ffighest Market For Xll Kinds or Grain SALT ALWAYS OH JXAKDJ Albert Honey Both private and companies itf and per C Notary Public C Albert cv BLACKBERRY and WILD STRAWBERRY aaaaaaa- FLY PADS INSECT POWDER Votct your cattle flic a in flow of jllk by a wilt fli them Forrests Drag Store fa MOUNT ALBERT v It H MANAGER m V S PRODUCE MARKER You can save money by baying your Furniture at I Furniture store A LAROEU STOCK THAN Bedroom Parlor Tables Coaehr aod Fancy Chairs Wo ate agents for Sham Carpet Framing a Specialty delivered free of charge when ALLAN THEAKEtfi spite Tuesday Jiparket was tot o to turkeys to iDJtff Preparations for the old jjolife The stating Is being welt pfronfted Mr Robert makes a manager Mr has leasetl the Jforioeriy by the floir and as formerly stage could not- get to Sharon oh Wednesday or Thursday owing to tbe snow There was no service in the Presby terian Church on Sunday morning owing to tiie funeral of the late Mr- Long The load young people that drove to Zephyr on Thursday to take in the oyster supper j returned as the event was Postponed Call at this office the Lectures that are with Weekly idffcj still give the and Era or Si per annum The funeral of the Mr Robin son Long was held in the Methodist Church on Sunday at am and was very largely attended sacred edifice being packed to the doors An eloquent and impressive discourse was delivered by the pastor Rev J Morgan Tie- which was to have fceenheJdin the skating has been postponed The annual meeting of the Ritual protection Society the House- here on the or is i power for good In this TO are has returned from Hague aV rfatchewanlNWT reports in- a good time in west Mr visiting in Wo weeks i The A a concert in the near future Quite a number of our young pei pie an enjoyable Evening at Newmarket last Friday BALDWIN BRRKZBS On Friday Jan ton Hockey and defeat at the hands of the Colts by a score of The game was a good exhibi tion of hockey and at no period was iV rough went to ton on Jan and got beaten by score of Tbe ice was condition not done by either team villewent to Albert on Wednes day evening last to the Jlount Albert team Full particulars next week Dont forget to come to the At WOOL MARKET iff I ft I Take your WOOL to the Albert Mills wid get the highest Toronto prices in Gash Full stock Cloths Flannels Sheetings Yarns etc also a good assortment of Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken in ex- change for goods Geo Sons lew with being arranged alter which refresh Is will be served A small town and vicmity mission fee will be charged intending to get married On Tuesday evening Feb in has been spending a friends in town should call and inspect our Correct Styles in wedding stationery Mrs and daughter moved to Toronto on Tuesday where they will reside in future- Mrs J ftHEottv Goodwood is spending a few days with her mother Mrs Long Among liip and relatives from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Mr Long on Sun day Air Long and Mr Long Jr Mr and Mrs Long Mr and Mrs Thomas Woods and Dr Watford Mr and Mrs Long and Mrs Toronto Mr Long Detroit Mr Mr A Low Mr and Mrs Henry Newmarket Mr Jas and Miss and lr and Mrs John Smith Mr and Mrs James A Miller and Bam I Baldwin Mr and Mrs Klliott Goodwood and Mr and Mrs John Hamilton fc rand racing carnival will be held the rink here Nearly to be giv en in prizes Mr Jim of Toronto was in Town or Sunday last Miss Cannon of is visiting with Mrs James Rain We are sorry to report this week the sickness of Mrs flattie Link also Mrs Henry Both are on a fairway to recovery Judge J i I OUR FALL STOCK J IS NOV COMPLETE INCLUDING Specials in Furs and Ladies Coats OUR Lined Rubber Coat IT IS A SELLER CALL AND SEE THEM Keep Yourself A R M J- by buying a Queen Stove J Mount Albert It is- our sad duty hi week to the death Robinson Long an old and highly esteemed of our town who succumbed- to an attacl t pneumonia on day last after illness of The deceased gentleman was born in the township ot West Where he followed a num ber years Later he moved Unionstreet he occupied the farm now owned by Mr David Miller until he moved Mount years ago and engaged In the grain business During the last few years of his life he carried on a flour and feed business in the block His widow one son and Ave daugh ters are left to mourn his loss Mr Richard Long Detroit A Miller Baldwin Mrs v Gibson Watford and Mrs W J Ross Mount Albert and Mrs J Elliott Goodwood There arc three brothers and tour sisters still living namely Mr R p Toronto Mr Long Mr Geo Long Woods Watford Armstrong and Clifford fit Island i The late Mr Long took an active interest in the affair the Township and Bat In the Council from to during the fast three years of which time he was second deputy- reeve He was a mcrabcr of Board of in 1892 and had also been In pontics deceased a Conservative but a bitter partisan The late Long was a consistent of the Method 1st for years and was one pillars of tbe Church here He filled the position of recording steward for IB years prior his death He possessed a kindly genial dis position was never known heart ache with anunkind word was particularly fond children and nev er passed a little one on the street without a pleasant word When he knew that the end near he met death calmly As one who wraps the mantle of his couch about Mm and lies to pleasant dreams tJfJj SUTTON Mr K Fowler who will be re membered by many here died in New last- week His remains were here and interred in St James Cemetery on leaves a wife and two children to mourn their toss Sirs is John Howard We extend our sympathy the bereaved We regret to state that Mrs Hall is gradually sinking and all probability the end is not j far off Hume of our young people enjoyed a moonlight drive last even ing Last week we referred the large catch of herring that was being but there in a very reRrctable feature connected viz fishing on Sunday and by some of whom one would expect better world is saturated with infidel ity and if not avowed openly in- so many words it is just openly avowed in deeds Men of mature who knowingly persist in at naught the commandments loudly proclaim to world their in fidelity or unbelief Mrs left last Satur day short Visit at her parents attend her brothers wedding which interesting event Is to be consummated The snowstorm of Wed nesday the regular delivery of the mails on the stage routes The Queens J lie play ed a return match on Sutton rink last Friday- evening Sutton won by three goats to two- Dr- Smith visits here month will bo here- the 2nd and 4th Tuesday Instead an 4 Wednesday heretofore Kay A left last the city- He to spend month University work in speck 1 Dr Coleman Mr has Into the house lately occupied by Mr as a shop on the The- annual Convention and toj opened last evening here in the Methodist Church Mr presid ing A delivered an address of welcome A solo- was wig by Mr J Milne at the organ Then came a practical and interesting ad- by the Hon J Davis Com missioner of Grown Lands work lion J Davis who was In town giving an address at Con vention has kindly iJromlsed to give the wipe mortgage the Methodist mtexious process of eyOjr known to the I to say One of young- to ajid woman vows an to thai the men in an etent of thiiind none ladle soon fc lieve none them are it a one of ftem a spinster and is a trifle tjniorpUSit itj pur- reslderits after he lias had a of loosen tongue accustomed declare Ail are liars told halt that hear Of all its to decide which half V YfX of our young folks with the iot headed are doing- wrong in trying to stir up strife friendly existing between the churches in Kgypt hope elder people pay ho to their chatter Theflhleajn by and On- teHalf the Bra I those so promptly renewed their also the Vnes Weirdone Queensville they recently gave the Sutton boys a drubbing pur boys used to wax it to ein lively If you see an Owl going round with his cars as ragged as a bull or a fighting torn cats you niay drop a tear- One our fair lassies has Vowed to pull them The Bethel scribe says May see it fit to extend Rev Braces pilgrimage here think are the sentiments of our Physically Mr Brace Is not a giant but he has a broad intellect and a large heart Rev also is a great favorite with many Methodists here These two divines colla boration can do much to establish good social relations between congregations- A sugar beet factory in Newmarket would be a difficulty would be found in securing abundance of beets put largo quantities of limestone are necessary for purifying processes Where could that be got At small cost We read in daily papers of Montana and Colorado cyclones Dakota and Manitoba the terrific cold waves on the steppes of Russia the avalanches of Switzerland but for a real- good old fashion snow storm the land of the maple takes premier position yet Another epidemic sickness in settlement This it is principal ly amongst the children and usually aches are the predominating fea ture We would respectfully remind our hayseed friends not to destroy the owls as they by destruction of mice rats sparrows etc are the best friends of the agriculturalist Nash the clever naturalist says there are but two out of eight varieties of those birds that ever de stroy fowls Last week I was quite unwell there fore my news was scant Perhaps having to apologise my Methodist friends was responsible for it tho am always willing anxious to cor rect errors Mr Fred Thompson Is another of those young men possess ing a matched span of fast drivers They are coal black and said to be very speedy sired by EL J trotting horse Our Free Methodist pastor has a very handsome black driver and pret ty fast for a preachers boss pro bably is as proud of it his clerical garb permits of and Wont take a 200 for it Because he cant get it Down in- 13 I a man took his neighbors horse without leave and at the Sessions got three months term in Central Prison A similar case occurred hero recently but Geo Yates was merciful He didnt push the case Sunday was dark dismal and rainy but it takes more than to daunt those young men who are In love with our They Mr Ham is in the city look ing round He some idea moving there Elder Proser was at Christian Church hero on Sunday on behalf of Missionary Society time ago Prosser was asking folks to attend church One individual thinking- to blurt htm promised to attend II he would Its a bargain says Elijah Thru storm and sunshine he baa been faithful t This cold weather had the effect to hustle things at on Eggs were eggs and scarce to get at per do Butter cheap and plentiful at our young who visit for I bur the Toeyas set bmpffoi yftVat borne- for to visit per by ay light I family to Albert ere tecrwivK NOISES HEARING OB MOW IMMEDIATELY rf I will girt job told me that lr ntlu raxt coon mnaBptilWpfUiityfiol k would be In ireat- to tout direction dWdMrhibecaittrtyTetrt- a j this life at residence Aurora ok Jab Mi advanced age of months aid wis Mary Willson who came to Canada I pin in spring 109 and Lot- 2nd of l subject this pbituary GaWerine was the- eldest was born Martha brother Mark Winona Minn iniherinVbf Mr with bis family returned to the States and settled at where their youngest lOlimi vols born The only one of the family living Mrs was married Sept to Charles Esq of Sharon In October of the same year Mr and Mrs decided to leave Sharon and locate in Aurora where they spent the remainder their lives respected by alt that kocav them A Had circumstance in tion to is family Mrs Martha came to visit her a few in and also for treaty for cancer in the breast and all that skill or the most tender care could do was bestowed upon her She bore her intense let with great patience and fortitude but passed away in I860 at her sisters residence and was interred in Mr family plot As Mrs was greatly with blindness the youngest sister Winona some years ago and remained with her death and is still in Aurora Mr and Mrs were both con sistent members of the Methodist Church during the last forty years Mrs although blind had good hcaKh suffered neither ache nor pain until about four days before her death which was the result of cold and bronchitis she passed very quietly and peacefully away The funeral was largely at tended- by rela tives and friends Mr and Geo Mains manager of the Standard Bank at Windsor or C and Natives Toronto Sharon Newmarket and surrounding try Pearson service was held at her late residence iv jfi ftifftlW hot interfere ijf occupation YOURSELF AT HOME Mm CUKIC LA AVE CHICAGO ILL BOOT SHOE STOCK J and Moccasins IN Cold Weather Foot Wear HDRAMSDEN ALBERT Stoves Gpoking all kinds Stoves for either Coal or Wood Ranges and Heaters in great HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT 70000 fire in Montreal on Tues day night TOP WORK Tablet a in one day No Cure no Pay J Price cent New Store Baldwin foul loathsome a DISGUSTING CATARRH aeoura Relief In And a Our Does your head ache pain over your a ping la throat Is of Catarrh Catartnal Powder vHU cur moat stubborn cases In a marvellously sborl time If youve had CeUna A week ft cure lo fifty Sold by HE Lehman Newmarket ABTEAY Came upon Lot in Oop East about ttie last LAMB I 1 Owner requested prove property pay charges and take It away HWEDDEL Qucensvlllo P O GOODS GROCERIES BOOTS SHOES CROCKERY FURNITURE ETC -AT- mm store For etc Balm TORONTO PRICES Give us a Call you Buy and Compare our Prices with others Central Telephone S Baldwin To A Thoroughbred Improved English Hog tor service on East ball of lot In- Fourth TormOne dollar WM CLEARING SALE WINTER SUITINGS OVERCOATINGS TROUSERINGS PRICES RIGHT AND SEE US KELLERS Tbe Fashionable Taylor Mount Albert For Sale Two Jersey Bulls St Lambert J years Id For particulars apply to ff STOKES Albert- able Cutting or Sawing all of timber ox lumber done together or separately at Class work Holt P For a General Condition d iWvl We line ot and 1 ni yamllvRfolp or THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN We prepared to please you New Suitings sty and price Now is the time to order your New Suit- Our stock Staple Dry Goods equal to you can buy and just as cheapo See pur new press Goods Fresh 1 1 -ii- V V- a-