Newmarket Era, 31 Jan 1902, p. 2

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em THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY- JA The Bill RELIABLE LADY AGKNTS WAI TED in Newmarket to take orders for our custom made dress skirts walking skirts and Write for terms Dominion Garment Co HORSES WANTED A Montreal buyer will at the Eagle Hotel Newmarket on February 81b buy ail kinds of sound horses from to years old NOTICE Dairy Board Directors will meet at the Fir Hall on Wednesday Feb pm or the purpose of letting the milk routes Yonge St South Union Street St North Queen Street Second St North further particulars apply to the Directors WEBB M STARR President SecyTreas RAILWAY SYSTEM Mardi Festivities New Orleans La Mobile Ala and February to From stations in Ontario Toronto Bay and West Round Trip Tickets will be sold February 3rd to inclusive to the above points at SINGLE CLASS Limited valid returning up to and -in- Feb with privilege of vlenaion until Feb on pay ment of Fifty Cents and depositing Joint Agent Full information and tickets gents of Grand Trunk System A Agent Newmarket DICKSON District Passenger Agent I Residential VALUABLE Property NEAR NEWMARKET FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to the day of for the purchase of that residence on the present occupied by Charles i the residence of Mayor Cane This is a comfortable wellbuilt and will mae a nice home for person desiring one close to New- within reach of the Town water and electric light r Terms Ten per cent of purchase i money to be paid on acceptance of filler and the balance on the I April about which pos sesion will be given The highest any tender not necessarily accepted or further particulars apply to J Solicitor for Mrs Geo L Dearie owner of said property The member for West York Mr Hill has introduced a bill in the On tario House mat tes of interest to this County eluding a settlement of Court House question The preamble refers to agree ment made between the City of To ronto and the County York re specting the erection and maintenance a court house and expenses of administration of justice which agree ment is set forth In the schedule to Cap of the statutes passed in the year of reign of Her- late Majesty Queen Victoria it also re- fere to tbe agreement reached last- year by which County agrees to pay to City of Toronto a lump sum of 000 in lieu of an annual sum for the use of said court bouse and declares the expediency of grant ing power to the County to raise the said sum of by debentures etc Sec authorizes the County Coun cil to raise above to by the issue of debentures for the purpose stated without submit ting the bylaw to the people Sec provides for the appointment of an Auditor to audit tie accounts of disbursements by the City in re spect of repairing heating lighting furnishing and maintenance of that part of tbe court house used for purposes and by Judicial officers Sec enacts said auditor shall report to the County Council as to any disbursements respect of the said repairs heating mainten ance etc and if Council is dis satisfied with or objects to any such payments the same to be referred to the Official Arbitrator whose decision shall be final Sec empowers the County Coun cil to rent any portion of foe old Court House without being subject to taxation except for local improve ments piovided however To ronto may collect taxes on rents re ceived by the county from tenants of said building Sec provides that Toronto Junc tion shall hereafter pay to the Coun ty for High School purposes the same sum as the said town would be oblig ed to pay if it were not separated Any dispute as to the amount to be paid to be settled by the County Judge where a mutual agreement is not reached between the County and Town Sec enacts that Towns in the County of York from the County in which no High School is situate shall pay for the mainten ance of pupils in High Schools in Co the same amount as such Towns would be obliged to pay if not separated and falling to mutually agree on the to be so paid the county judge on the amount See enacts that the City of To ronto separated Towns in the County shall contribute their just share and proportion of the cost and expenses of of the County Board of Examiners in the County of York appointed by the City on the Public School Boards thereof and unless a mutual agreement is reached respecting the amount to be paid the issue to be settled by the County Judge Sec provides that separated Towns in the County shall also pay their just share of expenses connected with Continuation Classes in said towns any disagreement as to the amount to be settled by the County Judge This bill is all right A press despatch from Victoria furnishes the Intelligence that star of the Administration is still in the ascendant At the close of on Tuesday for the elec tion to the Commons for Victoria Mr Riley Liberal was elected by about majority is the first time a Liberal has been the Commons for that constituency in the Legislature on Monday replying to member for North Hon Mr Davis stated that the number of persons taking up land as bona fide settlers in the Tern- region during accord ing to our returns was No count of how many in each family has been kept but the agent esti mates the permanent increase po pulation during to be After years litigation in the Ontario and Dominion Courts the case of vs the King in connection with winding up the af fairs of the old Central Bank was concluded in the Exchequer Court Ot tawa on Tuesday Our readers will remember that the late Geo an old Newmarket citizen pur chased the assets of the above Bank and the question over which the courts have been dickering is the distribution of in the hands of the ReceiverGeneral Tbe estate of now gets and costs After paying certain other costs the balance goes to bank creditors 4 Sir Charles contributes to Tbe Cosmopolitan for February an article on The Naval Strength of which- gives not only most interesting and comprehensive account of the navies of the great powers but also a clear insight into world politics Few men possess such knowledge as the authors gain ed from years of experience in a dip lomatic and political Career The article is so broad in scope and in treatment that it will be read with interest not alone statesmen but by every one whose thoughts travel beyond immediate wans of a single day Our friend and Mr editor of the Renfrew Mer cury having been again elected Mayor the Town has issued a neat book let giving an interesting compilation of facts regarding municipal expendi ture Renfrew became a Town We that during the last three years the Town has spent over in concrete sidewalks all on the improvement system pro perties immediately benefitted paying per cent and the Town per cent the Town also paying for all street intersections and per cent of corner lots Renfrew is a wide awake place having waterworks and over five miles of sewers Ah article on Marconi a new serial and other- noteworthy features make the February Canadian Magazine de cidedly attractive The new serial is entitled The Feathers and is A Mason whose novels are well known especially Parson Kelly scenes are laid in Ire land London and the Soudan and mainly a military story Professor writes of the Imperial problem and points put that the time is at hand when it may be necessary to de fend the rights and liberties of the mother country from encroachments on the part of tbe colonies has a profusely illustrated article on passenger coaches past and present January A Rubber Doctor home a Hot lacks something that ay be needed any hour of the ay or night A soft yield vbler that applies beat as Well wrapped keep warm for HEAT HELPS any pain the relaxes muscle thi3 the a hot bottle you can hare Ho scorching and- are is they the Para texms AH filzes fed every at a bargain IISJMiSTOp Street Phone EDITORIAL NOTES was nomination day for the Kingston to fill a va cancy in the Ontario House- editor the Kingston Whig la the Liberal candidate The Con servatives decided not to place a nominee in the race as a general election will take place in a few months hence On Wednesday last Hon Mr Suth erland tbe new Minister of Marine and Fisheries was elected by acclam ation for North Oxford The Con servatives showed their liking for him refraining from putting a can didate In the field Prominent pub were present at the from various parts of the Domin ion Promoters the Ontario Ship Kali- way Company interviewed Premier Ross on Tuesday They to lay a tracked railway between Toronto and Georgian Bay on which brought down to Lake Ontario without unloading As time of their charter la about seeking an extension for three Kara i It cost the ratepayers a nice little penny to give the Grand Jury an to sport around The Pro vince has Government Inspectors to do very work recent did but that did not save the expense The Telegram of Tuesday gives this remarkable by a Grand Jury and the money they took and says The Grand Jury which was discharged cost the country just Ten members In attendance eighteen days at per head per day Only two bills were returned and all the of the time was or some of it in vis iting sixteen public institutions When the Judge replied to present ment he referred to the above facte and spoko of the calling at tention to the fact that very recently a previous jury had very rounds if the only knew the actual facts of the way their money is squandered in many ways connected with the administra tion of Justice from To ronto would follow Mm Hughes spent a few past week with friends in J P Belfry of writes that they cant do without the Era he also adds that OrilHa is booming Mr Morton of Ohio writes We are having a Very mild winter he re scarcely any el Cooks- were guests of- Mr and Mrs over Sun day Mr Wooding Ashland Wisconsin sister Mrs Isaac Ontariostreet this week Albert Glass of Richmond Hill was a guest at Blarney Hall on Sunday the residence of Mr A Coombs rrs Black and little daughter of are visiting her uncle Mr Thos- Bacon Niagarastreet for a of- Toronto re turned home on Wednesday spending nearly a week with her aunt at The Bowery rMiss Ethel of Richmond Kill was the guest Mrs A Coombs at Blarney Hall the lat ter part of last week Dr Patterson of Carrie spent over Sunday as the guest of Mr Angus Williams He says they only got 6 inches snow last week Mr Knight Ont writes The Bra is always a welcome visitor in fact it seems like one of the necessaries of life Mr Frank Wright of Man spent nearly a week with rela tives in Newmarket and left on Wed nesday for Montreal on a business trip Joe Acton Dakota writes Having lived at Baldwin for over twenty years the pajrer is full of news and items of in terest Mr Wooding of Ashland spent over Sunday with Mr Albert Thompson and other friends in Newmarket He reports times good over there Miss Watson of Toron to spent- over Sunday with her sis ter Mrs White in Aurora and also visited in Newmarket Sunday evening with Miss Richardson Mr Mosier Stockton Formerly of Sharon writes that they are all well and evidently they expet to re as he has paid in ad vance his Era till July Mr of Cava lier No Hi Dakota formerly of Mt Albeit writes that they are having a and not very cold All the eld North Yorkers around there are well Hon J Davis has our thanks for ies the various bills present ed to the Legislature up to date dur ing the present waslon We shall to review thoae gen eral public interest at an early day The Canadian Bookseller for Jan uary has the following Clarence A Catdwell of Dana Kstes Co Bos ton an old Canadian boy favorably and well known to the booksellers of Dominion was elected to the hon orable position of President Brother hood of Commercial Travellers Publishers and Booksellers of United States Another Canadian on top over the border We wish him a hap py and prosperous new year Mr Caldwell is a son of Mr Alex Cald well of this Town Mr Samuel Miller Maple Hill Bruce Co formerly of writes We have had a very prosper ous year here Crops on the whole were very good and prices have also been extra good consequently money has been very plentiful Our pros pects are- also good for the future as we are to have a Beet Sugar Factory at about fourteen miles from here Almost every farmer has for- beets from one to ten and some fifteen acres We can load on far at Hanover- and it will only cost us fifty cents a ton delivered at Fac tory expect he able to run a short campaign next fall The fac tory is sure to be built as the gentle men who have taken hold of it are able to carry it through Newmarkets Reading Store We have completed Stocktalcing and find thousands of dollars worth more goods than be here at this season of the year to quote prices for every thn but you may safely judge the values by the items mentioned below and oots Mens Long Boots were reduced to Mens Long Boots were reduced to Mens Long Rubber Boots were reduced to Childrens Rubbers were 35 cents reduced to cents Boys Overshoes were reduced to cents ALL STUB PROOF RUBBERS AT COST PRICE BLANKETS I Fine Wool Blankets extra large worth reduced to Shaker Blankets White or Grey reduced to cents per pair Large Cotton Sheets worth cents each reduced to cents Only Ladies No Quality Astrachan Jackets were reduced to to Ladies Sable were reduced to Ladies Sable and Electric Seal were reduced to About Remnants of Wool Union and Tapestry Carpets lengths to yards per cent regular Prices for all these ends We must clear every Overcoat Prices as follows Coats at Coats at Coats at OVERCOATS Ladies Jackets at Half Price Look at price on the ticket and then pay us JUST HALF the amount and take the COAT Every Jacket new and stylish H MADDOCK Brown of Charlotte- town Prince Edward Island who learned his trade in the Era office about or 30 years ago gave us a call on Tuesday while passing thru these parts on a visit accompanied by his wife I- UP LATE NIGHTS endless en gagements generally run down Take The Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It will tone up your system and make you feel yourself again Made by Davis Lawrence Co man- A despatch from Monte Carlo that balloon made Wo excursions over the Mediterranean on the applause spectators was able to navigate the airship in all as much as a steam- craft in water without any KrhinR He had several the come to- stay and market another Important event or- Oaf ilr Is in this week on a trip Mrs of Bradford la visiting this week with Mrs Cane jWtGeorglo Prior of intending Newmarket High School Mian Elision of Richmond Hill spent Wednesday with Mrs A E Coombs Mr and Mrs A West attend ed wedding of her at Kir venhoeon Wednesday Doyle of Pickering has been least cost Come and v it Mine at Jacob Doyles Hots- fordstreet the past two weeks Mr and Mrs John went to Mount Albert on Saturday to Long but found that- passed away The Tomb LONG In Mount Albert on Thurs day Jan 23rd ilobinyon Long aged years and months Interment in Mount Albert Cemetery Dining Room Bedroom and Parlor tee ottered for before stock taking- at prices that are simply amazing Now Is the time to fit up your home with elegant furniture at see John H Millard Opposite Royal Hotel The Cradle GORING Town on 20th Jan to Mr and Mts Arch a daughter Aurora on Jan to Mr and Mrs Joshua Preston a daughter At Aurora Jan to Mr and Mrs Albert a Hon HOLLY In King Jan lo Mr and Mrs Stephen Holly- a daugh ter At on Jan to Mr and Mrs Proctor a son The Alton Has just received direct from Manitoba another car over bags of the No Hard Wheat Manitoba Flour milled for us and it is opening up in an excellent and satisfactory manner Of course this looks a lot hut will not last long and we immediately place our order for another car With such good material as this you see the results below Why has the output increased This week nearly loaves over last year 11 Because the Most Skilled Workmen l employed In overseeing and performing the duties of an Ideal Because an Ideal Oven of the Most Improved Design Has been equipped and fired with hard coal giving a more even heat free from dust and all Impurities Mich Jan Miss Lo- daughter of Mr Henry of this place to Mr Craig At the resi dence of the brides father on by Because No 1 Hard Wheat of Mr Stewart Draper to Miss Bertha Hamilton daughter of Mr Hamilton all of North bury RUNERNOBRIS At the residence of the brides mother on Jan by Gregory Mr Because Heavy Geo Miner of J Hawaii son of Rev Miner formerly Manitoba flour Is used in of our first quality and largo output varieties Baldwin to Miss Margaret Aletla daughter of the lato of North Do all mixing much more perfectly than hand thereby giving an even texture and more wholesome loaf J WEDDING our specialty We have averaged more than one every Ml- veek since tall fair time All this means enlarging our to at all hours Hot Tea and Coffee MAIN ST j ft pf ADD All Orders TELEPHONE W- I and Prompt Atte BOY WANTED- to every day Good Pay y

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