Newmarket Era, 17 Jan 1902, p. 1

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The Era gives more J A fi I Give me tba liberty toqw jo to argue- freely allother i No outside of North York paid to No Stogie Copies Each Newmarket Jan r Headquarters for J HOCKEY SUPPLIES Prices 1 00 150 200 2S0Vand Leather Shin Pads pair Shin Pads with ankle supports t Pucks 15 and 25c each White Duck Knickers heavy padded Hockey Sticks 10 15 and 35c J per 100 In Spring Skates 125 a pair Best Straps tan or black 10c pair GENERAL HARDWARE CARRIAGE WOODENWARE BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES A BINNS PLUMBING NEWMARKET PRICES on PATENT MEDICINES are the LOWEST A BROUGHTONS DRUG STORE Have aIQok at some of them Regular Our Price Price Pink Pills Kidney Pills Ozone small Any three of above- Regular Our Price Price Ozone large Burdock Bittern Ayera Hoods 100 Scotts 100 Pierces K Pills Chases Syrup of Linseed y Pierces Golden Medical and Turpentine 16 Discovery 100 Electric Oil Dr American Kidney Carters Little Liver Fills Cure Compare our- Prices with any others All patents at Cut Price We Lead in all Branches of our Business and will not be Undersold by anyone J If The Druggist NEWMARKET ONTARIO Farm for Sale the Con of East containing acres acres cultivation Good barn and stables plenty good water on the premises There is also a good roughcast Ho use with eight rooms and good stone For further apply I I I I Compare the Era any other I for You a1 Two t 4 l the prohibitionist was seri ously ill ion Saturday last at the home a friend on road and is still confined to his room The City Board of Control is this year oT Aids Gra ham Loudon and Assizes this week Cur and Mrs formerly of Port ljerry were arraigned on charges of bigamy arid acquitted The mar riage in the United States alter had secured a divorce from his first wife- Fire losses in this city during dropped to the remarkable low figure of The mount of votes at the recent municipal election for reeve between Edward Wilson and took place before Judge on Monday and resulted in being declared elected by a majority of one vote Pretty close contest Halfadoen Toronto sports went up to last week to shoot After getting quite a number of the kind protected by law the game warden hied them before J P who beamingly requested each of the sports to and costs for not obeying the game protection law They were under the impression that rabbits could be shot any time the same as Over beef sandwiches men who sat down at the free Sunday breakfast at the Mission last Sunday morning Rev Jesse Gibson deliver ed an address Hon Geo- Foster and A Ames have accepted invitations to at tend the Board of Trade ban quet at the end the month Last year the returns at the Toron to clearing house showed over a day or for the year This is a better showing than Montreal made during- the year The political complexion of the City Council for stands 1i Conserva tives to Liberals Mr Gilbert Parker the well- known English novelist lias been vis iting in this city during the past ten days He addressed the Canadian Club on Thursday evening of last week During the present session of the Ontario House lion J and Mrs Stratton will occupy apart ments in the Parliament Buildings Hon J Davis has apartments at the House At a meeting of the Provincial Board of Health last week Dr reported that during there had been 1900 cases of smallpox in On tario It was a mikl type however and only twelve deaths had been re corded from it No less than of these cases were In the unorganized and lumbercamp districts Frank Rich who was shot on Christmas day is still in the hospital so Herbert Turan who is charged having fired at him with- intent- is still on remand Rich was reported as getting better when the case was last A man named Fred Leslie has been scat up lor trial on a charge of for tunetelling for hire Two person whom Leslie had victimized were wit nesses- against him A monthly record Is kept of the cars in and out of the Union Station and on this basin the different railway companies pay for maintenance Dur ing December 7770 cars entered station The running expenses in cluding help light averages per month Spirting editors in the city papers say that Brampton dont hock ey when they are up against A good certificate tor a start A trader on Carlton street was fin ed in the Police Court- on Fri day for selling tobacco to a minor and other dealers in other parts of the city were fined each for sell ing tobacco on Sunday Hon the retiring for the United States was enter tained at dinner last Friday night at the National Club Trie banquet was under the auspices of the business men of the city- Col is being transferred from Canada to the trop ical of Brazil as American Con sul to that country In reply to the honoring him he said the Unit ed States would stand by Canada in her development A lady lecturer has been telling Toronto audience of the Three Steps to Success A Star reporter he wants to know is of what use are three steps In a Journeythat several miles In Ob up expected will date for entering ty- man named on Mori- day afternoon of the St Hotel displeased about emphasized his rage by throwing a large piece of ice through the window He was ar rested The glass is said to be worth 35 The Robert Simpson Co is interet- ing by a free exhibition of moving pictures which include the King and Queen of Great Britain the Prince and Princess of Wales the President of tie United States the PanAmerican The exhibition continues during most of the day from am to pm The inaugural of the Public- School Board took Wednesday An immense cake of soap fell on Win- at- Morse Soap Works Front street on inflicting in juries which resulted fatally the same day Antivaccinationists are making a strong effort to secure the- insertion of a conscience clause in the Act during the pres ent- session of the Legislature- The executive of the Ontario Alli ance have reached the conclusion that the present House will pass a pro bill but will order a referen dum to be taken respecting its final adoption- Mr Davis trustee on last years school board was a candidate for reelection in Ward but was de feated by Dr Thompson a small majority Mr Davis has applied for a recount of the ballots before the County Judge The annual meeting for thenomina tion of officers for trie of Trade will held next Tuesday The annual conversazione of Vic- fa toria University will be held- on Feb A special car of women patients from Asylum and another from London Asylum passed thru the city for the new Asylum at on Tuesday last February and are the dates of the annual meeting of the Canadian Fairs Association It will be held in the County Council Cham ber Yes London Jan A published review of operations in South Africa during the past year based upon official re ports gives an interesting compari son of Boer arid British losses The total reduction of the Boer forces in killed wounded taken prisoners and amounts to men Out of total only lines were secured The captures of Boer ammunition amount to ridges British columns ate supposed to have secured all the Boer artillery amounting to guns exclusive of tie two captured by Gen le Wet at The captures Boer stock have been enormous including horses and head of cattle and sheep taken The British casualties from actual fighting to only hail of yiose sustained by the Boers namely men of whom were taken pris oners and have since been released During the last year men died of disease and 15 officers and men were killed Silver Wedding According to a historian this is the way the first silver wedding came about It Was in the time of Two of hie most faithful vanta a man and woman- had grown gray in hits employ How could ho reward them Calling the said Your service Is great greater than the whose Jaeryice is great- enough woman always flnds work harder- than rnan I will give you a reward A your age I know of hone better than a dowry and The dowry here This farm from this time forth be longs to you If man who has worked with you for five and twenty years is willing to marry you then the husband is ready Your majesty said the old peas ant how is It possible that we should marry having already Then it shall be a silver And the king gave the couple silver enough to keep them in Such was the the silver wedding a custom which spreading all thru France became known to the world The population of Athabasca Is of whom are Indians and to secure the figures the enumerators covered miles in canoe besides land trips Compare the Era with any other weekly- for Vessel Sank in the Cpodmir Sands A TREACHEROUS SPOT London Jan 10 The last vestige of the 988ton fourmasted Norwegian iron sailing ship Mersey with her cargo of tons of South Ameri can dyewood for the Yorkshire fac tories has sunk beneath the Goodwin quicksands The crew was saved by the liteboats but nothing- could be done for the ship few hours roll ing on these sands broke her back then the sands began to low her piecemeal hull and cargo sack foot by foot until nothing but her masts stood up from the water Many a score of vessels have gone before her into these depths but not often so rapidly- Sometimes a mast will stand for a long time like a finerpost pointing the way of de struction Thus the large sailing ship wrecked in the same way and on the same spot kept a mast standing until the recent galea away Old tradition says that what is now the Goodwin sands was once a fertile called in the possession of Karl Goodwin From him it passed to the abbey of St Augustine at Can terbury The sea always wanted it and when the abbot in the extremity of his piety used the stones intended for the sea wall to build the steeple of Church the sea got its chance and utilised it by swallowing the fair island of That final destruction was in the year be fore the death of William But the sea had been gnawing at all throug the century Now the sands are ten miles long stretching northeast and southwest and one and a half to three miles broad They lie opposite Sandwich arid and thc average distance from the mainland is five and a half miles They form a natural break water to the Downs At tow tide in summer the sand is firm enough for cricket The deadliest days work of the Goodwin sands was when thirteen menofwar and 1200 officers and men perished there The sands will hold neither light house nor beacon but there are four fine lightships and many Teething Babies For the Era A falter Eden BY A BANKER A Trying Time for Mothers When Great Care and Watchfulness is Necessary There is scarcely any period in early life greater watchfulness on the part of the mother than when baby is teething Almost Invariably the little one suf fers much pain is cross restless day and night requiring so much care that the mother is worn out looking after it Hut lheie are other real dangers frequently accompanying this pel rod that threaten babys life itself Among are diarrhoea indigestion colic constipation and convulsions The mutant mother will anticipate and prevent these troubles by Keeping babys stomach and bowels In a na tural and healthy condition by the use of Own Tablets medi cine readily taken by all children and which dissolved in water may be given with- feet safety to even a newborn infant In every home where these Tablets are used baby la healthy and the mother has real comfort with it and does not hesitate to tell her neighbors Mrs says have been giving my old baby Babys Own Tablets when ever necessary for some months past She was teething and was cross and restless Her gums were hard arid After the Tablets she grew quiet the of the gums was reduced and her teeth did not seem to bother her any more An In babys condition was noticeable almost at once and 1 think there Is no better medicine for teething babies Own Tab- lets can be procured- from- druggistn will be sent postpaid at cents a box by addressing the Dr Wil liams Co A I hereby certify that I have made a careful chemical analysis of Babys Own Tablets I which personally purchased in a store In Montreal hay proved that the Tablets contain absolutely no opiate or narcotic that they can be give with perfect safety to the youngest they are a safe and efficient medicine for the troubles they are indicated to relieve Signed Provincial Analyst for Quebec Montreal Dec Amongst the fairest and most lovely of all the enchanting spots upon this beautiful earth of ours if only a taw dry art had not vainly sought- to im prove upon that erstwhile ro mantic and picturesque village but now noisy and immoral town oh the of the -Mediterranean- Monte ranked foremost Nestling eucalyptus at the base of the lovely snowcarped mountains with the blue rip pling waters of the ever changing ocean at its feet so blue that the deep azure of the glorious sky above scarce dare vie with Ms vivid cerulean hues and reveling a many colored bloom which clothed its banks right down to the waters edge this scot was a terrestrial indeed But now the hand of man has chang ed this pretty secluded village into a very inferno For here have been erected those palatial though gaudy and pretentious halls to which vast crowds of misguided men and women craving for wealth flock from all parte of the civilized world And truly it is a weird spectacle piteous beyond expression to witness that inflamed and excited assemblage some gambling away their patrimony arid reducing an name which has been honored for generations to obloquy and shame Some throwing away in an hour tie accumulated earnings of a lifetime Some though few winning the coveted gold but in the hope winning more losing it all and much more Ladies their eyes flashing with suppressed ex- laying down their money on the fatal green cloth only to find it if- ft win raked into the pockets of the polished and welldressed marauders who are ever on the lookout for prey And saddest- of all when a father of a family who has hitherto maintain ed his household in comfort or even madly stakes his all of the decorous croupiers and rather than face the penury and pau perism which his beggared wife and children must endure Iron his insane folly he goes out- into the night end with pistolshot sinks his body into the grave and his soul into the bitter remorse of hell And so year after year it ever goes on Millions sterling raked annually into those rapacious money chests at the expense of a life of misery and beggary for thousands of human be ings But far vaster crowds risk not mere ly a short evanescent Hie but a long eternity of misery because they ob ject to the fancied trammels of a God- fear life They stake their all on this world forgetting that there is a hereafter But when the great Day comes when all the children of me will stand before the Divine how grievous and hitter must be their selfreproaches that they refused to accept His loving proffer to tie their Saviour and to avail themselves of the pardon He secured His and death for all who will east themselves at His feet For then alas it will too late Encouragement The following anecdote told by one ol the correspondents cheer some weary teacher its repetition Two men once met on a steamer and discussed many matters together and among them this very subject To tell yon the truth said one lam not very Keen on Sabbath School work myself- I was a teacher for a great many years but I never seemed to do much good Well replied the Other do believe in it heart and soul When a boy 1 learned- les sons in my old class which have done me good every day my life since In 1 everything to my old teacher And then he mentioned the name the school with which he had been connected as a lad Were you there V cried the other in sur prise Why that was where used to teach I wonder whether you were there in my time name is sir and I was in your class Yon are the teacher to whom I owe so much I remember you quite well now- There side by side stood the teacher who had grown weary in welldoing because he hail fancied he was achieving bo good and the scholar whose life a soul he had been Gods Instrument in saving from degradation and Bombay Guardian Council The inaugural meeting tor took place at oclock last morn ing at the Council All the members elect were present as follows Mayor H Cane J Robertson Colonel Lloyd J A Smith J Hughes Rich After subscribing to the declarations Mayor Cane ad dressed the Council He was pleased that all the Council of were re elected because there were various matters under previous consideration with which they were well acquainted and he that during the coming year these would all be completed Or of these was the electric light question and he hoped that some rates might be fixed which would be satisfactory to all concerned He would lile the Council to make a lit tle change in trie bootykeeping so as to show the actual amount paid by the ratepayers for lighting the Coun cil Chamber Fire Hail and Town Hall iind also a charge made for the hydrants in connection the fire protection in order that there may no misunderstanding of accounts by ratepayers Another matter which he would be pleased to see settled is the agreement with the Metropolitan Railway Company and he expressed the hope that some feasible route might be selected to reach the North than go thru Still another question which would require the serious consideration the Coun cil is he sidewalks As these have to be renewed quite frequently and lumber very expensive ques tion of granolithic will come coder consideration hoped that during present year that both sides of Mainstreet from strcetto Timothystreet might be laid with granolithic walk and curb stone of the same material and if the black walk proves satisfactory the coming Spring he would advise sim ilar wallis on side streets The Council then proceeded to Following bills passes J Buck drawing coal 5 SO United Factories repairs at Walter work WAV freight on goods A snow cleaning to SO Several letters regarding for corporation purposes were referred to the Fire and Light Com also bills from Can Gen Co for sup plies The Clerk reported the receipt a cheque for from Warren to carry the Metropolitan arrange ment at last meeting of Council The Treasurer Use North York Society called attention to the agreement which was made more than a year ago by which the Council was to give a year for five years to wards permanent improvements on the groumls and asked to have the mat ter definitely settled On motion the Standing Committees of 1901 were continued without change was reappointed as Trustee on the High School Board for the ensuing three years Auditors Win and J A at 512 each A bylaw was also the borrowing of at per tent to meet the current expenses the Town for till the taxes are collected The treasurer was authorised to the North York Society towards permanent improvements Council adjourned at It is well said that the discovery of- a new and palatable dish does more for the happiness of the human race than the discovery of a new planet A Siege The matrons of the Edi son Orphanage at wrote they had a siege of whooping cough in institution They said that every case was promptly relieved by Vap Its value in coughs abd cold9 was so great they always kept it ready for use You know how used dont you a vaporizer and you inhale it Write for a book that tells all about it I A A The total value of the peach crop in In Unit Atafts Is about f000pu annually I r St Vji ill fc V and sold by W Newmarket Try an Ad the Era It ttS J

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