Newmarket Era, 17 Jan 1902, p. 6

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Just Fine Windsor for All of ws etc- ALBERT- private tympanic money and per cent DAVIDSON Notary Public Albert t sr V l MANAGER TRY BLACK BERRY CORDIAL AND WILD STRAWBERRY PADS INSECT POWDER Protect your from and get an Increase o the of It fix Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT produce croftand prices the on a most is follows -15- chickens to turkeys to ilcgW7JcrtiSfeWns fiOo i a BALDWIN carnival A fancy dress Carnival be in the Albert skating rink Thursday January weather per- A valuable will lie given Mr Robert the titn manager keeps the rink in condition- An enjoyable time may be expected For see bills OYSTER SUPPER Ames about on Sunday pm oclock burial ikp ceased was a inoffensive citizen resident in this section all bis life On Wednesday a child Thompson died of dipt Two other children slight The sick of our burg are now con valescent i Our congratulations are extended to chap who won the band of it was a gen- prize sartin Darius a former resident has returned from Michigan to spend the balance of his days in old North York m too in a will be served- from 5 to alter which Rev Toronto will deliver his entertaining lecture entitled Sparks the Furnace Ail who attend may be assured an enjoyable time See for par ticulars FURNITURE You can save money by buying at the pit from the distressing malady can hear of an entirely new and at tractive by calling at the tailors One patient reports himself cured one A STOCK OF Bedroom cd Parlor and Fancy We for Pillow Sham 8treicber and a Specialty of wbtn ordered ra ALLAN THEAKER WOOL MARKET OLD FOLKS An enthusiastic meeting was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening to consider the of holding an old folks Concert in aid- of the were appomt- to prepare a program and will en ter on their duties at once There is reason to believe that the fair will be a most successful one The date has been feed for Friday February Further particulars will appear later honors headed the poll We good official When I how happily of our jive without a word of them- at others clawing the Kilkenny vow if had such- a that he to the jumping place and Id More been captured this Master Lex Camer on trapped one This makes half a dozen in this neighborhood alone- O rare occasions they the In the winteir owl than useful is now the order of the iay Another very thai is a casual visit or from the far Is Cardinal male bird is a beau tiful a tuft on its head i Balance of Stock A Take your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get the highest Toronto prices in Gash Full stock Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment of Suitings always on hand 2c extra paid for wool taken In ex- change for goods Geo Sons PUBLIC LIDRARY The annual meeting of the Mount Albert Public Library was held in the Town Hall on Monday evening and was much better attended than form erly The reports of the of ficers were received and accepted The following will constitute the board of directors- for the ensuing year Messrs ti W Lloyd Will bee fetdt Rev Cameron Frank Davidson and The directors then met and elected the following officers President Secretary Treasurer Librarian T Lloyd A discussion took place as to the advis ability of subscribing fur some high clans magazines for circulation in con nection with the Library and a Com mittee was appointed to consider the matter the burghers of that centre Shipping day each week is a busy time at Pro bably no section Id Ontario much as this Keswick spent days last week with Mamie theres bachelor John Hishear is clear gone pfety iTy the great stars above His fond dreams of love Is really- quite But when he weds him a wife You can bet your sweet life will tease oer the country to roahi Hell settle right down Like old Daddy Brown in his snug little Avenue home Mary Jaylor is visiting Aunty Taylor and cousin Jake in Newmar ket Baldwin the cheapest place in On tario to buy goods after dark You blue jay The are the she of a Mittens are very comfortable in winter The boys say young got one from his for a Sunday was very blustery- a Very large concourse of people assem bled to pay their last tiibute of Crittenden deceased His Andrew and Ales of were present One of our esteemed lady friends in is to cross the Rubicon to try the of married lite They say she is feeling nervous and skittish at the thought It falls to my lot the say- to preserit her with a of silk stocKin in com memoration If I do they shall be 1 meeting of K Council for year The following roade tie ne cessary ana and took their seats Reeve JobnSmitb Frank QsAley Aawdon l The introduce a ByLaw which regularly- passed and making appointments as follows of Wilson A It Steeper Thos Burns- Jarries Collector OrabanV Assessor W A r AH the members of the Council were appointed as a Road Bridge Coin- and the sum was ap propriated to meet as required re Roads Bridges re lief of Indigents The securities of the were laid upon the table by and after examination accepted as satisfactory The Reeve and Councillor Smith a to pieces of round and feet of bridge The following were received From Samuel Arnold re work re gravel- Lloyd re damages con 2 Newmar ket Corporation re repairs STL J Ross Robertson re Sick Childrens Hospital re- renewal subscription Tinsdale tend- re printing A- as p re as as- ATr Prices I H D ALBERT Stoves J of all kinds Stoves for either Coal or Wood Ranges and Heaters in great variety ALL AT HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT blue ones A visit to Sutton is a rather dull event as it seems lethargic as Harper made claim a bear holed up for winter snicking its paws for comfort The scribe must some times be at his wits ends to find news items- The redeeming feature of its lovely maids can buy money aid matrons of whom Mrs seems the happiest and Our jovial Irish- lad Billy looks as fat and SUTTON- OUR FALL STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE INCLUDING Specials in Furs and Ladies Coats OUR Lined Rubber Coat IT IS A SELLER t CALL AND SEE THEM Keep Yourself haying a Queen Stove FROM J ROWLAUD Mr left here last Tuesday week to enter the employ of Mr Geo Crawford baker at Thorn- bury Miss Church of Toronto is visiting with the Misses Mr McDonald is feeling much more cheerful than he has done for a considerable time Mr John of Virginia has purchased what is known as the J no farni Mr L went to the city last Saturday Rev went to the city last Tuesday on business Mr Donald McDonald went to the city last Saturday and returned on Tuesday evening Mrs John paid Mrs visit last Tuesday The held a Parlor Meet ing at the Methodist Parsonage last Tuesday and evening The exercises of the consisted of prayers the reading of the Crusade Psalm hymns a well rendered solo by Mrs McKay and a address on answered prayers of the Bible by Rev A P Brace A most excellent tea was provided by Mrs McKay and Mrs alter which a very pleas ant sociable evening was spent Mrs met with a very severe accident on Tuesday night last week heard one of her grandchildren crying and got out bed and took Hie child In her arms when by a she fell down stairs receiving severe bruises and a bad shaking up- was next to that they were hot both killed She is doing as well as can be ex pected under the circumstances Mr and Mrs Harris of friends of Mr and Mrs Cyrelte are visiting here at present al so Mr of Toronto is here Mr Peter Grant lake is do ing jury duty fix the city pMtiHlf here have had the pleasure of hearing from their old friends Mr and Mrs J and family CASTOR I A Tor without price that is if you are sharp Our merchants are too care less leaving goods outside A temp tation to the lightfingered On Fri day night three axe handles matched off from store under escort of a well known local character A lynx eyed spectator informed Mr P who followed up the trail On pay ment for the goods Mr letthe matter drop This is not the first and probably not the last time he has been served such a caper Our good friend Constable and can well afford to be of his clever boys and the best of all is as Michael says theyre good Grits just like their old -dad- May our dancing girl is winning distinction at the country hoed owns The harms of those maids are more than our young men can stand Theyre up there skating every available evening while here at home there is no skating at all A terrible outbreak of jealousy has again turned some Baldwin high soci ety all worst subjects Their eyes have a green tinge Mrs Will Taylor has- been at her New Lowell for some time for tic of a change from bad effects of chloroform She lias re turned much improved Our new teacher Amos Kay has a favorable impression we hope it will be lasting In explaining the advantages honing to a young gent from a fat off country who is all at- tent ion to one of ones I lef tried to the doing away with the of venturing out on- cold and stormy dark nights- had gotten that as yet it is not possible by any means to kiss by telephone Am 1 not right Central The receipts from the hot fowl sup- sleek as a well groomed gentlemans cob The Sutton lassies are always ting some new crotchet in their nod dles- The latest according to au thorities is one who is a high kicker A private exhibition reached five feet eight Very good for a little body The Owl Children Cry for CASfORIA in person re injury to horse on road con arid Messrs Smith end Were appointed a Commit tee to investigate re said claim and Was fuVther appoint ed to investigate and report re claim T LIpyd- On motion the Printing contract for all work required during the year in cluding advertising and election lies was awarded to for Mount Albert Mr John leaves this week for a term at the Ottawa Normal School Special evangelistic services will commence in the- Methodist Church here about the first of February Miss Green will assist the pastors Miss Green comes highly recommended an excellent preacher a beautiful singer and of a pleasing topsy to hear her all remedies Women seem to be the Cemetery Co next Monday night The adjourned annual meeting of Public Library will be held in the Library on Wednesday Jan AH members are nested to be present A faintly gathering took place at the residence of Mr Peter Belfry on Tuesday which Use following address explains Dear and Mother We your sons and daughters meet here today at your solicitation to celebrate with you the fortyfirth an of your wedding day feci that we cannot let the opportunity piss of thanking you for the very many expressions kindness and con sideration have received from your hands from time and how you were always ready to lend a help ing hand times of trouble your whole soul went out towards us in sympathy joy iy our Voices mingl ed with mirth gave lis the assurance our welfare the great objects of your life When we of how you taught our infant lips to lisp name of Christ in prayer our hearts with love arid gratitude as back and in our minds eye gather round the table and read the Holy as of yore and then on bended knees hear you pray earnestly lor the salvation of our we might all be kept by power Divine from And Dear Parents we see three vacant chairs Two occupants have crossed the river and are singing songs with the Redeemed this should fort and cheer your hearts while the third Is in the and we know were It possible would be here and Mend their voices and song with us We trust Parents that both be spared for many years of usefulness and you to accept Chairs as a slight token not for their intrinsic value but to remind you of the love we have for you and pray thatyou may both them for years and Rslfry were complete lytaken by the chairs being sent up by stagjiV Mr made a suitable- reply in behalf of himself and amiable partner Soon the hour for departure arrived and all left for feeling It was a day long in- at last This means an attendance of over four hundred and flfty f Our thinks a lot of around should have to cure them of their lying propensities Arc thtcy lying Some party has been peering into windows and eavesdropping to sec what certain parties were do ing and saying They were in a small business and would be belter watching their own homes Listeners never hear any good themselves New lo Era are quite frequent- by one wo are hiving them A recent Express sub scriber now an tots reader says the man knows more than all the combined of the don key etc Win our new candidate for GripQuinine Tablets are devoid of any eflect certain in action to cheaper itan other Cure Grip Colds and all weather compUtnts Relief a la a day They are at and an will main the health you beta looking for All it at per box Sold at Drug were made for draw ing gravel in winter season as fol low Second St 3rd Con 3rd Con 2 503rd All the above expenditures to be under the supervision of as Commissioner J Proc tor being appointed as overseer re St and coiid St Appointments were made as follows for Commissioners in respect of the several Town Lines Town Line West A Smith South Frank and By- Law was amended by erasing the name of John Moore and Inserting thai of in re of said Town Line tlyLaw re Sharon Sidewalks was amended by inserting the name of John as Commissioner in lieu of John Wesley The following payments were order ed to he made Sick Childrens Hos pital gravel Arnold Work oil Con re Abb re Meeting world sub copies Council to meet on Fri day Feb at am in Sharon Miss Aggie Is spending a month at her home here Rev of Buffalo preached an impressive sermon in the Methodist Church on Sunday Miss Annie Stephens has been con fined to the house with boils of our young men Mr Charlie White arid Mr James left last week for Toronto to attend Busi ness College- May success attend Mr is suffer in with rheumatism Miss- Jones of spending the winter with her brother here Mr George Phillips is better after suffering an attack of pneumo nia Mr John Rose of Michigan is visit ing with relatives here Miss Vina Rye spent a week at her home at Mr John is laid oft work with chickenpox Pansy The Third Quarterly Meeting of the Methodist Church be held at vensboe on SundayvFeb 2nd ser vice commencing at To Farmers A Thoroughbred Improved Large English Yorkshire Hog for service East hall of lot in the Concession of East Terms One dollar 5w51 WW North York License District While curling- one evening last week at Mr Loimt was struck with a stone and fell on the tee collar bone was broken and he has since been confined to his re sidence mem For Sale Notice is hereby given that Applica tion has been made for a Transfer of Tavern License of the Mansion House Sharon from T Nichols to John Wesley A J HUGHES Inspector SHEEP STRAY Came upon Lot in the Coo of East about the last of November A LAMB Owner is requested to prove property pay charges and it away K P Two Jersey Bulls St Lambert years old For particulars apply to STOKES Mount Albert Saw Mill A DEATH DODGER ll put thaiH In that all tit world can and find If history faithfully Dr AxnftW Our for Mil hold to very and from dftiih trip Mtm a thirty toltme it a hart ipectno A ten iUm lbs stubborn of ftod a win tU Htm WU to cure gold by For of Cough Vox Powder acme our Condition Cutting Skidding or Sawing of all kinds of timber or lumber done either together or separately at lowest rates First Class work guaranteed P NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the Directors of Cemetery Company will be held In George Wrights Shop at for the c By order of the President GEORGE President LASTING SNAPS We will offer Winter Suit ings at Reduced Prices Call and Inspect our Goods and Prices S KELLERS The Fashionable Taylor Mount Albert 1 Mount Co Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the above company will be held in the TOWN HALL MOUNT January at oclock pm for the election of a Board Directors for ensuing year reception of reports and other business A full attendance is- requested FORREST Pies fN THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN a full of and Family ftttenHnp or We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time order your New Suit- LADIES l stock Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap Dress Goods WTLLOYD i lair i

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