i IT I would running the street a piece of Why not ft would dyspepsia nd storngcli trouble Not at aft but because ft wouldnt loot well As a of fact a bigness roan snatches a In such a hurry at Well take It on the run That iVouereason for the There Is a certain remedy for diseases the and other organs of an3 It is Doctor Pierce Golden Medical Discovery The worst cases of dyspepsia and catarrh of the stomach have teen cured by this medicine cures where all other means have failed to cure look two bottles of Dr Golden Medical Discovery Cor trouble write Ctrac Esq of to so irtocft good thai I any more I eat ractft now I so WcLf phrased it I hardly how to thank you for jour kind information I tried a whole lot of thing wrote To you There was gen told me tout cured tils wife I thought I would Try a bottle of it- Am not did for J dont know whet I him it had not been for Dr Pierce Golden Medical Dis covery Doctor Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure biliousness They stimulate the sluggish tiver and the sys tem of impurities- They should always be used with Golden Medical there is need of a laxative Cod Oil For Lung Troubles Severe Coughs Colds Emaciation on up Few can aetimuala pa The A Will band pound of flwh bring beck to health 0c nd MAKE THE FARM PAY Progressive stock breeders dairy men grain root and fruit growers beekeepers agricul tural students and home makers find the articles and answers to questions in every issue of the FARMERS ADVOCATE and HOME MAGAZINE simply unequalled and indispensable If you are not already a subscriber to the most helpful best printed and beautifully illustrated farmers published wo invite scrutiny of a fcamplc copy A post card will bring it free Address THE CO Limited CANADA The subscription price t per year includes also superb Number Farm for Sale watered Good Aurora TIME After January for a course under Individual instruc tion in all Commercial Subjects Shorthand Type writing in the Central College TORONTO This school with typewriting ma chine and course of study the beat of kind in Canada Circular Write lor them i ypnpj fit Toronto r r Tte as l03 y duties at Monday r Alias last to attend British business College Toronto Miss the new assistant- at school began on if day Too late for last week On elect too day the voters got a hustle on in order to vote for their favorite Even the ladies were in requisition The Ladies Aid at the home Mrs J P Davis was well attended and a good program was given Mr and Mrs Frank Jordan visited her brother at for a few days I Jessie Lemon has returned torn spending a couple of weeks with at-Tara- Henry Phillips of Essex Co is visit ing a P Steels Mrs Bell visiting friends in Miss White is spending a few with her sister in Toronto Walter of Buffalo and J rip of Toronto University visit ed Mrs and Mrs visited with friends at Stratford last week Mrs White spent a few days with her sister Mrs of Mr Lawrence has rented Mr Andrews store south of the and is opening a tin shop Mrs Knight of Sharon spent part of the week visiting her parents here Mr and Mrs John The many friends of Mr Geo Gar- row of Snowball will regret to learn he is with a severe cold and is con fined to Ms bed The funeral of the late Daniel took place from his Au rora on Wednesday to the cemetery at s Hill near A Social will be given by the ladies of the Methodist church on Thursday night Jan A number of the employees of the shoe factory held an At Home in Hall on Monday evening and spent a pleasant time in songs and speech making- Several of our towns people were present and enjoyed the hospitality of those in charge of the affair Following are the officers of for Taylor Rogers T Hutt J Hill Treas George Clark of Heath Secretary 1st The lodge meets the fourth Friday iti month Mr Jacob Anderson foreman of the moulding in the Aurora Agri cultural Works met with a serious on Tuesday He was pass ing from the moulding shop into the blacksmith shop when one of the workmen in the latter shop was tak ing a red hot rod from one of the furnace and in swinging it around it struck Mr Anderson in the eye turn ing it very severely We are pleased lo learn the sight of the eye was not injured the burn is a very pain ful one and will lay Mr Anderson up for some time Another old and respected of this town in the person of Mrs passed peacefully away at her late residence on Wednesday evening at the advanced age years and some months- The old lady was in her usual health until Tuesday evening when was taken ill Medi cal in and nothing seri ous was thought Imminent until Wed nesday afternoon when she became worse and continued to sink until death came to her release Deceased had been a resident of the town for over years and was very highly esteemed On Saturday last Mr Butcher son of Mr and Wts Butcher of this place died at his late residence in a suburb of Chicago of pneumonia lit was taken ill on Christmas day and despite- all that medical skill could do for him failed to and died on Saturday morn ing went to Chicago some years ago where he secured an excellent situation In a large Jewelry house which he held until his death He was in hie year and leaves a widow and one daughter- The re mains were brought here lor inter ment Vlrden Man Jan Detectives have discovered the robber who from Lake station agent at The thiefs name is and ho has confessed taking the money also to burning about of it together with three express order one time when he detection imminent was detected through a blotch of red Ink on a ten dollar Wit which he gave a book agent Whom In Mr some express charge on Miner of ftuaafoNY Miner is one Uncle-Sam- in F and cold in our part Mr J Gould Alton a business trip The Sfethpdist Sunday School had a grand sleigb ride on Friday of last large and small a lunch after the ride and tots of fun in general v Mr- and Airs W- Bond and Miss Howard visited at Fri day also attended the political meet ing A Business meeting was held at- the home of Lennox last week to about a hockey team and if all turns out as it has been decided the will take the coun try by surprise Mrs Bond and Miss new Sirs A- Ed wards on Tuesday last A new coat and a robe If Harold had a he would be well fixed Miss J and Miss Hamil ton went to Toronto last week Mrs J Doyle spent Thursday evening with Mis Lodge ilUs Mae Bond is visiting with Vic of Newmarket this A grand concert be held in our town hall on Wednesday the Program to be given by the Literary Society of Black Horse and proceeds to he given rj the Temper ance Lodge r Miss oh the sick list Mrs Lodge attended a party in the village last week iih The annual meeting of the King Conservative Association was held at the Temperance Hall on Fri day afternoon of week it was the largest and- most enthusiastic meeting held in this Township for many a year The following officers were elected lor 1902 President J Dunning Fiist VicePresident Win Second VicePresident Thomas Third VicePresi dent Perry SecretaryTreasur er James Ross The chairmen for the ten polling subdivisions re spectively Geo Harper Rob Evans Frank J Riley John Stirring addresses were delivered by the President T J McKay and the Conservative candi date T Resolutions of of confidence in the leaders of the Op positions in both Houses were passed Store CHEAPER THAN EVER Best family pet barret- 30c Japan wr IbV 3S Granulated for tins Apples 5ltj Pails Jam- Aid 3 bottles- Catsup 10c bottle Nuts Wheat cabs Salmon City Mixed Oxford and Only lor lbs Beef Steak LoinRoasts KNOWLfc The St i ASSURANCE GO rie Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY POPULARITY- 49000000 Annual Revenue over- Bonuses Already Declared Claim Paid 08000000 During year Policies were issued Govt over It domestic life has its cares and responsibilities- and what life has not it also has its sweetness and its consolations Ha joys and its that are infmitely to anything that can possibly be obtain ed in hotels flats January Ladies STANDARD has investmenU in Canada amounting to Fifteen Millions Dollars J A Agent- James District Inspector a Thin is all right if you arc top fat and alt wrong if too thin already Fat enough for your habit is healthy a little more or less is no great harm Too consult a doctor too thin persistently thin no matter what cause take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver on There are many causes of get ting too thin they all come under these two heads over work and underdigestton Stop overwork if you earn hut whether you can or not take Scotts Emulsion Liver Oil to balance yourself with your work You cant live on it true but by it you can Theres a youll pay for it j Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for Cant eat unless it comes of vour doing no long be well and strong without some sort of activity t picture on It take no other you have not tried send for surprise you Toronto and ENGINES FOR SALE i Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer fiEPITTED AND PAINTED J ALSO Dick op SEPARATORS And belt Your choice of Full Rig tor 40000 On lour years time Cheap at 600 THOIWSON The ijf the waiting la to a billiard direct its the en tire ticket opposed granting the license was elected The Ontario- Inspector- the Bureau Of Jifnesi Carter the Department this week to a tour of of all the in the Northwestern portion the Province ttili work part of the ttro Toronto papers tat6 ihii Bank have decided tib accept silver coins with holes fu ture If other commercial centres of the Province reach the same con clusions all defaced and coins Called by the before the new- issue of silver coin from the Canadian mint is pot in circulation AttorneyGeoeral has given notice of Bills respecting the Imperial Statutes relating- to property and civil rights to provide for the of to amend the Marriage Act reap ecting and the disposition of lands for char itable uses to amend the Manhood Suffrage Registration Act and to amend the Jurors Act During the debate the Address in the Legislature last week the Prem ier almost took away Mr Whitneys breath when he announced that there was hot only a surplus in the Provin cial treasury but the cash balance at- the end of this year was halt a million dollars than last year cash balance now in bank is but had the policy of Air Whitney and bis associates respecting succession duties been carried out the Province by- now would have been out of pocket Several claims for damages against the Provincial Government held by settlers up- in the district just been settled These claims arose out construction of the locks and dams at Marys and Fairy Laics many years ago In making the improvements to navigation of the waters considerable land was flooded By the settlements just concluded Peter of gets of the same 32 and Win Parker of 100 Town ships claim against the Government for washing away of a portion of the road by the construction of a dam at has been settled by the township accepting Sir Macdonald of Montreal following up his generous donation to the Ontario College at has since notified Hon Mr Minister of of his readiness to donate another large sum towards the establishment jfrado schools in Ontario Wo learn from good authority that Sir Wirt donalds will be accepted and tyro or more institutions of the kind suggested will be erected These schools provide for country children alt the advantages of a city training and the experiment will he made in where six or seven small arc used to supply the needs of a section These small buildings will he replaced by a large modern structure We observe by our Toronto changes that Mr Scott form erly Manitoba Government immigra tion agent in the city and a re presentative of the Dominion Govern ment in Britain was in Toronto last week arranging for Hie exhibits which Canadian Governments Federal ami Provincial will make in the summer at and the Hoy I London These exhibitions will differ from that of Glasgow Inasmuch as exhibits will be made by Governments only In the lino of minerals timber and timber manufactures and agricultural and horticultural products As there is stated to be a population of fourteen million within a radius of miles Wolverhampton black district of England special stress Will be laid on the display of food stuffs Messrs Hunter and A Hunter have formed a partnership as Contractors Builders And ire now In a take contracts for all branches of Mason work Estimates il Short And satisfaction guaranteed BOILER A SPECIALTY BOH All kinds darting and Teaming done on Short Notice THOS ANDRBW HUNTER Bills Architect and Sanitary 9i Adelaide St Toronto Plan and Estimates made for Calling attention to County Roads ana roadways in local and the trolley t the of Monday utters this note of warning AH past xporenco goes show the of keeping the highways under public control Also speatlng of the of electric railways it goes on to say It was a com paratively easy matter to purchase the ordinary highways from private but once the rails laid and the electric equipment provided by a private corporation It will he virtual ly impossible for a county to recover its road The value will then be es timated not according to the cost but according to the amount the own ers can obtain yearly thru Its posses sion The chief factors in making up value will be franchise and the right of way and the counties that give these away will some day to buy them back at what would now seem fabulous prices White the House now in session is the time to rectify the blunder made in the Newmarket Agreement The late move seems only like a put up Job to prevent the ralepayers from hav ing opportunity to modify the well as remove the CANADA Senator A J J Priiaont and Managing Capital Reserve Fund INVESTMENT BONDS IljjAiii i v Company accepts sums of flop sad upwards Issuing here for payable to the order of party remitting the amount upon the following conditions I The to pay interest pay able halfyearly The Company agrees to pay Interest from date of merited 111 The Company agrees to pay exchange on all remittances The Company to cash the bond at any time upon receiving- notice from party holding same Executors authorized by to inVeat the of this Company chapter 8t The Dominion and Ontario Governments accept the Bond of tills Company as security bo deposited by lire and fire companies dolus business Canada Write for bond copy f annual report and for to W Maunder GOOD NEWS FOR FARMERS xo ox- I have taken the Agency lor the Harvesting Machines Iso the Mann Seeding Implements and will bo pleased to explain the merits or these mahes over all others Dont place your order lor season until you see what I can do for you J SQUIRE Main Newmarket carry a Full Lino of Buggies Cutters Wagons Sleighs and the Maxwell small wares Mm Leading Specialists of America Years In Bank out of oxer bate been of nature youth u fcotf or tie may be corresponds ruinous ii- or iho must bo built blood ORGANS must be vitalised and the BR IN Our Met bod provides all Under Iti be ciJe blood to all blotcucsand lb lhit ueis tfUappearj the become the lice full 1 clear to and the moral and sexual to Jems are Invigorated oo more villi from the The XbtTariouaorm become Ltinnl all tbe to call and consult ice of Jrty We and Stricture Drains Spermatorrhoea If to call write for a QUESTION for Home KENNEDY A KERGAN SHELBY Si StK KKW For Torpid Liver Biliousness and Sick Headache TAKE BRISTOLS Mild- Painless do not- weaken and always give satisfaction A most Medicine cart be at Children any e4oa or All sell V Page Woven Wire Fence o ttt nriailoas of the consider be made Id all fences for an or dinary vhen it expands to of Utile ralne Note Page arc Of Page VIM Hun Bo ashamed of nothing on carta except poor work which a thing to be ashamed of Select whatever you are lor and to thoroughness In that line Ladies Home Journal for January axe generally too ready lor the Bake of peace to put a premium on ill temper and to give the cross person the right way is cow ardly and almost always a Ill temper should be gently Ladles Home Journal for NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the NerUi York Will be held In the Temperance Hall Newmarket Saturday January at oclock tor the purpose of electing for the en suing year and the transaction business A full attendance the members of the Association as those Interested In la requested Secretary