of the person accompanying it seems to comprehend reason for this new regulation A person dying at some remote point in a Western or Southern State of the Union may not have relatives near Warm and lov ing hearts however might combine to send remains to the home of his friends in another or to Cana da or from Canada to the United States but who will consider it an unnecessary hardship to be compelled to add the cost ol passage of some person to accompany the corpse to those who will esteem it a mournful pleasure to have remains interred a former home Why the Board of Health should interpose this new regulation it is difficult to under stand Messrs Hunter and A Hunter have formed a partnership as Contractors And are now In a position to take contract for all branches of rfason Work Estimates Given at Short Notice And guaranteed BOILER SETTING A SPECIALTY TEAMS HIRE All kinds of Carting and Teaming done on Short Notice HUNTER ft Timothy Street East ANDREW HUNTER Street A Ellis Architect and Sanitary Engineer ftl Adelaide St Toronto Plans and made for all of fflsifnlGCje Is a Tlie Chinese Girl Knows Nothing of Her Husband Until She is Actu ally Redded to Him Marriage is truly a lottery to the Chinese girl for she knows not what she is getting until she is actually married writes Sin Far in The Ladles Home Journal for January Sometimes it Is a kind good hus band an amiable motherinlaw and much comfort SQtneUmes it is a ty rant a motherinlaw who is and a We that Is a weari ness to both flesh and spirit The ceremonies of betrothal and marriage cause much trouble and anxiety The young mans begin the negoti ations They engage a gobetween ho call on girls family and tender a proposal of marriage If the young man Is considered eligible by the girls parents they consult a fortune teller who decides whether the be trothal would he proper If his deci sion is favorable the is given a card on which Js marked the hour day month and year when the girl was born This is delivered to the mans- family who In their turn consult a fortuneteller If he also pronounces favorably a festival is held by both families the betrothal contract is signed and the bride groom makes a present to the bride of a bracelets but neither he nor she is present The betrothal however is not considered binding un til a pasteboard card has been inter changed by the families Tho bride grooms family provide two of these cards one having a gilt dragon on its face the other a gilt phoenix The phoenix card Is retained by- the young mans Family as evidence of his en gagement while the dragon card is kept by girls family The be trothal is then complete Mr William Duncan ot accidentally shot himself while out hunting and died in a few hours Children Cry for What is J T Casipria Is for and a harmless substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups It contains neither Opium other Narcotic substance It is Pleasant Its is years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays Feverish- cures Colic relieves Troubles cures and Flatulency the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels of infants and Children giving healthy and sleep is the Children The Friend a J Caatorl excellent for children Molbera have repeatedly told me of it good effect upon their children- Dx la well adapted to children that recommend a superior to pre me A THE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER fitMTAUM King S S GonventioG at Thursday Evening Jan In Baptist Church Prayer and Praise Service fico Vldresa Bible Study and Teaching Mr Emerson Toronto Collection ami Closing Friday Morning Jan In Baptist Church Devotional Exercises Minutes Address Rev Amos Aurora Discussion Address Rev A Pearson Aurora Discussion Call and Reports from Schools Appointment of Committees Announcements and Closing Friday Afternoon In Methodist Church Devotional Exercises Reading Minutes Address of Welcome Rev A Brown 240 Address By a Representative of the County Discussion Report of Nominating Committee Lesson for Jan 26th By A Davidson Esq PSI Newmarket MassMeeting of Scholars Addressed by Rev Jos Young Bradford Treasurers Report and Financial Appeal Conducted by Rev Amos Aurora 500 Collection Music Announcements and Closing Friday Evening In Methodist Church Song Service Reading Minutes Address of Retiring President and Introduction of President Elect 820 Secretarys Report Address The New Century Motto Forward Rev J J Ex of Pro v Assn Collection ami Report of Resolution Committee Farewells ami Closing o Ambition Memory irriuoic fore Face and Drains at less Haggard Sore Throat Hair Pain a lo lh Body of and SI Nervous Diseased Men through early later Self wrecked of many a young man add Despondent In No Ambition Memory Easily Fatigued Excitable and Irritable 3aakeal Our Hat you up physically Core or mo It saNft Without A HAPPY atuavtaoH a Escape At achool I learned an early habit which weakened ma Family aaldlwaa Into fell low my I learned Add Self hid sapped my waa cored My think I was cared Con faaveeenttfaem patlenU all of whom were cored Their Method Treatment Vitality and ft VrttArW link ttena Tuitami Kennedy 4 K K The Shannon CARD INDEX DESK TRAY Outfit Comprises I Oak Tray high lor cards Ruled Index guides Monthly Index guides Daily Index PRICE COMPLETE la no office which is capable of a of the Card Index We make or any style of WRITS FOR CATALOGUE Co Limited Bay Street Toronto I V

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