Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1902, p. 2

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iiji iiIVM NEWMAR EBLA FRIDAY FEB undersigned behalf of rela- deceased desires to express thanks for the acta extended during the funeral obsequies of the late Mrs Boer Lewis who departed this life On Saturday ff FOR SALE A Roughcast Dwelling Timothy Street three storeys well and extern and onequarter of an Acre of Land Terms easy Apply on the premises to MRS P ii FOR SALE The Store and PO Pro- petty and Stock A good spot for an or Huckster in connection Apply to RUTHERFORD A Education needed if the young man or woman would succeed in the world of today Such an education is received in this most uptodate and best equipped col lege british amerioan business college TORONTO ONT David Principal 1 A Cough Suggestion This is the season chronic throat and lung troubles get their start Any cough is enough to prompt tention and it is important that beet possible remedy be secured We also hop you will try SCOTTS Pulmonary Balsam We that this is la many- re spects a superior remedy and that once familiar with it you will rely on it as your household cough cure It is pleasant to take cures as quickly as any tale remedy can and it is guaranteed Price cents SCOTTS DRUG STORE Main Street Phone I The Municipal of the Leg organized on Wednesday Hon J for North York was lb The bill to prohibit of the Public School from being elect ed members of municipal Councils has passed the committee stage in the Legislature and will law In the Railway CoraaHtee of the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday last Gibson that the end the some general amendments would be introduced governing all electric trolley railway lines Word comes from Ottawa that the Government is- satisfied that a com- binatioo exists among the of printing paper in Canada and in order to bring about competition lias decided to reduce- the duty on news print from per cent to pec cent A special London cable to the To ronto Teiegram dated states it is rumored in London that the of the de cided to tax foreign grain imports the being exempted- Evi nce of a growing to preferential trade relations The address in reply to the Speech from the Tbrone at the opening of the Dominion Parliament passed the House on Monday and the work of the session commenced The es timates for the fiscal year ending the were laid on the ok during Monday evening- The to appropriation asked for amounts to being total decrease the year of Come off the roost I was the first greeting of a despatch from To ronto on Wednesday morning announc ing the return of Mr CI A Stewart Ministerial candidate at Man the day by naiority Tbe Opposition press during tie cam paign published direful dirges about the manner in which Hon Mr and Mr Stewart were being received by the electors but sweeping victory for Liberalism and good government is the best evidence of popular will la the Municipal Committee of Assembly en Wednesday tbe bill of Mr respecting the election of township councils was thrown out MrDufi wanted to have candidates nominated for to be num bered from one to four respectively so that those who had named oppo nents need go to the ballot Committee thought if men were yoput enough not to be specially oppos ed they would be elected anyway and there did not seem to sufficient rea son for creating opportunities for in dividual contests the character pro posed The following despatch from the west reminds of the stories we us ed to read respecting settlers from the eastern States wending their way to Utah and California It says under date of Feb Brazili ans who were reported to have cross ed river at Detroit some weeks ago oo their way to New Ontario have been located In East near They turn out to bo Russians and had travelled all the way from Oklahoma in open wagons which got snowbound finally save been giving them food and now Government officer will be sent to take charge of them and con duct them by train to New Ontario There are of them to assistant this city On of Bertha white fay Reynolds still- alive to tttee years ha Heir- Bill has accepted a cordial to remain for a Dominion Parliament Ottawa si on of the tbe Dominion of- Canada wo opebed by The were The from the throne express- gratification for the cordial recep tion ducal party last fall of sympathy and the approve of the Rationing Own- I is- disappoIufciiBt yet evidence- of Sergt Thompson Stanley Bar- prosperity abound racks The of the was ps two for lte of ad assistance held at the City Hall on TEN MORE March a The sudden arid unexpected death of Mr it Cotter of occurred Wednesday evening in the House- as a shook to the friends of Mr were not at all aware that ne Death that his wfcfe who bad been sumroooed by reached half an hour artet Mr Cotter had passed away Dr mole has returned from a trip to South Africa was- by the British Remount to charge of one thous and for Port Elizabeth South Africa satisfactory condition of and- the steady and continuous expansion of general business of the country as evidenced by in creased exports a im ports afforded note lor congratula tion will be asked to IrKxease commerci agencies It is said the having caused enquiry to be made has reached the conclusion that the estab lishment of direct steamship service with South Africa would enable Can ada secure in that ccAintry a pro fitable market for her varied products- and to thai end will endeavor to ar range for such a We will not have a word to say about Winter Goods after the first day of March but during the next ten days we must clear off thing in Winter Goods Read the Prices and Examined the Goods- Oar Toronto Letter y A SILVER WATCH lis The meeting tbe Canadian Asie of Fairs and Inhibitions oien- in the old court house on day Hon John delivered the opening address Mr Hill the fcjxhlbitioo proposes an etatrie lumhiatiou tor the next Fair some what after the display at Pan- American at Buffalo- A fire Wednesday morning caused damage in Macks rubber stamp factory street West The fire started under boiler The annual of the Grand Lodge of the opened in Central building Wednesday There were about gates in a representative bavin been cent from the lodges of order Mrs Forsyth widow of John ayth died on Monday at an advanced age husband the deceased was an early resident in York county haying there more than filty years since The Central Ontario High Court I OI in the Foresters Temple last Tuesday initiated new members into the Order The Chief present arid eclat to the occasion The Introduction of a gowned into street Methodist church is a foregone conclusion A new tlinir is being construe ted and At mm is the Carlton street Methodists arc not I CO to allow St I J Tor f to all the glory a choir in its devotions I In the estimates appears The Hoard of Trade m of the salary of resolution in favor free chief of trade he empire with a doty and this Is taken to mean foreign goods LADIES OR GENTS SIZE Oar PEBSOVil POINTS was home horn Pick College on a visit Sunday J- e Dak writes Could not do without the Era TerreU is visiting in Belleville with her daughter Mrs Nurse Mrs Grace of Cosh octon Ohio writes I not do without Era Miss Sarah Belfry and her mother left on Saturday to six or eight at Toronto and Hamilton Miss entertained a number of young people on Monday in honor of Miss Miss Jessie Dickson is spending a few days with old friends and former schoolmates in A of Toronto was in Town yesterday called for respecting the serious ill ness of Rev The editor of has been in the city part of this week attend ing a meet of AOUW Grand Lodge Kavanagh engaged in the Newmarket and now assistant in the postoffice at ton was visiting in Town this week Miss has gone to Lloyd- town to spent three or four weeks relatives Previous to her de parture she entertained her class at her home on St At the recent at To ronto Conservatory of Music Miss Dickson of took a pass in Intermediate Piano and Miss Jes sie Dickson 1st class honors la Junior Theory Times Mr J has from Mr A- for the vacant lot on w south side of between Peter and Mabchedash will pro bably build in the spring Mr Isaac Silver of was in Town last week- health is returning though ho gains strength slowly While- here be leased too brick residence on Queen street to A for a period of five yearn Mrs Stocking of Waubauehene is visiting witb relatives in Town ibis week staying principally with nor lister Mrs J Proa- toot Ave Her mother Mrs accompanied back to New market Mr A J- of Indian Head writes- I feel not do without the Era as it brings me lots of news from old North York are having lovely weather here all winter no snow for sleighing un til a few days ago we had a tall of snow just enough for sleigh ing Mr A If Cody of Red Deer Al berta writes not to the Best paper for home news I have noticed by other in this western country that wo have had a very winter I can report the same to about when the dropped S5 degrees in hours and It has been and blustery up the present date No snow of any winter furs W Buffalo price Sate Price Buffalo Robe price Sale WQ0 Clearing Jackets the very best quality regular Clearing Sale Only Boaa regular price Clearing Sate WINTER CLOTHING price Clearing Sate 350 Mens Fine Beaver Overcoats regular price Clearing Sale Mens Finest Quality tegular price Sale Menn Fine Tweed Suits a regular 8 line Clearing Sale Clothing at Cost Price during this Sale BOOTS AND SHOES Dining Room Bedroom and Parlor Suites offered for days before stock taking at prices that are simply amazing Now is the time to fit up your home with elegant furniture at least cost Come and see- John Millard Opposite Royal Hotel and Embalming A SPECIALTY Mens Four Buckle Kelt Lined Boots re Clearing Mens One Buckle Felt Lined Boots Clearing 100 Mens Stub Proof Rubbers ail at Cost Price Mens Fine Laced Boots regular 115 Clearing Sals 100 Mens Fine Leatherlined Box Call Boots reg Clearing Sate Ladles Fine Pebble Lace Boots regular 135 Clearing Sate cts Fine Box Calf Lace or Boots regular 150 Sale 120 Ladies and Misses Overshoes at Cost Price Childrens Cardigans at Cost Price YARNS YARNS All Colors in two or threeply Bert Canadian Yams always sell at Sate price cents PRINTS 125 CTS FOR 10 of i 1 4m Mdtalrwl- not jOlI III Kill Jul pi fcrJ ii tt J it jl fir A- I I l r ft iU fZUi- VA It y yiV ttT II V IdllC n ino- InnUn J j 1 J c ij in MR CO L Tor f New Feb New York Produce Exchange has refused the re quest of the Oral to its with other United States ports to prohibit the shipment of Manitoba grain as American product It in just as- well and a little tor on the whole to eel the crops that lor sale right from the new It is to run no small risk to hold over with the hope of La- ting a higher price the ex tra cost or handling and storing not a little shrinkage If potatoes will bring cents a bushel In lie fall it is better than cents next spring The same holds good with most other crops Apples will shrink The Tomb In Thursday Feb 1803 Mrs Lewis moth er of Mr years months and days the Methodist Par sonage Newmarket on the Feb 1603 after a brief illness Rev George pastor ol Methodist Church here and Chairman Bradford years At his late residence Brad ford Sunday Feb in 5th year Allan McLean mathe matical master of Bradford High School and formerly of Toronto Hospital on the Inst Mrs Benjamin gate St in the year of her age- Interred in Newmarket Cemetery on Wednesday last toe Home on tbe Inst Susan aged Sent from Vaughan At the Home Mon day the Inst John aged years Sent from Whit church Burns on Feb 12th Margaret beloved wife of Rev aged years Funeral at Delhi on Saturday the Rev was a resident of Newmarket before he and his will sympathize with htm his be reavement HEISR At on Feb- Sarah wife of Abraham and sister of Michael this in bee year Aurora on Feb Pearson daughter of Mr Pearson aged years at Fort Mansfield Co Coast Artilleryaged and months Deceased was son of Mr Mulkn of Buffalo NY and grand son of the late J Marsdeh of New market We are sure the patents of this young man have the sympathy of their acquaintances in this Town in their painful COTTONS yards Best c Fine Prints Dark and Light Patterns to go during thiK clearing Sale at Fine Bleached Cottons in ends from two to ten yards regular I to per yard Clearing Sale per yard Fine Twill Bleached Sheeting two yards wide regolar price Clearing Sale cents H MAD DOCK a mm fl more for you are sure to find j MAIN ST NORTH that no small percentage of them will rot and quick sales will pay the AHfotooil will All Orders will receive Careful and Teachers Typewriting Ma chines Students In Day Ses sions Members In the Even ing Classes Positions filled from Jan to Feb indicate the conditions now prevailing College TORONTO A strong reliable school which you may enter at any time No Vacations Write for Circulars Thorough Courses given by Mail Ask for sample Lesson AW Principal Yonge Toronto The Tltsonburg Lake Erie Railway Co is applying to Par liament far power to extend line to Bay The will run special colon ist excursion trains during March and April to the northwest to afford spe cial facilities to intending colonists to reach their destination Toronto papers on Wednesday ported Mr Geo Simpson of this Town who is a member of the A Executive as dangerously ill On the same day however he was walking about our streets FOUL BREATH CATARRH HEADACHE by Dr OmUurrhal Jin Bottom ftom very area W I which promised me la alf I bad to them SO good at vu Induced try Dr Agoe Catarrhal Powder go relief flnt application It dured ma and I ant fie frocaalleffocuftflt Sold by Newmarket 10 Lost sonicwltcrc on the south Town Line of between the Con or between the Town line and the farm of Michael Cane on the Con reward will paid for its return to the Walthew East or to this office w STARRS STATIONERY CREAM Velvet Finish ANTIQUE Velum Latest Shape and Style Envelopes to match CHINA AND GLASSWARE Table Setts Setts Fancy Cups A Saucers Heavy Odd Plates Cum and Saucers at right prices Mrs Cook Book Groceries Provisions FRESH FOODS Flaked Peas aaa A Rolled Oats lbs Halt Breakfast Food lie per pkg is Wheat tt for BEST JAPAN TEA EXTRA SPECIAL HERE PER LB BEST SAL ADA to BLUE RIBBOfc PER LB ROYAL YEAST PER PACKAGE IN BULK PER LB BAKING POWDER WHITE DAISY PER LB PORK BEANS CLARKS TIN VERY FINE PER TIN DRIED FRUITS Fine California Prunes pec tt Select Valencia I lbs for Vostgo per Drted aaj m m Peaches 15 Evaporated Apples per IV FRUITS PRESERVED Raspberry in Black Currant in bulk per lb Black Currant by the pail FRUITS Canned Plums per tin Best Naval Oranges to Canned Peaches per tin Lemons per do to v Canned Cherries per tin Marmalade Oranges pet dor to Bulk Oystsrs- STARR CENTRAL TELEPHONE v- I

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