v iliSSisfiMMM f ft T J 3 WHAT OH A JCW Overdose It took Wee remove the end on Thursday last week to rpate it nabte business It not often w have such a snow at one time Canes On Wednesday a young named Ed of Mr Pat was struck in the eye with a piece of wood the saw be was using and very badly hurt The swelling was that it was not known yesterday whether the sight was injured or entire of The Your choice of pur Wall Papers at per roll- Borders inches wide Borders inches wide This is only what they are worth 1 Dairy Mr Cook who has em ployed as butter and cheese looker- for the past two years has tendered his resignation No thiswil lie a source of regret to of the patrons who always found him to accomodate them in any way be could His have always commanded the highest market prices as he always turned out a festrclass article of either butter or He leaves here with the highest recom mends and we are confident that wherever he may go success bit tend him Prohibition Alliance The annual meeting- of North York prohibition Alliance place in Newmarket last Saturday after noon Among present the officers were of Aurora Brown of and of and Messrs J Walton of J of Holland Landing and a good delegation from The officers all as follows 1st Vice Jackson New 2nd Vice J Keswi 3rd Vice AH Resident of North York Secretary Treasurer J Green lengthy discussion took pee up on the merits and demerits the Manitoba Prohibition Bill which the following unanimously adopted That this organization view with pleasure the introductions such a measure of prohibition as je On tario Government has enact The meeting then the call of the chair Miss Trents pony has for the pas with tion but with careful It Is now oh tie mend- The feansforiner- at Smiths corner burnt on Tuesday night presenting his a rery hand- some Calendar which ire are wHl be appelated Mr J i The Newmarket Curling Club has been winning laurels this season bay ing at the at beat ing such strong clubs as Owen Sound and The final match In the consolation was played and alter a close fl0it our Club was defeated but being the runners up won second prize which was a handsome pair of Stones The thanks of the are due to the Club lor their courteous treatment On Tuesday the Newmarket Club went to Toronto to compete for the Cup and were winners this time they have won this beautiful trophy- Georgetown and were turned down in t be first round having Newmarket and to play the final and after a close and j exciting finish the local Club won put by a majority ten Newmarket is certainly do- remarkably well sports this season I i of Institute was to o farmers came in for it and Waited- till Bo jwt in an session- Trie Union The grand evangelistic unit vues have been going On Town for the past lour wee drawing to a close That th been a great benefit is the opinion of all who have The annual meeting took place in the Fire Hall on Monday evening Very little interest was manifested On motion James Allan pre sided The reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were adopted as satisfac tory- In addition to the amount in vested hi Permanent Care Fund the Treasurer stated is invested at5per cent for the the discission what could be done with plots that are entirely neglected and own ers hare moved away also the col lection of arrears on plots including part purchase money for opening graves and for care of plots The new Board are to ask for legislation in this connection The election of Directors resulted as follows Messrs Jackson J J Pearson J A do John Denned Webb Wakefield Howard and Lewis Auditors T- Hi and David after Lloyd Mr if who has served as Secretary for years asked leave to retire from the Board but themeeting would not listen to It The meeting adjourned and the Directors met immediately after when the following officern were re elected E Jackson Secretary Treasurer J J Pearson Chairman of Grounds Com J A i was are have it me the at- in the ave and A a source of to Revs Turk arid Kerby as wells all the concerned that the have never given an invitation the Saviour in any meeting have responded Decision Da Sunday Schools last Sabbath tended gratifying resul fact the same may be said of services The meetings for Men been an inspiration for many will be sorry that one more will be held Next at in the Christian Church Kerby will give the Subject- A Call to Manhood No man within or mites of should this to pass without hearing fW servioe for Women Oil ft i was one of thast cad inspiring of The aftendance very large available fipace being occupied the splendid audience of ladies listened with wrapt to the timely address en No doubt the meetings will be largely attended as they been growing in interest and from the first The have shown themselves to be me great ability sympathetic ear and active They have made many warm friends in New who will regret that the time of departure near at hand next field of labor at St Mary On Sunday morning Her K will preach In the Christian Rev Turk the Methddlst and Cornell in the Friends tt opened in the Wesley the Viet splendid- The church well the by Rev The snowstorm prevented Com- rention continuing the and the have decided carry out the program set for that day on Feb Act A meeting ot the Board was held J in the chair Mr Keith- was reappointed Secretary and Mr trea surer The secretary was instructed to in- crease the buildings On the Fair Grounds The date of holding the next Fall Exhibition was fixed lor Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Sept and following were elected Honor ary Director Hon Hon J Davis Isaac Lennox Warden Norman Councillors and Wood cock Messrs Haines George Powell J D Rams- den Fogg Abb Wilson Hamilton Scott A F Stewart and Cane Adjourned to- meet at the call of the chair- Only a Pin Scratch Last week we reported the death of Mr J George at his fathers residence in Toronto which came as a to the many friends of the fam ily in Newmarket and vicinity The circumstances connected his death show the serious what we sometimes call a trivial mat ter Mr was a commercial traveller for a Toronto Boot and Shoe house and while on the road he got the back of his hand accidentally scratched by a pin He no par ticular attention to it for a few days but as it seemed to be getting worse instead of better he consulted physi cian Blood poisoning had set in and in six he was a corpse His sudden death cast a gloom over all his acquaintances The remains were brought to Newmarket last Fri day for interment accompanied by the- following persons J and Mrs Ernest John Williams J Gladstone Abram- Jr Mrs- Kaake and- Mr Jesse Kaake Roachs Point Beautiful floral tributes were sent In by the following persons- and Mrs Williams pillow Mr and Mrs cross Mrs and soa Mrs and son of Hamilton wreath Mr and Mrs Mr Mrs pletfcherr spray Miss Miss Mr and Mrs ay Miss With The At the regular meeting of Pyramid Lodge on Tuesday evening the follow ing officers were duly installed by W Lehman assists by Bro of Kingston re presenting the Relief Association viz F J VG J Warren Lehman J Hughes PO PO TV Ross Sax ton A LFN Wv T Trivett PG Morrison Jones Miller Chap Organist J Warren Council met at the old Court House Toronto on Tuesday afternoon when served 13 years hi the County Coun cil as well as several years in the Council of his own Township was ejected Warden There were seven candidates name ly Turner Guardhouse Gibson and and the result was an nounced after three ballots In third the Councillors withdrew arid Mir elected a majority A was read from the clerk of the Kent County Council asking for the assistance of trie County Council in petitioning the to extend tbe importation of ma- for the manufacture of i- clerk ol T wrote asking- the oteCriunT parliarAent for a better reflation railway crossings of the 12th York Rangers asked renewal to that organiationj Reports of the Toronto Junction and High Schools Were and the latter thai its annual increasdfrpm to The the school i i f Annual White Goods Sale i r J Everything in Goods at Reduced i Fine 4 36 to regular for i vvt cV Firie White 10c for 40 regular lac for V c Pine Heyiyy Shtvting inches regular fpr V c inches wide regular now 9 v vVO JPHJ for Big List next week -Remerii- At NONE AS POWDER CORNER STORE I The of Ones MrWni Thompson who met with a misfortune about a month ago by having his hand nearly severed wrist was conveyed from the St Georges hotel to the Industrial Home at Newmarket last weeH When the survey building of the A Aurora Electric took place certain were obtained from of Lloyd town who considerable tracks of land inthe vicinB 1 that The captain an between him and the com pany provided for making terminus of the main line or a branch of the road but present indi cations are that the railway is not to reach all being a mile and a quarter away from the route at the nearest point Judge Mac- was applied to and to construe the agreement on Tuesday hut not conclude adjournment taken until Feb Departments Try us for what you want and get our Prices iifliir AiAiAtAinq I and Deceased was an energetic On Sunday evening both young man years will conduct the bervfee In well known in where Church and Rev wis born For a of years preach in the Christian Church 1 he was Employed in Mr CLOSE OH hoot and and an The Union Meetings capital wleanan He Monday evening the Method from here Winnipeg Ant was era- unnecessary ployed in the Hudson Bay store to ailing to rfay tfcy to Ontario- a rest be any of the other meetings have a in these meeting guested to be doubt be the evangelist fte J tW oh Tuesday erring WKl Some Advice as to Best Method Treating Infant Indi gestion Nothing is more common to child hood than indigestion Nothing is more dangerous to proper growth more weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave the way to dangerous disease Among the symp toms by which indigestion in infants and young may be readily re cognized are loss of appetite nausea eructations coated tongue bad breath hiccough and disturbed sleep Indi gestion may be easily cured and Mrs K Lindsay points out how this may best be done She says When my baby was three months old she had indigestion very badly She would vomit her food Justus soon as took It no matter what gave her After feeding she seemed to sutler terribly and would stream with seemed al ways hungry bet AH her no good and she leyi Ham She was very iBered also from tried several for troubles did her no good Finally I Babys Own Tablets advertised and got a box After giving them to her the began to Imnrove in about two days and In a weeks time I considered her well She could sleep well the teamed her bowels became regular and she began to gain In weight She is now a fat healthy baby and I think the credit is due to Baby Own Tab lets and I would not now be without them the house- Babys Own Tablets is the only medicine sold under an absolute guarantee that it contains neither opiates nor other harmful drugs I These tablets certain cure for all the minor such as sour- stomach Indigestion constipation simple fever diarrhoea They break up colds prevent croup and allay the irritation the cutting of teeth Price cents at all or sent by mall post paid by addressing tbe iledieine Co an the It pays A HEALTH POLICY Mr Kabul iniurai againrt ajw of and DC Ten Kan it a Baft to They atid art quickly and a After rtconimaidnl for Indigestion Dr Va Pineapple to be ibe only abao- specific for laurnptdUucSiJngailoaent my case me if it will Secre tary of Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany Vi- tablets eta Sold by ff K no time like the present that you can depend on to secure these Bargains Weuirnarket Newmarket Jan 30 Jaipur per barrel a liO White Wheat per bush a Red Wheat per bush a Wheat per bush a lvhW l 0 Barley per bush a Oats per bush 00 a per bush 0 a per a fib lie im a I il a Sheep 0 a Wool per lh 0 a Hay per ion 1 00 a Bran per ton 17- 18 per ton 18 a is Potatoes per a per a I WW a per lb a Turkeys per 0 OS a BOYS In Brown and Fawn size 28 and Regular Price Special Hardware BOYS BROWN ULSTERS and Regular Price Special MKNS LONG Deep Storm Collar Tweed Regular Price Special Fancy Lamps Decorated Vase Damp A Shade Brass Foot regular price spe cial this week Fur Garments Of ail Kinds Special Reduced Prices for this Wk GRANITE COFFEE and Regular Prices 40 to Choice ENGLISH HOOF Regular Pike for this wide He CARVING KNIFE Regular prSceV Price sei DAISY Latest Improved Bali I Sole Toronto Toronto Jan 30- Red Wheat a 0 White Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat per 066 a- Barley per bush Oat per bush Peas per per OOOaO Eggs r0 Hay Potatoes bog a i rok per a Beef- qre Beef a a a Red Clover Seed 76 a a Broken 9x 5 Too Much Stool are the reasons for i I did not wish to rtth lie Library faighV boss ew p oft Wool