Newmarket Era, 31 Jan 1902, p. 4

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I 1 THBJliPWyAjTtg Liver for rTtffaeaU Out Whit bead tffntae fit of Of site te i fart toi from torpid Its Mr who juts by of 1 Hoods that n Th J Candidates Meeting legal J Main to yrm T Solicitor Notary or no Court BuIkUox Ontario a South of Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will Newmarket Court Banker and Barak Aurora S to loan Halo St Stricter fl I Pott Office the Guaranteed DR to Dr ton GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN DIV TIME TABLE 0 H us to CO CO la 1 CO 9 a CO w fc- ffl 5 3 r I I Jig IKK metropolitan TORONTO NEWMARKET tarn 4 I S 3S3 o a t i T o S3 2 ftmoo A Is reported on IfceCP in which one man killed injured Children Cry for CASTOR I A Whitney candidates meeMng in toe Town Hill last week was a queer mixture of and conceit frank statements and truths The first two qualities were in bis readme to forecast re sult in his own favor arid picture the Reformers of staunch old literal constituency of North York as ins over The stteientfatcB of were few and far between were chief ly in the admission the Whitney Candidate in the riding was assuming a very difficult task and jSTorth York is Reform in its political com plexion He also admitted that toe present member is a very able man but kit it to bis lieutenants to assert that Mr Da vis was about to be succeeded by more able man Verily there is confidence The halt truths cropped out whenever the Whitney candidate turned to a discus sion of any of the political questions of tbe In leading up to his ef fort to demolish the effect of the Com missioner of Crown Lands- adminis tration the affairs of New Ontario the Whitney candidate said I hare not a single word to say about Mr Davis as a man and then spent minutes in an effort to ridicule him as the discoverer of New Ontario an explorer and a navigator and an ac tive competitor with Columbus in the discovery of America No doubt the Commissioner will feel complimented with this testimonial to his ability as a navigator His record has proven that he is a good navigator He pan learning tbe trade when he was years of age and navigated his way safely through the dangers and shoals of business life until he has now one of the most busi nesses of its in the his public life also he has held his course with the distinction of a true navigator Elected to the township at a very early age he navi gated through all the positions in ro tation deputy reeve reeve and warden So successful were his vari ous cruises that his certificate has never been suspended and the electors further honored him with a seat in the legislature There the same abil ity to navigate has brought him up to his preent position as Commis sioner of Crown Lands with all the responsibility and influence such a position implies interest of the constituency are safest in the hands an experienced navigator It was very kind for the Whitney Candidate to that the present member should leave on a voyage of discovery to the North Pole Il would be a pretty cold voyage but no colder than the long voy age in the cold shades of Opposition in province of Ontario which Whitney Candidate and his political friends have so long enjoyed And the cause of this protracted voyage is not far to seek being the result of the excellent administration of the af fairs of the Province during all years which lias not had an equal anywhere in the Dominion or in any state in the American Union And in addition this the Opposition has never offered to the country a policy that would begin to compare with the conduct of affairs by the present administration While claiming to discuss the politi cal affairs of today the Whitney Can didate reverted to a topic that did yeoman service in effort Meat Mr Davis four namely the proposal to transfer the reformatory for boys from to Oxford bounty which returned Sir Oliver Mowat for a quarter of a century and which Sir Oliver was anxious to honor by the establishment of a gov ernment institution and in fact had pledged himself to do so- Of course the Whitney Candidate asserted with many repetition that all Mr Davis had to do was to say the word and the reformatory would be set in York forgetting the fact that the Government of this Province is not a oneman government bat ernnvnt by a Cabinet of seven and that the districts east and nest Toronto and the county of Yorkccm- nlaln vehemently and the friends of the Whitney Candidate in Nor I York are chief that score that there Is too much Government institu tions in the vicinity of Toronto at the present time AH these facts have to be taken Into consideration jilt itfcev a Oovernment ln- ntiVitfonV No doubt the Conserva tives of West Peterborough wtfi And fault with the present Provincial Se cretary not only because the latest asylum has been placed commission in- county but also because he too has not the transfer of the re formatory to Peterborough Mean time reformatory still at and Conservatives of Oxford like their colleagues in feveral constituencies are also frying to win their contest on that What a dearth of real the Whitney party suffers from The- contention His reference to the sacred and introduction of affairs of the Sons of England Benefit Society into the realm of political controver sy is one of the most astounding erf Whitney candidates efforts duiiog the afternoon Just how the members of that Society will appreciate this introduction of poli tics into their lo or to speak more into poli tics we be safely kit to the members to decide In the toe Whitney Candidate in North York should not forget that if a lodge to admit respectable man Into their ranks there the mat ter ends and no man has a better JinVlo a member of the Sons of England grandson of a United Kmpke Loyalist as Mr Davis is The Whitney Candidate speaks with out knowledge when be accuses the Commissioner of Crown Lands of lacking in effort to secure the estab lishment of a Beet Sugar Factory in North York There are those in Newmarket who know that Mr Davis has neglected no opportunity to se cure location of a faobpry here The Conservative- contention that the Government should have granted the farmers a bonus of 2fr cents a ton falls flat in the face of the fact that he Government not only bonuses the industry thus creating the market for fanner but also fixes the price shall be paid for the crop Pro vi ion is also made in the that shall be paid a in proportion to the sugar percentage of the beets which judging tests assures them a price ranging from to a ton In fact- the interests of the farmer are thoroughly safeguarded in the Bill The Whitney Candidates reference to affairs in New Ontario verges on the ridiculous and no doubt Mr Da vis wilt deal with them in his own good time Broadly he takes the that New Ontario should pay lor its own development and then he because in seeking to make New Ontario do that very thing Government grants to capitalists who are willinz to go in and do the work that even Conservatives admit to be neces sary the Whitney Candi date would like to see New Ontario ieeloied as the Ottawa Conserva tives in the Dominion House were to develop it namely by par celling it out among their political favorites at per square mile preposterous is his that the people of older Ontario are compelled to contribute to the devel opment of New Ontario What resi- of North York or any other por tion of older Ontario has ewer been malted upon to contribute to the de velopment New Ontario or in any way aid financially in the of the affairs of the Province On the contrary has not the chief for the ion of the Older Ontario been supplied by the natural resources of New On tario ever since Sir Oliver fought for and rescued by decision of tbe Privy Council about square miles of what is now known as New Ontario and which as before stated has been the chief of revenue for the Province ever since enabling it to more than pay its way without calling upon the people for a cent of taxation Truly the Whitney Candidate in No Hi York is a paragon of accuracy A of a troubjljsfhat Many young girls the Toronto correspondent of Labour the Towns of Newmarket He appears to have heard of Must nave recdilected while on the way Headaches Dimness Heart Palpita tion and the Early of Decay- the railway a to This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J Cheney Co Props Toledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and perfectly honorable in all transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by firm Wholesale Druggists Toledo Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and- mucous surfaces of the system Price per bottle Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best From the Out Hard stody at school the lack attention Which every young girl roerging into womanhood should have is responsible for the many pale faces and attenuat ed forms met with such laroentable frequency but is also for of many valuable young live First there is an headache and a of complexion which stages if these early symptoins are neglected the condition gradually grows worse and worse until decline or consumption sets in and death claims another victim of parental- neg lect Upon mothers especially de volves a great as their daughters approach womanhood The following truthful story told a report er of the Sun by Mrs Herman oi Third Avenue carries a lesson to other mothers Mrs Her man said About fifteen months ago my daughter white attending the public school studied hard We noticed that she began to complain headaches This was followed by a and an utter indifference to the things that usually interest young girls We consulted a doctor and she took bottle after bottle of medicine but With no benefit Often she would arise in the morning after an almost sleepless night her limbs all a quiver and Iter head reeling would attacked with of and on the least exertion her heart would palpitate violently- and we were really afraid she would not At this stage my hus band suggested that we should try Dr Pink Pills and he several boxes Kate had only talen the pills a few weeks when there was a great change for the She grew began to eat and to hate belter color and from this stage it was not long until he was again enjoying the best of health and able to resume net s at school I might also tell t at these pills cured my of an attack rheuma tism so that you see we have much to praise them and I earnestly them to all mothers whose may be suffering as mine id Dr Williams Pink ore all that have their origin either in a poor or watery condition of the blood or shattered nerves It is they make rich red blood and strengthen the nerves with every dose that they cure such troubles as an aemia consumption in its early stages nervous headache St Vitus dance rheumatism partial paralysis kidney trouble indigestion Or dinary medicine merely acts upon the symptoms of the trouble and when such medicines are discontinued trouble returns often in an aggravat ed form Dr Williams Pink Pills on the contrary go direct to the root the trouble and cure to stay cured See that the full name Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People is found on the wrapper of every If your dealer docs not have them direct and they will be mailed pott paid at cents a box or six for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Mrs Sarah Ann- Clover of the Township North wid ow of Farmer Jos Glover who died on the thirteenth day of December applied today for administra tion her deceased estate consists of four parcels of pro perty in North York together with an of household goods farming implements etc The widow seven children two of whom are under the age of twentyone years are the of the estate A bill Called Conciliation and Arbitration Act- has been in Legislature by T Preston it pro vides that the of the Labour bureau may be called in Mayor a strike is on pi threatened in the Legis lature Hpxt Mr Davis stated that applications nave been received for land grants veterans pi South Africa and of the raid under toe provisions of last year also that was ceiced last year as bonus on timber limit sales in the States by the press discovery for A circular is In a battle between Government and troops near Bogota Colombia insurgents and Gov ernment troops were killed PAINKILLER is more house hold remedy than any other medicine It meet the requirements of every home Cures cramps and dysentery and Is the best liniment made Avoid substitutes there is but one Pain- Killer Perry Davis and Vienna Jap 23 Wolves today de voured an entire wedding party near party consist of the bride and guests SHIP HARD A ftklnitfMiLM hid his hip Rth but Dr A- to W nd a could reduce the Tate for box of Dr Anew Railway A swindle over is- now being exposed It purports to be a making bens lay eggs vend out suggesting that the way to make hens work overtime at laying eggs in season and out of season is to feed them red albumen The Ohio preparation was analysed by the New York Agricultural Station in Geneva and found to con tain of per cent of the remainder being red paint and sand worth altogether one or two cents a pound and for multiplying eggs In its notes of the Liberal banquet celebrating the recent victory in West York and speaking the local mem ber for North York the Junction Tribune has this to say Hon J Davis has a warm place in the hearts of West York Liberals Com ing from an adjoining constituency the stalwarts of the riding him as one of themselves and they are proud of him This was an occasion when men would rather cheer than listen to speeches but Mr Da is in teresting and instructive at this banquet was a useful contribu tion to the program When representing organiza tions or societies visit railway men for excursion privileges and exemp tions this year they will find them selves up against a set of combination rules which the Railway Excursion Bureau has formed- The corpora tions want the earth and also the services of workers in local organisa tions to make ventures successful in cluded in the bargain A local com mittee of an Society a Fire Co or i5 School organization may spend days working up an excursion at personal cost but Railways are slow to give these committeemen free on the trips that were it not for these personal services would have been failures A Bangor Maine despatch to the New York Sun under a recent date tells hotf the liquor law is being vio lated in that State but admits the evil is only confined to largo cities and towns It says l is now delivered at back doors in Portland very much as milk is left for custom- A man who wants an eye- opener for the morning pays the night before for a pint or a halfpint of whiskey and early very early the goods ate delivered on his doorstep PossRly this may be true in some instances but the very fact that liquor can only be obtained by resort ing to such underhanded means proves that those who traffic in it or who use It ashamed of the whole busi ness and gives assurance that are likely to become or roughs and toughs mak ing fences along the public streets Complete returns for Ontario ac cording to the latest bulletin of Mr A Blue chief census commissioner gives the population of this Province at of this total Is rural and urban The population of Ridings of York are thus given Total Rural Urban York East York North York West 63741 Total Urban York East York North 20284 York West The above figures indicate that the or ban sections of York de- 206 the rural parts de creased the past ten years Now it the tak en along the same lines in as In we are fret to confess our want confidence in the way the has performed To say tor stance population of W ur ban sections the Riding only total 1 just dimply nonsense market and Aurora will exceed that in population of the incorporated villages of tHNand Sutton There is a mistake some- A GENTLE HINT In our style of climate with its sudden changes of wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single daylt is no wonder that our and are so frequently taken from us by neg lected colds the directly from this cause A of Gorman rim kejt your home immediate use will pre sent serious a large doctori iblH and death four dooek For curing Con sumption Hemorrhages Severe Coughs any disease of the Throat ltflBucpes simply as will eta You can fti liable re at rj Portage destroyed the House the Queens other wing of the public school at Niagara guttef The pupils were but good order an sent home When the where or the has not 11 THE Central Canada i LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY TORONTO CANADA Co- Vluorii Sit i HON GEO A COX Fund Interest allowed on Deposit Repayable on Demand Interest allowed on Repayable on days notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION WOOD w ALL GOODS THE NEW PUFF TIES THE NEW FLOWING END THE NEW DERBY TIES WHITE AND COLORED SILK NECK SCARFS FANCY SUSPENDERS KID GLOVES CUFF LINKS FANCY SLIPPERS FOR LADIES GENTLEMEN CHILDREN GOCHENOURS The conundrum exercising a good many politicians viz Why can not Mr Whitney insure his this year was indirectly solved at the Conservative gathering in the flail last Friday by those who deliv ered addresses The answer is Be- no one can make out his policy At a meeting of South Toronto Lib erals on Friday evening last Mr Rogers who was Mr J J opponent in 18DS stated that be would again be a candidate for the party nomination for the Local Leg islature Mr will find himself up against a big opposition when he again appears as a candidate lor re election In Methodist Magazine or February Mr James Hughes of the best educational authorities on contin ent has an illustrated article on l Triumph the Kindergarten Philoso phy Mrs Lucy Rider Meyer the originator of Methodist deaconesses on this continent a striking on The Mother in the Church Current topics are discussed was been carefully ken A despatch from Ottawa confirms a report from Washington that an agreement been reached between the United States and which each nation has undertaken to cease flying it customs In the country the other This decision is the result of correspondence arising from the flag incident which occurred at last Along lines suggested by a de putation of Medicos who the Government a short time tot a change in t constitution erf the On tario Medical Council Dr Jessop introduced a to amend the calAct He provides for making the entire Council ot that body elective At outof are being ap- of medical colleges five the bofneopMhs At tie annual meeting of East York Conservative Association last Mr Henry who some ago received the party nomination to contest Riding for a in the Ontario House tendered his resigna tion owing to illhealth This was accepted and arrangements made for holding another nominating conven tion on the February It la now thought Mr Moyes who was de feated last election will be the man A good many Conserva tives throughout the Riding and es pecially la East York entertain a strong opinion that Mr Duncan has teen sidetracked by the party ma chine LIKE THe1ILENIUNI After Mr through to outh AmHoJiW him It For I lay la bed oit IwlpItU from Mr el rt all ib doAlt4 ww fndacdao try Sea fcbwtantio After bofJi lMb6t1rW to rarwUfti tot Wadi by down town SaU by Lehman The Judiciary of House at Washing- decided on a bill relating to in the United provides the death penalty for an at- tempt- to kill or fcssinlt the President or in Presidency An accessory before the fact will be dealt in A deed shall be fined or Anarchist shut- t country AN nnd piaster juUd to A la being genuine- adJeiict aches Utcbi nothing f It by 4 a

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