Newmarket Era, 31 Jan 1902, p. 8

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rt ii sw mw ta MAKE J I 1 I stock breeders dairy- grain root and fruit and home- find articles and answers to questions in evtry of the HOME simply and indispensable If are not already a subscriber to the most best printed and beautifully illustrated farmers paper we invite scrutiny of a sample copy A post card will bring it free Address THE WELD CO Limited CANADA Trie subscription price year includes also superb Xtrias Number You Need For Cuts Sums rulers Cramps Diarrhoea Alt Bowel Complaints It It rare ttfe tad J ENTER ANY TIME After January a course under individual instruc tion in all Commercial Subjects Telegraphy Shorthand Type writing in the Central Business TORONTO This splendid school with teachers typewriting ma chines and courses of study Is the best of the kind in Canada Circulars free Write for Principal Toronto Farm for Sale West fluff of Lot in the 3rd Con- acres under cultiva tion the balance well limbered Brick Clad Dwelling Good Cam with Basement Stables and other outbuild ings Plenty of running water and well at House Ten acres in fall acres seeded to grass and balance under cultivation all plowed Young orchard Terms reasonable Apply to It ARMSTRONG Aurora PO Farm to Rent Acres on tie con of Whit church miles from In day with new house driving house hog pen and hen Plenty of water Good orchard Park packing estab lishment at aapacily to 1208 per week Possession at once Apply lo GEO JOHNSON Farm for Sale Clfty and la cultivation watered of farm to Met money from Aurora Farm for Sale Part of Lot No in the Con of Acres dwelling tarn 30 with foundation about If acres la Orchard well and cis tern on the or to ri Yone route and almost equal it or isplaoe of to Newmar ket was regarded as hay ing prospects as good as any trade centre between Toronto Auroral was then called the village of Whitchurch and by was known the railway was built an was made to change the name to Corners but hose favoring Aurora were in the ascendant and Whitchurch with post master became known in Post- Office register as Aurora and assign on- the railway station confirmed the change Fitly years ago Sharon was qjnt a smart little trade centre- of Aurora and his brother Wl- carried on a sort of general store and kept the and his brother Wilson also kept a store arid carried a tannery about this time along with John father of Miss of this Town were joint bailiffs of toe Division Court hero the court district then embraced the upper of King and Whitchurch North but cannot say lor sure being included Well the older remember the lire of people who used to driving into Newmarket from the northern part the County when judge Harrison and afterwards Judge Boyd administered the law sometimes roars laughter sometirrtes vef solemnly that time the North GwiJlimbiiryHes especially were rather lit and thecontes- parties to labor under the impression that the side which pro duced the longest array of ivod successful Mr J of Sharon was Clerk of the Division Courts in those dnys the ot both clerk and bail iff was worth obtaining and holding from a monetary point of view Af ter court and before litigants left the the merits of some of the cases were argued over again in For syths back yard by a fisticuff infer but when got through it was all over The next time the parties- met they were just as social and agreeable as if nothing specially had occurred But Sharon was not ed fifty years ago as the local centre of Children of Peace inol- unfre- called from the fact that David Wilson was the founder of tie sect- Here they erected a build ing known as The Temple and a second place of worship called The Meeting House Under the auspices of this sect two feasts were held year lyone in June and the other in Sep tember These feasts attracted im mense gatherings far and near and took place on the first Saturdays in the above months but on the Sep tember occasions public service was always held in the Temple on the Friday evening previous ami at which time the Temple was illuminated by numerous tallow candles placed on re vers attached the sash in the windows The young especi ally to drive from considerable distances to see unit seen at these illumination gatherings and the peo ple the routes leading Sha ron were occasionally full of fun and mischief enough to place obstructions across the highways sometimes cans- those who were annoyed to make use of unparliamentary language to wn those who made homeward trip one of anxiety On these Feast occasions the venerable Wilson used to conduct the religious personally An excel hot choir always led the song and a brass band not excelled any where in three counties also took part by giving- musical number The musical feature these occasions was a whole entertainment in those days and even now the familiar faces of some of the members of the Band fresh in the memory of the writ er years of an excellent owned and run by JohnBogart la ther of Mr Moses Bogart and father- inlaw of the rale Smith Mr Simpson Wilkin also carried on an trade there and at one lime Bogarltown also had hotel kept by Mr McKlndley The tavern was afterwards burned Mown Wilson had a general store and kept a called Pine Orchard over on the corner of the Concession Moses Wilson was sometimes odd in ways and at one time when vcfUMng his wares in Kra told the people that he was not Mos In the Moses of Pine Orchard He was a great taller and his store served as ft con- for lire to for local gossip discuss politics or express free opinions the doings of the municipal courier In conclusion the reader is request ed to late this retrospect of the years ago look around to day and see the changes only in the topography the country and m business but in those on whom now devolve the conduction of toe public and private of this section of country and also to contrast present with past privileges and advantages likewise let that with these increased have a the years for this Too late last There was a good turn out at Endeavor meeting Sunday venin last subject Was by rtr Mr Pacers effort for the ensuing term were elected as follows President Richard Vice -V- SecretryMiss CordioJ Cor Gibson King the roads up this week Jflr Knight of spent Sunday here Mr Crittenden a Visit to on Monday evening ferry Fish had an exciting chase the Ice- visiting difierent houses to see if they were the spears be sight of two fisher leaving their houses and be accordingly chase but Jailed to overtake them We would advise Inspector Terry take a faster horse next Mr and Mr Mrs King were away on a weeks visit among friends in Mark- ban Mr Superintendent of the Belle School visited the Methodist School here on Sunday and the Mrs Williams or Newmarket who is teaming our Public School for a few is quite popular with the AURORA A grand Scotch Concert will be held held in the Mechanics Hall Au rora on Feb The con sists of thirty voices and the concert will be one of the test of the season Reserved seat tictets may be purchas ed at Newmarket The car which returns to Aurora on Friday evening from New market will take back to Newmarket all who come to concert A lively runaway took place at noon on Friday at the foot of Church St A boy in charge of Mr Len noxs horse and cutter while turning from Church street north on to street struck one of the rails of the Metropolitan track causing the cutter to upset and throwing the boy out The took flight and ran tip street at a rapid rate smashing the cutter splinters The horse tinned into the at the Royal Hotel wberc it was caught je CHEAP Best per Japan lb Brown for fte Suatfer igaltins Apples Pails Jam bottles Catsup bottle Grape Flaked Wheat 36c- cans Salmon Best Mixed Oxford andGlnger Bread Only Favorite Churns for lbs Beef Steak 35 Loin Roasts KcJOWLttS AT and correspond responsibiliUes to duty and the demands of the aye in which we Jive require us op to and assume to SHARON The annua meeting of the East Conservative Association held in Sharon elected the following officers President Hurley 1st Vice It 2nd Vice J A McDonald William Ross Chairmen of polling visions No John No No Fogg No 1 Harper No Johnston HOME AND CHILD Does your horse feci Ms oats What a difference be- tween the grainfed the grassfed horse 1 The first strong and full of ginger the second flabby weak and tired out before he begins The feeding makes the difference Children arc not alike either One is rosy brighteyed full of life and laughter another is pale weak and dull The feed ing again is responsible Sickly children need special feeding They dont feel their oats Scotts Emulsion adds just the right richness to their diet It is like grain to the horse The child gets new appetite and strong digestion Scotts Emulsion is more than food It is a strong medicine It rouses tip dull children puts new flesh on thin ones and red blood into pale ones It makes children grow Scotts Emulsion makes ordi nary food do duty picture Trad Mark of Scott and on Wrapper of every bottle ample SCOTT TORONTO CAM ADA and RANGE CO Company has bow enter ed upon its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY LIBER ALITY POPULARITY Funds Annual Revenue over f onuses Already Declared Paid 98000000 During year Policies were issued ox Deposit Govt over STANDARD investments in Canada amounting to ver Millions Dollars J A Agent JAMES District Inspector- or wrpVt lafSaV TIh axebeglnning team into Sf- Pearson of Victoria in thO chiax boy Ay fci meiy return bom CblldtsXilpflPitili and is the day 6vonipg was not l tended J- Walton a house and- lot in intends to make It bis Jesse- Cook lost a- valuable horse last Wednesday While drawing to Hill binding going down and the timber running upon its Keels its leg Ifelpw the hock Joint Too lor last week Ar George Pollocks youngest child Kills who is about years old has been under the care for with pneumonia but better Mrs been spends ing the last with her dauiter Mrs Ida KastGwillimbury who has quite ill but Is getting better J Mr J lost a valuable horse thru giving -it- a dose of linseed oil The horse was quite well when the medicine was given but died soon after He had taken a number of prizes with the animal he valued at The ice on the Bay is in good con dition antt its surface as usual jotted with- flshhouses Herrings are caught in considerable quantities Last week there was sup per at Mr Woods residence on the Lake Shore Last Sunday Quarterly services were held in the North Free Metho dist church in confluence pi service was held in the South church ttc rejoie to Know the Turk and are doing a great work in Newmarket The uni on of the in work of that kind is one of best signs of the times Christianity does not mean but to love your as yourself Mr Alf last Monday re ceived a bad kick iji the breast from a horse while threshing pease on the bam door at Mr Amos He is oft work 1 ENGINES Two Cornells Two One Sawyer AND PAINTED ALSO J or Peerless SEPARATORS And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 400 On four years time Cheap at 600 THOMPSON Hunter and A Hunter formed a partnership as Contractors Builders And are now to take contracts for all branches Mason Work Estimates at Short And satisfaction guaranteed SETTING A All kinds of Carting and Tewntog on Short Notice Timothy Street East ANDREW HUNTER J Street Architect and Sanitary Engineer Adelaide Toronto Plans and- made building SUTTON Too lata for last week The Manse has undergone- a renovation inside looks exceeding ly well A new wharf at Jacksons Point re places the old one and appears to be a substantial structure Ice cutting at the now in full swing There was a strike among the ice men last week for higher wages hut not of sufficient violence as to necessitate calling upon the Minister of Labor to settle it The men got a raise of twentyfive cents a day Herring are now being caught in large numbers at the lake and the re frain now is Wholl nuy Theyre bony fish and farm Wholl buy hcrrln New no the Forth Hut better si ill Lake Maggie Morris of North limhury was the guest of Mrs last week Miss Nellie Harrison of Mrs Dr Noble spent a few days at borne In Inst week nliss Mi gave a birth day party last Tuesday week to a of her young friends who spent a very enjoyable evening Mrs Annie Weir of enter tained Mr and Mrs James of anil Mr and John of utton to dinner a Tuesday Mrs John re mained over for a few days to visit friends in that neighborhood The friends who were visiting with Mr and Mrs for home North Toronto last Tuesday ft is reported that Mr Small agent for the here Is about to leave And enter the Toronto Mr Jodd of Columbia who is interested hi the mines there in aunt Mrs Leigh of Sutton a short visit His home is in Eng land Sutton Hockey club played a match with the Club last day evening were the victors A return match is to be played here this Friday evening Miss May Hawker teacher is tak ing charge of a school at Two places village were bur- last Monday week Tremaynoa drug store and the Post The miscreants at Ihe former In gold and at the lat ter about coppers We arc pleased to sec by the results of recent Normal School examina tions that Mi Lily Berry of this village passed with honors Mr Johnston the Mammoth spent last Monday In the i Children for Art In tart fir in any firm Thin it jwiK rtguiarlj FEATURES FOR BOOTH author rfCwYtitittnifimMfrim Indiana ana of bye ihwartdbut triumphant of gallant men and It deals with Hie in Indiana at the time of the Mexican War of tlie Stanford Oil Nap aken Life eh A human rhe first and still the greatest of all economic treatise but an exciting history 1 Greatest of the Old Masters By JOHN FARGE Interest and papers Rembrandt etc their finest pictures reproduced in tints His Travels views upon the typical New Yorker and of Chicago aind ashing tort William on Piatt Cleveland and Clara Morriss Stage tlpnS Stories of Salvini Bern hardt Mrs and A Battle of By the author of Walt Street Stpnes The Forest Runner Serial Tale of the Michigan Woods Josephine Dodge More Chtld Stories Emmy ton Stories by GEORGE MADDEN MARTIN friftfm i fitU CO East Street New York i ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I at any THE BEST America Years in Bank References JNo Without m If yon tJt4l4tuj4l A I VARICOCELE NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED Of aad wicked real with rMtentlflc- and lo cured attacks At the of I I trebled a down doctors I got my adrited rafi A who had After Method for R am on and Kenned to I Mi a new ceased wormy my atifcly cored iy Dr and of my bearf otlae clear my cored Dr and him from iheboitoTa of my He We Trent Cure ttyphlll if- Bladder FREE- BOOKS FREE- Call or write for Question Blank for NO CURE PAY DRS KENNEDY C6rlcMflAii Detroit Mich KtVKKKK Liver Flatulence Const Biliousness Sick TAKE BRISTOLS Safe Quickacting Painless do not weaken arid always give satisfaction A reliable Medicine be at fry or All M BRISTOLS FREE BO YEARS A SILVER WATCH LADIES OR SIZE fa to lit jm it H It MM WAltt ion ibt J4tt it In itM l rAArt co wiM to U ft Will Mr WcUy on A fcndoiflftlr or It Bold lngtooDa- Ju lie ARNOLD CO Dept W J Tor Application to Parliament la given pllontlon will be on irehalf el and Aurora Railway Company to legislature of Ontario at next lor an Act to the Act bylaw Number tbe jot Kfngj VII Ontario by xiftnd- tfea time therein provided completing railway and i Write for our or Help ni How sketch or and tnM our opinion aft whether It it by conduct equipped office in Montr Mid dtpteh wtrk and qutektv ftc eyre Ilia Patent Ihtoagh Marion distributed ihroughoirt Specialty Patent and MARION MARION Patent ExptKs To Use Meyers Poultry Spice If you want Eggs in the early winter- For Sale at King nay to ind Aurora Railway FEED STORE Company the therein For Sale no anything contain ed in the said- Act and schedules thereto and for all powers premises- aled at Toronto the January n to Solicitors for- the v Sell Fox sale at Half Price r wood Era Office Horn No calved 2nd etcuaiy Price April- Price 15000 Apply Lot Street W

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