Newmarket Era, 17 Jan 1902, p. 5

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V -r- ONTARIO J J v- Ft capital Present General NEWMARKET BRANCHY A General Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AX DRAFTS ED At American gold INSURANCE J A for flr Hooey to Loan interest at Current Bate A Ramsay Insurance Low on Form and Propertj Newmarket flips Simpson Main Sundries Rod PIANO ABO prepared to more pupils Lessons at or at home on of Are and Timothy Duncan AUCTIONEER Be collated Street Newmarket Bolton PaperHanger and Corner Street Millards Lane and THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY I II Mr iliilard was in Town and bought fine horses foe the lumbfet The averaged in Its It is said good prices paid but nobody say what they Prohibition iialiy in North a note the of the Prohibition Alli ance the Temperance New market next afternoon This crisis period in temperance legislation All friends of prohibi tion are to be present See ad per cent to in Leather has advanced in price- Now is the time a stock boots Quite a lot wood coming into Town this week Mr has left us one of the handsomest calendars we have seen this year It is got out by the Harvesting Co Era and Weekly Globe with pre mium 175 Era and Mail with J Era and Montreal Star with premium Era and Witness Era and Toronto Evening Star Toronto Daily World and Era Era and Daily Globe 1 North York Era and Daily Mail year Nortlx York only Era and Farming World Era and Ladies Magazine Era and Farmers Era and Farmers Sun of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Bra Office at private reldenc If dr RAH OF MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS Monuments arid Head Stones- mr Citizens Band The annual meeting took place last Friday evening when very favorable reports were presented During the year the Band fully sustained its and was favored with lib eral number of engagements The withdrawal of several of the best mu sicians lately has been a drawback but Bandmaster is hard at work repairing the breach and has under his tuition several promising re cruits and by the time the season opens no doubt will he in good shape again During the year the Band earned but only came from engagements in Newmarket i The Band rendered the usual number of open air concerts during the summer and judging by the large audiences on each occasion they were greatly ap preciated The books of the Treasur er were duly audited and show a bal ance on hand for of most of which will be set aside for the proposed new uniforms The boys decided to spend for new music and voles of thanks were passed to the retiring officers The election of officers resulted as follows President Harry Vice John Jackson Treasurer John Warren Trustees J Smith Auditors- Wright and Fred Jones Bandmaster Trios and is the Best fflPWlntap vv THIS IS THE SEASON THE SYSTEM SHOULD BE FORTIFIED AND BLOOD MADE m At this time when thousands are confined for hours each and night in badly ventilated homes offices stores and workshops the system should be fortified and the blood thoroughly cleansed so that disease may be successfully resisted- Celery Compound is the best midwinter medicine for all ailing and rundown men and women It is the worlds great disease system builder- It quickly furnishes nutriment for the innumerable nerve fibres it arouses the organs of diges tion to brisker action it enables the wasted body to build up flesh and muscle and dissipates the seeds of deadly disease To all who have sal low faces hollow cheeks and sunken eyes betokening illhealth we say use Celery Compound and you will find a new and happier existence- New blood fresh vim energy and ac tivity gained in January and Febru ary will give you a solid foundation Of health for coming spring time Mrs Hopper Ont says With very great pleasure and sat isfaction I to add my testimony to what has already been said in fav or of Celery Compound For a very time suffered from gen eral debility and rundown system- Having heard Celery Com pound I determined to give it a trial I am happy to say it has done me more good than I can express For ten years I doctored with other medi cines without any good results after using Compound am perfectly restored to health can eat well digestion is good and my Sleep is sweet and sound Altogether I am a new woman I always re commend Paine Celery to friends NOT The next Worlds Sunday will probably be held in Jerusalem The at have marketed this year be tween and pounds of root receiving therefor prices rang ing from to tents per pound THIS VETERANS FIGHT In the day of the Revolution he wu on the side of victory in later to but South American Kidney Oure save him hi liberty Mr A of Oat in lha war and now officer town a yi of South Kidney Cure I found wonderful specific in my I a treat deal from Bladder and Kidney trouble o entirely cured me I think ft a boon to mankind Cures la all itagea and relief la aix hour Sold by Lehman Newmarket The has been summoned to meet for the business on tie43tibtFriai it is the session will be a short one and prorogation reached in time for the Premier ceremonies King Edward The debate on tie Address in reply to the Lieut Governors Speech at the opening of the Legislature which usually lasts several days was inencedand ended on Thursday and passed without a divisioarthe Oppo sition thus accepting the program as being satis factory Toronto papers report that Mr Rowland of was one of the first bondshunters to strike the Parliament buildings after the session opened He wants Government as sistance towards the Ban croft and Ottawa- Railroad which proposed to add fifty miles to its present system A special from Ottawa to the Toronto Star says Sir Wilfrid has received official in vitation to attend the coronation pro ceedings and it is thought probable that the PostmasterGeneral the Min ister of Finance and the Minister Customs will accompany Sir Wilfrid to It also seems- to be tak en for granted that a military con tlngent sent to act as guard lor the Premier and his col leagues It is understood a bill providing for the establishment grade schools rural districts will he introduced dur ing the present session of the Legisla ture by the Minister of Education Hon Mr These schools will be along the line suggested by Sir The people in country parts of the Province appear to be taking a lively interest in this grade school subject as is evidenced by the fact that Hon Mr states that he has received a letter from a County Councillor in Western Ontario who asks that they be allow ed to establish such a school as Sir proposes He they could make the scheme work in the district in which he lives without any financial aid whatever At a meeting of the Ministerial As sociation of Toronto on Monday Rev Principal delivered a stirring address en Sabbath Observance Among other tilings by way of illus trating the trend towards desecrating the Lords Day he said The sale of ice cream on the Sabbath was con sidered by some to be hardly illegal hut it was this trickling through the bank which would ultimately sweep the bank away The Rev Dr they should seek another Lords Day Act removing the vagueness of pres ent legislation During the meeting the Association appointed a strong committee composed of both clergy and laity the latter all legal men to urge the Legislature to give the a better law on gambling a law that will really gamblers yr Wjmim ASS THE CHRISTIAN rt Jan 19 Acts THE LEADING Golden Text The Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved V With the single exception of our Lords Sermon on the Mount no ser mon in all the history of preaching be ranked above that preached by Peter on the day of the Churchy birth It was remarkable CI In its clear comprehension of Old Testament prophecy In its direct application of this to the immediate situation In its vivid realiza tion and portrayal of the plate Christ was to occupy in the new order of things I In the conscious author ity anrJ power with which Peter pro ceeded from beginning to end In the pitiless power with which it drove home the guilt for the crime of the Saviours crucifixion In its immediate results PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Conviction and repentance Conversion and church membership Study of the truth Brotherly love Prosperity A GENTLE HINT In our style climate with its sudden changes of temperature rain wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day it is no wonder that our children friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neg lected colds half the deaths directly from this cause A bottle of German Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will pre vent serious sickness a large doctors hill and perhaps death by the use of three or four doses For curing su mp ion Hemorrhages Pneumonia Severe Coughs Croup any disease of the Throat or Lungs its success is simply wonderful as your druggist will tell you Regular size You can get Dr Greens re liable remedies at Pharmacy is I The Latest in the world is to tell the The hardest thing for some men to do truth Miss Edith Killner a Hamilton girl wandered away from her em ployers house at and found frozen to death in the woods AT ALL TIMES OF YEAR Kjller wilt be found a useful house hold remedy Cures cuts sprains and bruises Internally for cramps and Avoid substitutes theres only one Perry Davis Council And you will find our photographs bet ter and finer than ever GIVE US A CALL J SMITH LATE SMITH BROS The British War Office has issued a call for infantry volunteers to replace those now serving Africa in South TOPS THE AND OFF TUB COLD Laxative Tablets cure a cold in one day No Cure no Pay Price cents ALL THE GOOD That can be cramroftd Into faultless tailoring Will find their way into your Suit or Overcoat or anything you order here Its plan to our to give all we can to take as little as wfc can afford BLACK SUITS AND FULL DRESS SUITS SPECIALTY Championship Hookey The first Championship Hockey Match of this- in the Inter mediate Series was played at Newmarket last Friday night Brampton and Newmarket The ice was in fairly good condition and home team were victorious by a score of to Newmarket team was as follows Clark goal A Brundrette point C J cover point A Cameron second cov er A centre Alva left wing Milton right wing Referee Mr H Teller of CoIHngwooi The game was fairly exciting and some good combination play by our boys The return match at Brampton was played on Monday night Newmar ket team composed as follows Clark goal Brundrette point Cam eron cover point Roy Trivett second cover and ton forwards Mr Hugh Rose of Osgoode Hall Toronto The match was very exciting and a big crowd in attendance Half a dozen Newmarket boys went over to look after our interests At the close the time the match was a tie and in the ten minutes to play Newmar ket soored one goal and played with one man short The narrowness of the rink against our boys and it took them till half time to get on to it Following is Ihe official First Brampton minute Brampton minutes Newmarket minutes Brampton minutes Brampton minute Brampton Newmarket minutes Second Half Brampton minute Newmarket minuter Newmarket Newmarket New market minutes Minutes Over Newmarket minutes A double match hand for Mr on the lost a fine mare the other day by feeing grcd by one of the cows while running loose in the barnyard This should be a warn ing to timers not to allow horses and cattle to t LOSS AND GEN ERAL DEBILITY are quickly over come by the use a tew The Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Manufactured by the Lawrence Co Ltd Mayor J Graham of Belleville has secured a contract for tons of hay for the army In South Africa Shipment of one hundred tons will be made weekly Mariposa township voted on the cereal of the prohibition bylaw last week but the bylaw was sustained TO CURB AiOOLD IK AV Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure- Groves signature Is on each box The Council elect for the year met at on Monday the day of January and subscribed to the necessary declarations of qualification and office John Hamilton reeve Barker Isaac Kenton Ira Morton and Jones Sedore councillors Following amounts were paid Miller building culvert on Townline East 5 Grant to Sick Childrens Hos- Toronto 5 Culver well use of Hall for Nomination Sutton Village share of Halt or Court House J half value sheep kill by A ByLaw was passed appointing affile and John Hamilton Jr auditors assess or collector and Iv Draper member of Board of Health Council then adjourned to meet on March 3rd next no The Now Dame Fashions new whirl Brings the bareheaded girl To the front for mans fond admira tion She is seen everywhere Proudly showing her hair And the fad meets prompt ap probation Theres the dashing brunette With tresses of jet Just as pretty as picture entrancing And attention is shared By the blonde sunnyhaired For the style is hex beauty enhancing Womans glorious crown Blajik or yellow or brown In full splendor she now is revealing And theres wonderment why so long she was shy And neatli bonnet her hair was con cealing Whether Axed a la mode Or no care is bestowed Ami she lets oer go streaming She sweeps by like a Or like goddess thats In the mystical fancies of dreaming Oer her face so long white Steals a color thats bright Painted by the sun and Its the token of health Far more precious than wealth Decoration that everywhere pleases Mr George P Sills formerly Ottawa was shot and Wiled by hi son in British Columbia Premier Manitoba says that a referendum on the Prohibi tion Act will be taken soon after the session Co e Coughs Colds Grippe one day 1 Drug Grip- Quinine Tablets OH BOX market Jr Stopped the acquaintance wet Horace one day and said Ox Greeley your paper Have you said Horace Well thats too bad and the old white hat went its way The next morning Greeley met his again and said Ithot you had stopped the Tribune So Then there must be some mistake said Horace lor I have come from the office and the presses were running the clerks were as busy as ever the compositors were hard at work and the business was going on the same as yesterday and the day before Oh ejacu lated the subscriber 1 didnt mean that I had stopped the paper I stop ped only my copy of it because I did not like your editorials Pshaw retorted Greeley it wasnt worth taking up my time to tell me such a trifle that My dear air If you expect to control the utterances of the Tribune by the purchase of one copy a day or If you think to find any newspaper worth reading that will never express convictions at right angles with your own you are doom ed to disappointment states that the Steel Company will begin mak ing mils next month It has a Gov ernment contract for tons Box Dai I y ought to be giltedged evi dence of merit coming as it docs direct from a druggist who has for years been selling Capsule one of the highly re commended cures and here are his words winter I from to of Capsules dally find the tilt rapidly targc- I think the fact that them recommend them to Ottawa Ask your for or teat Ottawa AND Best Designs HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE A CHANCE 4 TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION iHM JACKS FOR HIRE Clearing Sale OF Winter Goods Our first shipment of Spring Prints and Shirtings to hand JOBBING HOUSE ft nui toi2 British Columbia Red SHINGLES A Perfectly Clear Shingle and very wide PINE LUMBER LATH DOORS AND SASH OF ALL KINDS FAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHESPINS 1 THE WM CANE MFG A Of Newmarket Limited FOR I COAL WOOD Nut and Eg Col Hunter FLOUR FEED SEMI lor fU sowing- J cor St OLD OTBWBPAPBBS FOR SALE AT ERA OFFICE bought the patent the County York for for Granolithic Cellar Floors and teo Pittsburgh Roofing 1 Persons to have old repaired In a way which will proton the life of the old shingles should the above firm or write lor formation Models can be seen the shop on Timothy street j J- f

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