Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1902, p. 1

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I if v f The Eta give more home news York and okii6wdged to Paper NORTH 3 I T tody LI No Single Copies Cent Each 1 i PAGES No sent of North York in Advance per annum 1 in advanoi ers for J SKATES Prices 100 125 150 200 and 350 Leather Shin Pads pair Shin Pads with ankle supports Pucks It and each White Duck Knickers heavy padded Hockey Sticks 10 15 25 30 and 35c Spring Skates 1 2 a pair Best Straps tan or black 10a pair A A A A A GENERAL HARDWARE CARRIAGE WOOPENWARE BLACKSMITHS SUiPPLIES G A BINNS KET PLUMBING J PRICES- on PATENT MEDICINES are the -AT- BROUGHTONS DRUGSTORE o Have a Look at some of them I Our Price Price WilHama Pink Kidney 0 Ozone Any three of above Regular Our Price Price Ozone large Burdock Blood Qitrg Hoods SarBaparilla 100 Emulsion I Family Prescript Pierces Golden Medical Discovery J Chases K It Linseed and Turpentine- Thomas American Kltoey Carters Little Liver Pills Cure our Prices any others All Cut Prices We Lead in all Branches of our and will not be Undersold by anyone I J The Leading NEWMARKET ONTARIO f HANDIEST CHEAPEST QUICKEST AND HOST RELIABLE your private arid general is A TELEPHONE Try It The Bell Telephone Co of Canada STARR BY WYWCIMW Ponds Extract WV- f ftflyyews tor Burns Bruise and all Us In home yM Is kit Oar Toronto Letter a 9 In the case of the Armstrongs vs and Aurora Railway which was up for arbitration before Judge Macdougail last week it ap pears the Railway Co had to back down- The Armstrongs the route was to be laid Jietween and whereas it has been changed thus contravening the wishes bonusgivers and im pairing the value the Armstrong property After some discussion among all the parties interested the railway company to change its route should the Government Engineer at Ottawa not object The matter stands adjourned pending a report Engineer will not hinder the Arm strongs getting damages The flags on all city buildings were hung at halfmast three days last week out of respect of the memory of the late Lord At a meeting of the of the North York Old Boys Association on Friday evening last a strong com mittee was appointed to arrange for a reunion to be held in the old court house in this city on the evening of April 2 LIEUT J HARFORD In all probability the mining and gave our readers a forests exhibits which the portrait Private Brock who is exhibited at the PanAmerican serving in South Africa Today we Exposition will be seen at the Indus trial Exhibition this year A depu tation from the Industrial Exhibition Association waited on the Govern today and that this re quest be granted A large deputation of Beet Sugar men waited on the Ontario Govern ment last Friday and asked for fur ther aid in establishment of beet su gar factories The Premier replied favorably At a meeting of the Directors the Horse Show last week the dates for the show were fixed for April 11 and two weeks earlier than usual An old superannuated Minister the Methodist Church and one well known in Ontario died of pneumonia at his home iDthis city on Saturday morning He was years of age Sabbath before last he preached twice at Thornhill Deceased leaves wid ow and eight children to mourn his loss children all grown up The Valentine fad did not reach near the proportions of some years past Postmasters and letter carriers are not sorry the customis on the de cline Assessment Com Fleming has missed eleven clerks because the Board present two more Newmarket hoys who arrived at Cape Town on Thurs day of last week with the Canadian Mounted Rifles under command of Major The voyage from Halifax was just days Lieut Harold is a son Captain this Town When the war first broke out in South Africa he was clerking in the Ontario Bank at Aurora He was filled with enthusiasm on of the British Canada felt that in spite of the his services in the entreaties of friends not to go he must first Canadian Contingent- He was accepted and endured the hardships the Tongue Keep a watch on your words my children For words are wonderful They are sweet like the Dees fresh honeyT Like bees they have terrible stings They can bless like the warm glad sunshine And brighten the lonely life can cut in the strife of anger- Yes cut like a twoedged knife Let them pass through your lips challenged If their errand be true and kind If they come to support the weary To comfort and help the blind If a bitter revengeful spirit Prompt the words let them be un said They may flash through the brain like lightning Or mil on the heart like lead Keep them back if- theyre cold and cruel Under bar and lock and seal The wounds they make my children Arc always slow to heal May Christ guard your lips and ever From tlie time your early youth May the words that you daily utter Be words of the beautiful truth of the first march to Pretoria taking part in the celebrated battle of and other minor engagements which he passed thru without a single wound though the was hot oil his shoulder and his hat pierced with a bullet After a years service he returned home safely and was cordial ly welcomed As the war continued and a call to arms rang put again in obey the call and ottered his services again On being accepted and hav ing served in theprevious contingent Jie was promoted to Lieutenant Private J Harford is a son of A Clock One of the most wonderful Mr Geo Harford of Town and curiosities of the age has just was a member of No been accomplished by a poor German Regiment He not only spent watchmaker It is a combination of a couple seasons drill at Niagara astronomical and calendar clock but also served a year in the Garrison at Halifax and is thoroughly enamour ed with a soldiers life Simeoe In diana REPORT ON TUB A SNAKE ISLANDS RESERVE Mr John Yates Indian agent makes the following report on the Chippewa band who make their home on and Snake Islands The reserve of this band is situated in the southern waters of Lake Island about five miles from Jacksons Point a popular sum mer resort and Snake Island twelve milesfurther west near Morton Park another summer resort The reserve contains three thousand four hundred of Contort refused necessary interim and ninety seven acres and is a rich clay soil- These Indians arc nearly appropriations to meet their salaries A ruction is sure to follow A Toronto jockey rider named Al bert left for New York Sun- all Chippewas This band numbers one hundred and fifteen consisting of thirtysix men thirtyseven women there having been four deaths and three births during the year One the deaths was accidental one caused by cancer and one by consumption Varsity team left Saturday on the The health of the band has been very trip to Marie durine the past vear and their protest against was disallowed by the OH A Executive on Saturday Mrs Cohen who was arrested on a charge of receiving nearly It was said her husband had fraudu lently taken from a Philadelphia firm has delivered back and her and her husband let on by the creditors Something behind this way of letting oft custody A fruit dealer of this city was up before the police MagisUrate the other day on a charge of violating the law of fruit packing The result was quite satisfactory to the public as the Magistrate decided that when the big apples are all found showing up nicely on the top of the barrel crowd ing the little ones to the bottom it was unfair to the conscience of the packer whether he admitted it or not and fined him accordingly iji This evening at the Conservatory Music Inspector Stark will give an address on the Trip from Ocean to Ocean with the Duke and Duchess of and York The gathering under the auspices of the Lo cal Council or Women On Friday night last a most daring took place at Mrs Bernsteins store King St East The thieves secured about In cash and made good their escape without leav ing a clue as to their Identity Later on the fiame night Mathers liquor two blocks further east was also burglarized and the police have a roan in custody charged with Wie crime J Conservative nominee for East York has declared for Municipal ownership but manager the Metropolitan he presents a beautiful paradox along that line customs officials of this that there is a biggerrush of through the custom depart ment than ever before The of duties on Monday totalled Indians are fairly industrious and lawabiding and are making fair pro gress A are indolent and only seem to care for the present and do much effort to provide any thing ahead Charles and John Canoe Daniel Big Canoe Alfred Mo- Cue and Thomas Charles The idea was suggested to the watch maker by the famous clock at Stras- biirg Cathedral twentyfour years ago The achievement of the poor German artisan represents no less bands years continual labor and it is stated to be more wonderful The annual report of the Jhe horological monument at siohcrsof Crown lands was presented prompted him to the to the Legislature on Monday last effort He was severely handicapped by Hon J Davis The follow- work by the lack of funds hut Mug summary of the report which devoted the whole of his savings from the Toronto Star will to the task completely ruining Ashquabe William J Ashquabe and the reader some conception of the clock is inclosed in a glass Thomas Port are quite industrious work of the department dur- case so that every movement can and doing well Quite a number of lnc past seen It consists of parts the band do not drink but a The area of Crown lands sold durOl which clock the year for agricultural purposes the seconds minutes hours was 13617 acres having a total dates the days the week months of and the seasons of the year iho There were sold as mining lands of the signs of the zodiac ihe during the year acre having sun moon and stars and their lil few will drink it if they can get it The arrest of a while man last sum mer for being drunk on the reserve had a very good effect Most of the Indians are moral in their conduct The- members of this band are va 2321244 and setting as well as the exact gent and speaH the English language The area of mining lands leased was position of the celestial bodies It acres the rental on which and shows besides the moons phases and on lands already under lease amount- the eclipses of the sun and moon The 729180 calendar is the most remarkable The area of clergy lands sold during since it Is perpetual with the year was acres having a vaj- perfect accuracy At the beginning of the year it by Itself the The amount collected during the statements of the astronomical year on account of sales of common titloners in explanation of the ever- school lands was lasting calendar as well as Easter The amount collected on account of and the changeable festival days of- The cases are growing j school lands was the coining year A glass ball- re- more numerous of railway engineers presenting the spherical globe exactly pilots arid dying in- university lands sold shows the movements and position of well most of them read and write cleverly They are very fond of mu sic a number of them have organs and are good players They usually have a good church choir and are sometimes employed to sing at par ties held by white people at their posts The lives and limbs of scores hundreds are thus imperilled The pilot of a crowded New York City- ferry was recently found at a crlticil moment stiff in death The engineer of a lightning express running at full speed on slow section with his hand on the lever dead June a Chi cago did not stop as usual at a steamroad crossing and an en gine graced the rear of his electric car loaded with passengers He was found with staring eyes stone dead Two New Jersey engineers brothers have been stricken with paralysis We have numerous records of and other similar cases What is the matter Their Work is exceptionally straining on their nerves and it they did not have tie rest of one day in seven these sudden deaths would expected If they did not actually pen Right here too is the good during the past year and their has been no contagious disease The houses and yards are fairly weM kept all garbage being removed and burnt early in the spring and all ordinary sanitary regulations pretty well served Farming is the chief the soil being a rich clay and well adapted for raising grain and roots Some the band rely on farming altogether for a living and arc doing pretty well A few who de pend mostly onworking out and bas ket do not do as well as those who farm Some make considerable money with fancy work and others earn some money by making oars and axehandles and Some of the young men go north In the spring to drive and work in the saw mlllsrfor which they get good wages A few peel elm bark and dig burdock roots which they sell to druggists The buildings are all of railway accidents that often wood and three are built with The Indians have improved their dwellingsconsiderably the year two or three of them having added good kitchen to their dwellings Others hive built stables and renew- floors dwellings Stock aid implements are very good There is a good school on Island It taught at present by the Rev Oakley who takes great interest In the moral welfare of A the Indians There is one Methodist church on the reserve two services one held each Sabbath one conducted in the Indian language and one in English The are well attended A number of the Indians are members of the church They keep the church very nice and tidy and in good repair No ober religion Methodism Is taught on the reserve of the purposes during the year was 5787 acres the planets Mercury Venus earth and Ing a value of On account moon Mars Jupiter Saturn and of these and previous sales there was Uranus The work is enhanced by collected the sum of one hundred moving pictures and The number of persons located in figures Every quarter of as hour free grant townships during the year the figure of a guardian angel appears was The area located was on the left side of the principal field 148312 acres In addition to this The striking of the quarters is persons purchased acres two angels standing in the the Free and Homesteads on the left while in the sixth recess Act This shows a considerable in- two figures at a time representing crease over last year both in the the four ages man are changing of and area located the alternately On the right side of the influx of into the Rainy -t- er District being responsible to large extent In all locations principal field the Angel Death ad vances pointing with his scythe to I the dial plate When the full hour wa trlct a total of on to over six townships The fa fa at souls wffTiftE- to life and property- In Sunday steam and trolley travel Danger everyday in the week because of it The cruel tyranny of Sunday work thus enforc ed on laboring men has made white slaves of millions of our countrymen It Is no longer safe to ride on or day trains on trolley or ferry and capital and labor both have cause to cry out against Sunday work as an enemy Do I help this enemy by In fluence or by example in favor of Sunday work in any form Niagara Times was arreeted at with conducting lottery company the title of the Royal Canadian Art Union and using Canadian mails for fraudulent valued at an advance over of tons and re- Spring Besides the pig iron a cuckoo above Sum- tons of steel were made worth raer ls Psented by a quail which 347280 on the left side J times A bull lying at the the Evangelist roars In Stomach to 8 Autumn and Win- v indicated by a lion lying close From the L S Silling to St Mark- Every time the clock On the death of ostrich Christ bending his in a well known zoological gardens ah twelve Apos- was decided on and the standing to the topsy revealed the following treasure above rings his Ave trove in the deceaseds stomach One Tbe clock contains a small chime childs toy watch one silverplated which plays for five minutes after the watch chain one buttonhook three striking of an even hour the melodies knives one pocket mirror two babys changing and each lasting one minute rattles one pair of sleeve links sever- The work has twelve little bells and al screws and fish hooks and in on the roller there are pins which money I make the

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